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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 960x580, business-suit-no-tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55100756 No.55100756 [Reply] [Original]

If you wear a suit without a tie then YOU ARE A REBEL and I cannot trust your ass. You break tradition and rules. You make poor decisions because you do what you want and are emotionally immature. You are bad and weak and only care about yourself.

If you cannot wear a tie then stay the fuck away from me. Men who can't wear ties ARE A JOKE.

>> No.55100800

Men who wear ties don't do any productive work.

>> No.55100862

Men who wear ties value duty over comfort. The men who wear ties actually do get shit done.

Suit without tie guys need to get punched in the nose.

>> No.55101095

ties are gay though
so is flaring your shirt open like some 70s gigalo

>> No.55101179 [DELETED] 

my heuristic is to not trust the nigger

>> No.55101235


I don't own a suit and I make 175k a year WFH. Plus I guarantee I'm funnier at social events.

>> No.55101245

nor dress shoes without socks

>> No.55101288
File: 158 KB, 694x900, rooster-ties-1960s-usa-mens-ties-the-advertising-archives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my /rooster/chads at?

>> No.55101338

People do that? Don't your feet get stuck without them?

>> No.55101383

I don't trust anyone without a double Windsor knot specifically.

>> No.55101483

>his life (most likely his job) requires him to be in-person AND wear a suit
Talk about cuck a duck OP. Or I sincerely hope you work in investment banking. Wearing a suit and tie when it's your choice feels great; wearing it because your 9-7 requires it blows.

>> No.55101631


>t. 16yo Bateman Draper obsessed faggot who's never had a job

Anon, no-one wears a tie these days. And anyone who has to wear a suit can't wait to take that suit off when they get home.

>> No.55101653
File: 67 KB, 254x252, IMG_3800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe but redpilled. I wore a tie to a networking event and got teased for it.

>> No.55101668

OP sounds like one of those guys who wanders around campus dressed like a man from the 50 and carries his shit in a satchel or briefcase.

>> No.55101684
File: 18 KB, 306x306, IMG_3801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55101692

If you can't wear sweatpants to your job your basically a slave (in the Aristotelian sense).

>> No.55101729

I exclusively get my near future fashion predictions from what Kanye West (now known as Ye) is wearing. This post is unironic.
Depressed normie shirts and jeans core is for the 90s when Babylon still existed. Eventually will go full cyberpunk. Corporate wear is going to take on a little bit of militant aesthetics.

>> No.55101866

There's a guy on your campus right now doing that isn't there

>> No.55101872

Fuck you OP you hierarchy cocksucking conformist faggot I hate weak immature men like you who are too mentally lazy to form your own identity and conform to an image made for you. I will wear a suit without a tie just to spite you the next time I need to

>> No.55102196

There's a guy on everybody's campus doing that and he's based as hell

>> No.55102218

I agree. Wear a fucking tie or don’t wear a suit at all but don’t be half a fuckin fag

>> No.55102247

It can get worse than that. I was at a company event with people from all the different offices over time, and about half the men there wore ties so nobody really paid much attention to it, but one guy had a boy's tie that only went partway down his stomach and everyone was talking shit about it behind his back

>> No.55103108

Nope. If I wear a suit I look great in it. I always wear a tie with it though. These fucking cuck business fags who don't wear ties need to show respect, and the respect comes in the form of a tie. If I can put one on, why can't your weak soft ass do it?

So you ARE a rebellious child. Just as I said. If you're going to wear a suit put a tie on with it. You look like shit without one and you are openly disrespecting me by not going all the way in the attire. I'd rather see a man in a button down and slacks than a suit without a tie.

>> No.55103379
File: 1.26 MB, 1300x866, cccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a few Hugo Boss suits. Yeah it's way too overpriced for just some pieces of cloth but he I admire them for manufactering the SS suits.

>> No.55103502

I wear a kravat because I'm Croatian/Hrvat.
For me, it's a display of patriotism, cultural pride

>> No.55103519

They dress like fags in dresses

>> No.55103540

You are a soulless NPC and I would rather push a nail down my urethra than spend any time with you

>> No.55103587


I know it will never be as classy looking as your suit, tie and fedora... but is a bolo tie acceptable?

>> No.55103626

>Men who can't wear ties ARE A JOKE.
Except your boss. Who just wears a smart cahz jumper, and you still gobble their penis
>aw yes sir, no sir, three deep throat full sir
>ag ag ag ag ag

>> No.55103770

>cultural pride
Grim. Why have patriotism and pride for some tiny pushover shithole like that? Reserve your respect for actual proper nations, anon.

>> No.55104372
File: 178 KB, 1739x1568, bhaat-the-phak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's your problem, you think there can be 'duty' without 'discomfort.' You can think this all you want, but you're wrong.

Real duty is done in the streets where there is no toilet paper and the rickshaws driving by splash trash and fecal matter back onto you from the gutter....

Get the fuck back to shilling the baggie threads, dikshitar

>> No.55104469

t. Jovan

>> No.55105159

Then push a nail down your penis, weirdo. If you struggle to wear a tie with your suit then you're a child. Simple as. It's not difficult.

>> No.55105218
File: 127 KB, 634x820, A785C477-CD60-4476-BC7C-9EBA29F8458A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suit + t-shirt master race

>> No.55105284

>suit + t-shirt
Ahh the outfit of high school jocks and meatheads who get punched in the face for a living. These are the guys who always land themselves in prison btw.

>> No.55105323
File: 14 KB, 284x351, 00719B1D-995D-4741-B2CD-563728D99293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself, pal

>> No.55105362

to be fair the black guy is rocking the look though and looks confident in it. wouldn't trust the guy with diligent office work but i would trust him to lead people.
the two white guys look to scrawny to pull it off. left looks zoilent as fuck and right looks like he was dressed by his mom. not hating just factually saying.

>> No.55105448

>posts fiction whose partner in the show wore a tie
Suit with t-shirt is still bullshit. Put a tie on like a man. You know who else wears suits without ties? WOMEN. Picrel.

The black guy is the WORST one, anon. Why is he popping his chest out like an animal? That look is telling the world he's only interested in having sex and not doing business. Is he going to the club or is he going to make some money? It's incredibly disrespectful and he's an emotional degenerate aka someone you should not work with. If he wore a tie he'd unironically be more likely to get laid. Funny how that works out.

>> No.55105457
File: 90 KB, 750x475, fngfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know who else wears suits without ties? WOMEN. Picrel.
Forgot the picrel

>> No.55105481
File: 82 KB, 1097x708, Another ATH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you can profile someone like this but its too broad and will lock you out of opportunities that you would otherwise have.

Also look into blackswan . biz its an AI trading bot that works on windows and is free to demo right now.

>> No.55105500

these are women pretending to be men. that’s not the argument you think it is.

>> No.55105503

The devil wears a suit and tie and drives down the 61 in early July. White as a cotton field and sharp as a knife. Will he slit your throats

>> No.55105513

Based, I just bought a pair of red and black Hugo Boss underwear. Feel like SS when I wear them.

>> No.55105520

Im rich as fuck and can wear whatever the fuck I want.
usually I just wear sweatpants, tshirt and no underwear so my fat dick and huge balls can swing around freely

>> No.55105549

>women wear pant suits but not ties
You are not wrong. They also wear open toed shoes and hang jewelery off of their earlobes and wear clothing that is more form than function.
You know why that is: because all Western fashion since the industrial revolution are a simplified version of male soldier uniforms (that's where pants, boots, top hats and ties come from). Once women started working too they slowly adapted male soldier-worker uniforms to their feminin non-functional show-off tastes of fashion and now that more women than men work and make money it's the other way around: men adapt to their feminin tastes and copy their fashion tastes and also their mannerisms. I agree with you op: current fashion senses do not emphasize duty because men don't have families anymore and nations do not exist. One can not show duty towards a soulless greed-driven slavemaster like a trans-national company.
TLDR: disappearing ties and effeminate suits are because of disappearing families and sense of national belonging

>> No.55105562

men who wear ties are drones and cannot be trusted and have nothing of value in them anyway

>> No.55105564

I did that in my 20s and didn't even realize how much that look was hurting me. It gets you no respect. Plus the quality of women you get with sweatpants/tshirt combo is not good either. I don't wear a suit everywhere but I do wear respectful clothes in public. It's a game changer.

>> No.55105573

I can get any woman I want all I have to do is to tell them I'm a Big Guy. Every woman craves cock from a tall man with a huge dick and balls.

>> No.55105696

You aren't getting laid, anon. Wear up instead of down.

>> No.55105699

>t. Tranny

>> No.55105721

cope more manlet/dicklet

>> No.55105728

i do a half windsor, i like the symmetry it gives

>> No.55105730

> A suit
> A tie
Kek npc tier cope

>> No.55105759


>> No.55105778

It's ok as long as the shirt doesn't have more than one button undone

>> No.55105828

>Suit without tie guys need to get punched in the nose.
Oh yeah? And who's gonna do it? You, Mr. Tie Guy?

>> No.55105842

you wont do shit tie wearing faggot. everyone knows you don't have a single aggressive gene in your body. and even if you threw your weak feminine punch at me, my tieless neck allows me to dodge it with ease

>> No.55105958
File: 975 KB, 1248x932, a_boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wear a suit? If so, wear a tie with it. That's what a man wears. If you struggle with this then you are not a man. Most commoners who wear casual clothes have no problem doing this when asked btw.

I side with doctors, lawyers, professionals, world leaders, etc aka men of respect who wear ties with their suits. You side with emotional degenerates like picrel who land their ass in prison because they are weak. He's so weak he can't even put on a tie. Pathetic.

Wear a tie with your suit like a man or get wrecked.

>> No.55106335

You should only wear a suit with a tie if you intend to venerate Odin. The tie is symbolic of all those who die by the gallows and Odin has claim of their souls. You don't know it, but high powered business men have symbolically hung their souls from Yggdrasil and are destined to become Odins hounds in the after life. That's what the tie is. In other words, if you don't want your soul to serve Odin, don't wear a tie.

>> No.55106360

Conformity is teamwork. What you've just said is nonsense. Wear a tie, it's more respectful.

>> No.55106390
File: 69 KB, 646x500, 4i5ooy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you've just said is nonsense
It's the origin of the business tie. modern western culture is rooted in occultism, the black square cap you wear at your college graduation represents Saturn taking dominion of your mind, with Saturn and Odin being related beings.
The business tie is you symbolically committing suicide to intentionally place your soul into the service of Odin in the after life. Sort of like making a deal with the devil.

>> No.55106491
File: 55 KB, 620x377, 4c2cef7012d95.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard, these are homeless people during the Great Depression. Look at what they're wearing: TIES. They wore ties with their suits because that is Western culture that developed at it's height. It is the clothes of a man in the West. It's literally the exact opposite of suicide to wear a tie: It means you are officially A MAN.

People wear ties to church, weddings, parties, etc. It's not just for business. Please stop being a dumbass.

>> No.55106510

homeless people with ties? now I've seen everything

>> No.55106536

It's because you're a dumbass who associates ties with slave instead of master. Wear a tie!

>> No.55106560

wakarimasen desu

>> No.55106615

Ties are clown-core now

You look 100x better with a nice shirt + matching pocket square

>> No.55106945

Who else /bolo/ here? Found a great tie online with a two tone braid but I got sniped for it.

>> No.55107003

>anon you are so quirky!

>> No.55107010

Really interesting and its really free to use?

>> No.55107017

This is becoming the norm. Kind of looks casual but forced

>> No.55107028

>Men who wear ties value duty over comfort.
"Men" who wear ties involuntarily are wearing a literal slave collar that they are too afraid to take off, or else their master will inflict financial hardship on them

...not sure why these are called "men"

>> No.55107096


>He looks for reasons to wear the wage cuck rope


>> No.55107115

i just dont want some homeless crackhead to grab me by my tie and choke me to death with it.
Better not complain that I'm using a clip-on tie then.

>> No.55107134

That's bullshit, but I'll believe it

>> No.55107146

Wearing down is clown-core. Tell me how much respect you get when you wear bullshit like sweatpants and hoodies? Or say, a suit without a tie? I look down on you if you can't wear a tie. It's not hard.

Then be an average normie. Uncommon is brave. Stop being a bitch and wear a tie.

Your masters wear suits with ties. Why are you so stupid?

>> No.55107899

These are literal starving homeless people at rock bottom of life and they're dressed better and are more articulate than well-off people are now.

>> No.55108792

Nice, thanks for the easiest x3 in my life