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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55099866 No.55099866 [Reply] [Original]

Why are criminals allowed to do whatever they want now? How are businesses supposed to fight back when it is illegal for them to do so?

>> No.55099877


>> No.55099902

post the guy that got shot for stealing

>> No.55099917

>13.52 price tag in the background

What did they mean by this?

>> No.55099926

It's 13.92 tard

>> No.55100854

>How are businesses supposed to fight back when it is illegal for them to do so

Fighting back? That's illegal!

>> No.55100874

niggers get arrested all the time for their theft, the number is just so high you cant keep track

>> No.55101051

Wow they can sure dance cool. What a beautiful culture. I love niggers

>> No.55101058

did you think we were joking about clown world

>> No.55101107

I kind of have more respect for nigs than walshart at this point

>> No.55101188

they're just dancing for a tiktok meme, they're not actually stealing anything

>> No.55101223

Liberals consider black criminality to be a form of reparations.

>> No.55101225
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I'm surprised the old retired guys don't cap those stupid young punks shoplifting causing the Walmarts to close. Just imagine the old lady who needs to get her prescriptions filled and pickup a head of lettuce and some advil. Imagine having to listen to her incessant complaining.
Now she can't do it without a 35 minute bus ride. Old black Joe is going to fight to keep the other Walmart stores from closing, believe me!

>> No.55101233

The left believes that crime does not exist. It is "justice".

>> No.55101273

that is unless you kill a nigger, then it's a hate crime and you get multiple life sentenced

>> No.55101314

The negrofication of society. Whether it's America or south Africa, the government uses negros as weapons of terror.

>> No.55101341
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>Why are criminals allowed to do whatever they want now
you forget "in the US" in your question. Go try that in a store in EU or maybe Dubai and tell us

>> No.55101354

>no law and order
>expects people to not take advantage of this

>> No.55101366

>Go try that in a store in EU
Kek coloreds literally form organized rape gangs and rape thousands in the EU and the locals are too afraid to say anything because "muh racism."
There you have a point. Total nog death would occur.

>> No.55101414

I’ve always had a severe disgust for people who dance when they eat. It’s even disgusting and cringe when monkeys do it.

>> No.55101417

>EU stores are allowed to detain the white man's Gods for nonviolent crimes.

>> No.55101438
File: 402 KB, 654x570, Screenshot 2023-04-22 100551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you re probably right. EU is US with few month lag :( Maybe time to look on El Salvador. i saw nice video of their politic there

>> No.55101439

Still funny and good noticing

>> No.55101778

All of these major corporations bent the knee to fentanyl Floyd and change to rainbow avis every June.

Let them reap what they sow.

>> No.55101795

>Go try that in a store in EU

>> No.55101811

Bitch who you think is funding the bots spamming your accounts to scam you with nike? Nike is! You really though fortune 500 companies are playing fair? The buy more blackmarket advertisments and do more illegal shit than you know. They get away with it because they have money. For suckers like you. You go to prison and become wage labor for their prisons instead of their companies if you break the law. Stay in your lane and be happy.

>> No.55101822

That's for a fair amount of coffee...

>> No.55101828
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economic morality is complex due to the dynamics of power and how they change over time.
The USA doesn't need Fascism or Communism or any other form of mental retardation the corporate elite are peddling. Liberal Democracy will win out in it's neon aeon form of cocaine capitalism and perpetual bubblegum crises.
For this reason petty crime against mega corps is a blessing in disguise.
The AI/AGI consortium and their high-powered corporate slaves are not intelligent enough to create sustainable new age economic institutions, as amazing as that is to say. The age of Aquarius will re-write the very definition of power by force in the coming decades.
The square will no longer square the circle.
The circle will circle the square.
Be forewarned.

>> No.55101830
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>> No.55101886

Merely to confound the geometric language of the bug-men actors of Hollywood. Osiris has been reunited with his missing member, and no grievous injury can fully close the door upon his face for so long as the light exists, so will they.

>> No.55101942
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Nigger thugs dancing like dumbfuck thots on TikTok. Soon enough I won't even be scared to call blacks niggers in real life

>> No.55101944

>does not pay taxes to a government that hates them
>does not pay for the goods and services of exploitative multinational mega corps

>cries on /pol/ all day about the evil government
>cries on /biz/ all day about the evil corporations

>> No.55101961

Imagine if Walmart didn't aggressively and successfully lobby politicians to make unfair laws which only benefit their monopoly, causing small pharmacies and grocery stores to close. Imagine if lockdown laws didn't force the last few to shut up shop, further increasing these megastore profits.

>> No.55101965


>> No.55101993

All sins will be made legal. Using mass surveillance, we will separate the humans with a conscience from the animals who can only live under the whip and cane.
Verification not required.

>> No.55101998

>low key reparations. Civil white people and asians will foot the bill.

>> No.55102002

They don't steal from your local bookstore, they don't steal from the farmers market, they don't steal from electrician running a business out of their home, they don't steal livestock from the cattle ranch.
They steal from (((megacorporations))) importing cheap shitty mass produced goods.
This is a force for good and I for one am done pretending it's anything but based, /pol/chuds can fuck off.
Also fuck jannies for making me walk to my router.

>> No.55102014

You don't even know what a whip or a cane even is. This reality is dying.

>> No.55102015

>being a second-class citizen is BASED???
mental gymnastics

>> No.55102026
