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55100714 No.55100714 [Reply] [Original]

>Wow I can’t believe people used to not have medicine to treat their mental illnesses!
>People must have just gone their whole lives depressed!
>Good luck that I live in the first generation where buying crazy pills is common!

Will they ever know?

>> No.55100748

No, saying that life used to be considerably better for the average person is Chud-coded.

>> No.55100778

We gotta go back to when things were REAlL and you had to bust your ass sunup to sundown just to have enough firewood so your family doesn't freeze to death and your wife was constantly popping out kids who had a 70% dhance of dying their first year of life and you can get your lungs eaten up by TB from touching a door handle and scratching your face that was how the world SHOULD have been

>> No.55100785
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>> No.55100792

youre just as bad as her

>> No.55100802

what a fucking post. should be stickied at the top of every single board on the planet.

>> No.55100861
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I don't get it, is 4chan the room?

>> No.55100879

>take you zog pills goy
>a chemical lobotomy is le good!

>> No.55100892

Yeah imagine having a good union job and being able to afford a house, a car, a full family, and a couple of vacations a year straight out of high school. I’m glad we lost all that due to outsourcing and mass immigration, at least we now have tranny rights and rioting niggers to kneel for.

>> No.55100900

why don't most people know how to be happy? There is always something that can make your day better, be it a nice breeze or the smile of a loved one. It's like most people are trying to want something when they want nothing.

>> No.55100995

you've been watching too many disney movies

>> No.55101046
File: 2.46 MB, 540x960, drug women.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stil can't believe normies need to be on drugs or alcohol 24/7 to cope with their lives. That's insane. It boggles my mind how they ignore serious issues such as our current opiod crisis.

>> No.55101080

>skyrocketing mental illness
>people mowing down fellow citizens in the streets
>epidemic of addiction and consumerism
>houses harder to afford than ever
>nonproductive speculators and hacks harvesting the productive labor of the masses
>increasingly normal to send the elderly to go die in homes alone and neglected
>government actively facilitates all this
ahhh, this is all so nice. No way it could have possibly been better in the past at all.

>> No.55101081

Fuck you for making me watch that boring woman’s schizo ramblings, that went nowhere

>> No.55101104
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No one was happy in the past chud. They didn’t have drag queen story hour and annual BLM riots.

>> No.55101110

You know anon, it's not all it's cracked up to be. I used to work a factory job and it was hard work. And a computer, well it cost a million dollars and took an entire basketball court to house it. But I worked hard at that shitty factory job and bought a house then bought another house and because I was a smart investor and worked hard just since 2020 those investment properties have gone up in value by over a million dollars. Not only that, but rent them both out and pull in 5k a month while I travel the world.

The problem is your generation just expects to have things handed to them. Nobody wants to work hard anymore.

>> No.55101119
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no refunds

>> No.55101132




1. The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human beings to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.

>> No.55101133

For me happiness is achieved by daily kratom and zyn pouches

>> No.55101138
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>> No.55101141

Who is this crazy lady? Lmao what a trainwreck.