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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55097625 No.55097625 [Reply] [Original]

Can I have a crypto mining thread?
Is still profitable in the year 2020+3?
I want to do it (I live in a shithole with basically free electricity) but I am not sure about it.

>> No.55097655

>Not profitable
That's all you'll get from here.
Look on youtube or something OP.
No-one wants you to make money.
And even if they did, jannies would come and shut it down.

>> No.55097936

>Basically free electricity
Unless you are paying less than $0.01 per KWh you are not going to gain money.
Mining is an industrial endeavor now. You are better off looking for newer alternatives instead of trying to mine one of the big PoW coins.

Use Whattomine .com to get an idea.

>> No.55098795


>> No.55099405

it really is unprofitable OP
You need to move to 3rd world for cheap energy.
Unless you already produce your own energy.
Maybe some coins are worth it but not BTC.
Just buy the latest rig if you have cheap energy but it needs to be really cheap energy.

>> No.55099434

It’s honestly pretty shit. Luckily Nexa and Kaspa were decently profitable until recently, and if you held and sold the top you would’ve made close to the heyday of ETH profits. But that’s all over now. CPU mining is still basically the same as always (low, steady profits).
>t. paying $0.08 /kWh

>> No.55099500

I'm in bongland at $0.37 so we're fucked here.
I'd need to get my own energy source set up to even think about generating profit.
I suppose if you were holding long enough it might be worth it. But you'd need to operate at a loss for decades here.

>> No.55099601
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x720, blackswan running on windows.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy Blackswan and hold for a year. And you won't need to mine. And try the demo for free while you can.

website: B L A C K S W A N . B I Z

telegram:t me/BlackSwan4IPortal

replace 4 with a

>> No.55099769
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it only makes sense if you have """free""" electricity

>> No.55100260

Why not just setting a node on Avalanche?

>> No.55100689
File: 18 KB, 250x279, Screenshot_2022-06-09_14-31-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb niggers

How do you climb to the top???

Not listening to ONE OF YOU FUCKING FOOLS....

None of you are going to make it... DESU

Maybe tongue my anus?

I'd say, mine OP, carefully, 'many many kiked' coins exist... The ones NOT kiked, and BASED, are things to look at, when shit hits the FAN, you win!

Fuck all these faggots with their opinions. Can you setup a yiimp server and pound coin faggots??? all you mossid kike post trolls.. You fuckin hater faggots >>ineptitude has you<<

you faggot kike niggerz

I win!

>> No.55100723
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Based anon

>> No.55102018

I built my own asics to mine at a profit. If you have enough autism, you could do it too.

>> No.55102130

year 2017 miner here. check hashrate.no (yes the TLD is .NO). you're profitable mining a shitcoin starting from $6c/kWh.

subscrib for more content.

>> No.55102310
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>Why not just setting a node on Avalanche?
Where should we start...

>> No.55102339

Just don't try it in Russia until you speak to the municipal authorities. Good luck OP

>> No.55102519
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>> No.55102982

Nice copy-paste anon, totally organic, putting the capture of a text instead of the source itself, it seems that you are chasing intelligence but it's faster than you

>> No.55103382

Go post your fake gossip screenshots on Twitter, faggot.

>> No.55103388

I started mining with just my GPU and Nicehash and it fucked up my cooling fans, I had to stop

>> No.55103413

>mining in 2023
You will never make a profit. That's only allowed if you're an industrial grade electricity producer or control enough of a municipality to get free electricity.

>> No.55103616

If he uses mining to heat his home, and it is getting too cold outside for heat-pumps to operate, then it will be profitable to mine assuming he stays at home all the time.

>> No.55103671

WHERE DID MY /biz/ GO? We can't even have a beekeepers thread.

>> No.55103704

miner here.
rewards are ass. mining is like DCA into a coin. you're not making a profit now, because you're an idiot if you mine and sell instantly, you have to wait until the bull market.

mining is a dirty business, be it gold or crypto. so let others do the dirty work and just buy the coins from them. you think it's easy but you have to deal with noise and cooling, especially during the summer. you also have to deal with broken miners. i have a miner from goldshell that's working at 25% capacity because 3 of the 4 hashboards went faulty

>> No.55103728

It's only worth it if you have cheap electricity AND leftover graphics cards from last year. Otherwise, you're better off just DCAing

>> No.55103778

The Ethereum merge killed GPU mining for an entire cycle, maybe longer, unless you want to speculate one of three Proof of Useful Work projects in existence, or wait for future AI developments. CPU mining has always been unprofitable, XMR is really the only thing people build a CPU rig to mine, but more so for anonymous long-term stacking at a permanent loss. ASICS and FPGAs will destroy any network that invites them in, or where Bitmain comes in with an updated model that's 20x more powerful than the competition, handing them out at massive discounts like candy to large mining farms which obliterate the profitablity, (see Kadena and Kaspa for text book examples). Like others have said, mining is an institutional business nowadays, the overhead and barrier to entry is just not worth the cost for the average hobbyist. Building rigs can be very fun and satisfying to undertake though, as it helps build your mechanical and technical finesse. I would start out with learning how to build a small CPU and GPU rig so you at least be happy you tried it, you can always turn around and reuse that equipment to build a good PC for yourself if you don't want to stick with it.

>> No.55104046
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It's currently being tested. To top it off, this was pitched to Binance on one of their twitter spaces the other day and now Binance has reached out to the team for further collabs. VCs are slowly pouring into this. Mining will be making a comeback and these guys will be front running it all.

>> No.55104053

mining is preferable to just heating your house by the way. i run a rack of GPUs

>> No.55104428


Asicminervalue . Com will tell you rough estimate of profitability. Wouldn't recommend mining anything but bitcoin Litecoin and doge. Search for highest profitability mining pools.

I work at a data center and we rent space out to miners, people still do it at 8 cents per kw/h but it is not the best price. Not sure why anyone would do this if they don't own the infrastructure as well but it must be profitable if they keep doing it. It also seems to attract people who don't actually keep up with or believe in crypto which is ironic (and retarded)

>> No.55104471

have fun inhaling all those FPAs

>> No.55104494

>Not having ASIC resistence
That's where Kaspa fucked up.

>> No.55104519

>But you'd need to operate at a loss for decades here.
Instead of wasting your time and die poor, use Token Metrics platform to discover hidden gems in the crypto market. This is the smartest way to stay off the hook.

>> No.55105082

what a gay site
have to manual everything

>> No.55105090

Your best bet is to buy some used sha264 asics and mine some kind of pow shitcoin. I hear asics are at record low prices rn.

>> No.55105131

It's better to stake your ass than fuck around any mining app.

>> No.55105147

Buying more CVP. This is only a soft spiking sample of what's about to happen after big announcement happens..

>> No.55105177

The golden opportunity to earn up to three ride tokens daily through the staking activity is here, I'm diving in asap.