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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5509623 No.5509623 [Reply] [Original]

Is accounting a meme major? I'm a senior in HS and I'm looking into majors. I'm not smart enough to do STEM, and I'm semi interested in accounting and good with numbers, just not high level math such as calculus. Everything will be paid for, and if I go to grad school that will be paid for also. I was also thinking about doing economics but I heard that's a hit or miss.

>> No.5509712

The good thing about accounting is that you can work remotely while making a decent salary. It's like being a 1/2 neet

>> No.5509754

Accounting is comfy and you can get a pretty good salary, specially if you land in a big company or some shit. I majored in economics and a friend of mine majored accounting. Accounting majors have a lot easier time landing Corporate jobs

>> No.5509771

Quantitative finance
Finance in general. Don't be an idiot and do accounting. If you want to make money, do finance and specialize in real estate. My family is worth 100 million doing real estate. We don't pay taxes because of the tax sheltering nature of real estate, the government actually owes us money. Only idiots pay taxes. Rich people figure out how to tax shelter their money LEGALLY.

>> No.5509791

That's what I'd like to do, I plan on living with parents, saving 99% of my income and investing all of it. I used to be a NEET for a year and I miss it. I will be able to retire very quickly at a young age and live a sustainable NEETdom alone.

>> No.5509802

Focus on insights and analysis as my company is using robotics to automate lots of the simpler accounting tasks.

>> No.5509847

Accounting is literally one of the best majors. One of the very few majors outside of engineering that you will almost always find a job with, without grad school.

>> No.5509860


>> No.5509984
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Accounting is one of the jobs with the highest probability of getting automated, prepare to beg on the streets

>> No.5510014

Do general management. Much more marketable

>> No.5510066
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>tfw when pharmacist
I strongly considered becoming an accountant though.

>> No.5510125

I don't get how you guys earn so much $ by basically working retail

>> No.5510179
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>robot actors and dancers

>> No.5510193

who the fuck is actually interested in accounting. look up some free accounting courses online and tell me you want to be doing that kind of tedious bs your whole life. not to mention accounting will probably be the first industry to go to automation

>> No.5510229

Being a pharmacist is a lot more than just working retail, poorfag

>> No.5510240

>automated acting

Like programmed voice acting? Lmao

>> No.5510268

>tfw voice actor

More like NEET though.

>> No.5510272
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>not doing stem


>> No.5510276

but you also have to make sure no one fucks up with their meds

>> No.5510299

Hahahahhahahaha ok lol

>> No.5510302

>Chief executive
The fuck?

>> No.5510312

that's like top <1% of 1st year compensation though

>> No.5510318

All the accounting majors at my school landed paid internships during their senior year that rolled into full-time high-paying jobs. Accounting is a solid major if you can tolerate it. Personally I hate it.

t. Econ major now back in school for Nursing

>> No.5510333

Be an actuary. You do complicated but not hard math, make like $70k starting out, study for tests and pass them to get raise and promotion. No stress if you don't hate math, get sent to Hawaii and San Diego for conferences.

>> No.5510344

>75k signing bonus

>> No.5510373

The job requires a high level of judgement and pharmacies generate a ton of revenue.

>> No.5510398

Yea, never looked into it. Only offer I had.

>> No.5511091

Can I really do that with average-slightly above average IQ though? I tried STEM but even with all my effort I couldn't compete with the all the legitimate geniuses that go there.

>> No.5511559


You know all that "elsagate" stuff on youtube? That's apparently some computers shitting out scripts/animations based on viewing keywords/what kids watch.

Sure, the actual actors are human, but they follow a script that was generated. Evidently, it makes money, because there were enough of these videos to warrant outcry.

>> No.5511912

>I majored in economics
How are you job prospects, I finish uni next year with Econ and App. Maths Majors

>> No.5512228

I've read the whole catalog page twice now and finally found a non-coin thread.

I just wanted to ask for ideas on how to make some extra money on a spare empty room. I don't want to rent it out for occupation and deal with people too much. Thanks.

>> No.5512320

Finance is also more challenging. Accounting is great imo, a lot comfier than finance with huge potential all the same. If I wasn't a greedy degenerate I'd have gone into accounting a couple years ago.

>> No.5512348

Wrong. This brainlet has MAYBE taken an entry level accounting course. AI can automate the H and R cucks job but not much beyond that. Not to mention we are in fucking biz. The blockchain is going to completely change accounting in <20 years.

>> No.5512395

Grow pot. Or store someones shit in it. Unless it's a fucking 5x10 closet.

>> No.5512613

>I don't want to rent it out for occupation and deal with people too much
Make sure your house is well insulated, now build a mining rig and mine coins for free cryptos

>> No.5513066

Spent the last 15 mins reading about mining. i like the idea of mining a few million each of new coins and just holding because that's what I did with dogecoin and a few others way back and it generally paid off really nicely.

I have a GTX 1080 I'm not using (not a gamer). What's some decent mining software that'll cover a good chunk of new or somewhat new coins these days?

>> No.5513231

This is why you should live in Thailand. Real pussy is always incomparable to robotic pussy.

>> No.5513254

Econ major here, I’m a little weird because I never was interested in Econ but still ended up graduating with a BS in it. I think it has been very useful personally but I ended up work software development now.

>> No.5513301

Comp sci undergrad and masters in finance?

My school will let me do that, but realistically what would I achieve with it?

>> No.5513469

Rob your parents. Invest 5k in bitcoin. Become homeless for 5 years.

Thank me later in 5 years.

>> No.5513876

I already have around 20k USD worth of BTC and ETH.