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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55098566 No.55098566 [Reply] [Original]

So, all of us cryptotards are just left with our dicks in our hands while tech stocks pump to unfathomable new highs and mint dozens of new Reddit millionaires.

Why is crypto the red headed stepchild of investing right now? It's not even that people are risk off, clearly. Money has just turned their back on this space. What the FUCK?

How do we turn the market money machine back on? I'm tired of sitting here feeling like a retard.

>> No.55098598

Because you guys tried to cut into bitcoin marketshare and ape into altcoins and thought we would not short you down 99%. Dumbasses. Whales control the crypto market and we will NEVER let your altcoins pump as they are a threat to my bitcoin and ethereum bag. Keep crying.

>> No.55098689

Its all a scam it should have fallen weeks ago. All it is keeping it at these levels is the scam SPX and STOXX 600 which are holding supports regardless of western economy being as shit as it gets. They are keeping the god damn SPX up because of fucking NVIDIA and their chips are made in Taiwan. Yesterday alone they added 250+ billion pre-maket just to say it has "closed in the positive" the fucking kikes. Same is happening with STOXX 600. It fucking dumps right on market open on 24th and then 25th Germany announces recession and now IT IS GOING BACK ON THE UPTREND. THIS SHIT IS SO FUCKING MANIPULATED AND I AM SHORTING IT WITH LEVERAGE WHILE BEING DEBTMAXXED TO THE TITS. MY POSITIONS GOT LIQUIDATED MORE THAN 20 TIMES NOW BUT I WILL PREVAIL IN THE END EVEN IF I HAVE TO BECOME HOMELESS. I WILL LAUGHT IN THE END AS I AM WATCHING THE FALL OF THIS SCAM FUCKING CLOWN ECONOMY AND WESTERN TRANNY WORLD

>> No.55098692

>MSFT can't go up because it's a threat to my AMZN bag

>> No.55098987

Two posts in. Do you need any more signs of distribution phase sentiment wise?

>> No.55099030

NVDA is 100% going to be dumped on retail.

There's no fire to this shit. AI hype driven nonsense by morons who don't understand it at all, let alone the hardware side.

They'll float up at retarded highs long enough to believe it's the new normal. Then it's execution time.

>> No.55099088
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>Its all a scam
cope harder

>> No.55099418

yeah but this happened several times with Nvidia and other semic. stocks. That's what makes them so amazing to invest in, the same pattern keeps repeating itself, you just need to not be too greedy and realize profits while selling up and then reinvest buying back in as it goes back down. Just earlier this year you could have bought Nvidia at around $100 after it was already sky high in 2021.