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55095282 No.55095282 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes i wish i was single again and living with my parents.

I hate the fact that i have to push myself constantly due to being with a woman when it comes to career and money. Its not like my wife is that demanding but i just crave the feeling of being 100% on my own time again with absolutely no pressure.
Wanna stack cash working a cushty dead end job? No problem? Wanna train for something else? Take as long as you want. Wanna do a side business? Take as long as you want and do it how you like on your own.
Honestly sex is overrated as fuck. Would not really miss it.

>> No.55095289

You don't miss sex but you do miss body rub. I'm recently divorced and realized I'm crazy touch starved. Ofc I couldn't give a fjck less about touching my wife the last two years of marriage. Men really are meant to go get strange.

>> No.55095293

Yes I get this feeling sometimes as well. Too late for me turn back now as I have two kids..

>> No.55095300

you still get sex?

>> No.55095332

Lmao you fucks on 4chan how the fuck did you fall for the marriage meme

>> No.55095358

Grass is always greener. My long term ex gf went mental and alcoholic on me (same as both of her parents, but you don't know these things when you get into a relationship over a decade ago). And while the ass was fat and sex was great, she made every other area of life completely miserable. She became unlike how she was at the start of the relationship. When I think of those days, I miss her and am happy we even were a thing. But when I recall how she was the final couple years it sends shivers down my spine.

>> No.55095360

>he fell for the marriage meme

It's too late for ya chum. This is your reality. Deal with it

>> No.55095371

Man, as a guy who only had sex with hookers, I'd give anything to have regular sex and cuddling with the same woman (gf/wife), even if I will get less me-time and it'll end up in a divorce. Being single (and ugly, like me) doesn't help, money really can't buy attraction and love. And these days, driving to some escort's place or hotel just to get some sex with condom on is a fucking chore, especially when I can only get satisfied <50% of the time. Much better r/r flipping shitcoins desu.

>> No.55095378


>> No.55095406

>Wanna stack cash working a cushty dead end job? No problem? Wanna train for something else? Take as long as you want. Wanna do a side business? Take as long as you want and do it how you like on your own.
The subject line is fine but these reasons are so fucking retarded. fucking do it instead of being a pussy and blaming your wife

>> No.55095432

not married but been in a LTR with my gf for 7 years. getting tired of her inability to hold down a job, let alone make more than $20k a year. i'll likely break up with her this summer. better to be alone than deal with her low IQ lazy ass.

>> No.55095436

After wasting almost 8 years in 3 failed relationships I gave up. Eventually I started dating a tranny. We don't even have sex or do anything sexual and it's the best relationship I've ever been in. I'm basically dating my bro.

>> No.55095471

I'm a loner who has never had a gf and am 28, I have always wondered what it would be like but I bet it would be irritating, I still remember what it was like to have roommates and even those guys who I kinda liked would irritate me when I wanted to be left alone, I can't imagine what it must be like to have some girl always nagging you. The idea of the sex is nice, but to me it doesn't appeal over the constant hassle of having to deal with someone else in my house.

>> No.55095538

thats funny but fucking off yourself you stinky jew

>> No.55095548

I sometimes miss not having the responsibilities of having a family to provide for. If I was in the same financial position I am now, but single, I would be able to live off of my passive income entirely. I'm debt-free with ~$700K in liquid assets, totally financially independent if I was single.

But we can't live in a condo as a family of 5, and all my bills are double+ what they would be if I was solo; car and health insurance, groceries, cell phones. It would be great to cut my bills to 1/3 and do whatever I want to do with no responsibilities, but I can't now.

There's people who rely on me. The added pressure pushes me to levels I probably wouldn't have achieved if it was just me. I can still live that retired life but it takes more stringent effort, more intention, in some ways more sacrifice, and a little bit more time. Within 2-3 years, so by 32 or 33, I'll be there.

I agree with this guy. Sounds like your relationship dynamics are messed up. My wife relies on me 100% and fully trusts whatever decisions I want to make. I've quit high paying jobs with no plan for what's next and for no good reason, and she knew I'd figure it out.

Also if sex is all you're married for? I genuinely don't understand why you'd even get married. Sex is easy and is in abundance. I got married because I found a loving woman who was 100% supportive of me and her energy helped inspire me to do and be more than what I thought I would have accomplished on my own.

>> No.55095554
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I’ve been single for practically four years now, kinda sucks that I don’t really have someone to be with and spend my time with and potentially settle down and have kids with but then I have to remember how many marriages I have seen where the guy gets absolutely fucked over that it really deters me from trusting someone in that way, also most marriages eventually become loveless husks where you eventually start to hate the other person anyway

>> No.55095579

Im 28 too. I was a loner for a long time. I mean i was not hk but never had relationship or pursued one. Older ingot the less often i even shagged some broad, started thinking something was wrong with me.
But i was pretty content and happy with my space so did not care.
Lost by V at 24, ended up married at 27. Could easily go out bang some broad if i wanted now.
That said i realised i just fucking miss being on my own watch and time so fucking bad. Indulge in what I want how i want as long as i want. Wanna quit job? No explanations. Wanna work comfy dead end job and play RuneScape? Cool. Wanna teach myself coding? Take my fucking time. I fucking miss my autonomy being maxed out to 100. My wife gives me freedom but i guess im just a hyper individualistic person who craves full autonomy in life

>> No.55095704

>who craves full autonomy in life
This is how it always used to be, men were not expected to spend a lot of time with their wives. You can see that even just a few generations ago in Europe: the old guys spend all their time hanging out with their friends, playing games, drinking, whatever. They see their wife in the morning and at night

>> No.55095848

ur whole life is a lie jeet

>> No.55095897

>Men really are meant to go get strange.
28. 3 year relationship. I wanna fuck someone else so goddamn bad

>> No.55095907

>my wife is holding me back from my dreams of quitting my job and playing video games all day
sounds like she's doing you a favor bub

>> No.55097027

I'm basically what you describe. Just got out of a LTR and can now build wealth, train, blah blah blah when I want. While it's nice, it had more meaning and purpose to me when I was doing that with the goal that I'd be supporting a family with this person. Now that it's over I could really care less. Also, agree that sex is overrated but having it with someone you genuinely love is a feeling that can't be matched to me.

>> No.55097057

Just got out of a two year relationship and moved home for a while to save money so I can escape the Midwest. I don’t miss the woman, but I miss the constant reliable sex. Taking her out to dinner, dumb dates, and shitty movies were super annoying. But nothing compares to having fuck holes at your disposal. Hoping the market tanks so I can slurp up cheapies while I have extra disposable income

>> No.55097061

Some days when I stare out the window I contemplate fucking off from my entire life to go live in Patagonia for the summer. I've always been like this. Always skipped school even though I got good grades. Always burned out of normal jobs quickly.

I wouldn't do that to my wife and kid...but I think about it sometimes still.

>> No.55097123

I'm glad I figured all that out before falling for the marriage meme. Marriage nowadays is just another scam and Men are COMPLETELY simped for modern women are are pretty much worthless.

>> No.55097129

*who are pretty much worthless

>> No.55097154

I'm single and live with my parents. I shun all interactions with women that aren't my mother. Every day is like a dream. I'm rich too, if that matters.

>> No.55097289
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>Grass is always greener
Wrong. So wrong.
Once you've procured enough sexual history and dating experience, are over the age of 25, and have achieved true self actualization, there is no more FOMO for a 'loving relationship'. Its a farce. All you need to do is sit there and reminisce for 2 minutes to realize all the lovey dovey googoo talk and cute widdle dates are overwhelmingly overshadowed by the responsibility of keeping your bitch in check, entertaining her desire for social outings with her friends and family, keeping up appearances for her parents, distracting you from YOUR dreams to achieve her cute little life. When you have been through enough of this, and you actually have self respect as a man, you realize how pathetic it really is. Why should I, a man, the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, through millenia of rigorous selection pressure, bow to an objectively inferior, selfish individual financially, emotionally and physically; literally extract resources from me. Adam and Eve is literally an allegory for women fucking up a man's perfect world, it has always been this way.

>> No.55097734


>> No.55097918

this anon gets it

>> No.55098813

Dangerously based

>> No.55098814

Poor Dad... I am broke because of you kids! I am broke because I married, and cannot do the things I want... I am stuck in this relation ship and responsibilities AHHHH if only these responsibilities would end.. I would be happy and all my personal needs met and fulfilled.

Rich Dad... I am successful and wealthy because of you kids! I love your mother and will do anything to keep her from working in the world, her job is to help raise my kids while I earn and provide for the family. Let no man separate what we have built.

Choice is yours anon...

Rich dad here, who in youth had 100's of women. All for self pleasure, I was the guy with big house, new truck, with Porsche 911 on the side, was destined for more and more and more material world, and sex to fill the "Love" in my heart. That all changed when I met my wife and found Christ. Now I follow him.

If you value money and material in this world over a soul, you are already dead.

>> No.55098948

Poor dad Rich dad is verbal diarrhea though.
>Rich Dad... I am successful and wealthy because of you kids! I love your mother and will do anything to keep her from working in the world, her job is to help raise my kids while I earn and provide for the family. Let no man separate what we have built.
the levels of cope and mental retardation here are beyond belief. Total boomer mentality

>> No.55098966

My gf is a decade younger than me and I was her first for everything. She’s awesome and I feel a deep connection to her

>> No.55099061

>Adam and Eve is literally an allegory for women fucking up a man's perfect world, it has always been this way.


The serpent represents a certain group of people also.

>> No.55099065

Anon here is 18, kek

>> No.55099102

one of the most honest and based posts i've seen in a while. great job, anon

>> No.55099142

When you forgot more women than you can remember. When the next model has to be bought up and consumed now, because your current one is last years.... that lifestyle isn't flex.

Building generational wealth is...
What are you doing for your future kin?
What have your parents built for you? Probably nothing... repeat onto yours what you have learned. Or break the chains.

What lessons are you teaching your kids?

>> No.55099550 [DELETED] 


>> No.55099750

No, even when me and my gf are arguing, I am extremely grateful to have someone to hug and tell I love. I'm extremely grateful to sleep next to someone even if they bug the shit out of me.

Am I fucked up? Probably.

>> No.55099846
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>Blackpillingly based
I want a wife and kids but I also have been on the slut grind and find women intolerable for more than the coom goggles phase. I just want to enjoy being around women and find them to all be wet blankets

>> No.55099853

Generational wealth is meme, friend. Imagine you leave a house/appartment/money gold for every single one of your kids. One of your sons may be a degenerate gambler and lose it betting on red in las vegas. Another gets married and divorce-raped in court, losing all his assets. Let's go one generation above, imagine you have a grandkid who is a massive left wing fag and he decides to sell the house he inherited to donate money to some African shithole while he rents his whole life. Imagine a coup de etat arises and all landlords' properties are seized in your country. So, what was even the point in all your effort? There are no "chains" to "break". Only massive cope, since no one can trascend his natural life span and death. People live for themselves, and that's the truth. You can't seriously expect your descendants to glorify and deify for and your efforts because you lived a life of privations and left some "generational" wealth unless you're a Rockefeller. That's an empty endeavor but if that makes you happy and feel fulfilled, well knock yourself out, bucko. Maybe your sons will get even more money/land and assets thanks to your efforts, who knows? But even so they may end up being massive two digit IQ retards.Also I bet you can't even trace back your own lineage back to your grandparents and all the assets they left you. You will be forgotten as well, for better or worse.

>> No.55099864

You’re so fucking gay holy shit stfu

>> No.55099992

I'm married and I love it. We can eat lunch in the afternoon together, like a sandwich outside. We can talk about many things whenever. We can cuddle and feel good together. It takes finding the right person for you and that goes beyond base desires. but marriage isn't for everyone either.

>> No.55099997

glowies demotivational psyop post

>> No.55100079

I love my wife. We've been married for coming up on 4 years and she's the best woman out there.
She occasionally browses /x/
She hates trannies, jannies and glowniggers
She shredded our kroger plus cards when she saw the BLM shit
She grows her own vegitables and cooks a different meal each night
She asks for my cock every night
She cuddles up to me when I get in bed and before I get up
She's the best. Not much else to say about it.

>> No.55100086

Proverbs 22:6

You sound Vaxxxed... Good luck

>> No.55100299

Unironically best sex I've had has been with trannies. I don't have the desire to fuck women anymore. If it wasn't for my family I'd exclusively date trannies.

>> No.55101037

Have you tried ASMRs?
It gives the oxytocin feeling from the sound of someone being nearby.

>> No.55101503

This. He could be wageslaving or consuming instead of wasting his time enjoying vidya.

>> No.55101520


There is absolutely no hope for you

>> No.55101636

I will make the meme of dying a virgin billionaire true and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.55101701


Man the grass is always greener. I’m sitting here alone in silence in my 40s as I do every night. Something to ponder…

>> No.55101756

try the hug sessions. there are professional huggers who will just hug you for an hour

>> No.55101774

Not falling for the propaganda fedboy

>> No.55101784

>i guess im just a hyper individualistic person who craves full autonomy in life
based undiagnosed schizoid

>> No.55102404

Fucking this. “Muh generational rich” fags always ignore this. Do you know how unlikely it is for wealth to last more than 2-3 generations? I know loads of rich fag third gens. Their families are all so messed up. The grandparents usually made a company/enterprise, got rich. The children were instilled with those values but also started getting spoiled. The grandkids basically are silverspooners and have none of the grandparents values. If there were many children from the grandparents then they all start to backstab and bicker to get inheritance. The grandkids end up messed up with broken family dynamics.
If it somehow reaches the next gen its basically guaranteed to fall apart by then.

History shows even aristocracy struggled to maintain generational wealth. The few that did, the government or war quickly stepped in the ruin it(British aristocracy class was raped in WW1-WW2.

Its so incredibly unlikely to last. Its just some autists delusions.

>> No.55102509


> "Don't even try, it's impossible. Being successful is not possible for you!"


>> No.55102515

Marriage is nothing but a domestication ritual for men. Love isn't real. Even if she chooses you, it's only because you where there at a specific time and place in her life. If it was someone else, then she would choose that person. Marriage is just another rat race. I already have to deal with the wagie rat race, why on earth would I subject myself to another rat race? Not to mention, women. Why bother?

>> No.55102559

Even the jews fail at this. The only thing that carries them is their insular nepotism at large. That way when the goldman sachs investment bankers daughter goes on facefuck.com and ends up messed up, her kids may still stand a chance through wider jewish nepotism.

Its a complete delusion to think you can set up a 10+ generation eatate alone without the above described happening. It’s virtually guaranteed.

>> No.55102593

Solid thoughts on women and generational wealth. I've been thinking about both lately. I wonder if it would be wise to marry a foreign woman that would appreciate me more and put in more effort into a relationship since I'm American. If I get to the point of kids and my own business, I'll offer an internship and two years employment max. Then it's off to start their own lives.

>> No.55102630

yeah i went back to being single and love it, its so comfy. i think all young men should just stack cash and assets and be single until they hit like 35ish then start looking for a breedable woman to make children with then either raise those children or keep breeding fertile women and never tying down to a single one

>> No.55102951

Women shouldn't be working anyway you male feminist beta cuck.

>> No.55102962

>tfw no gf
>i wish i was single
you will never be happy cunt.

>> No.55103311

>Adam and Eve is literally an allegory for women fucking up a man's perfect world
not entirely true. adam knew what eve was doing but he let her do it anyway because he was weak. you could also say this is an allegory for what happens when men dont keep their bitches in check

>> No.55103347

after being in a string of LTRs that ended in disaster over the years i finally married my wife and we have 1 kid together and another on the way. it gets better. if your gay gurlfriend isnt having kids with you its a waste of time, far better to just pick up a wifeable woman 11 years younger than you and make her pregnant and marry her. the children make it worthwhile

>> No.55103365

Just settling with one woman feels dreadful to me, it's like having only ond type of food for the rest of my life. I'm concinced marriage is scam by low genes having men to stop high quality men from having more sex.

>> No.55103384

This is a larp. The more you just fuck different women, the more you start to crave real love.

>> No.55103468

Fuck hugging.
Can't you be mc quin ugly? You know, money, muscles, STYLE and maybe a brain?

>> No.55103481

Incredibly ultra 1000x based. Women don't respect weak men for a reason, it's ingrained in them.

>> No.55103493

>too insecure to enjoy their own company and not care if people mock them for not getting with women
>too spineless to handle the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with a long term relationship
>will refuse to work on either of these flaws and either be alone and miserable or in a dead-end marraige and miserable
>if theyre handsome and/or charismatic enough theyll spend their younger years fucking every woman that moves, then enter their jaded playboy arc where they go "boohoo guys my movie-star life where I did drugs and fucked women nonstop did nothing for me, life is such pain"

many such cases

>> No.55103496

Fully agree.
Was in very, very LTR. Didn't tie the knot thankfully despite obvious pressure.
Living with women in general is not great.
I had friends who hired maids and it was clear to me that it was a much better arrangement.
Maids and casual relationships. No co-living. Just occasional sex. Work enough to hire someone to clean and cook for you. If you do well, that type of thing can easily pay for itself.
If you need to live in a cheaper cost of living country to make it happen, then sure.
Women always crave more. More status, more money, more suffering.
Sure some men are like that too. And maybe a pair of people who are never satisfied or content actually make sense. But that's not me. I have a strong disdain for the whole social ladder and consipuous consumption thing. So natually my values are quite different than basically 99% of women's. That's alright.
I wish I knew all of this when I was younger. But I'm still under 40 and I feel free, relieved, almost like I've figured something out.
Maybe all of this fades and I want to have children or something when I'm 60. If that's the case...well then I'll do that. I don't really give a fuck what people think about that. Obviously women will talk shit. But frankly that is a constant no matter what.

>> No.55103513

>The subject line is fine but these reasons are so fucking retarded. fucking do it instead of being a pussy and blaming your wife
I mean that's cool and all, but essentially ever other area of your life will fall apart and you'll be living in some kinda hell that is heading 60 mph towards divorce.
Living with someone and all the bullshit and related family bullshit that comes with it all and trying to actually focus on something like a sidebusiness?
Fuck. It's easy to say something like 'just don't be a pussy'. And you can sit there stoic and 'not be a pussy' for a while. But people can get psycotic. Especially if there are other family memebers and such that are going to be pissed at you for essentially ignoring everything that they expect out of you. It's a fucking nightmare.
Essentially you're saying that it's trivial to pretend people in your living space(even if it's just your wife) basically just don't exist.
That might work for a bit. Or that might work if you're a wife-beating type or someshit(but that's not me)...
I don't really know what to say to this. I know a few guys who no one would call a pussy who still get worn down by their wives.

>> No.55103522
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Anon, you can still regain your freedom and still be with her. diversify your earnings, earn more and be happy again. I've been getting good ratings of trending assets on TM traders grade which makes trading easier and saves me more time for more sex since you are still getting that.

That was part of the deal oldfag

>> No.55103537

>I agree with this guy. Sounds like your relationship dynamics are messed up. My wife relies on me 100% and fully trusts whatever decisions I want to make. I've quit high paying jobs with no plan for what's next and for no good reason, and she knew I'd figure it out.
Obviously your wife trusts you because you're clearly responsible and don't live for yourself.
The point here is that if you were to start living for yourself, how do you think she and her family would react to that?
You won't do that because you can't do that. And I'm not telling you to do that either. If you're succesful doing what you do now with a happy wife and family, and you can tolerate it, then honestly good for you. You're a good husband.
But you of all people should know how silly it is to reply to that post like that. Since that's everything you can't do yourself. That doesn't make you pussy. That's just reality.
You think you could go work at McDonalds and plow all your savings in shitcoins your wife would be ok with that? Obviously not. The point is you don't have that freedom and that doesn't make you a pussy. From a woman's perspective you're a 'man' because you're responsible. That's fine too. There are tradeoffs and benefits from doing well in the eyes of the average person.
There really is no middle ground here for 99% of people though. You want to be a 'man' in their eyes like you are, then you give up the freedom do the things that anon mentioned. You can't risk it when people depend on you.
Personally I don't want people to depend on me. And arguably you're a better person than I am. Certainly are going to be in the eyes of the average woman and society. And that's fine with me. Trade off in social status for freedom. It's all a personal choice.

>> No.55103551

Usually the men having more sex have less quality genes though, at least if you're measuring in terms of what gene pool would be good for society. Women are terrible at choosing good men and modern times allow them to be even more irresponsible than ever.

>> No.55103575

Yes, in terms of what would be good for society.
But being able to propagate your genes is fitness in the evolutionary sense. So it's not exactly surprising. Evolution certainly doesn't give a fuck about our society. Thus our society is dogshit.

>> No.55103586

Cope. Ive had 'real love', reality showed itself.
I havent had sex in 3 years and couldnt care.

>> No.55103607

Literally all anyone has to do is invest their money. Instead these normies try all sorts of weird shit like venture capitalism or starting risky businesses that fail, and then they lose all their money. But otherwise, investing all your money is a guarantee of long lasting wealth. Generational wealth isn’t a meme. It’s just that the grandparents did a good job but the bloodline wasn’t autistic enough for it to stick. Truly autistic people would just want like to go up forever while they play RuneScape or do gardening or whatever.

>> No.55103623
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>> No.55103822
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I've been through a lot, felt the pure teenage love, had sex in crazy places. Yet every time a drought comes, i feel like a virgin again, like i did when i was 14. I guess i am aware enough of the things you said about keeping a woman in check and shit. I just want to find a woman smart enough, so most of the bullshit can be skipped, eventually i want kids, i can't imagine doing anything else than being a family man when i'm 64. Life is a gamble, you're never ready, and you have to do everything yourself, so do it. I know you're all daydreaming about having a business and you all think you would be good bosses because you're so smart. Nothing is going to come by itself, you have to plan every detail and carry it out yourself. Also try and find an inner balance, be at peace with yourself and most importantly love yourself more than anyone else, only when you are satisfied you can share your love to the people around you. And i hope you have at least 1 good friend

>> No.55104082

The problem ist that life can fuck you over in an instant. I was alone for a long time, but didnt mind too much because I am an INTJ. Things got repetitive through.
Met my now wife at work, totally in sync etc.
Now married, some things changed, her mental and psychological health isn't what it used to be, my mental fortitude has been weakened by external factors as well.
No sex in 2 years because her pussy is partially fucked up since the birth of our child and I am not "emotionally available".

You can't prepare for these things. A relationship is a gamble. I yearn for my single days when I could do whatever I wanted.

>> No.55104123

you're aware you can fuck hot escorts on the side without anybody knowing

>> No.55104430

Expensive + not the same as a normal hookup (excluding picking up some drunk slut at the bar) or fucking someone youre in love with

>> No.55104680

Me too, anon. I was happy single and now have a wife and kid. I'm looking forward to spending time with my son but oh man I was happier alone without a doubt

>> No.55104885

Currently in grad school and living with my mentally unstable girlfriend. I hate my situation. Though, I'm about to start a new job in the coming weeks. Thinking about just leaving once I get income flowing. We barely fuck as it is. The only things I will miss are her dog and the fact that she cooks for me. Not sure how I should break up with her. Maybe just pack up my stuff and leave without giving her any notice.

>> No.55104920

>She occasionally browses /x/
how do you find such girls irl

>> No.55104957

this thread needs some whitepill

the more powerful you are as a man financially, spiritually, physically the more a woman is willing to bend her rules just for you. focus on yourself and providing and pleasing your woman comes naturally and easy

if you're fucked up in the head getting into a relationship short or long term will do neither of you benefits, get your shit together

>> No.55104964
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>> No.55104978

My id probably changed: imagine this, full time nanny / maid, you and your son. Just imagine...

>> No.55105056
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Sage advice.

>> No.55105075

nah I have a good setup and accidentally married one with stonks and a house that's paid for
only once in a great while when some zoomer girl makes awkward eye contact with me do I consider doing otherwise

>> No.55105352

This. I am in one and it’s fucking brutal. 15 years to go till the youngest is 18 and I hero.

>> No.55105376

Fucking A based.

>> No.55105395

“Yeah bro just throw away hundreds of dollars per month to a whore instead of putting it into ETH”

I swear to god /biz/ is only poor because you’re all retards

>> No.55105418

There are a couple of problems with your reasoning. What if you want to be like the rich dad but DON’T end up successful and wealthy?
> Rich dad here, who in youth had 100's of women. All for self pleasure, I was the guy with big house, new truck, with Porsche 911 on the side
So you had everything and then got fed up with it and comfortably “grew up”. What about those of us who never had what you had?

>> No.55105425

>stay at home gf
good morning betabux simpnigger

>> No.55105460

>rich dad here
>then proceeds to say if YOU (not me!) value money....
I find your lack of insight disturbing.

>> No.55105512

Its true, but at the same time why should I go out of my way to provide indirect guidance to some cunt? Thats the real power of being smarter than the average individual. Remove yourself from this bullshit, extract resources like females. If you have a soul, its counterproductive. Women are no different from the behaviours we spectate in other species; a complete zoo. I unironically understand why jew elites enslave humanity.

>> No.55105670

You dont even sound completely sure of yourself. You should not be giving any kind of advice.

>> No.55105694

Sex with the same person over and over is overrated. You are literally hard-wired as a man to avoid this. Sex with a different girl each week however never gets old.

>> No.55106398

Wow and you're so sure you don't need a family. Talk to me when you're 64

>> No.55106458

I agree, but it gets better than usual sex because you know eachother's preferences

>> No.55106515
File: 2.25 MB, 2224x1251, Screenshot 2023-05-06 110115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody peg me better than my wife

>> No.55107023

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.55107138

Absolute nightmare fuel. I know he's your son, but can you have him unironically committed to a mental ward so you can have a normal life again?

>> No.55107158

>be me
>Sitting playing Vidya all day
>Comfy as fuck
>Smoke weed and have friends
>Feel alive

Parents wouldn't let me keep this lifestyle.. bullied me into becoming a wagecuck™

>Miserable soul destroying work
>Drug tested
>No friends
>Npc around me all day
>Hate life
>Dead inside
>Constant anxiety about house etc

Take the neet pill lads. Life is overrated

>> No.55107542

she's low IQ like you illiterate retard

>> No.55107775
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Absolutely based

>> No.55107797

Do you have sex?

>> No.55107817
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No, Adam didn't eat the fruit but she did. Meaning women are easy to control by others.
She convinces him to eat it, which means she's had so much sex with him he couldn't refuse.

Men are slaves to women
women are slaves to me

>> No.55107821
File: 169 KB, 921x660, 1684857446585159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Just waiting to make it in the next cycle. Going to hand my wife a million dollars then fuck off.

>> No.55107945

Yes. It's great but idk if it's worth the NPC wageslave life

>> No.55108056

I hope this is a larp

>> No.55108161

This market takes one decent pump upwards and I am officially and unequivocally gtfo of my country and relationships for good, I'll live on a farm/ranch somewhere else and live the peaceful comfy life by myself. Literally about to isekai myself without actually dying. I've been waiting and planning this shit for 5 years, nigger once I'm out I will never forsake my freedom again, I will never do anything that will detract from my freedom regardless of the cost. On the plus side and to give anons reading some hope and alpha, the largest group of political faggots in Beijing (Xi's playground) are going heavy into web3 starting June 1st, this happily coincides with the debt ceiling crisis. US is gonna die and china is gonna absorb all the dump that the US will cause in the crypto market, unironically wagmi

>> No.55108373

How many ICP to make it

>> No.55108545
File: 142 KB, 852x926, b97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been married for 12 years, have 5 kids

I have my selfish moments where I wish I could vidya all day again, but overall family gives me purpose and without my family I'd just be some worthless coooomer waiting out the clock to die

fuck that noise

>> No.55109237

If you meant women shouldn't be working outside of home then you have to realize household work takes only about an hour a day with all the modern electronics/appliances. In the past it was a full-time work and women didn't laze around.

>> No.55110246

Exactly this

>> No.55110288

Its ok i think half of men with kids feel this way, usually they were on the fence with having kids and the wife was the deciding factor. Its rare i see w guy other than some polfag on here who desperately wants children.
I know you likely love your kids anyway, like most dads in that situation would never want to get rid of them, but i do think most guys these days are definitely happier single

>> No.55110304

Can't you just leave the situation if you aren't married and don't have children?

>> No.55110324

This is also true. Men really should notch down when they get in a LTR or married. You gain a lot more leverage. Its absolutely not worth notching up or having someone equal due to the decreased leverage.

I got with my LTR years ago with no intention for it to last, but she was a few years older than me, i’m probably a good two points above her all things considered(workout a lot with peak natty physique etc).
I delayed moving in together as long as possible. For the third-sixth year of our relationship i didnt work, was just learning to code, doing a but of my side business, and also was learning a foreign language for the first one. She was paying rent when we moved in, i was paying just for my food and some stuff. She paid for a lot. Im very grateful for it, but i know if i had not notched down a bit there is no way a woman would do that and put up with it without caring too much.

>> No.55111062

>Parents wouldn't let me keep this lifestyle.. bullied me into becoming a wagecuck™

>>Miserable soul destroying work
>>Drug tested
>>No friends
>>Npc around me all day
>>Hate life
>>Dead inside
>>Constant anxiety about house etc

>Take the neet pill lads. Life is overrated

I hate reading based threads like this because it makes me realize I’m an NPC myself and I just can’t bring myself to come in to work and intersex with other NPCs doing bullshit job.

>> No.55111124

Interesting thread, bump.

>> No.55111190

>Wrong. So wrong.
>The grass isn't greener on the other side
>Once you have enough experience there, you will understand that it is not greener on the other side
And then you proceed to go on a tangent describing how the grass being greener is an illusion, which is what the saying "the grass is always greener" literally means. Anon you were replying to was right. So right. And you agree with him as you analyze his post, not even understanding that you agree with him by the end of your post. Other anons chime in, agreeing with you, demonstrating that they also cannot read.

>> No.55111197

I mean, I only really care about getting married so that I can raise kids in a good environment. I have virtually no interest at all in having a "wife", but it's a means to an end.

>> No.55111203
File: 15 KB, 633x758, 318271da980706f7a18a811c3456a77d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to dump my gf since last year. Our 2 year anniversary is in 2 months.

>> No.55111250

I hear you. Some people argue that with marriage you get tax breaks and that married men make more money. Well of corse married men make more money because they have to. Never really understood why guys get married only to decide to not have kids.

Why do you want to dump her? Just curious.

>> No.55111270

Ill have my 4th Child in june, wife doesnt work.
3500k bills monthly, make about 6k .
Barely ever do a holiday, barely ever truly do something for me.
Guess this is what being a man is like.

>> No.55111281

Why the hell did you have so many kids then?

>> No.55111289

Can't cook, won't clean, perpetually broke, she constantly has a depressed/angry attitude, getting fat. I think I could get over everything else if she kept my house tidy and didn't have a bad attitude.

>> No.55111310

Having a big family is a great Joy, paying for it not so much.
The time when you are free to spend together is real quality time, its just you have te work so much you hardly ever can spend any time

>> No.55111334


Then dump her you idiot what r u trying to hit the 2 year mark for ur resume?

>> No.55111341

I've never been in a relationship so not sure if I should be giving you any advice but sounds like you should dump her if she doesn't bring anything to the relationship and is just a ball and chain.

Better to be alone than be stuck with bad company.

>> No.55111357

I've been wanting to but stuff keeps on popping up. Holidays, birthdays, get-togethers, her car wrecked, etc. Now we just found out her mom might have cancer. I'll look like a total dick to everybody if I end things now.

>> No.55111407
File: 157 KB, 1284x461, IMG_0687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wife I’m separated from texted this today lmao

Have zero intent of being married again

>> No.55111435

b & r

>> No.55111449

dont worry anon, I'll keep you company

>> No.55111461

its only worth it of you start a family. LTR without kids is retarded.
The only thing that makes the lowered freedom worth it is the joy of spending quality time with your offspring. And even with that you will sometimes think about what you could be doing if you were single

>> No.55111462

>Can't cook
Your own goddamn fault.

>> No.55111465

dump asap

>> No.55111497
File: 57 KB, 540x253, IMG_2568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro

>> No.55111551

Okay so going back to OP's post, his desire to free himself from his committed marriage implies hes falling for the illusion of wanting to become single again? Youve applied your logic to one side of the fence. The grass is not always greener on the other side, so theres no illusion, just a lack of information and decisiveness. So the phrase is redundant here. Youre a retard, well done.

>> No.55111569

>marry for 2 years
>wife dies from falling down some stairs at work and hitting her head
>have to raise my daughter alone
>she starts helping me do chores at 6
>stays home alone most of the time, doesnt watch TV or play games (cause I didn't buy them), just studies all day every day or read books.
>studying CS in imperial college
Im broke as fuck because of her but no one can convince me that I am not actually fucking happy and proud of her. I don't mind the responsibilities if it means she wins at life. Her winning is my victory. Fuck all of you people for hating your own family you dont understand how lucky you fucks are

>> No.55111609

Lmao who dies from falling down stairs

>> No.55111622

No idea lol I made it all up

>> No.55111668
File: 13 KB, 216x233, IMG_0689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55111772

> Doesn't miss you
> Just misses a husband to nag
Couldn't make this up

>> No.55111897
File: 663 KB, 1267x712, 1685242057033365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A properly structured trust that requires family members to take out life insurance in its benefit solves this.
Look at how people solved the problems you described (Rockefeller) instead or propagating the crab bucket mentality

>> No.55111919


>> No.55111935

I arrived at a similar conclusion. Trannies are superior in every way. Women suck to the point they have their ways of turning you gay. At least i can say i tried 4 "real" women before becoming a faggot.

>> No.55111943

I guess I ll go with this anon's post.

>> No.55111952

Worst post ITT

>> No.55111953

Even as a tranny fucker I have more dignity than doing that while in a relationship.

>> No.55111954

Alright there seem to be some experienced and level headed anons itt so here it goes:
I’ve been dating my gf now for almost 2 years, she’s really cool and we have a lot in common and is generally fun to be around (when she isn’t being prude but we’ll get to that in a sec). She also cooks, is surprisingly handy, not a retard, and was a virgin when we met. HOWEVER, she is mentally unstable and I’m able to calm her down but it’s starting to effect our sexual relationship as we have had sex maybe 6 or 7 times in the last 6 months, and I’m assuming that the depressed stump is causing the lack of sex. She also sleeps for probably 10+ hrs, even when I’m over at her place (she went to bed at 10:30 on a Saturday night…). This wasn’t an issue for a while but now it’s getting to me, I’m fucking 22 years old, tall, good looking and have some money to my name, sex from another woman wouldn’t be hard to come across. What do I do in this situation? I want to marry her but if her depression is going to start having a significant, prolonged, negative effect on me, then that might change

>> No.55111973

You can tell the frog's tears are real since after they ruined my life the first time, they ruined it again.

>> No.55111977

You are a nigger living with his sow mother if you think that household work only takes one hour a day.

>> No.55112067

you know the gigachad meme and associated based culture is literally incarnating the nietzschean ubermensch.

>> No.55112068

Back when I had a relationship with a genetic woman in particular struggling with depression she got on Lexapro and that solved the issue. Based trannies like don't have issues like this and are tough mentally

>> No.55112291

Demoralization posting in this thread. 4chan is heavily compromised by Judeo nihilist-hedonist philosophy and you can see it in this thread. Do not listen to the retards in this thread. Trust your intuition instead. Mine led me to a wife. I'm in a better place since meeting her. Don't let these demoralization niggers get to you

>> No.55112479

Honestly its the exact reason I’ve decided to ne ermarry. It just sounds/feels too much desu.

>> No.55112533

In my mid 20s with a great girlfriend, but I'm financially fucked and would rather live out of my car to save money if I could but she obviously wouldn't let me do that.

When you're single and young you can harness your autism to live extremely frugally, which gives you an advantage when you have low wages. Once you get attachments and stuck with people your cost of living increases and your wages tend to stay the same. It sucks.

>> No.55112552

My intuition is leading me to not getting married and fucking thots for fun and cooming in their cunts without protection. Wut do?

>> No.55112704

Sounds like you’re in Dubai mate, same. It sucks

>> No.55112809

why not both?

>> No.55112915


“Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over the men. Oh my people, your leaders mislead you, they turn you away from the right path”
Isaiah 3:12

It is written.

>> No.55112919

You’re emotionally insecure and craving love from a lesser being. You never will learn to be a self reliant man in that situation

>> No.55113075


Your wife doesn't love you. All you're doing is bribing her with money to keep you company.

>> No.55113155

You sound extremely weak-willed. Enjoy being in a loveless marriage to keep up appearances.

>> No.55113306

You need women for procreation, which is our entire biological purpose. However, we are not spiritually required to marry and reproduce unless we're coomers with low impulse control, according to the Bible.

>> No.55113311

I've never truly enjoyed being with someone all the time, never lasted a relationship more than 2 years, and we didn't even live together.

I'm torn on either going the hermit route or if I live with a woman I'd require to at least have an office I'd spend most of my time in.

>> No.55113579


Second what this anon said. >>55113155

It's best to just rip that band-aid off and end the relationship now.

>> No.55113617

Get out.
Seriously. Get out.
Been in a similar situation, lived together, etc. right around your age. I stayed longer than I should have. Get out.
It’s tough, you’re going to break her heart, blah blah blah. Get out.
You’ll thank yourself later.

>> No.55113624

pregnancy is the answer. we arent meant to hang out with a femoid without her being pregnant after a few months

>> No.55113631

dump asap
Itrll get much worse when she hits the wall

>> No.55113684

I literally did this 6 months ago. Packed my shit, said I'd be back and moved out. It was 100% the right decision. Free yourself and stop wasting your precious time you could be using to find a good woman

>> No.55113710

Yes I hate my wife and wish I never had to spend another minute in the same room as her again. Being single and living alone was the best time of my entire life. I hate women so much it’s unreal.

>> No.55113757

Didn't you make a thread about this not long ago? Everyone told you to break up with her. What are you doing anon?

>> No.55113803
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, 1520919378303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King. At best women are just tools

>> No.55113850
File: 48 KB, 300x290, 1685249834889859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still enjoy having sex with my wife that I've known since I was 17 and she was 15. We got married in our early 20's, had kids, and still fuck each night and even mornings. The men complaining about this just married the wrong women or were massive manwhores before settling down.

>> No.55113859
File: 176 KB, 715x405, MV5BYTNjZTQyMjAtYTdhNS00MmZlLTk4NWItOTY3ODRlZDQ3ZjRhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTgyMzEyNDY@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no way in hell I'm gonna end up like Mark Corrigan.

>> No.55113874

>Being single and living alone was the best time of my entire life

Guys like you eventually reincarnate as 4everalone incels posting suicide fuel on /r9k/. Never learning to find happiness in what you have and the time you have left of it

>> No.55114086

I'm in the same boat. I hate it and it makes me super depressed. I wish I had a girl to push me and and actually help with domestic duties instead of leaving everything a mess. I don't think she's ever cleaned the bathroom for the year that she has lived here. I am envious of op.

But I'm a 30 yo boomer and don't drink anymore and don't want to waste more time on slots than I already have.

>> No.55114109

kek. did she ever call/text you asking wtf is going on, or if you'd be back?

>> No.55114229

Wtf, just do it, what's the issue?

>> No.55114242

Ok so where do you draw the line? 4 Kids? Why not 5 or 6? 3 wouldve been plenty. I can't do more than 1.

>> No.55114413

The entire point of marriage is that a woman can have a man take care of her so she can shit out his babies.
The only reason men accepted this civilizational burden were things like total family control, no divorces, dowry, etc.
There is no functional reason to get married nowadays. The tax cuts aren't worth it.

>> No.55114468

If there’s anyone who needs a woman to force them to work on interpersonal relationships and be held socially accountable it’s you autists.

Yes life sucks, learn the lessons now or suffer.

>> No.55114469

Sounds like a trainwreck waiting to happen. the train is on the right track, leave at the next station, anon.