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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55093329 No.55093329 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't retailers fighting back?

If there is no penalty, then everyone should walk out without paying.

>> No.55093391


>> No.55093402

Who gives a single FUCK about corporations losing money, I guarantee they don’t care when you get stolen from.

>> No.55093411

Lol, Ross clothing?

That’s like $500 worth of clothes maybe at retail price.

$150 wholesale Ali baba

>> No.55093431


>> No.55093437

That's just fabric and they probably payed some Chinese kids fifty cents an hour to put it together. They also pay their workers shit. They can easily afford dozens of niggers doing this and not really worry.

>> No.55093440

Calculated loss

>> No.55093441

Not Mr. Noseberg's corporation how is he gonna buy his third yacht?

>> No.55093465

I understand that the insurance company pays them out. But do the Insurance companies follow up with police reports and tracking down the offender, or do they not care aswell?

>> No.55093467

based, pol-jaks will seethe

>> No.55093470

Good morning /lefty pol/ I hope you all fucking die.

>> No.55093472

>police tracking down blacks
>police tracking down blacks for $200 worth of product
You watch too much CSI kid, they don't give a fuck. These nogs are willing to bet their anal virginity on this fact.

>> No.55093478

I can never understand how the fuck would you side with negros on this.
Also, Corpo isn't getting fucked by this. It's the managers and employees getting dicked because they lost money on their watch.

There is no "Nigger Walking out" Insurance, other poor fuck is going to pay for it

>> No.55093479

>noooooo you can't steal from Goldberg's multi billion dollar corporation that's communism
The right wing is fucking pathetic man. Kill yourself MIGAtard

>> No.55093483

the whole village will have sagging pants. every nigger niggress and niglet

>> No.55093488

>I don't understand why people don't side with Vile Schlomo, multi billion dollars CEO with 3 yachts
I love how right wingers admit that jews run all the big corporations then go ahead and defend them to the death. You cock suckers.

>> No.55093500

nah fuck you. Go defend corporations some more. They need more billions and tax exemptions. Go on, get to work and protect the merchandise yourself. Get a job at Ross and defend Schlomo’s bottom line since you love him so much.

>> No.55093508

I like how you ignored most of anons post. Just admit you're a nigger and stealing is your nature

>> No.55093518

Stealing from jewish business owners is exactly what the nazis did. I would go one step further and burn it down to the ground like in the past.
Eat shit and die kike defender.

>> No.55093546

this tbqh. tired of these board invadors

>> No.55093549

>Steal from Walmart
>Walmart closes store due to shoplifting
>Call out racism

It's happening already so its gonna be hilarious when corporations move out of those areas

>> No.55093553

Thank for defend the ross sir

>> No.55093559

>its gonna be hilarious when corporations move out of those areas
Yes small white business owners will have a chance to compete now. OH NO we can't have this happen!

>> No.55093597

whoa, us is the wakanda now

>> No.55093601

>Yes small white business owners will have a chance to compete now.

>White business owners
>In the ghetto

It'll most likely be Indians

>> No.55093670

Israel is our greatest ally! Amirite sister?!

>> No.55093677

Then I don't care if people steal from them either. You stupid or what?

>> No.55093679


>> No.55093698

I'm answering your dumbass reply you dumbass mother fucker

>> No.55093706

>kill jews
>take their wealth

>> No.55093733

Law Enforcement exists to protect criminals from their victims. It's really that simple. If stores fight back, cops show up, arrest the victims, the victims go to court and get slammed with lawsuits from the criminals.

>> No.55093860


they bake their losses into their pricing structure retard. So people doing this makes the price of things rise for everyone else.

>> No.55093909

If you are poor, just say that.

>> No.55093988

So no source then?
Fight with your wallet, don't go to stores that enable this behavior.

>> No.55093999

>prices inflated to account for theft which is covered by insurance
it'd be stupid not to shoplift then, since they're paying for it already for you

>> No.55094018 [DELETED] 
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>> No.55094083

>closeted fag LARPs as a nazi from a basement who will never actually lift a finger for his “morals”
lmao even

>> No.55094165

Every corporation refused me if I didn't put a mask on.
I say fuck em and let joggers steal shit.

>> No.55094188

they want to replace all jobs with machines. the only people left alive will be those that steal

>> No.55094209

i'm rooting for niggers to take their reparations. they should do this daily at all big box stores until they have to shut down all of them. fuck corporate america. i want this country to be so miserable and poor that all jews move to israel, ukraine and china and leave america alone.

>> No.55094211
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>he didn't schizo roam during covid days

>> No.55094220

they are not really police then at that point. just mercenaries. same thing with the military. if they aren't shooting mexicans on the border than they aren't protecting the country

>> No.55094225

>Every corporation refused me if I didn't put a mask on.
>I say fuck em and let joggers steal shit.

based. if everyone is our enemies then there are targets everywhere

>> No.55094237

>be me
>wait for store to be liquidated because of things like this
>buy at 90%+ discount
I can buy more than a thief can carry, and from home too.
Proceeds are good too.

>> No.55094242


>> No.55094247

Thats like 10 cents of chinese child labor trash getting stolen lol.
A typical walmart pulls down 300k per day.

>> No.55094250
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Don't worry about the store.
Humans are free creatures by nature.

>> No.55094265

world's most retarded baby

>> No.55094283

It's likely autism.
And the retards are the ones who don't just lift the lid.
The objective is to put the thing in the box. The challenge is that each shape has a specific path designated by the lid.
By removing the lid, you eliminate the unnecessary challenge and win the game.
Autism baby is unironically smarter than you.

>> No.55094304

On the contrary retard, it’s probably already prescribed SSRIs

>> No.55094354

>Only jews own businesses
Die. Servile cuck.

>> No.55094457

Your nose is showing

>> No.55094765

You cant. Black people are in a special class now.

>> No.55094844
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Based groids rinsing these ESG vampires for everything they've got

>> No.55094862


What did the captcha mean by that?

>> No.55095019

i'm pretty sure inventory isn't insured against theft.

>> No.55095036
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Holy based

>> No.55095051

>im a heckin nazi by stealing from walmart

No you're just a thieving nigger.

>> No.55095981

Rightwing boomers seething at nog rioters will never not be funny
>noooo you cant destroy my hecking left wing city
>you cant just smash a shop opened by mexicans that has rainbow flags!!! You just cant ok?

>> No.55096103

I used to wage at a giant tesco in a shit area (Sunderland). Loads of people off it on heroin / coke round town shouting at walls. Multiple groups of shoplifters in per shift.

It was always fun watching the woker managers attempting to politely ask them to leave via a chat.

>> No.55096135

Imagine drop kicking him from behind through the sliding glass door.

>> No.55096301

Law Enforcement exists to protect the rich from the rest of the general population and for no other reason. They are not there to protect you, or anyone else of the working class, from anyone or anything.

Primarily the issue is that Western Courts, in the absence of just being able to outright kill or torture offenders, rely almost entirely on monetary damages as a punishment. If the 'person' in question doesn't have any money, the court cannot take away that wealth and award it to the offended party, and in fact if often costs the state more to even have a case than they get in renumeration from the felon.

So yeah, a lot of the apparatus just ignores shit like this because its a black hole for money at every level. You could try to pay cops to get your stuff back, but you'd just be throwing money at cops to accomplish something that isn't ever going to happen. You could throw money at lawyers to convict, but you'd just be throwing money at lawyers to accomplish something that isn't ever going to happen.

Simple as.

>> No.55096319
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"You know I went to Ross."


>> No.55096325

then don't buy there?

>> No.55096338

No penalty for black people. Black people are like the American version of Indias sacred cow’s, you can’t do anything to them, if the cow/black starts eating the fruit at your produce stand or taking the inventory at your shop, you just let them do what they want. Any interference/disruption caused by you to the blacks will result in severe punishment from the highest levels of the Jewish controlled Justice system

>> No.55096354

>People steal things
>Company closes stores in nigger areas
>OR company raises prices to cover theft

Lol, lmao.

>> No.55096359

>Black people are like the American version of Indias sacred cow’s, you can’t do anything to them
and that's because for a couple centuries the law didn't apply to whites in relation to blacks, now the shoe is on the other foot.

>> No.55096367

The police will murder a white person for stealing, but for a black person they will protect and kill any whites that try and stop them from stealing

>> No.55096384

Whites have gotten lynched for murdering black people in the past. Your mind is corrupted with Jewish propaganda

>> No.55096386

This isn't a problem for thieves

>> No.55096405

For the last couple of centuries laws did apply to whites in relation to blacks. Whites don't commit crime as often and as bad as blacks do. Check white Detroit vs black Detroit

>> No.55096426

assuming you're not just baiting, you are an NPC

>> No.55096437

yeah if your entire concept of reality is based on k-12 social studies classes this makes sense

>> No.55096454

Thanks for your defense goy…I mean guy heh heh Israel is our greatest ally ;)

>> No.55096487

They are, they're closing stores in shitlib areas
>simping for a dying memetic parasite

>> No.55096505

Insurance does not pay for retail theft you dumb fucking faggot

>> No.55096563

Oh well, these companies could pay money to change laws in progressive states but choose not to. They don't care so why should I?

>> No.55096581

>private business
hmm is this bait

>> No.55096588

There's nothing they can do because they know the police and the courts will side with the criminals. That's why they keep shutting down branches in black neighborhoods.

>> No.55096595

oh yeah? share some photos. There's sure a lot of photos of Blacks getting lynched, burned etc by whites.

>> No.55096610

>get paid like $10 an hour and can't afford rent
>expected to intervene when a violent nog appears
fuck that shit

>> No.55096612

their entire societal structure was criminal. Whites do crime on a large scale for hundreds of Billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. Eg. the Iraq War.

>> No.55096707

>Third worlder butthurt about being in the third world
Don't care, didn't ask, bombing your particular shithole next.

>> No.55096755

Whites produce wealthy, healthy, and lawful countries that blacks and browns flock to in groves. The blacks and browns don't perform the same.

>> No.55096771

Biggest loser is you retard, it's your money they're stealing at the cost of the lives of your own people. Enjoy.

>> No.55096791

go woke go broke

>> No.55096802

>Jews produce wealthy, healthy, and lawful countries that blacks and browns flock to in groves. The blacks and browns don't perform the same.


>> No.55097383

There are bots that say this in every thread to make regular people think that it’s okay to steal. They’re botting nonsense to degrade values in America because they’re trying to destroy us as a nation. It’s an information war.

>> No.55097393
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>> No.55097484

Professional shoplifter here ama. If you’re a /Pol/cel moral fag don’t even bother (you)ing me.

>> No.55097490

members of retail are not going to prevent theft when even the security guards let it happen.

No one gives a fuck.

>> No.55097511
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>> No.55097550

>If there is no penalty, then everyone should walk out without paying.
>he thinks he'd get away with it if he's white
lol. lmao even. you don't get it yet do you?

>> No.55097651

What is the shape of your nose?

>> No.55097672


>> No.55097714
File: 360 KB, 500x500, 1684704478997692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember a black gorilla nigger obese sheboon came into our blockbuster back in the day with a comically large bag, almost like those massive military duffel bags, directly to the outer perimeter wall with all the new releases. she came in 'on her phone' and left the same without making any eye contact. she obviously was robbing us blind and didnt pay for anything on the way out. while she was in their i was asking what we should do about it with the assistant manager. he said we cant do anything, just let her do it.

this was probably 18 or so years ago

>> No.55097946

These posts state the exact opposite of what you're implaying you fucking bot.

>> No.55098265
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>black people le bad.. because they commit crime or something

>> No.55098321

Why aren't you fighting back? Afraid the media will paint you as the bad guy? Same reason.

>> No.55098407
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Watch them jump to the defense of target because being a pedophile and a communist go hand in hand

>> No.55099308

>all these reddit safe edgy commie replys
The anon from the other thread was right reddit is immigrating here.

>> No.55099534

Yes, I'm sure they would lower prices if everyone stopped stealing.

>> No.55099781

All thieves should be shot and killed

>> No.55100031

>Why aren't retailers fighting back?
maybe because the best fair-market value of stolen goods is at the returns department of another walmart. walmart gets to write-off the loss and makes more profit from exchange sales.

>> No.55100060

>but where's the profit coming from? nobody paid for anything...

>> No.55100573

Ross is notorious for allowing it. There is a shopping center here with a Ross and TJ Maxx adjacent and a Marshalls on the other side of the plaza and the only one of the three nigs do this at is the ross. Ironically there is also a uniformed security guard in the ross and not the other two.
I'm convinced Ross profits off shrink through insurance or something at this point.

>> No.55100587

because <$1000 in stolen product is acceptable compared to a civil suit

>> No.55100593

Insurance companies will underwrite anything