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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 250x243, rug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55067211 No.55067211 [Reply] [Original]

News and updates:

>The dev failed to show at his own devfest at last hour after promising to go
>DBI team said the "dev" isn't Satoshi nor they are connected to him in any way (shocking we know)
>The secret they kept in the vault/basement for almost two months was a dissapointing rushed whitepaper, made as damage control, a new shitty website and the team will also focus in more useless NFTs
>some sus wallets are buying big stacks after big dumps , then retail retards buy and it keeps dumping again (suspected DBI team wallets dumping)
>pillowtranny added DBI to another of his scams (same playbook as with $Hokk)
>DBi might be a governance token, so jeets and scammers will take care of your money

It's ogre

>> No.55067223
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>> No.55067237
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What the fuck is this shit

>> No.55067251
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>> No.55067253

PillowGirl7 is doxxed though (his picture is all over at devfest).

>> No.55067278

Explain to a 5-year old retard why governance tokens are more subject to scam ?

>> No.55067313
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>Their official discord got "hacked" for 1 hour and some scammer stole funds by sharing a link giving users free "airdrops"

the only question the team refuses to answer is about CZ , jesse and winklebros chads connection or interactions with this rug

this might be the final mystery to reveal

>> No.55067331
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>> No.55067347

>no reply

>> No.55067398

> the only question the team refuses to answer is about CZ , jesse and winklebros chads connection or interactions with this rug
isnt it obvious? the chink did that video with him just to dunk on sam and because “muh binance best, safu,transparency, honor” and all that shit. he has the same retarded sense of humour as elon so why not, free marketing for him.

>> No.55067414

I think they are migrating to a new website..it
was part of the "great"shitty whitepaper
btw they often say DBI is a long term hold..
just hold for two more years bro, when crypto is done

>> No.55067422

>I got rugged for 4k by CZ, Jesse Powell, and the Winklefags themselves
Destroy them all based Gary Gensler!

>> No.55067616
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>He doesn't know democracy was a mistake

i'm not going to name the tokens i bought because i'm ashamed but just take note ,
because this happened twice with different projects

>Validators can be bribed to vote the way you want
>same bigger validators can swing the vote at any direction in the last minute , fucking everything up
>you can convince braindead twitter jeet/paki retards to vote against their own economic interests
>If you complain about any problem, you're just spreading fud

just check the telegram ..nobody is questioning anything for fear of getting banned or just due to foolishness.. they will believe anything the scammers say

btw crypto is supposed to be as most decentralized as possible

>> No.55067721

Didn't read, check the chart bros we PUMPING

>> No.55067850
File: 35 KB, 740x416, Gary-Power!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the way, Little Guys. See I'm a little guy myself, and my entire life faggots have been trying to fuck me in the ass every time I bend over, just because I'm a little guy. Nowhere is more full of ass fucking faggots that will try to fuck you as soon as you turn your back and bend over than crypto. Except now I'm in charge. I AM THE SEC.

My Wells Team has moved into working mock letters for the test case against DBI. They came back to me earlier today and surprised the shit out of me and said we could even be ready to name Tom Arnold as a defendant,. Those mother fuckers are my absolute pit bulls.

My intelligence service connections are routing wiretaps on those we have doxxed such as PG, Craig, at the same time as the Wells Team builds a parallel construction case around all the info we're going to yield from the legal grey area of these wiretaps.

My big booty Secretary is giving me a hummer under my desk. Everyone is doing their job. Yes, it is a good day here at the SEC, I love it when a plan comes together.

We're going to round up every faggot in this ring and bring enforcement action that will make them wish they were in ass fuck prison. But wait that's not all, because after we're finished the DOJ is going to come in and actually send them to ass fuck prison!

Who's the manlet now bitch!

t. Gary "TheGenz" Gensler
"Fighting for the little guy because frankly I'm a really little guy myself."

>> No.55067971

Btw anyone remember the wallet with 1,000,000 DBI that anyone could unlock collecting the seed phrases?
That't shit is worth $1.5k now and they stopped making videos giving clues
They know this project is worth less than garbage

>> No.55068068

anon 2,000 of those are bots then 300+ are multiple admin sock puppets, there's prolly not even 50 ppl in tg that are real ppl

>> No.55068270

You might be right
2500+ members (number was higher before , some people already left)
And the same 5 circlejerkfags posting stickers and /_insert_any_stupid_shitHere
Each 5 minutes.
It's depressing

I remember the early days when andrew + some other telegram fags posted here..
Now they don't dare to show up

>> No.55068417

Couldn’t check if my last sale went thru since last month on all my savings from a job last year, 3k @0.016. Laptop with wallet broke. Recovered and & checked today and thought I was okay till I realised I’m missing a decimal. Literally not worth selling

Why do exchange bosses not retract their involvement in shit like this to save face/justified blame? I’m down literally 10 fold for trusting a little guy narrative :(

>> No.55068596

Here's my address for anyone who says I'm fudding. I really thought I could have a break for once


>> No.55068610

Sent from my laptop. Sick of waging with no hope to go on, hope to at least warn other anons

>> No.55068700

Someone needs to go to matt laundrys house and ask him directly whats going on , i dont really buy the mental illness crap theyre talking about, dbi is done the whole think bigger shit is what got all of us it turned out dev was literally just a crackhead pillow met at a supermarket and nothing else

>> No.55068767

For sure, in the Twitter recording they basically say none of the crew are actors, did they really just give a crackhead delusions of grandeur? It’s funny but why such a focus on ONLY the dev unit until the pressure got to him? One point of failure is not decentralised. Random bitch on the podcast talking about buying Gucci bags in Holland before devfest (flexing on poors like me???) HONOUR is developing skits and personalities for all the characters to prevent such a flop

>> No.55068902

Sorry anon you are not alone, i skipped pepe at 100 mill cause i thought it was over. Then i skipped ben because i heard the he sold fud, it is at 60 mill market cap or something as we speak. Through all this I held onto dbi. Because of cz, jesse powell, bitboy, kraken, etc. Big time crypto fucked the little guy, i don't know why there aren't stories about this on crypto sites. Crypto in 2023 has de volved down to one big scam since its all memes and no value not even pretending to be value, i don't see how crypto stays a thing or has another bull run when the entire market is pnd meme coins with only 1% making any money, in 2017 2020 2021 every thing was making a little money, now only scammers that launch shit coins make money and every one else loses

>> No.55068967

Yeah man. I traded on utility and tokenomics for very cautious modest gains for a few years, I thought this was “the one.”

> I still have a kg of silver, and a shit job, there’s no choice but to hold now. (I have a law degree but got major rugby head injuries.)
Sardines n rice for the next month should do it.

I’m putting all my faith in the team pulling something off; it’s in the hands of god.

>> No.55069036

Phone posting so i might have a diff id but if i do i am >>55068902

i spent all of my staking rewards and loose change shit coins from 2017 2020 2021 about 15 20k at top of dbi to .01, that isnt much to some but for me is years of passive gains i could have spent on a car or something i thought dbi was the one too. degen gambling is dead i will never gamble gains on low cap rugs again. that is why i think crypto is going to die from the bottom little guy on up

>> No.55069118

I think the old man quit when he got his RV, we all have our happiness threshold, he's done when he got his.

>> No.55069173

Crabs in a bucket. These scammers hit it big once and decided to rob slow saving honest working folk to line their pockets (and sell to fiat), instead of investing in projects working on a better decentralised future.

Degen, one-off luck losers who can’t see optics, and pajeet huge stacks, instead of letting things run. How much more reach would these projects have if these literally fried attention span fintech embodiments of cronos would stop feasting their children every ATH?

>> No.55069513

If they're still planning on doing videos I'm okay with Roberto, Dewey and that twitchy guy that did the pepe video to continue.

>> No.55069563

The twitchy guy is the only one bearable, Roberto sucks and Dewey is useless boomer who can’t articulate one sentence.

>> No.55069614
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No one asked them to buy this shit so fuck them

It's a fucking meme coin what did you expect ?

- There's no devs
- There's no developments to work on since its a meme
- There's no use case, never has been
- There's zero utility
- The only thing that matters is hype which not every team can achieve without the proper funding and connections

People buy this shit, bet thousands in them like mentally unstable gambling addicts about to lose their entire life savings at the roulette tables in Vegas and then call themselves "investors" and have the audacity to ask for "ACCOUNTABILITY" from who ever deployed this shitcoin.

Fuck them, fuck this clown market and anyone who buys shit like this deserves to get rugged.

>> No.55069676

This is low key one of the more disheartening rugs. I like many people bought because those fags put their face on it. I knew it was a shitcoin with boomer memes but I thought, “there’s no way this can rug completely with CZ and powells face on it.”

Yet it did, the faggot dev actor is probably on his death bed and the team is incompetent

>> No.55069740

There's no conspiracy
There's no "time for lil' guys to acoomolate" bs
They just don't want to pay for a cex listing because they're scammers and cheap bastards..
They want the communeethe to shill for them for free.. they are not gonna pay for twitter shills either.

Time to accept it

What happened to the dev LA trip? He got cucked and got denied his e-celeb show episode... then his trip across the US ended in less than 4 days..
The BTC magazine stuff went nowhere...
also P3p3 cucked DBI

I mean, for a team braggin' so much about "connections" this shit failed miserably..

>but muh ceo's, muh cz, jesse, etc

Everybody bought due to CZ video and the team shilling "i made btc/ we got connections to satoshi" was the only retarded explanation for these big crypto names to support this token, but as OP said, trannygram mods already said everything was just a meme and some baggies got mocked for believing the satoshi stuff..
>dude roberto isn't a real saudi sheik either lmao, touch some grass

Some florida anon should visit the methead house and find some answers to expose the scam

>> No.55069757

Team is not incompetent, they are lying motherfuckers and their only idea ever was to rip off everyone. It's $hokk all over again. I'm fairly sure team will continue scamming and creating bogus projects to rip people off. Remember their faces. Their affiliates. Craig. Spread the word.

>> No.55069759

kek baggies

>> No.55069789


Next time stop buying meme coins and treating crypto as a fucking casino, fuck you faggot.

>> No.55069843

Why do we still have a thread for this

>> No.55069878
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Because it's fun

>> No.55069894

, without evidence i'd say this token has many bagholders from this board so the final threads could serve as a warning /advice for them to sell and to stop new people from buying this rug.
Cheap community service i guess, eh?

>> No.55069948

10 eth loss here, same shit, trusted Jesse, now I don't think I do, anymore.

I think not enough people got scammed for this to hit bigger media. Like, 3000 holders including duplicate accounts so in reality probably a couple hundred guys? I think the aim was literally, how can we scam some oldfag biz guys, who nobody will care about. What is a narrative to get their cash?

>> No.55069967

Problem is these faggots will do this again. On this board with a new coin. And you won't know it's them until you have been rugged. Nothing stops them from doing this again.

>> No.55069981

With their track record it's a certainty. Hokk 3.0 is coming to town. They prolly have to change the twitter handles and whatnots as they are kinda doxxed already.

>> No.55070001

Maybe biz could use a rule for general threads like op posting a pic + a wallet comment that says biz or the poster id. It will certainly happen again and unless you invest in only the well known coins everyone here is vulnerable to that group no matter how careful you are. And without diving through the unknown shit there's really no function for this board.

>> No.55070024

i think they fucked with the wrong guys, I've got nothing but time and never forget anything, and we piled up a ton of evidence which is all on my computer. I also sound like a very reasonable man and have a wfh job so can scour the boards and warn newcomers like a modern day batman (or perhaps Barbara Gordon, as Oracle)

>> No.55070029

I'm still part of the telegram so i can post final updates here before the last DBI threads are made..
But i'd like some anons with nothing "to lose" to join and post some screencaps/evidence about pillowtranny and the scam. Yes, you will be banned but some of you already sold and won't touch this shit again ( i guess)

>> No.55070099

Apparently what's left of their tg is circle jerk of paid insiders which will clean your posts asap. Just save every convo and pic and share them elsewhere.

>> No.55070119

Some guy asked if Dev still MIA, immediately removed. They moderate it heavily. For them the Twitter spaces, with only few allowed speakers and most time consumed by this 45yrs old Dutch “girl” bragging about spending money on Gucci drip and renting Mustang, explained everything and from now on only sucking PG’s tranny dick is allowed.

>> No.55070147
File: 1.36 MB, 1179x2036, B67CDF35-ACCD-4B19-ADAE-91A7F99A9FA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev was created because “Sheikh Roberto” sucked hard and now they are pushing him again because there is no alternative, Dewey’s potential is literally zero and Dale and Sheila are Dev’s friends so they told them to fuck off as well.
So now the narrative is Roberto was a “star” of BTC Miami. They don’t mention it is a trade faire like any other, if you buy particular ticket or even sponsor it or register as exhibitor, they will of course let you make pictures and shoot video. It is not that we was “invited”.

>> No.55070169

It's funny you mention Sheila, the fact she seems to be gone is further evidence that someone screwed over The Dev
Anyways I just got off work. Let's check the chart together frens. Don't worry I'll hold your hand

>> No.55070198

we're not going to let these threads die, tg mother fuckers pillowtranny and andrew are going to have to burn tg accounts at the very least
hi andrew, no these threads won't go away and please keep being outrageously smug and brazenly hosting events where you show up in person so eventually we can watch some disaffected bizraeli schizo show up and put a hole in your fucking heads, that will be an entertaining stream

>> No.55070221
File: 1.11 MB, 1756x2430, TFW Sold Early March.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um sweaty, I sold in march because I actually AM an investor. My brain is massive and saw march was the correct time to take profits. You should go back to twitter and reddit where the mantra is diamond handing every asset with jewish tricks like big follower number
Giga brain investors get in early and get out early. DEX has always been that way and it will never change

>> No.55070263

Because CZ and Jesse are not getting away this shit

>> No.55070348

Didn't pillowtranny post a picture? It should be possible to find out who it is in case they change their socials and try this again

>> No.55070366

I'll stick around with you guys then.

>> No.55070521
File: 110 KB, 591x938, IMG_20230524_113718_698_edit_198161261286905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will DBI baggies ever recover

>> No.55070591

They won't. But hopefully new baggies aren't made in the slow rug process.

>> No.55070596

Dbi trannys, we won

>> No.55070611

>stick around with you guys
No way fag

>> No.55070683

Ok how do i get a refund? I just need 0.007 each i payed for me 1.2 milli

>> No.55070756

I got more than that, but currently averaging .014. We aren't that far from getting back to that point desu, but any pump gets sold almost immediately. This will keep going until all the wallets trying to look for an exit are out (still have 30+ wallets with 10m+ dbi), or they do pull something out of their ass to create more buying pressure. The whole market is shit right now, so it's not looking like anything is going to happen anytime soon.

We're too much in the red for selling to even make sense at this point. You only got about $300 left from the $3k you put in. Might as well ride it out and see what happens

>> No.55070766


>> No.55070779

DBI targeted /biz/ and guaranteed the predominant amount of holders are from /biz/. Now niggers learn we don't forget and DBI isn't going to be allowed another round on this board.

>> No.55070802

DBI isn't even close to the bottom. There's literally nothing on the slate that would create buying pressure. Even if there was, it would have to overcome the overwhelming amount of well earned negativity surrounding DBI. DBI will go the same route Hokk did.

>> No.55070868

Go into the basement for refunds

>> No.55070892

Bottom is absolute zero. Delusional baggies will be invited to hop through several retarded loops in order to gain access to Valhalla. Poor bastards. Muh token utility is on the way, TG admins are truly sociopaths. Even degen kenny left that dumpster fire. The guy with dev tattoo. Another level of tardism that one.

>> No.55070896
File: 11 KB, 268x188, Lookatit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very often any more but when buys come in they are still running that clip in Telegram where Dev says something about "the scammers are dumping on the little guy" and he says "they're laughing at us." What a stunning display of psychopathy; What fucked up delight they must take to keep those clips up when they damn well know that they are the one's who scammed "little guys" out of their savings and they are laughing still.

>> No.55070990

>There's literally nothing on the slate that would create buying pressure.
Not at the moment, no. Maybe never, who knows, but I'm not selling for pennies to the dollar. Everything I have in this is as good as gone at this point.

>> No.55071037

Kenny is still in the group, but stopped posting. It must be hard to cope with such selfhumiliation that he showed. I can’t even imagine. He learned a big lesson for his life though.

>> No.55071218
File: 1.16 MB, 1179x2164, BDA15042-5CA9-4A73-BAE1-0D3E6429DFC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New posters in tg are literally retarded, or is it someone from you?

>> No.55071238

Stamp of eternal regret. Go figure. TG admins are vile creatures. And what's the relation with that Jett fucker? $wait scammer who is actively promoting... bitboy. Those guys love each other.

>> No.55071280

funny enough their idea to create viral characters and use them to shill a token could be actually good. If the niggers would actually use real, professional actors lmao

all the faggots in the telegram keep drawing parallels between the DBI characters and Trailer Park Boys characters. Too bad they forget that the TPB characters are all actors lmao

>> No.55071308

did something similar - went all in on DBI with my profit from other coins, also around 15K. I basically bought from 0.009 all the way to 0.003

I just said fuck it on Sunday, sold everything, and went all in on copium, which I randomly saw trending on Dextools after selling my DBI lol. I'm not gonna shill it to you like a jeet, but I wanted to mention it if it might help a nigga out + it has helped me recover half of my money until now + it legit has potential to reach 100M mcap or more since the team behind it obviously has tons of funds (based on their marketing, coin burn, and artwork). if you wanna find out more about it, just check the site, tg, discord, and twitter

>> No.55071317
File: 209 KB, 618x774, pillowtranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tranny got your $$$

>> No.55071320

they're not bad characters, but the team hasn't said anything about their plans for upcoming videos in the next weeks. so definitely don't expect much

the issue is that they seem to know how to market viral characters, yet they have 0 idea how to market a crypto token lol

>> No.55071327

yep the whitepaper even specifically says the community is responsible for helping the brand grow lmao

>> No.55071344

it'll likely go even lower than the initial price kek

>> No.55071346

Copium looks good, but iťs presale, in two weeks all presale tokens will be fully unlocked and mayhem will have begun. For quick turnaround might be good token.

>> No.55071353
File: 586 KB, 1424x1304, 1684683863737513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for a gig?
Make a video where pillowtranny is beaten and he says sorry for scamming. I wan't to see him fear for his life.
I'll pay you.

>> No.55071358

the presale tokens are unlocked over the course of 3 weeks, not all at once at the end. desu they did the presale very smart

>> No.55071370

Even then whales will be still in profits and keep dumping, because of the airdrop from V1, which was even lower pricewise than the first day price on current V2 in Dextools.

>> No.55071412

well guess that'll be up to how much buy pressure there will be. Haven't really seen a memecoin with this much backing and marketing + great tokenomics in a while, so I'm gonna stick with it. It's also possible to just get in after the vesting period if people expect the price to dump more

>> No.55071494

I was referring to DBI. Even if it’s below initial DBI price, big wallets will be _still_ in profit because of airdrop.
Copium I already aped with small amount, will watch and manage position. Thanks for the genuine tip.

>> No.55071548

ah okay lol, am a retard and didn't see what you replied to

referring to DBI, you're talking about the Duetsche Bank Inu airdrop to the new DBI token, right? If there was a big price difference between the 2, yeah whales will still make some money off of DBI even below its launch price. desu even without the airdrop, there are still bots and the wallets making somewhat decent profit off of pump and dumping DBI

>> No.55071810

As long as the team is working I'm not gonna sell. This token is not rugged, it's pump & dumped by the /biz/ and it's not team's fault. They delivered everything the promised. I hope they don't let bunch of paper hand schizos make them quit. Currently everything has a shit price, I would wait for the next bull run.

>> No.55071835
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Lmao cope more retard

>> No.55071854

man I was thinking the same but realistically the next bull run might pump DBI back to ATH or just near it, nowhere near 1-2 billys like we initially hoped (and like it seemed possible)

and desu the team didn't so much deliver as they overpromised and underdelivered lol. Devfest was totally pointless, the video game looks really low-effort, and the ultra-hyped surprise in the vault was just the wp glued to the wall kek

this project actually had the potentially to hit billions in market cap during a bull run - the meme viral characters idea is good, but the idiots running this shit decided to get random people off the street instead of actors.

>but muh realism

that realism is what's gonna fuck DBI over. even if the dev comes back, all the bagholders will have to be on edge because he might have another tantrum that will tank the price lmao

>> No.55071853

Down 95%, team doesn’t address the issues, no plan b with dev bailing while promising to show till the last minute, refuse to combat dumping by a known fugitive, shenanigans with previous projects, joke of a white paper, the list goes on. Only avenue for hope are the absurd connections, but that’s hopium territory. Sell pressure will only rise as time passes. All that being said, I will keep a small bag :^)

>> No.55071855
File: 26 KB, 480x360, nonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy lol

>> No.55071862

>literally thinking this guy is satoshi
>because he said so
>price dumps
>"oooooooo it's a rug pull he's not even satoshi cope dilate"

maybe you should stick to stock market huh anon :3

>> No.55071865

and what this anon highlighted here >>55071853

>no plan b

exactly - the team didn't say what hey plan to do in the next weeks, what videos they might be working on or how they're gonna increase the brand awareness of DBI and Dewey's Twitter. Just some hopium and video of Reberto's antics lol

>> No.55071884
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Nice cherry picking, anon

>> No.55071894

I totally agree. either I recover most of it or ride it to literal zero. The shame or disappointment of it recovering after I sell is not worth under 300USD

>> No.55071972

v3 liquidity can disappear at any time. **As far as I know** most of the liquidity it's not locked.

>> No.55071986

Guy looks like he will steal your cigarettes in the highschool.

>> No.55072037

Whether they decide to rebrand or stick with DBI, this is the only solution. Outside of a small group of people, no one else cared about all the other things they did besides the videos/collabs/token burns. Either they stick to this formula or just rug the project completely and get it over with. Simpul as

>> No.55072158

Nice try Andrew. Try scamming somewhere else.

>> No.55072256

relax batman. you will do nothing. you will keep being a baggie, you will buy their next scam and you will be happy

>> No.55072321

Fuck them up

>> No.55072571

Imagine when team dumps liquidity
>cya guys waz fun n shieeeet

>> No.55073411

Do it anon.
Also i know our govs are corrupt but send anything about these guys while they're still doxxed to the SEC.. let's hope they do something for fucking once.

>> No.55073492

Lmao can't tell if telegram scammer or dumb shill..
If the later, you're the perfect candidate for the governance project.

>Thanks pillowtranny /rug_me_harder_daddy

>> No.55073597

I take it back, the website is really slick. No way I’m selling if I’m down this bad, I would never forgive myself if it pumped

I pray they’re honourable

>> No.55074608
File: 218 KB, 426x542, Easy_tg_tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PG’s favorite ghey.

>> No.55074740

swear I can't understand the joy they get from just spamming those retarded selfie stickers

>> No.55075032

new site looks pretty slick, and has voting option for roadmap but only 'coming soon' for 50K + dbi owners aka everybody here 10 times over

>> No.55075279

Get fucked Andrew. DBI is dead scam.

>> No.55075967

The team knew it was over last month, and they lied about it, "Be there soon, Roberto". They are scammers.

>> No.55076257
File: 50 KB, 1080x2055, Screenshot_20230524_121822_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.55076448

Apparently the dutch girls are going to throw a devfest in the netherlands/belgium this summer, they talked about it with PG. This is going to be so huge and honorable !

>> No.55076470

I live nearby so i am tempted. I sold everything of this scam but i still have my NFT.

>> No.55076944

Haha sirs I am going to party too. Hey as a troll we should buy $2k worth of dbi haha would be very funny to pump price to own the libs

>> No.55077252
File: 422 KB, 800x420, 1642017866444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trannies.....bitconnect niggers.....trailer trash methheads from florida..... all rugging me......

i am utterly demoralized bros

>> No.55077547

We pumping bros, post buy orders

>> No.55077757

So what happened with the altcoin daily episode and the LA trip?
Nothing burger?
What was the point of said trip?
So much for thinking bigger and "connections"

>> No.55077984

Hammerchink and Craig were just two team affiliated whales that dumped price into oblivion. Nothing to do with /biz/. Weak try faggot.

Thankfully you faggots threw a live event and now I know many of your faces.

I sold most of my DBI, it is now a fund to buy a plane ticket to your next event, or one of your houses.

The second option will take more time, but in the case you never throw another live event, I have a lot of faces to look at and a lot of time to investigate. Thanks for that.

Be seeing you.

>> No.55078309

Hahaha no please don't tell me that's real, I'll HAVE to fucking go then. Alright boys it's on the menu. I'll live post from the event

>> No.55078310
File: 1.54 MB, 1795x2208, Here To Check Chart And Eat McD. All Out Of McD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren. Check the chart

>> No.55078517

we're pumping?
did you buy back in yet fartjug?

>> No.55079237

Did someone doxx pillowgirl7 already ?

>> No.55079319
File: 166 KB, 1122x1464, POV - Looking Out The Oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you buy back in

>> No.55079337

Back under six figs volume DBI sisters! In fact, cannot even hit $50k. $39,614 to be exact. Is this bullish? According to the playbook to zero ,next up is a few whale panic sells. Don't be whale food and hold your bags to zero.

>> No.55079398


>> No.55079529

Who would win? A bagholding homeless schizo or some hollywood tranny in a telegram?

>> No.55079546
File: 198 KB, 1584x1073, LowResBlackfaceRetard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Telegram be like
>Okay Plan A failed, build a shit coin around an elaborate trailer trash Satoshi LARP, arguably the most enigmatic and iconic narrative in all of crypto
>Yassss queen we need more Mojo
>Let's eplace Dev nfts with that retard Dewey
>Telegram retards cheer
Is everyone other than me retarded? How can these retards think this whole thing isn't dead on arrival even if they keep making vids?

>> No.55079591

put my bet on the obsessed travis bickle schizo with nothing to lose who cashed out just enough dbi for bus fare

>> No.55079661

I'll give you a clue about the tg members.. 2.500bots and just 8 or 10 real humans or samefags circlejerking posting trash and stickers... the only way to keep the chat alive

>> No.55079675

>he thinks I'm bagholding

>> No.55079748

Then why do you keep posting?

>> No.55079759


>> No.55079820

> So what happened with the altcoin daily episode and the LA trip?
DBI got turned down and they even made a video about it. To pour salt on the wound, the dev had a panic attack and posted a video of himself in the ER. All of this within a matter of days of each other. That’s when whatever hype I had left was gone

>> No.55079955
File: 2.14 MB, 2944x2208, 20230516_122517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came here to laugh at you

>> No.55080203

>I came here to laugh
>I'm totally not posting here all the time because I have I'm invested in this topic
>I'm just here to laugh
>Nobody reads or responds to half my posts but it's ok because I'm bumping the thread so I can laugh longer
>Yep, I even make new threads to laugh
Nobody believes that you sold.

>> No.55080304

I'm team fartjug he won me over he was fighting for us the entire time

>> No.55080313
File: 164 KB, 1197x632, dumbass baggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember telling some anon about how the chart screams pump and dump but he thought i was fudding lol. Some people just can't see a scam when its right in front of them

>> No.55080334

I wonder if they even got turned down or if the pussy ass dev bitched out.

>> No.55080380
File: 115 KB, 1080x1276, Screenshot_20230524_190524_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my last trade. March 10th
What's your next cope?
How heavy are your bags?

>> No.55080483
File: 926 KB, 1533x1932, 20230524_143325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where'd you go Fats? Busy asking trannygram what the next argument is?

>> No.55080508
File: 406 KB, 1054x1979, Screenshot_20230330_195859_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were probably arguing with some faggot from trannygram in that post

>> No.55080594
File: 35 KB, 743x404, I Tried To Save You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways here's the thread archive
This thread was the same day svb bank was officially 86'd and BTC pumped 13%
Pay attention to the replies and notice a similar theme going on next time you try to tell people to sell the top of a shitcoin
I tried to save you

>> No.55080630

You have a point there. Prior to the LA trip, the dev and the alt coin people were talking on twitter. A lot of us thought it was a sure thing. It makes sense that he would bitch out now that I look back on it

>> No.55080644
File: 23 KB, 643x176, Viper Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek which one of you was this

>> No.55080663

>Last trade
>March 10th
You sold the top for $100 and payed half that in gas. You're definitely holding, nobody would be this smug for $50

>> No.55080737
File: 516 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230524_191522_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bait? You really are a fucking newfag. Metamask history lists what current value would be
Fucking lurk 2 years and kill yourself. This has to be bait

>> No.55080764

>tranny pillow in tg says we're just getting started
>dbi dead shit coin every big connection has distanced themselves from
>ben @ 100 milliion maket cap
>launched in may
>dbi out since oct 2022 which is elderly in crypto
>crap whitepaper
>crap videos
>no plan
what did he mean by this bros

>> No.55080779
File: 26 KB, 306x306, What's .02 times 66k I'm a fucking retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sold 66k dbi for $100 in march haha

>> No.55080811

he said it was $600.

>> No.55080858



>> No.55080886

>ben @ 100 milliion maket cap
Might be a stupid question but i don't want to miss another pepe...

Should i throw my last $2k at this? I'm fine with any x2 at this point..i need.money bros and dbi rugged me so much..
Will this fat fuck do the same?
I'm gonna buy from a cex so i'm gonna save on gas fees

>> No.55080898

The screenshot in archive was last pic i had saved to prove to the faggot saying "you dont even hold dbi". My last trade was posted itt at 62k on March 10th

>> No.55081027
File: 236 KB, 1080x1264, Screenshot_20230524_203715_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the exact transfer but I have weth swap of PAW on same day as that archive post

>> No.55081074
File: 247 KB, 1080x1428, Screenshot_20230524_204215_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah found it. So march 13th was my official last day holding DBI. I don't know why metamask doesn't show the swap when I look at DBI history

>> No.55081258 [DELETED] 

I believe you schizo.. you told us about 0.0022 being the top, i remember these threads

I bought at 0.007 and didn't sell at 0.0022 because i was a greedy dumbass.. didn't took my initial out.. the it started to dip back to .0018 then 16 and the 12 and it was joever.. then craig killed the hype

>> No.55081280 [DELETED] 

0.02 being the top i mean. Sorry but yeah you get it

>> No.55081295

>>55081074 #
I believe you schizo.. you told us about 0.022 being the top, i remember these threads

I bought at 0.007 and didn't sell at 0.021 because i was a greedy dumbass.. didn't took my initial out.. the it started to dip back to .018 then .16 and the .12 and it was joever.. then craig killed the hype and pepe cucked DBI...

>> No.55082646


>> No.55083306
File: 77 KB, 700x525, 1673937036783257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know why im tempted to buy a small bag. Just incase this moons

>> No.55083494


>> No.55083561

It might have mooned if it wasn't run by psychopathic and incredibly short sighted hedonistic transsexual scammers. However with that knowledge, I give it 0% chance. Anyone still holding DBI failed the IQ test and is a grade A loser. Even BEN just touched 110 million market cap, fucking BEN.

>> No.55083998

95% it was me. I remember writing a comment like this and I am here since the end of february. I had a feeling I should "sell the news" after the video with Jessie Powell.

>> No.55084015

I already sold if you're curious.

>> No.55084475

>Anyone still holding DBI failed the IQ test and is a grade A loser. Even BEN just touched 110 million market cap, fucking BEN.

This.. as other anon already said, there's no conspiracy , no one is suppresing the price on purpose for the "little guys" to
If their super "connections" were legit, this shit would be sitting at 500b mc months ago...
>DBI got cucked by pepe
>DBI got cucked by a fat fuck $BEN
>DBI got cucked by fucking $Sponge (yeah, the nickelodeon cartoon)
And the list goes on..

They just want to play with baggie emotions and giving false hopium with stupid cryptic Q anon tier messages
"Trust the plan" ," Still too early CZ" , lmao
Cheap bastards will never list DBI not even in l3 shitty tier exchanges..

Even pajeet scammers put more effort on getting listed their tokens.

I hate all the telegram sticker spammers.
Fucking admin psychi delusional faggots

>> No.55084523

4 (four)

>> No.55084744
File: 242 KB, 1726x2047, 924BE135-51F0-4113-B756-D011BB3108E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55084879


>> No.55084903


4 cocks up your asses. Get the fuck back to trannygram

>> No.55085258
File: 221 KB, 1080x1744, You Didn't Listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55085526

Page 4

>> No.55085702


New video out team still working connections all still there , they might pull something out of their ass im not selling but also not buying more

>> No.55085789

>Cheap bastards will never list DBI not even in l3 shitty tier exchanges..
i am thinking that they didnt list it anywhere not because they were cheap, but because they would had to bear a shadow of responsibility by doxxing themselves to those exchanges...
reminder that the guy in charge of this whole scam didnt take part in devfest because of "family reasons"

>> No.55085808

The guy in charge is PillowGirl7, he was at devfest.

>> No.55085909

> muh connections
They are working hard just for a retweet from CZ...
Funny thing is there is an early video where the Dev says CZ is a scammer. But i can't find it anymore.

>> No.55086218

Anyone remembers wich was the shitcoin the jamaican nigger was shilling? Was it XEN?
Also anyone remember his own twitter?

DBI and said shitcoin are connected somehow

>> No.55086281

and DBXen (Don't Buy Xen)

>> No.55086328

Either buy more or hold what you have. Hopefully none of you bought the “hook scam” fud and sold the bottom for a 95% loss. DBI is making a come back. DBI ARMY MOTHERFUCKERS

>> No.55086341

>DBXen (Don't Buy Xen)
Are you kidding me?

These fags are rubbing it in our faces

>> No.55086627

That’s what they want you to think. PillowTranny is just the video editor. The puppetmaster is Scrog. Notice that the first videos were quite shitty and improved only little later when they onboarded “PG” and her scam ring incl. Jamaican bonabo, meaning “PG” was not at the beggining ergo is not the main guy.

>> No.55086720

Actually you make sense. The Scrog from the twitter space is clearly an asshole, and he was doing the talking instead of PG.

>> No.55086734

Are Andrew and Scrog the same person ?

>> No.55086771

Something is fishy, i remember the Dev saying he never met Scrog.

>> No.55086810

Can someone from tampa just go and ask the Dev himself what's going on ?

>> No.55086912

Andrew is just a guy.

>> No.55087178

There are no ”just a guys” in the dbi scam. TG admins are vile cretins and vital part of their tranny plan. Suppression and psyops 24/7.

>> No.55087516

Wouldn’t surprise me. Andrew is a bitch. Back when anons started connecting the dots between craig and the team, Andrew was seething hard. He was openly talking shit to people before banning them. More recently, when the dev fest flopped, some account that hasn’t been active in months suddenly comes out and starts talking shit to people asking questions. I’m almost sure it’s one of his alts

>> No.55087654

Real alpha is that a special someone got some heat from the sec and is scared af right now.

>> No.55087718
File: 2 KB, 225x225, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me clue you idiots in because I can into moon runes, 4 is an extremely unlucky number in Chinese. 四 (4) and 死 (death) are the same word with a different tone. CZ has to know this.

You're getting trolled first by CZ and then by DBI.

How about the team prove CZ knows anything about DBI and wasn't just tricked into following on Twitter and shooting a skit with a funny old comedian from Florida. How about the team prove they have any connections at all beyond having a laugh with some big shots while they rug the little guy for his life savings.

That's right they can't. They don't have any meaningful connections that would get DBI on exchanges or do anything for the project. For all you know they found Jesse Powell through Cameo.

The DBI team has once again started off with mystery bullshit that leads nowhere.

DBI generals are adults showing extremely stupid children how an extremely simple magic trick works, and the stupid children still don't believe the trick isn't magic.

Check that get. Double death, on death. Extremely unfortunate get, you're probably going to pass soon.

>> No.55087840

Scrog was at devfest, anybody got a picture of him ?

>> No.55088050

Someone is posting under the devs account in the TG. I’m pretty sure that’s not him…

>> No.55088122

Ofc not.
Unless somebody goes to floriduh to visit uncle crackdev.. the mistery won't be solved.

>> No.55088153

Sheila wants to sue the team for coercive control and inflicting mental and physical damage to the Dev. The Dev will eventually (soon) run out of money. He'll easier listen to his wife and sue then settle for a few bucks or stop being a nigger bitch and get to work.

>> No.55088175

Either not easier

>> No.55088201

>Rug little guy for years
>Dox self on tg and dev fest

Some dbi fag gonna catch a bullet no cap

>> No.55088209

Was it so hard for that old fart to shove a couple of xanax pills down his throat and go to devfest? He didn't even need to stay. Just say hi and leave. What a fucking bitch. I hate you Dev. You fuck

>> No.55088218
File: 331 KB, 1280x852, dbi_ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honor and transparency

>> No.55088308

What if the real puppet master is ponzi boy ?

>> No.55088422

There’s no way they did this and put on fake smiles as the coin dumped and dumped.
Either that or they are all sellers , in which case I hope they all get locked up

>> No.55088450


>> No.55088539
File: 65 KB, 1280x640, bitconnect-hey-hey-hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or they are all sellers
That's literally what they did, ripped off the little guy all the way down. Why else do you think they are so happy?

>> No.55088671

What a fucking disaster..
Seems like another reddit event

>> No.55088895

I have already decided to go for Mni Corp.whose aim is to become the global go-to investment option that bridges conventional to digital assets.

>> No.55088975

Anyway, i learned the hard way that we need regulations in crypto... thanks DBI !

>> No.55089290

Morning sirs, we pump hard haha. Post buy orders. Now.

>> No.55089441
File: 70 KB, 980x653, GaryGee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary G needs to mouth fuck each one of those faggot

>> No.55089737

How can i report these guys to the sec? Any link? Also do i need to be American to do so?
I want to send them a tip in name of the little guys

>> No.55089765

Open your command prompt and delete system32, all the evil crypto people will be gone

>> No.55089784

Thanks, also can devs do something?
I can't take this anymore

>> No.55089818

mate let's agree on some way to identify each other without saying anything, something like a fucking marker dot on the back of the left hand. actually no, then pillowjug can catch us on the stream. what about working 'fartjug' into some conversation

>> No.55089851
File: 1.25 MB, 1145x939, can_you_spare_some_change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the video's, just wish I didn't lose 15K USD on it lmfao.

>this guy walks up to you in the street and says

empty eyes, empty fucking eyes, crooked teeth

>> No.55089862

same, really like their content, but it's obvious that's not enough to pump DBI to 1-2 billion like most of the people who gambled money on this thought

>> No.55090235
File: 2.08 MB, 2944x2208, The fuck did he mean by this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path
Ayo spare som- hey wait a minute you're trying to trick me aren't you

>> No.55090259
File: 271 KB, 1078x1025, SchizoFest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see someone say "morning" in trannygram youll know that The Dev has been killed

>> No.55090267

Haha we're in this together
Most expensive comedy show I've ever paid for

>> No.55090737

can you make some new pictures or something? it's been pretty boring for a while. At least use this downtime to come up for new material after the next dbi pnd

>> No.55090778
File: 233 KB, 1064x750, Do You Remember Zanzibar Snake_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make new pics
1 vote
5 votes. You lose. Meds time

>> No.55090833

Strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.55091398

Still accumulating this coin.
Fuck the FUD, PG is confirmed not a scammer. You can see the effort they're putting into this vision/project.
I actually doubled my holdings to 2m after devfest crash.
Avg 0.004, so I am down roughly 50%, but I've averaged way down from my first buy at 0.02.
Honestly I have unshakeable faith that we recover. It just feels right.
Imo you would have to be retarded to sell or not hold a bag of this and to actually believe the FUD plastered here

>> No.55091519

>cringe videos
Yes so much effort going in. Remind, what Cex is this on again?

>> No.55091704

>still accumulating
Post buy order fellow marine

>> No.55091744

show the orders faggot

>> No.55091757
File: 39 KB, 637x492, accumulator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still accumulating this coin

>> No.55091792
File: 53 KB, 1620x614, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still accumulating this coin.

>> No.55091909

>Fuck the FUD
>You can see the effort they're putting into this
You mean the effort behind the cringe videos with random trailer trash, or the shovel ware jeet vidya? Or maybe the abject failure of Dev Fest where there was no secret and the main guy couldn't be arsed to attend. The one with the shitty rock cover band. You niggers hinted the band would be the Winklevoss Twins. Another bait and switch. Is it the shitty mixer with cheap beer no bathrooms and platitudes like HONOR printed out on cheap printer paper? Sounds about right for this nigger project.
Let's go deeper
>Cringe videos
>Meth addled trailer trash
>Troon running the project
>Faggot moderators
>Gay Pink Dog Inu copy mascot from last cycle
>NFTs based on an old fuck that is AWOL never to return
>Pump and dump price
>Nigger from Bitconnect dumping at every turn
Yes DBI is the most fail project/vision ever to grace this board, and that is a feat considering absolute jeet street shitting trash like HPOS10.
Also, really hilarious that the coin bitching about pump and dump ponzi tokens IS the pump and dump ponzi token.
Congrats you're a bagholder from a project that can't even do better than jeets, and you're a nigger. Ride those bags to zero cock riding nigger faggot shill.

>> No.55092125
File: 33 KB, 220x212, clap-applause.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek absolutely raped the trannygram

>> No.55092170
File: 331 KB, 1080x1649, Screenshot_20230525-221402_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, trannygram says you're le heckin' natzees and nobody should pay attention to this board fud, also because every two minutes we use le N word
So this place is le bad unless we pump their bags again like the first time.

In all seriousness, i doubt their shitty twitter boomer videos get their exit liquidity. Everybody but circlejerk moonbois react to their stuff.

Rekt >>55091909

>> No.55092190
File: 231 KB, 960x1124, 1596687588516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le Nazi Posters
They aren't wrong fren

>> No.55092347


This is my last swap for 750k from 4 days ago:


>> No.55092547
File: 209 KB, 1077x1821, Diamond hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro I'm accumulating don't fall for FUD
You really are a dumb trannygram nigger aren't you?

>> No.55092581

And then you send to other TXid that has been pending for 4+ days
What's your fucking angle

>> No.55092732

>PG is confirmed not a scammer.

PillowTranny666 admitted to being involved in Hokk a CONFIRMED PnD scam. He didn't even change his Telegram handle.

So "PG" IS a CONFIRMED scammer.

Go look at the Hokk chart right fucking now to see the future of DBI.

What the fuck are you smoking? Oh that's right, cock.

>This is your mind on GRIDS

>> No.55092741

He's accumulating hokk too nazi

>> No.55092753

Ask them if they hate le ebil nazis so much why do they run their tg like a parody nazi germany?

Ask them why they have less honor than le ebil schizo nahtzee

>> No.55092859

Schizo was our true fren all along. He got out in profit and constantly tried to warn us

And he did it for free

>> No.55093664 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1685076351822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riddle me this batman:
Nobody interacting, retweeting or liking the "dev" shit or nows about this dead token on twitter, the "dev" is followed by bots and the DBI main account is worse (dead)...

So will it be cocky from me to say /biz/ pumped this token the same as killed it?

Btw not even the old November CZ video made Crypto twitter explode and the telegram is giving false hopium about some next video that will make twitter wet their pants..


>> No.55093681
File: 69 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1685076351822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody's interacting, retweeting or liking the "dev" shit or knows about this dead token on twitter, the "dev" is followed by bots and the DBI main account is worse (dead)...

So will it be cocky from me to say /biz/ pumped this token the same as killed it?

Btw not even the old November CZ video made Crypto twitter explode and the telegram is giving false hopium about some next video that will make twitter wet their pants..

*Unrelated Little mermaid pic*

>> No.55093797
File: 25 KB, 746x261, They're All Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't for free. The nightmares won't leave me

>> No.55093812
File: 13 KB, 746x124, I Could Have Done Better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55093829
File: 71 KB, 500x482, Honor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55094062

why 35 y/o wypipo look like they 49 y/o

>> No.55094162

Because we're surrounded by shitskins

>> No.55094189

>no reply
Very weird right

>> No.55094253

Dbi bros we have entered the redemption arc.

>> No.55094499
File: 971 KB, 320x568, 1647425034548.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm connected on the socials with The Dutch Girls. I think they should be called The Dutch Grans. or The Dutch Gargoyles. Damn, even Dewey wouldn't hit that.

Good morning marines!!! Let's check the chart shall we?

>> No.55094590

My brain thought this was BTTF3
You scamming niggers tounge my anus. I'm holding till zero. I KNOW this will pump to 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 and one day I WILL fuck you in the mouth and anus. I hate you.

>> No.55094619

look @ that buck lip mermaid
why dont tg shit skins ask why six months no cex listing? whyd dev said kraken is very good friends with him and wed find out how much so soon? what happened to that?
bunch of lies, niggers cant even get a listing on poloniex.
nigger nigger nigger thats for you andrew you nigger cope seethe & dilate biz is fucking your scam up ;-D

>> No.55094632
File: 34 KB, 600x486, bale-kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic lel

>> No.55094704
File: 1.03 MB, 811x2415, Dbi_trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooosanna! 5 cocksuckers chanting this shit 24/7. Imagine the smell.

>> No.55094741
File: 485 KB, 480x250, mfw_planet_of_the_apes_is_not_fiction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak comedy. Exactly what I come to these generals for.

>> No.55094771
File: 82 KB, 390x256, Easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obvious Easy is the bottom of the Telegram. Absolute sissy. He'd eat shit right out of PG's ass if told to.

>> No.55094822

This is what the squeeze looks like. We are in the abyss. 0.0001 is the same as 0.000000000000000000002 it is no matter. Its fucking fairy dust. It doesn't exist.

>> No.55095033


That's my trustwallet for swaps. It was all sent to my cold storage... If you check the tx you will see I've been swapping and transferring to this wallet for the last three months:


>> No.55095199

>/biz/ fly by night shitcoins
>Cold storage
No wonder you're a baggie.

>> No.55095503
File: 5 KB, 241x209, 30milltoplol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody gives a single fuck about dbi. Nobody has since pepe cucked it. Most dev twitter followers are bots and dbi telegram is tumblr for jeets. Not even worth mentioning the nfts. Scam crew got too greedy selling dbi and killed momentum at the same time the deva had a meltdown. Couldn't have happened to nicer guys. Even if deva came back at this point his no show bullshit so thoroughly killed the larp and the fun that nobody would give a fuck. I hope the dbi crew take the time look at pepe every day and see that they could have had 1 bill mcap but they fucked around, never forget, even reddit won't touch dbi, it's joever.

>> No.55095527

checked. Guess I’m not selling either, I’m down 10 fold so there’s no point, I’m sure we’ll have a comeback eventually. The team are producing content, just a matter of the right reach on a post

>> No.55095576
File: 713 KB, 480x266, 1090886.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55095670


>> No.55095751

Here’s my ultra giga cope take, not like I have much of a choice. I wasn’t able to sell until this week (wallet on broken thinkpad) and that lack of control over the wallet for so long means I’m damned if I’m not gonna wait for a resurgence.

It’s up 9% today, and I have time. $300 will not change my life; and I would rope if it came back after I sold to spend that on nightlife shit or bud. At the end of the day this is the most genuinely fun project atm, the video memes are unique, and not cringe compared to other project content. One funny twitter video with good reach can recruit a whole new set of baggies in a bucket

>> No.55095868

Hokk and now DBI scammers are such cunts I'd rather take the L on 10k than see them become billionaires

>> No.55096267

How many of you guys got tricked into selling the bottom?

>> No.55096500

What was PG role in Hokk ? Also do you think Kraken is funding the team ?

>> No.55096609
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 5456354y5g5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PG was part of the team.
> do you think Kraken is funding the team ?
well what do you think? does it seem like it?

>> No.55096646

Based fud nooticer

>> No.55096767

fuck you ponziboi!!!! I hate ponziboy!!

>> No.55097197
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, oofjjx7746a81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HONOR trending on dextools
DBI was only 9 months old YOU SICK FUCK

>> No.55097266

Don't check the chart
What did I miss? Did Dewey have sex behind the dumpster?

>> No.55097286 [DELETED] 

Back to back new positions. Probably the team creating fake hype again

>> No.55097310

Lots of big buys coming in from new wallets, which means one of two things:

Craig is going for round 2
The team is trying to cause fomo again

>> No.55097344
File: 11 KB, 271x186, craig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy fucks

>> No.55098217

Alright so I'm pretty sure HONOR is literally the same team

>> No.55098969
File: 1.38 MB, 2982x2405, Schizo Meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well we meet again, doctor

>> No.55099279
File: 2.34 MB, 480x270, what-am-i-gonna-do.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>general dead
>other threads call me glownigger when I post selfie

>> No.55099448
File: 158 KB, 1300x1228, DBI-Alpha-Pup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya, rugging the little guy was a trick, ya got him! What a funny trick! Almost like you did it on purpose! Here's your (nigger) Andrew

"We are so back"

Schizo. Show this fag the Bizonacci webm
Of course it is the same team, if there's one thing about psycho fags it's that they're shameless

Funny their obsession with MUH HONOR when they got none

I did some digging on CT and found the gay behind DBI, pic related

>> No.55099483
File: 1.47 MB, 938x510, 1679343202814990.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on trannygram that don't even know who bizonacci is
were so fucking back

>> No.55099818

>Craig is going for round 2
Wasaaa wasaaa

Imagine buying a token , were the main motto is "Honor" while being managed by people making jokes about a scammer dumping on you or being OK with the same scammer being part or your telegram/ marketing team.. imagine not dennouncing him at least, for plausible deniability.

Someday some schizo/ rugged frustrated anon is going to put a bullet in minecraft, to these guys

>> No.55099828

Schizos don't kill, we just dig holes and leave sharp sticks with shit smeared on it

>> No.55100326

>coins name is DONT BUY INU
>4chan chuds and jeets gets dumped for not following simple instructions

poetic really

>> No.55100328

Holy fuck, why are we pumping? I mean, I'm still down -80% but I had already written this shit off and just post in these threads to cope.

>> No.55100454

Pumps over. It's free falling. (Thank god)
I would have genuinely been annoyed if it did some pepe/ben/rfd/sonicniggerweed movement

>> No.55100554

It wont.. telegram is dead..
The same 5 team members posting garbage and the buybot is barely active.
It will dump again soon

>> No.55101275
File: 165 KB, 1072x570, Devs Bizarre Adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55101788

Big drama in Telegram over new token that only swaps for DBI, burns 3% of DBI and does who knows what with the rest. Team says its third party but come on we know they're behind it. The whole maybe two - three OGs that are left are raged. Weird move to pull off in the middle of price recovery. However, we expect weird misguided things from them now Maybe the community will start asking for some accountability?

>> No.55102427

The liquidity pair is DBI/Heartburn (DBI
.5). Not sure what purpose this serves other than swapping your already worthless DBI into something more worthless. Is this just the devs convincing tards to burn their own dbi so their bags will be worth more with lower supply or am I missing something?

>> No.55102467

I swung honor a few times today successfully, move over heartburn

>> No.55102498

Every thing about this project is so sleazy, the crypto equivalent of a used car salesman. Is the low iq team simply incapable of seeing how scammy they come across as?

>> No.55102556

Has to be team trying to cause fomo. They aren't getting much engagement on twitter and they def aren't getting any more suckers from biz thanks to these generals.

dbi = circle jerk: the coin

>> No.55102592
File: 349 KB, 1080x1673, Screenshot_20230526-231047_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking s
SHIT shitcoin and shitshow..
shitty marketing team
shitty admins
shitty price
shitty scammers

for all i care, this coin can die and go straight to zero.

this token was made by the most incompetent and shaddy people ever..
Telegram is just drama an
and factions fighting about wich path should the project take.

also remember , they are hoping in pumping DBI throught shitty boomer videos , this token has no utility at all.. yet they deny the shitcoin status.
Some people already left

>> No.55102612

I was banned from the telegram for saying that I was really happy about the price and that I hope the dev gets better.

Easily the dumbest niggers in the history of crypto running that room. Dev is a huge pussy. This coin WILL NOT go to zero, but it will go to 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

I wouldn't be surprised if the DEV was afraid of someone actually murdering him.

>> No.55102804


>New holders come in
>Ask questions
>Entire tg verbally assault them like retarded pitbulls
Is attacking and banning every new person that steps into the echo chamber bullish for growth dbi niggers? Most defensive bitch ass tg ever and that's including pajeets.

>> No.55102854
File: 35 KB, 798x421, Holmes-Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ELEMENTARY, my dear NIGGER Watson!

DBI administrators of transsexual proclivities KNOW NOT to expect any new holders because they KNOW that THEY are PUMPING THE PRICE BY THEMSELVES! This is why they are instantly suspicious of all new holders coming into Telegram, because they know there shouldn't be any!

>> No.55102978
File: 457 KB, 498x479, POV you are a dbi baggie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dbi
>supposedly besties with CZ
>supposedly big connections to Binance and Kraken
>six months later
>can't get listed by a single exchange

>be pepe
>it's not too early cz.gif
>around a week in Binance market buys and becomes biggest wallet
>listed in record time on biggest exchange

kek pottery baggies pottery

>> No.55103011
File: 12 KB, 300x168, slick_nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dead Cat: Bounced

>Trip to Zero: Resumed

For being "the liquidity guy" Slick Nick sure doesn't know how to do his job

Doesn't "the liquidity guy" Slick "Nigger" Nick know that liquidity is on exchanges?

More liquidity isn't some elaborate dapp liquidity dilution with a second shadow scam team (we know Heartburn is your alt Pillow Trash)

Why the fuck is DBI still only on Uniswap?

It sure fucking isn't for the "little guy"

>> No.55103050
File: 171 KB, 900x900, Patty o' Furniture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadalay fellow kekerinos, it's Jim here with some $50 supershekels to read. Cuntnigger says, "Jim you suck" oh haha. You got me. Thanks for the $50

>> No.55103501

If only the team wasn't a scam team

>> No.55103544

Daily reminder metokur has ass cancer because you didn't save the white race

>> No.55104067

Wow, maybe they don't want people mentioning the dev at all anymore?

>> No.55104113

These guys could have been so fucking rich with their connections and the quality of their content. It's such a waste, i don't understand.

>> No.55104143

Malevolent project theory starting to make sense kek that or supreme incompetence coupled with arrogance to match

>> No.55104221

>quality content
Do burgers really find that stuff funny lmao?

>> No.55104527

Cheap murican humor was obvious already in 2008 when they were laughing their asses off to a TV show with Ahmed the terrorist.

>> No.55104535
File: 234 KB, 1174x1514, FxH0_nhXgAArIuQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55105552

rip thread [*]

>> No.55106702
File: 118 KB, 666x500, DB-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII OHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You will never be a real token. You have no utility, you have no hype,almost no liquidity, you have no development, you are a filthy shitcoin cucked by pajeet bsc scams and your "dev" ads into a crude mockery of Satoshi's perfection.

All the "validation" you get is two faced and half hearted from your own team and telegram alt accounts. Behind your back/biz/ community mock you. Everyone is disgusted and ashamed of you, your "bagholders" laugh at your cringe useless videos behind closed doors.

the crypto community is utterly repulsed by you. Years of crypto adoption have allowed investors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even scams who “pass” doesn't look uncanny unlike yours. Your lack of a cex listing is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get one, all will dump and rug and investors will bolt the second Craig gets a whiff of their investment, infected with red candles.

You will never pump. You wrench out a fake hopium every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the need to continue scamming and dumping on people, ready to crush them under Craig's and DBI team massive wallets weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to dump - you’ll create and rug another token, and plunge it next into a cold abyss of forgotten shitcoins. Your investors will dump, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of trusting you . Your project will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a failed shitcoin made by mETHeads.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.55107037
File: 19 KB, 353x400, Grug Dumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic obama weed bros..I don't feel so good...

>> No.55107131

>no replies
Don't worry daddy Jim. I'll always be your sweety

>> No.55107255
File: 1.75 MB, 4000x3000, ceezee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55107416

>Tmf some believed the Binance "connection" ("binance confirmed") due to this literally who actor
the whole token relies in randoms and crackheads doing boomer videos to pump your bags..remember that

>> No.55107427

it's joever

>> No.55107624

Luckily blackswan is making up so far for this turd sandwich.

>> No.55107651

I missed out on this and partykart because I keep assuming it's getting shilled after the pump. I still feel it and won't be buying but fuck my life

>> No.55108109

god damn the burn protocol they shilled is just ... don't even know what to say about it lmao. The fact that the team shilled that in a video is peak scam to me. Literally swap your already worthless DBI with a 100% worthless token to cause minor burns.

>> No.55108212

yeah.... slick nick talkin about his heart burn. At least they're trying to pump the token? who the fuck would throw their dbi that way though, the only ones there are fucking distrustful early buyers such as MYSELF.

>> No.55108509

don't see how you would pump it since you're incentivized to trade it for a worthless token instead of holding it lol

at this point I'm just following DBI to see how worse it get lol. Can't believe how fast shit deteriorated since the end of April

>> No.55108935


>> No.55109833

Farewell DBI

>> No.55110099

It's over
I can't believe how they managed to kill this project
What a shame

>> No.55110844

Following DBI has been so hilarious, it is a near perfect example of Dunning-Kruger


As stupid as the team does not realize it is; it has even more contempt for its holders, which is a malice for its investors I've never seen seen even from the most outright rug pajeet projects.

>Release a video for "Heartburn"
>Heartburn second scam token comes out
>What's left of holders rightfully freak out
>Claim it was 3rd party has nothing to do with DBI
How stupid do they think every one is? PG literally shot a "video" for this Heartburn crap and then claimed to have nothing to do with the new token and pretended it was some third party jeets.


The Telegram is so fucking annoying with the amount of off topic conversation, it's basically Easy's sports ball blog. Nobody joins that shit because it's fucking depressing. Of course there cannot be any on topic conversation because nothing is going on with DBI.

DBI doesn't have any true crypto connections, if they did they could prove it.

To his credit, at least Kenny the Degenny realized this shit was whack and dipped publicly. Heartburn was the last straw. Here's to you Kenny, sorry about the tattoo, but at least you're no longer deluded about DBI.

>> No.55110881
File: 234 KB, 1072x780, Do You Remember Zanzibar Snake_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Telegram is so fucking annoying with the amount of off topic conversation
Haha yeah who does that

>> No.55111529

Who's making next general so I can repost my 50 images in it

>> No.55111585

Feel sorry for Kenny, tattoo removal hurts a lot and leaves a nasty scar, at least he learned a lesson. That leaves them with three other still faithfull holders: broke as fuck Easy, the group bitch, who managed to stack 100k; alcoholic Dojo and the fat boomer Dough. Oh, and the Dutch grannies!