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55086090 No.55086090 [Reply] [Original]

Should I kill myself?

>> No.55086098


>> No.55086110

Your choice, not mine.

>> No.55086114


The Jews need you to be goycattle

>> No.55086115

I will probably die as a kissless virgin and I will never ever kill myself.
So no OP don't kill yourself

>> No.55086116

What do you mean by "should"?

>> No.55086131

your life is probably better than 99% of people in the world

>> No.55086160

you should cash out some of those stinky tokens and buy some vagina

>> No.55086163

It doesn't matter if you are not happy

>> No.55086170

If you're white, no.

>> No.55086174

dont do it fren

>> No.55086183

I wonder the same thing, world is shit now :'(

>> No.55086186


>> No.55086208

I have cancer.
And pretty much broke although someone helped me so I don't want to kms as much.
Cheer up champ.

>> No.55086219


>> No.55086221

Better by your gay little consooooomerist mindset, sure

>> No.55086231

Weak manlets (majority of men) made it so. It can be fixed.

>> No.55086235
File: 46 KB, 660x743, pkhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, never. Can yuo tell me what's wrong with you or is it a 1pbti thread?

>> No.55086236
File: 90 KB, 566x523, Screenshot 2023-05-25 11.30.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oof better luck on your next life if there is one op

>> No.55086242

digits and your life is blessed

>> No.55086258


>> No.55086263
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if you have debilitating and permanent physical or mental health issues, yes
if not, no

>> No.55086307

Maybe you shouldn't be so fucking jewish, ever think of that?
I can barely walk now, and when I move my head I get stabbing pains throughout my entire head that brings me to my knees.
Life I still find beautiful maybe you should seek Christ.

>> No.55086355

Yes, I have psoriatic arthritis and bipolar disorder (have been psychotic three times) and I’ve never been in a better place financially or in my career.

>> No.55086363

Your struggle is a lot greater than that of most people, but it's a daily struggle for all of us.

>> No.55086385

I had sex a few times, was alright. Really not the end of the world when women are the way they are in 2023 and you don't get any.

>> No.55086393

There you go, life is still worth living even when it's coming to an end.
I'm beyond help but in Christ I still find hope and that alone is what keeps me going every single day.

Psychological I'm not even sure but highly autistic, the health overrides a lot of that.

I was penniless a week ago, and some random anon here gave me more than I could make in half a year because I can barely work if at all.

He found me I wasn't even asking, I know god is real because he protects his sheep and sends his shepherds in dire need.
This place needs to be purged like fire, too many jewish hands in this place.
Keep going unhealthy anons, god can fix you, he's within all of us if we turn to him.

>> No.55086510

Sorry for killing the thread, I haven't been here for nearly a week, been just been relaxing a bit knowing I didn't have to do odd jobs and could rest and buy medicine I couldn't before.

I love you faggots, don't kys life is a rollercoaster, know you're just down right now, around the corner you'll find joy again.
Take it from an anon who's been in a slump for years, I still can find enjoyment.
You'll find yours I promise.

>> No.55086523
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 1684718328078043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shouldn't be so fucking jewish
>worships jewish rabbi

>> No.55086554

are your parents still alive?

>> No.55086562

I don't care what vessel god chose to bring himself into this world, I worship god not the flesh.
Also you just help proved my point, you're part of the vermin who infest these grounds.

>> No.55086567

you're pathetic

>> No.55086623

>I love you faggots, don't kys life is a rollercoaster, know you're just down right now, around the corner you'll find joy again.
Thanks anon. That means a lot to me.

>> No.55086670

I mean it, I've had a lot of downs more than most will experience, but I've also had amazing ups.
Yours will be there I promise.

>> No.55087187



>> No.55087201

>should I identify myself before I start asking people if I should kill myself?
>nah, what would be the point of that?

>> No.55087259

Bless you anons

>> No.55087398

Bless you as well, and to the other anons lurking here.

>> No.55087424

No retreat no surrender: Punch yourself in the face smoke a cig and get back in the game

>> No.55087479
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>> No.55088071

Probably not? I don't know anon, I'm 23 and I'm in a similar boat. I really want to die, but I guess I'll keep on living. Also, who even knows if death is the end?

>> No.55088077

should we* kill our*selves?

>> No.55088137

It's not I've died before when I was born and died again in the ICU when I was 22.
I talked to god in person, I'm not larping.
He was sad for us and confused why we as a generation of men are enduring so much in so little time.

He was happy and had a family.

>> No.55088225

if you an hero you lose just stop being poor

>> No.55088556

I mean, the guy had to be someone. No matter who he would've been, someone would have been offended by it. You just can't please everyone.
Also, rabbis in our sense didn't exist back then, that role developed only considerably later, after the organized practice of Judaism was no longer possible. It's also quite paradoxical to use "jewish" as the slur in the sense we commonly understand it today, since anti-Judaism developed precisely because of the popular Christian belief that "Jews killed our savior". If people hadn't believed in Jesus being the savior, they wouldn't have come to hate Jews for killing him - which internally doesn't make any sense either, since the same people who thought this way also thought that Jesus's death had the salvific effect. If they hadn't killed him, there, according to their own logic, would've been no salvation.
It's nothing to do with Jews as such, of course. No matter where Jesus would've appeared, they'd have killed him regardless. The point is that men hate the truth, but of course it's always easier to say "THOSE guys hated the truth" instead of "we hate the truth". You know: scapegoating.