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55086029 No.55086029 [Reply] [Original]

Are women a good investment?

>> No.55086038


now fuck off, faggot

>> No.55086057
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>reddit, the show

>> No.55086061


go your own way, straight man

>> No.55086062

Am I supposed to know what this is from? Cause I don't

>> No.55086100

Breakingaru Bradu

This is why Carmella was a much better wife than Scarlet.

>> No.55086237

Pre 1960 they were great investments. When a man on one salary could provide for a family of 4 on a 50k salary and afford a 3,000 square foot home comfortably that wasnt marked up 300%. Now with social media, rampant hypergamy, dating apps, women going to college and having careers where they are vaued more than men, what is the point of keeping one around? By the time they settle they have been fucked by at least 3-12 different guys from middle school- college. Then you have to worry about her screwing around with male coworkers. Bottom line is that women are more of a hassle and financial detriment than anything else. They are necessary for kids, but the amount of mentally ill kids addicted to their smart devices is concerning. What are these fuckers going to do when AI reaches full potential and phases out millions of jobs? Even if you combine assets marriages often wear off after a few years and the relationship becomes something that you are stuck in and often want out of. I cannot fathom the guys who jump into marriage in 2023. Tying your assets to a roastie is financial suicide and brings more agony than being single. I was engaged and it fell apart thankfully before marriage so I did not have to give my ex the house, my retirement accounts or pay her monthly alimony checks for the next 10 years. Dodged a bullet and I would advise anyone considering marriage to be VERY careful.

>> No.55086243

If the government didn't exist yes.

>> No.55086248

if we’re not indoctrinated in the reddit cult the cucks start seething

>> No.55086252
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>> No.55086273

From what I’ve seen… financially absolutely not! Spiritually, long term, and in the modern era… nah! Short term, perhaps foreign, submissive, obsessed with you (have experienced this, it won’t last forever btw, enjoy it while it lasts)? Fuck yeah it is! Incels can’t even dream of how bomb it is to go 6 rounds with a young sloot who’s “in love” with you while her whole entire body flutters, eyes rolled in the back of her head almost as if she’s possessed by you and your cock screaming “I’m cumming” pussy so wet you can hardly feel it anymore. Yeah I have gotten to experience that, it’s the reason I don’t hate my ex lol!

>they’re all sluts btw, even if they love you!! once they start to get bored or they see enough skanky TikTok’s it’ll come to an end and you’ll be left with nothing but memories like the one I described above.
>get a gf anyway and fuck the hell out her. Don’t marry, and if you raw dog and cream pie get her a plan b they work. Otherwise wear condoms every single time. Or when she inevitably decides to leave you’ll be paying a subscription to her for 18+ years while she fucks other men!
>so no dope sports car or big truck for you. But a worthless kid you won’t even get to see or influence!

>> No.55086312

Hey nerd, why did you add a selfie to your post?

>> No.55086350

stop attributing everything to reddit you edgy 13 year old nigger

>> No.55086378
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>stop attributing everything to reddit

>> No.55086473

I fucked Ted too.

>> No.55086516

Everything this anon said is spot on! The zoomer girls all have at least 10 bodies by the time they are out of high school, once they got the night club it’s going to double and perhaps even quadruple. Now some simp will not only marry her, but raise any bastard kids she has throughout the years! It’s just the way it is; the part about them meeting a male coworker is the biggest truth!

I had a friend (female coworker) that moved states away with her long term boyfriend! She started posting these “daily energy drinks” on Snapchat with another dude (a male coworker) next thing ik she’s posting snaps going on trips with him and living in his apartment! I later found out Her boyfriend (mr ltr) was accusing her of messing around with this guy to which ofc she denied and called him, insecure all while, leaving him and going to live with the guy he was accusing her of seeing!
>I was gonna propose to and move across country with my ex. We broke up 2 months before that and she instantly rebounded and started fucking dudes off tinder and her weed dealer! I ended up moving by myself and leaving her there! We were planning on having a family and she would often say “through thick and thin, your the love of my life, blah blah blah”. None of that shit matters when they want some new dick!
One more thing, unless in a stable environment with a shackled wife. Your kids will be useless little zogbots! They will see you as money making slave, your wife will see TikTok’s of women getting pulverized by chads and start nit picking you to death. I have seen this happen even with good looking, well paid family members of mine.
>don’t owe money to some bitch who used to love you, who “used” to drain your nuts, who used to promise this and that! Their behavior changes like the weather! Stay safe or stay broke gents

>> No.55086641

Literally the worst you can make

>> No.55086697
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Definitely not, I'd rather go with something like NFTs, some 2earn like Nilo even

>> No.55086713

>let's gossip about houswives like the housewives we aren't; the thread volume over 9000

>> No.55086742

u either a virgin or incel

>> No.55086746

NFTs are over anon, absolutely over

>> No.55086748

How about both?

>> No.55086751

Damn, delicious

>> No.55086753

Kek you think that'll work

>> No.55086868

>This is why Carmella was a much better wife than Scarlet.
I'm still on season 1 and damn, Carmella is much better than tranny scarlet

>> No.55087162

Scarlet fucks things up multiple times. Tony has a lot of stress from Meadow and Carmella, but they never outright fuck him over on any real way. His mother on the other hand.

>> No.55087213
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>> No.55087431
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Uh, marriage-bros? Even the boomers are saying not to do it now...

>> No.55087556
File: 82 KB, 1293x724, S2E4-Skyler-pregnant-smoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Ted, the best you can fuck is a lonely 40 yo. housewife cheating ex-employee whore who fucked him just to make his terminally-ill husband seethe because he had two cellphones, plus Skyler have a retarded son because she probably smoked during pregnancy.

>> No.55088607

This. So much this. Its all a game and one that you cannot win. Sure its nice to have a girlfriend around the holidays when family comes around, but the other 350 days of the year its a miserable money pit