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File: 128 KB, 711x837, Las-Vegas-Strip-Map-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55085746 No.55085746 [Reply] [Original]

>Las Vegas is growing at a staggering rate. Clark county, where the city is located, is home to roughly 2.3 million people, but forecasts predict the population could go beyond 4 million by 2055.

>Attracted by the lure of cheaper costs of living, lower taxes, and newly built homes, more than half a million people are expected to flock to southern Nevada in just the next 15 years. To accommodate them, the region’s arid landscape is being converted into strip malls and shopping centers as winding cul de sacs creep closer to the rocky hillsides.

Why is Las Vegas growing so fast? You'd think people were aware of the oil unafforability and water scarcity that's going to hit the city.

>> No.55085832

Water scarcity is no joke. Vegas will be a ghost town within decades.

>> No.55086034
File: 340 KB, 1280x853, las-vegas-2817993_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not people, don't care. Not my problem. Fuck Vegas.

>> No.55086103

place is a complete shit hole unless you live in a newer development in an outlaying suburb

>Why is Las Vegas growing so fast?
c*lifornians fleeing their cesspool

>> No.55086333

The short answer is that people are retarded.
But there are reason why water and oil won't be a problem in the long run.

In 20 years max energy will be practically free. Geothermal and/or batteries+renewable will make it so energy is practically unlimited and has no cost except for the initial investment.

The biggest problem with desalination is energy, therefore water is solved.

Oil price will decrease (if not war or similar) as it won't be needed to make energy. Solved.

>> No.55086383

URANIUM solves water and power problem

Also >>55085746

>> No.55086407
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, a6475bbc96d0eb5ac1edf5e19af9290a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd think people were aware of the oil unafforability and water scarcity that's going to hit the city
1) they aren't people, they're niggerfornia refugees
2) niggerfornia refugees aren't smart enough to think about anything, let alone water scarcity.

>> No.55086442
File: 36 KB, 594x675, california.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55086480

I moved from SoCal in 2019 prior to the pandemic and bought a home in Summerlin.
It’s 100x nicer and safer then L.A
Nice perk of milfs in the neighborhood without going to the strip for action.
Rampart circle bar on weekends I can pick which lonely 45+ lady I’ll pursue then take em back to the JW on site.

>> No.55086662

The desert does have a serenity to it, even if that suburb itself is unappealing.

>> No.55086757

And how do you propose we make plastics once we run out of oil? You know for medicine and technology?

>> No.55087356

Vegas actually sits on a huge underground water aquifer.
It’s funny how much the conservatives and liberals are the same on different issues
>durr Vegas will have no water
>durr the world will have no oil

They can make plastic out of corn
Why are you guys so ignorant

>> No.55087568

Not enough corn to make the amount of plastics ?
Plus, Elon, hasn't fired up the electric tractorcombinegraincart, assembly line, you know, corn farming equipment. So no corn for plastic farm equipment parts. A vicious cycle ?

>> No.55087581

Price is the only reason

>> No.55087629

Vegas will always have employment opportunities, both legal and otherwise. People need jobs

>> No.55087688

What a dumb comeback. Op proposed a scenario where there would be plenty of oil to make plastic from since energy comes from non-oil sources. If you wanted to attack him, you should have argued the cost of renewables or the inadequecy of minerals for batteries.

>> No.55087708

Californians fleeing their collapsing state. Remote work is removing the need to be San Fran and LA is such a shithole. You have to be there to witness it yourself. Everywhere smells like urine. Rats all along hollywood boulevard.

>> No.55087707

>Vegas actually sits on a huge underground water aquifer.
No it doesn't, you embarrassing retard. Las Vegas gets its water from Lake Mead, which gets it from the Colorado River. There's no end it site for the megadrought.


>> No.55089329

First as oil is needed less for cars and energy there will be plenty for plastic
Second there are already cheaper alternative for plastic in many cases

>> No.55089362

First point is right, second and third are wrong.
In the last few years batteries are popping up like crazy, using basically any material known.
Renewable cost already less than fossil fuel, and we are just getting started (literally, the funding have increase only in recent years)

>> No.55089518

Move to Bell Gardens. Easy as

>> No.55089919

So is Vegas " droughtmaxing " ?