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File: 929 KB, 749x749, De Santis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55084046 No.55084046 [Reply] [Original]

Can this guy get any more based than this? Can you imagine if we get him as president and we start a new golden bullrun.

>> No.55084059

Lol. The astroturfing is hilarious
Trump 2024
Civil war

>> No.55084061

>p*litician """vows""" to do thing
uh huh

>> No.55084063

holy fuck i hate politics so much kill yourself OP

>> No.55084070

Has he signed a legally binding contract?

>> No.55084075

Fpbp, DeSantis needs to stfu and stay in Florida.

>> No.55084085

It's not going anywhere and the libs have politically charged everything. Buckle in faggot. Life's hard when ur a tard.

>> No.55084086

who from what literal country, does what with crypto?

>> No.55084099

Jewish vessel

>> No.55084102
File: 99 KB, 640x818, RDT_20220309_1350006031544362860760452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being among the most popular republican politicians and the most popular governor in the entire country and you flush it all down the toilet in a matter of one month.

>> No.55084105
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>> No.55084135

>durr the libs
>durr the conservatives
I think your lost bitch. No one here cares about your glowie controlled politicians

>> No.55084158

>Can this guy get any more based than this?
Yeah, like, if he will end up a good president and not just the guy who is Not Trump. Who cares about internet magic money except for losers and gambling companies?

>> No.55084176

Doesn't really matter, point is he likes crypto. He is less likely to regulate it unlike your other socialist party.

>> No.55084233

In Europe virtually all far right parties have a female leader, despite being the most male dominated parties in Europe.
It strike me as an optic play, to avoid having a "dangerous bad man" as the face you present to the public.
The republican party will probably evolve in a similar way, running minority candidates and women from now on (not that it really matters who the figure head is).

On a different note, i recall in the last US election there was a short periode very early on, where you could do combination bet on states. It got taken down very quickly for obvious reasons.
It's worth keeping an eye on the bookmakers, not sure they have the legal right to cancel your bet if they make a mistake such as this.

>> No.55084248

He's ruining Disney, protecting crypto and he's pissing off boomer Trump. That's a triple win.

>> No.55084267

>Doesn't really matter that he has zero obligations to fulfil his promises and that the words he speaks do not necessarily reflect the reality of his position
I can 100% believe that you still vote and gossip about it liek a little houswife.

>> No.55084286

Please log off the computer gramps.

>> No.55084297

Goy promises.

So what are the promises he made when he spends time in Israel?

>> No.55084394

>owning nothing, bugs, pods?

>> No.55084622

Okay let's just keep voting democrat then since that seems to be working for us. Ignore the guy who said he wants to protect bitcoin and vote for the party who outright says they want to destroy crypto. Makes sense.

>> No.55084692

Doesn't matter, blue shithole cities have realized they can dump hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots at 3 am because nobody will actually do anything about it.

>> No.55084712

Bitcoin isn't crypto

Deshabbos likes to make it sound like he won't go full kike to simpletons, xmr is the only crypto and he'll probably try to ban it

>> No.55084782
File: 111 KB, 1024x683, 1657764528025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow ! A (((US P*litician))) made a claim ! Im sure they would never backstep and kneel to foreign investors, corrupt advisors and elder statesmen.

>> No.55084953

*pedo cabal

>> No.55084987

You burgers should vote Kennedy in. His policies are the soundest yet. And he's crypto friendly.

>> No.55084991

No he's also kiked

>> No.55085002

>shabbos goy politician panders to low IQ contrarian retards
>low IQ contrarian retards lap up this BASTE UND RETPILLT lie

>> No.55085111

Your smooth brain made the point slide right off and over.
Your vote is less than worthelss to you.
To them it is the worth of one data point in a sentiment pool.
That is all it is.
Democrat, republic?
A blue-red chimera with two heads spitting poison and distracting you while two hands reach into your pockets.
The dynamic between them exists so that you think one side is preventing the other form doing the needful representation.
If you are progressive minded it's the gosh darn old dinosaurs and bigots with their silly archaic traditions preventing le ebin scientific utiopian state.
If you are conservative minded it's the hell damned new-fangled perverts destroying your way of life and forcing you to comply with their glittery ideals.
Ever stop to wonder why they are always pulling bipartisan tricks AFTER elections which somehow results in total net loss for everyone who voted for either but a total net gain for everyone who's ibeen voted for?
Or why they take a seasonal holiday because 'the congress just can't agree on the bill.'
Thought not smoothbrain.

>> No.55085121

k bro let's keep voting democrat that will work out I think.

>> No.55085137
File: 119 KB, 1160x770, 5d1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit you people are mentally fucking retarded, truly deserving of everything bad that happens to you.

>> No.55085154

The amount of astroturfers is hilarious. How much do NGOs spend on an attempt to keep Trump out? Must be several 100 Millions. Wont help, the American electoral system is rigged and you are paying the price in form if spics and niggers with swastika and sun wheel tattoos regularly killing a bunch of libtards. Hopefully the parents and siblings if NGO workers

>> No.55085179

I read this as bukele is a faggot kek

>> No.55085182


>> No.55085185


You MUST like DeSantis. You MUST like Musk. You MUST like Rogan. You MUST like Shapiro.

Don't ask questions. You MUST like the people we present to you.

>> No.55085227

it's amazing how (((the deep state))) pulls these nobody politicians out of the shadows and thrusts them in the limelight like they are the ONLY viable choices for the highest political office.

and of course "both sides" of the nigger cattle farm, independent of their so-called beliefs, lap it up as they get their marching orders from tv propaganda, radio propaganda, internet propaganda, etc.


>> No.55085255

not sure what vice he has

>> No.55085275


>> No.55085277

Reminder that the gold standard was abolished under Nixon, a republican.
The Emergency Economic Stabilization act was signed by Bush, a republican. And was proposed by Henry Paulson, a republican.
But the Federal Reserve was created under Woodrow Wilson, a democrat.
Tell me again how voting counts when it has zero impact on economic policy, the one thing that actually matters.

>> No.55085294

Holy fuck you NGO slaves are really bad at your job. The more you spam, the more I am going to vote Trump

>> No.55085298
File: 166 KB, 916x1024, aa3852bc72fe46bc05cc9c82117e8e46a162058c88f7b3767d91db623729c080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>based zognald

>> No.55085300


>> No.55085304

Trump literally released an nft project. He’s actually got skin in the game.

>> No.55085306

>takes the 2016 shareblue memes out
you still suck
Trump 2024

>> No.55085310

Meh hes Diet Trump only way he wins if is they send Trump to jail and he can't run

>> No.55085314

Uh excuse me, who will give money to Israel?
MIGA 2024!

>> No.55085316

Amerimuts think politicians are going to keep their promises

>> No.55085328

i've never voted in my life. keep volunteering your own time to promote the interests of rich politicians who don't care about you beyond raping your children or exploiting you with ever-decreasing real wages and standards of living. another 4 years of BASED ZOGNALD or BASED DESANTIS (pick your poison, goy) will surely turn this country around!

>> No.55085343

Yeah you are certainly not an NGO slave that uses a stack of scripted focus group tested memes. Seriously you think we forgot about you?
You think we forgot about the rigging the corruption and your pedophile bosses, difference to 2016, we are multi millionaires looking forward to really start a civil war and have you killed, by Niggers and Spics with swastikas groomed over the past 7 years

>> No.55085359
File: 72 KB, 637x445, Brainsoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still voting trump

>> No.55085362

Lifetime neet here. Jobvirgin.
You're the only one spamming.
Go back to wherever you were before 2016.

>> No.55085365
File: 133 KB, 905x925, f980181df268011a4491137fc71afdb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give a fuck what happens, just pump the fucking trump cards

thank you

>> No.55085376

NGO worker - summer 2023 is going to be massacre, after massacre. There wont be an election

>> No.55085389

yes anon the more likely scenario is that i'm a paid propagandist trying to discourage a single voter on a dying anime image board at 11:15 AM on a weekeday -- and it's unlikely that you're just a moron suffering from paranoid schizophrenic delusions when confronted with your own retardation.

reminder that the election was likely stolen (and will be stolen again) but you did nothing about it, other than cheer on a retard boomer jamboree at the capitol from the comfort of your mother's basement.

>MIGA 2024!!!!!

>> No.55085407

Ok groomer.

>> No.55085449

Yeah I am a groomer, a radicalizer somebody that made probably 100000s of Americans aware of their position as slaves; Brenton was until now the best I managed, but sometimes its quantity above quality. Enjoy your civil war and the dead of America. Shouldn't have rigged the election with Bloomberg the old Boomer; the maybe Trump would have lost support naturally, as it stands now, democrats are going to die in the 10000s

>> No.55085470

cuz you're gay. trump just blows hot air up your ass and does nothing

>> No.55085490

Cuck DeZioshill

Fpbp inshallah

>> No.55085509

none of this is going to happen. what will happen is that you will get poorer, dumber, and fatter by the day.

>> No.55085513

The average Republican hasn't forgotten about the election rigging of 2020; and the internet is full of radicalized Hispanics, Niggers, Whites, Half Bloods that were never on your little controlled platforms. Shutting down h8 was the biggest mistake ever.
Enjoy the bloodbath
Blood for the Blood God

>> No.55085539

>the dead of america
Outed yourself as a shitskin.

>> No.55085542

It already happens, open your eyes - and it wont become less, its accelerating and the more the election circus goes forward the more sleepers awake, take their rifles and go on killing sprees. True decentralized terror, and it cant be shut down

>> No.55085558

the average democrat voting nigger has committed more violent crimes than you. you wont' do shit.

>> No.55085578

I didn't commit crimes, I just open eyes and fill heads with lies, enraging lies, perspectives that make people receivable to them angry and see only one solution; kill

>> No.55085621

remember when biden and co. said they will forgive student loans right before the midterms?

>> No.55085639

>republican party
>far right
nigger what?

>> No.55085712

From the perspective of a collectivist communist left winger everything right of Mao is sovereign. They won't be happy until everyone is a slave to jpm

>> No.55085850

>yes bro this guy he is promising bitcoin staying safe??? what everyone problems??? my name is Ajuna I work for my visa here in beautiful america
Yeah, just like Biden's promise of student debt forgiveness. Are you dense?

>> No.55085867

Absolute state. (funded operation)

>> No.55085869

Why are you so mad? I already said I'll be voting Biden again. Relax.

>> No.55085873

Funded. Yes by myself

>> No.55085889

more of the same

>> No.55085894

Not me, some other player

>> No.55085896

I've heard this before. But it was called student debt. Lmao fall for it every time you morons.

>> No.55085938

It's really unbelievable how much public fundd you waste and there is no chance for you to stop what is coming nor to even reliability identify the different players let alone their motives and intentions
Your fart huffing is in the end what killed your country

>> No.55085980

And the best part all of this wouldn't be possible without NGOs, corporate media and straight public propaganda having made your population so receivable for brainwashing and weaponization
The sleeper awakens

>> No.55086012

Please stop shilling this turbo glownigger.

>> No.55086027

>so mad
Im just challenging your cattle brain, I literally couldnt give a fuck

>> No.55086161


>> No.55086295

still pissed crypto:crypto became taxable under trump desu

>> No.55086764
File: 242 KB, 1995x1123, robert-f-kennedy-jr-cheryl-hines-file-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RFK JR is also bitcoin friendly, an unlike DeSantis, he's not gay.

>> No.55086782

Well looks like he won the indian vote.

>> No.55086818

Protect from who? The banksters and the government are the only threat to beetcorn

>> No.55086823

I can't take anyone under 6 feet seriously

>> No.55086952

Why is all that controlled opposition trying to appeal to crypto nerds? Are they afraid or just incompetent, knowing that despite all, the old guard of crypto millionaires remain loyal to Trump

>> No.55087017

>highly intelligent, competent and conscientious cabal that succeeds because of their own hard work and merit


>> No.55087025
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>> No.55087056

Zion Don MIGA my fellow patriots. Me personally, im ridin' with biden'

>> No.55087089
File: 305 KB, 1027x2000, 1685036942022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BidenGODS stay winning

>> No.55087176

Trump is nearly 80 and has already lost a national election

based as he is it would be suicidal to nominate him again

>> No.55087180

That basically tells you BTC is establishment.

>> No.55087495


>> No.55087817
File: 222 KB, 293x275, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please go to /pol/ when you want cry about trannys and whatever flavor of the week discord is being shoveled down your cocksucker by the algorithm you dumb fucking goyslopers

based and above it pilled

>> No.55087838

so not crypto?

>> No.55087872
File: 86 KB, 1100x1058, HP Lave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have no other choice then try to bow down to the Alpha Predator of Energy and Monetary Policy

>> No.55087917

ok, global warming faggot

>> No.55087984

I would vote for a pile of Indian shit if it meant Gary was no longer in charge of the SEC

>> No.55088038

Taxes, heavy regulation, and don't forget the socialist liberal party.

>> No.55088058

Why are you even on biz, what use is this board to a NEET ass like you who sits around all day waiting for his wellfare checks

>> No.55088100

the word is NEW liberal Fascists
but remembering the difference between Collectivists and Sovereign should be enough

>> No.55088144
File: 72 KB, 731x1024, 1685043276084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you even on biz, what use is this board to a NEET ass like you who sits around all day waiting for his wellfare checks
Aww little drumpf baby got triggered poor snowflake
Trump lost and he will never be the president again

>> No.55088290

No, Donald was railroaded by Bloomberg and co, and even you should understand that Pyrrhic victory against mean tweets wasnt worth it

>> No.55088369

What doesn't make sense about it to me is that they have no reconciliation with consequences, I understand that the money is good, for now, but being paid to burn your own house down by people who will then also throw you under the bus with the rest of the population once you've outlived your usefulness to them just doesn't seem worth it no matter how much you get paid. It's like they've somehow been conditioned to believe that because they antagonized and propagandized on behalf of the right people that they will be protected by those people. They won't. Every glowing NGOnigger and fedbot is getting thrown into the woodchipper by the same people who pay them to undertake domestic terrorism campaigns.

Enjoy your SME sized revenue when your door is being kicked in by niggers and your neighborhood is burning to the ground I guess. Good investment. I'm sure the feds will make protecting you their highest priority.

>> No.55088433
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>> No.55088438

lol get a load of this fag who votes

>> No.55088691
File: 141 KB, 840x592, 514118602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right, lets vote for Trump's copycat who is getting promoted for liberal media.
Fuck you.

>> No.55089558
File: 51 KB, 975x650, photo_2021-01-18_12-24-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our hope is in God Emperor Trump

>> No.55089595

you shills are trying really everything
nobody wants to buy your proof of jew tokens

>> No.55090283

I'm just here to troll around and get digits

>> No.55090400

>ron desantis is so unappealing they have to do a cartoon version of him so nobody realizes he's an annoying sperg irl

>> No.55091688

What a fucking boomer loser. Very predictable move.

>> No.55091743

If he truly comes out as pro-crypto he'll probably lose more votes on it than gain lmao. Boomers voters in general don't give a fuck about crypto or are against it, it's really only a small number of millenials and zoomers who even care about crypto at all.

>> No.55091758

king me

>> No.55091770

the ultimate jew puppet candidate is going to protect crypto?

>> No.55091799


He kept calling it “the bitcoin”

>> No.55091818
File: 1.88 MB, 1024x1000, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duuuuhhh global warmin bad my beers gay
keep on fighting the good fight

>> No.55092299
File: 41 KB, 600x497, 1684888803386079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life's hard when ur a tard.

>> No.55092343

Shalom you ugly, jewish, hooked nose goblins.
Trump doesn’t have a fucking chance, and nominating him all but guarantees a second term for Biden.

>> No.55092380

Desantis is doa

>> No.55092393

Trump won already, they stole the election and with so many people leaving the Democrats if they'll try again there will be a second American Revolution.
De Cucktis is controlled opposition.

>> No.55092416

Yeah yeah. No I get it. Split the vote so Biden get re-elected one way or another. Just another jewish trick.

>> No.55092438
File: 895 KB, 3000x1687, Guess JeWho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump took the vaxx
>trump remains adamant bitcoin is a scam
if trumptards agree with him and go anti-crypto, there is no hope for ameritard hillbillies

>> No.55092453

Great, now they have proof that crypto is for far right extremists. This isn't the sort of publicity you should want.

>> No.55092466
File: 42 KB, 789x758, COr6z9tUAAQ06K9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeSantis is a Bitcoin Cash baggie. It's over if he wins

>> No.55092490

>I love Israel so much bros!

>> No.55092524

LOL, LMAO even, DeSantis is totally fucked, Its more hilarious that he will never be the candidate and even if he is, he is destined to lose to Brandon.

>> No.55092562

if he supports crypto i support him

>> No.55092577
File: 85 KB, 1584x864, american commies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the Trump vs. DeSantis stuff

I don't really give a single fuck if Trump wins or if DeSantis wins, I will vote for either of them 1,000,000,000 times before I'd vote for the troon-loving corrupt pedophile sack of bones and his retarded nigger handlers of an administration that we currently have

>> No.55092590

you can always tell the commie troons that are trying to fit in too, they all type like this

>lol, lmao even!

reeks of trannyposting. Brandon will have to pull all the stops to rig the 2024 election, people are onto him this time around

>> No.55092618

>Nooooo now i`ll vote for democrat like Biden

>> No.55092642

De Santis also promoted the vaxx but with trump at least we know the Jews can't control him. He already defied them when he avoided war with Iran and lost only because the Jews stole the election for biden.

>> No.55092726
File: 5 KB, 228x221, 1682648832378172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you shills are trying really everything
>nobody wants to buy your proof of jew tokens

>> No.55092738

My boy Ronnie D is sick. Best candidate out there.
Trump is a loser dude. I love him but he lost to Brandon, even if he did rig a few states. Then the whole Jan 6th protest that got out of control.

Just get over trump already. We need a real leader in there other.

>> No.55092749

man the glowniggers are out in full force about this faggot kike lover from Florida. You'd think you'd all know what the term controlled opposition means and that him running would split the GoP vote because the DNC will never win another election legally.

You're no better than brainwashed troons mad that starbucks is giving out plastic straws.

>> No.55092755

yeah you and everyone else, so the question is...why are they splitting the vote, and why aren't you people smart enough to see any of that? The world is so full with NPCs it's not even a meme anymore.

>> No.55092762

how much do you get paid to sit around on this obscure korean basketweaving forum and shill this bullshit?

>> No.55092796

Oh yeah you’re so smart by figuring out they are splitting the republican vote. News flash dumb fuck faggot: they have been doing this since teddy’s presidency. What a keen observation! Did you notice that when the libshits had Bernie splitting the vote, the media pushed him as a joke? Anyway you’re really smart though. Congratulations!