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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55083996 No.55083996 [Reply] [Original]

Well /biz/ “A” or “B”

>> No.55084009

A ofcourse, its about time my family was impressed

>> No.55084025

"T" twitterscreenshotting indians

>> No.55084040
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1657536999957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose option NEET

>> No.55084052

I already have both. And the funny thing is I think most people who have a very high income actually have both of these, not the dichotomy presented here.

>> No.55084077

hahaha im so triggered by this screencap im going to leave a reply

>> No.55084083

>C; do not read
I choose C

>> No.55084095

>gen x kike clinging to perceptions of youth with a "casual" profile pic
>mentally retarded linkedin blogposts, desperate for validation
man are these "people" unbearable.

>> No.55084150
File: 48 KB, 720x691, batoszblog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dropped something, king!

>> No.55084181

With option A you can live very cheaply for 5-10 years, save up a couple million, then use that to establish passive income and live comfy for the rest of your life. With option B you're forced to keep working for much longer.

>> No.55084203
File: 14 KB, 394x383, Internal Rage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to deal with all of the cons of A but with the salary of B

>> No.55084235

>mfw making 30k per year and hating my job

>> No.55084284

>keep expenses to $50k/year
>put everything left into crypto for 3-4 years
>easily 5-10x your 1M with risk close to zero
congrats you just made it

>> No.55084291 [DELETED] 

kek I make 30k AND hate my job
I'll take B anytime

>> No.55084317

It is poor fag cope to think that someone wouldn’t enjoy any job making $300K.
Most $300K jobs you could skip Mondays entirely and tell your underlings “executive business” while you golf. Name one job earning $300K that is actually hard and stressful. I’ll wait.

>> No.55084331

This, out of touch bourgeois scum think it's either a $300,000 with an unhappy life or a 'low' $75000 with a good life they can't imagine living on > $30,000 a year

>> No.55084332

A easy. Just need to put up with it for couple of years and then you can switch to B, part time work or anything else with having enough capital to make similar amounts of money from just passive incomes and day trading.

Private security in some hellhole.

>> No.55084373

C) No pussy, no job, no pussy, no taxes.

>> No.55084412

>Option A for 10 years: $3million
>Option B for 10 years: $750k

Why even ask this? How broken inside am I gonna feel with a million dollars in the bank?

>> No.55084427

It blows my mind literally anyone would choose A. Bug mentality.

>> No.55084469

What the fuck am I doing for $300k that I hate my job

>> No.55084478

Obviously A. For 30% the total time of B, resulting in the same financial reward.

Now that I've quit the working world during the prime of my life I can enjoy the remaining 30 usable percent of my life before being shuttled into some sort of hospice euthanasia facility. But my in this scenario family respects me and I dont need to overcome that particular burden resulting in midlife crisis.

>> No.55084548

>Name one job earning $300K that is actually hard and stressful. I’ll wait.
Probably commerical divers.
Absolutely terrifying shit. Read up on Delta P.

>> No.55084819


>> No.55084844

doctor, lawyer, accountant.

>> No.55084883


Option A allows you to retire early and do anything you want to do. Also all jobs will make you feel miserable and broken inside

>> No.55084902

Lawyers and accounts don't make that type of money and doctors who make that amount are usually specialized surgeons who don't work as much.

>> No.55084933

yes they do, especially those that work in big law or "larger" law firms.
i'm an accountant. big 4 partners make $500-600k easily. small firm partners make $200-300k easily. controllers at large companies make $200-300k, potentially more.
average family med doctor makes $250k. any specialist makes more than $300k. also if you think surgeons work less than other types of doctors, you're a retard.

>> No.55084937

It depends. $300k salary is still associate-tier at global law firms where you are expected to be available 24/7. Even partners who are pulling a couple mil a year are still married the firm because there are legions of gunners eager to replace them if they won’t put in the time.

>> No.55084966

i worked in big 4 accounting for a year. it sucked ass for everyone, even the partners. the partner i worked with the most spent most of november/december/january traveling to different client sites and worked 12 or more hours a day. every night he facetimed his stay at home newborn son and stay at home wife.

i guess it paid off because he was promoted from partner to office managing partner. he probably makes $1M/year now, if not more.

>> No.55085100

It seems to me the kind of people who have those careers are driven more by psychosocial factors (e.g. prestige, wanting to prove they are “the best” etc…) than money. There’s a point of diminishing returns; the difference between $100k and $500k salary is probably orders of magnitude more significant than the difference between $500k and $1M. I wonder how the partner you mentioned is doing, if the payoff was worth it.

>> No.55085103

>Make $240k

I don't hate my job, dread work or feel broken inside. But I do save and invest aggressively so that I can exit the rat race as quick as possible.

I have less stress now than what I had when I was making $60-80K, and I have a lot more flexibility given I'm higher up on the ladder - less people who would be willing to call me out if I'm late, miss a meeting, etc.

>> No.55085136

B. doesn't really exist for any high stakes job (aka well paid), unless you're in a forgotten closet department in globohomo.

>> No.55085140

I hate LinkedIn so much it's unreal.

>> No.55085221

*You are pleased to announce you’ve identified so many growth areas for the LinkedIn platform that it’s hard to believe.

>> No.55085330

A you only gotta work like 3 or 5 years to make it lol thats nothing

>> No.55087502

i live in Peru so, any option makes me a rich man

>> No.55087542

A until I make enough money to throw into BTC then retire.

>> No.55087701

Have any of you ever worked a job that unironically made you want to kys? Does a 6 fig income cure depression and suicidality?

>> No.55087731

if i couldn't have both then i'd go for B. $225k/year can't buy the momentum and uniqueness of a life lived that way.

>> No.55087742

This is /biz/ - Business & Finance so we get Linkden screenshot threads instead of Twitter screenshot threads like /pol/

>> No.55087743

Nah but I've worked with people that I absolutely couldn't stand and drained all the joy out of it. Thankfully it was nearing the end of my contract so I only had to put up with them for a few weeks. Kind of a shame since I actually liked the work itself and they were asking me to continue on but it would have been impossible for me to avoid this dude so I declined.

>> No.55088596

Depends on cost of living/living expenses

>> No.55090250

>I already have both.
A $75k job that you hate?