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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55082450 No.55082450 [Reply] [Original]

Has any biz bros ever created a biz approved sub?

>> No.55082457

>what if we join twitter
>let's all make a discord group
>join my telegram
>let's start a sub
>I made a new 4chan
>meet me in an alley
>let's go storm the white house
Why are you faggots so intent on getting me off this site?

>> No.55082465

Because jannies have turned it into a shithole and 4 years ago it was the best place for crypto alpha.
Newfags likevyou wouldn’t understand

>> No.55082476

>Newfags likevyou wouldn’t understand
Instantly goes to glowie strawmen. Prove you are an oldfag.

>> No.55082511

I don’t have any pre-Covid photos on this device but here you go fag

>> No.55082516
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>> No.55082518

if you have to ask then you’re a new fag

>> No.55082538

>new fag

>> No.55082547

Oh a 2020 screenshot of a wallet with $30. Carry on oldfag. Where should I go dox myself again?

>> No.55082553

you’re the idiot who can’t understand why everyone wants a better version of this place. what biz was like pre 2020 can’t compare to this garbage

>> No.55082555

>why do you want to leave this astroturfed glowie trap
are you stupid?

>> No.55082561

I guess that makes you the idiot who doesn't understand that no where will ever be a better version of this place. Go back.

>> No.55082566

go back to re.ddit you faggot

>> No.55082567

>For an even bigger astroturfed glowie trap
Are you?

>> No.55082575

what did you expect retard? a picture of his nuts?
are you arguing with everyone on biz about how cool the jannies are?
why are you sticking up for them? You guys will never be women no matter how many hormones you take

>> No.55082583


feel free to leave.

>> No.55082584

I'm only arguing with the retards.

>> No.55082595
File: 270 KB, 2490x1000, 1646504159557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most posts in the thread
>calls others glowies and sticks up for jannies
>acts like being called out as a noob is a strawman argument

people can create a subreddit and this place will still exist. take your meds schizo

>> No.55082601

just go back to red.dit and stay there you immense fucking faggot

>> No.55082604

why do you two care so much?
someone wanted to start a sub to help biz bros. you guys aren’t helping you just want to keep others poor

>> No.55082610

I want to keep redditors like you away from this website, as you noticeably decrease the quality here. The fact that you're poor is just an added bonus.

>> No.55082612 [DELETED] 

What is amazing is how many of you came out of the woodwork. This is pretty typical forum take over tactic. You shit up the board endlessly with spam. You attempt to take over positions of control. You then proceed to play victim and innocent bystander complaining about your own spam. Then you demand change. And you pretend you represent the larger majority. But you are all stupid faggot niggers. You clearly hate that this site is so influential in crypto. You hate that we can all you kike out. You hate that we can say nigger. You hate that crypto pop culture trickles down from a bunch of autistic racist neets. And you will do anything to stop it. Fuck off.

>> No.55082624

here you go op
i created you one just because of these 2 glowtards


>> No.55082633

im always supportive of other anons trying to make it.
you’re the type who spends hours hating on others. we are not the same
I’m joining reddit now just to find this sub

>> No.55082637

you do know that we all leave right?
literally no one stays on biz forever

>> No.55082704

people have been fed up with this place for years. blame the jannies if you have an issue you sensitive bitch

>> No.55082863

chill out glowie. no one is trying to get you off of biz. you act like you don’t have multiple browser tabs.

>> No.55083473
File: 428 KB, 2286x732, dogshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing. good luck I guess

>> No.55084431

Just like that another degen gets his moon

>> No.55084486

They already have ones that track 4chan in the safe zone

>> No.55086861

do you remember what they’re called?