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55079091 No.55079091 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, what is your real problem with CBDCs without using tired wild eyed conspiracy theories? They are more convenient and the natural evolution of real money. Unlike other crypto which is backed by nothing, CBDC are backed by the government so you can trust they have real value.

>> No.55079097

to put it bluntly
collectivists have been dying and are weak, they are in position of weakness and cbdcs are an attack on sovereigns from a position of weakness
it will fail

>> No.55079112

I can't buy drugs or pay hookers.

>> No.55079120


>> No.55079159

>They are more convenient and the natural evolution of real money.

You don’t know what real money is and what a currency is

>Unlike other crypto which is backed by nothing, CBDC are backed by the government so you can trust they have real value.

Kek you’re also retarded, enjoy eternal inflation and being priced out of housing, it’s the safe and trustworthy way of living.

>> No.55079368

Every single currency that has ever collapsed has been "backed" by government. The so-called backing of government is as reliable as the promises of politician20h2ns.

>> No.55079380

interesting captcha
also wondering if captchas are a form of coffee grounds reading


>> No.55079451

And every functional currency is also backed by the government.

>> No.55079456

how do I profit from this

>> No.55079474

Gold and silver have never needed to be backed by anything other than their own atomic structure.

>> No.55079534

Gold and silver coins were pressed by the government, they only had value because of it. But its also an old archaic form of currency that nobody uses anymore because money evolved to be more efficient and convenient.

>> No.55079544
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>conspiracy theories
There is no advantage to a CBDC from a traditional bank account

What if I'm a Canadian trucker protestor? Kys

>> No.55079549

You don’t even have to theorize. Look what happened in Canada with the truck protests during covid. They will just turn off your accounts/access to everything.

>> No.55079584

It should be no surprise that if you fund extremist organizations and groups linked with terrorists, you can expect your accounts to get frozen. Take your tinfoil had off, there is no conspiracy.

>> No.55079588

Its not meant to replace bank accounts.

Its merely cheaper and more private alternative for credit cards or google pay.

Only retards try to defend credit card cartel, which are guaranteed to sell your information forwards and freezing your cards without valid reason.

>> No.55079608
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You can have your CBDC-UBI-MAID future world. I'm out.

>> No.55079626

All great reasons, except for one anon... Gold and silver are still valuable even though they are hardly used as curency at this very historically anomolous moment. (There are some examples of metals starting to be used as currency again though, like Turkey using gold to circumvent sanctions on Russia.)

>> No.55079635

Problem is what defines terrorism these days is just anybody against the Jewish globohomo agenda of world domination

>> No.55079650

Yeah. What terrorism? Honking? Stuff thats OK today might be redifined as "terrorism" tomorrow.

>> No.55079682


>> No.55079700

"The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash and is considering a CBDC as a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them."

>> No.55079738
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CBDCs are evil. This sticker I saw says so, so there.

>> No.55079846

Its your sticker. Of course maxipads are biggest defenders of the credit card cartel. Its only logical since after CBDC citizens finally have option to ditch high fees and stop giving payment data to globohomo corporations:


>> No.55079851

The problem is conspiracy theorists believe CBDC’s are being introduced so the government can track your transactions, block your payments, whatever.

The reality is that for most use cases a CBDC is too disruptive to currently existing banks so I can guarantee all that will happen is they use them to increase transparency and settlement time between banks

>> No.55079915

Giving 5 dollars to them is terrorism now,fuck your bait is shitting

>> No.55079933

And yet those coins still have value even though the government that made those coins hasn't minted those coins in 80+ years or its government has fallen ,they still retain their gold value unlike their paper counterparts

>> No.55079934
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Imagine if this is what Canada did for the vaccines.
When they come looking for your children, land, or right to bear arms, how will you fare ? If they can just click and poof your money is gone ? How many months would you survive ?

Money is power. At least keep it for yourself as long as you can. Or do like me and buy Hbar kek

>> No.55079976

digital currency is good enough for those purposes already

>> No.55079991

"The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash and is considering a CBDC as a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them."

You are only astroturfing ponzi scam by scaremongering to mentally unstable and easily foolable, who are lazy or otherwise incapable to do fact checking themselves.

>> No.55080148
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OP this is where your myopic view blinds you. I'm pro CBDC. But the Canadian Truckers should have raised a red flag with you that it could EASILY be coopted to punish dissidents, where free speech cannot. Kind of like how the IRS can be used to go after organizations the current regime does not like (see Taibi, Matt). Yes the government can already do this, but the CBDC makes it easier.

When you use words like "Tin foil hat," you're being an intellectual pussy, not looking at the real issues because you've already made your mind up. You simply cannot see the obvious pitfalls. Even if this era of "cancellation" and "de-platforming." I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.55080242

If you believe that, you are dumb.
If you don't, you are evil.

Which one is it ?

>> No.55080276

le first crypto coin ever made so it must live for le ever.

>> No.55080312

How exactly would it be easier than freezing bank accounts or credit cards? Corporations can choose their customers and terms much more freely than citizen serving institutions.

Without CBDC we are stuck with credit cards and bank accounts in cases when physical cash is not possible to use. Cash will not be reduced or replaced by CBDC, this was clearly stated by the FED.

If you really could not trust your goverment to protect basic needs, why even live in jurisdiction with "obvious pitfalls". Cancellation and de-platforming are done by private corporations, not by tax funded institutions.

>> No.55080317

Those truckers were terrorizing people and spreading extremely dangerous misinformation that most likely did leave to people dying. How can the government ignore that? Are they supposed to just ignore terrorism? Guess who didn't get their accounts frozen, good citizens obeying the law.

>> No.55080488

this. why use a CBDC when the clowns making fiat have bungled it so badly? I'd sooner use ISK or even WOW gold than CentralBankDigitalCuckholdry.

>> No.55080499

what about the canadian trucker argument? centralized networks can shut down individuals easily.
multiple burger states have passed or are drafting bills against CBDC
silver and gold backed state currencies in 2 more business weeks.

>> No.55080513

oh, you're a troll or a bootlicker.
free speech, niggerfaggot.
the canadian gov selectively enforces the law. they should follow the law instead of making up new ones to move a protest off the street.
anyway the truckers were protesting a change towards totalitarianism. they weren't terrorists. kill yourself.

>> No.55080541

it's easier because banks and credit unions have at least some level of competition.
bank A freezes funds?
surprise, credit union B gets new customers.
with CBDC no one is safe.
CBDC is like the entire chain being controlled whereas banks & credit unions are smart contracts on the chain.
anyway fiat is already fucked, and we'll see the rise of silver backs / gold backs.
>Cancellation and de-platforming are done by private corporations, not by tax funded institutions.
Computer, what is ESG funding?

>> No.55080556

Somehow I don't think they're going to warn us before the current monetary system breaks down. When it does break down, they'll claim it wasn't their fault. Technically they'll be right, because the plan they're following has pretty well been set in stone since long before the current administrators had any control over it.
This is because its a system based entirely on debt. More specifically the never ending exponential expansion of debt, since they always charge interest on the debt. They always demand that more be paid back than was ever created. The only way to pay off old debt is for exponentially more debt to be issued. Obviously such a system cannot go on forever. There is only so much debt that any economy can support, regardless of how much they try to manipulate the system into taking on more debt with tricks like controlling interest rates, QE, unlimited repo/reverse repo facilities and probably soon YCC.
I hope youre right. I'm pretty sure by far the main reason they want to introduce a new system is because they need to. The old system is going to break down sooner or later no matter what they do, as I tried to explain above. Ideally they would like to capitalize on the situation and even increase their power over the monetary system. Just FedNow being a sucess will hopefully be a big enough win for them, at least for the time being.
The NY Fed is a private corporation. You and I aren't allowed to own their shares. The corporations controlling credit cards now are public corporations. You and I can buy their shares. Not that its a huge difference, but I think it is significant, and that your post misleading.
And what jurisdiction do you think we can run to that doesn't have these pitfalls? Pretty much all the big banks / central banks around the world are working together doing the same things.

>> No.55080591

>free speech, niggerfaggot
>kill yourself
Hate speech isn't free speech and conflating the two is extremely harmful. You saying those words is just proving the point.

>> No.55080632

Your currency is already digital, its only crippled in comparison to credit cards. CBDC just lowers the cost of transactions and barrier of entry for developers.

Central bank is not comparible to corporations. They cant cancel people nearly as easily anywhere because they serve the citizens with government funds.

Free speech is guaranteed by the same goverment that backs CBDC. It is not guaranteed right when you use private platforms like Google Pay, Paypal or the credit card cartel. This is why CBDC is such a huge win for the people.

We will have more competition, thats what existing players do not want. These are bullish times for wise people.

>> No.55080649

The only reason people don't want CBDC is so that they can continue to exchange bitcoin for fiat cash.


>> No.55080656



>> No.55080741

Same fearmongering is much more probable with credit card companies and banks as history shows. Govermental institutions are already doing national defence on behalf of us everyday and undeniably good job at world scale.

New York is just a subordinate to the government despite their shares. Does share ownership matter? Each bank, after all, has only one vote when it comes to electing bank directors (their only shareholder responsibility) regardless of stock holdings. And New York Fed shares cannot be traded, shorted, or pledged as collateral.

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act to serve as the nation's central bank. https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/about_14986.htm

>> No.55080763

>Hate speech isn't free speech
it is here in freedomland.
I use a credit union in a red state. Whatever cartel-money-laundering-passport-enforcing bullshit happens with another bank, doesn't affect me. If it did I'd switch to another one.
CBDC would make it inescapable
>barrier of entry for developers
not relevant. Blockchains already exist. Just use USDC if you want programmable fiat.
>Free speech is guaranteed by the same goverment that backs CBDC.
see above about credit union^ and programmable blockchain money. CBDC is too much power, concentrated. I agree that Paypal and Google Pay suffer for their centralization. If the government was for the people, a CBDC could be neat, but it's not, so it won't be.
>more competition
how does centralization of finance create competition?
>Govermental institutions are already doing national defence on behalf of us everyday and undeniably good job at world scale.
holy shit. are you working a late psyop shift? be honest, if you can.
every western country is being flooded with shitskins as part of replacement migration and economic sabotage. The West killed gadaffi when he threatened to let migrants through - the western governments wanted migrants to flood.
go spend a day in any coastal city in the US or any major city in Canada, you'll see the invasion.
there's not any active military threat against the US & Canada yet both countrys burn immense taxpayer money funding pointless proxy wars.
>not owned by anyone
semantics. It's controlled by its operators.
>es, in this country, from 1933 to 1974 it was illegal for U.S. citizens to own gold in the form of gold bullion, without a special license. On January 1, 1975, these restrictions were lifted and gold can now be freely held in the U. S. without any licensing or restrictions of any kind
can't trust the us gov.

>> No.55080775

and can't trust the canadian gov for reasons already discussed.
the future of finance will be states issuing their own metal or crypto backed currencies.

>> No.55080777
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>CBDC are backed by the government so you can trust
Lol, lmao

The government is completely untrustworthy, what are you talking about

>> No.55080799
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>> No.55080817

You will die. And it isn't going to be anon putting your heads on pikes. It's going to be the cultists your masters have been groomed against freeman
Enjoy the chaos you created, in fumbled attempt to create order my funny hat frens
Captcha: D8RH0T

>> No.55080873
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>Cancellation and de-platforming are done by private corporations, not by tax funded institutions.
Not true at all.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation,” she said.


Congressman Adam Schiff, abused his power as chair of the House Intelligence Committee to try to have journalists he disliked banned from Twitter and other platforms.


The Twitter files show TONS of examples of governments asking to deplatform someone. If they don't, the private companies could suffer from new regulation. They have to play ball. I'm pro-CBDC and a Democrat, but I'm not stupid enough to ignore the massive warning signs.

>> No.55080890

why are you pro-CBDC - why do you think it will improve society?

>> No.55080906
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>Hate speech isn't free speech
Yes it is snowflake. Just don't incite violence. NPR doesn't make the rules.

>> No.55080937

problem is that some fat bitch can turn off your wallet at will for no reason at all. she might say she didint like what you were buying or your social credit got too low.

just like they did in canada trucker thing, but this time you could not use cash as there is no other method of payment than CBDC.

reason for closing account might aswell be that you didint agree about translaw in future. USA is developing country and what happens in china might happen in US.

>> No.55080941
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Because the government has a right to do it. Music went digital. Phones went digital. Banking went digital. Everything went digital. Money WILL also go digital.

If you look on the bright side, you could see programmable money stimulating one part of the economy vs another to avoid a recession, for example. The positive options are endless. Welfare recipients could get bonuses if their kids have 90% school attendance and no disciplinary actions. etc, etc.

I'm just afraid that, without restrictions, niggas will fuck it all up to promote their short term ideological agenda, ie Canadian Truckers.

>> No.55080947
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>> No.55080954

She is so ugly. Could be a transexual with a cheap surgeon

>> No.55080976
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You're a nigger.

>> No.55081005

>If it did I'd switch to another one.
>CBDC would make it inescapable
Its only an additional option, continue with your red state credit union if that better suits you.

>not relevant. Blockchains already exist. Just use USDC if you want programmable fiat.
Of course ease to develop is relevant for staying competitive. Im sure most of americans want to keep US dollar as most wanted currency world wide. You may choose private unbanked stablecoins if those are better for you.

>CBDC is too much power, concentrated.
How is CBDC being too concentrated bad thing? Thats the whole value proposition. Comparable to militarys chain of command.

>how does centralization of finance create competition?
Finance is not getting centralized, it was that already. CBDC will empower the people to make more interactive and transparent ecosystem on top of cash. Think what smart phones and app store did for mobile devices.

>every western country is being flooded with shitskins as part of replacement migration and economic sabotage.
Sure, thats because we have undeniably desirable infrastructure that can be easily extended and there are massive profit gains to be made as any western investor. Population growth in western countries is very low. Stagnation is poison for economic prosperity. I assure you that there will always be white havens despite major cities filling up with bros. Arguing over choco and vanilla is pointless, having options to choose is what matters.

>The West killed gadaffi when he threatened to let migrants through - the western governments wanted migrants to flood.
Are you ChatGPT? That sentence contradicts itself. There are lot of lies spread about gaddafi in tinfoil community. Dictators as subject is complex. Sure they might have done some good decisions, but there is no selling forgiveness in my opinion.

>> No.55081028

What I’d give to tongue punch JK Rowling’s fartbox

>> No.55081048
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>> No.55081053

Music being digital didn't really change it much or make it worse. Same for the phones part of "phones." Banking being digital is probably an improvement, at least when we're using fiat anyway. I'm not convinced making "money" digital is/was a good idea though. I don't think it really is money if it is only digital. The same way a digital house or a digital car aren't real houses or cars. (Despite what some NFT buyers thought, apparently.)
I'm sure there are some potential benefits. The ones you mentioned are probably possible. I just think we're much more likely to see the negative effects than the positive ones, to the point of the positive ones being negligible.

>> No.55081063

Kek based AOC

Schizo covid-deniers get the rope

>> No.55081082


bottom 2 have meth face

>> No.55081105

you've been living through a conspiracy theory realised, out in the open, for at least a decade and you STILL don't get it huh

you are cattle and there's no wonder why they want to reduce your carbon footprint

>> No.55081178

I dont want Weasely Fuckford the government agent to be able know I buy weird porn by looking up "anon's transaction history" at his unsecured terminal just because I called him a fuckboy on twitter.
>they would never allow random people that access
the federal government is dogshit at access. governments in general are too, but the US really stinks at it

>> No.55081187

AKA NAZI white nationalists

>> No.55081238

And what conspiracy theory was that? That we had a pandemic and governments acted accordingly to their best ability to try and handle it. Sure we could have had much better leadership when it broke out, but eventually people who knew what they were doing got back in charge and we had a robust economic recovery.

>> No.55081455

>The government is completely untrustworthy
God trips and /thread.

>> No.55081460

Left wingers are collectivists, that includes all socialists, so yes also nazis

>> No.55081467

Not nationalists and has nothing to do with ethnics

>> No.55082177
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>> No.55082186

>You don’t know what real money is and what a currency is

>> No.55082195

Why should people be concerned with unfounded conspiracy theories over real world convenience?

>> No.55082334

This place is so fucked
The anons who started coinchan and vipbiz have the right ideas
Glowies have biz astroturfed

>> No.55082351

>tired wild eyed conspiracy theories
I'm sure you're here to have an honest debate and not be a faggot shill kike..

>> No.55082361

>Noooooo you can't state things I don't like stop ittt!!! Not true!! Conspiracy!!!!

>> No.55082493

They can lock up your money and can monitor all your transactions
If I ever said anything against the government maybe my money gets frozen "under suspicious circumstances" maybe they make an "error" and seize it all claiming I was trying to evade taxes even though every cent I make would go through their system
Anytime something could be corrupted it was.
Fireworks turned into guns and cannons
The NSA turned into open spying of the public. They even admitted it.
Medicine was turned toxic so that they could only stave off sickness not cure it
So yes I hate the idea of constantly being under surveillance and another government entity created to make sure I pay taxes so they can waste it on non-Americans

>> No.55082522

What the actual fuck is this.

>> No.55082867

My bank is trying to track, and demand justification of, any transaction above 200.
My bank is trying to prevent, and demand justification of, any withdrawals or transactions above 2000.
In southern ireland, i'm bong, the dole requires you to withdraw the dole within several days or they claim it back and demand you explain yourself and provide proof.
The energy companies, all of them, have been breaking into peoples houses using the POLICE to install new meters where they charge you 40% over your spending.
TOne of these energy companies phoned my aunt and said we're just going to charge you 140 for the 100 you spent on energy. She said no, they sent the police to install the new meter. The police laughed when she told them it was illegal. IT IS. There is now a class action against the energy company. NOT THE POLICE. The people will win and get a paltry percentage of what the energy companies STOLE FROM MILLIONS.
All of this under the guise of preventing fraud and money laundering that THEY set up and commit daily.
Stop pretending the world is good and safe and trustworthy.
Nothing is trustworthy.
Fuck you OP

>> No.55082908

The central bank will decide what you can spend on in the shittiest way

>> No.55082934
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>> No.55082942

>fund extremist organizations and groups linked with terrorists
And who defines what "extreme" is, you stupid nigger.

>more private alternative

>which are guaranteed to sell your information forwards
CBDC = Government now has all your info centralised.

>and freezing your cards without valid reason.
And you think the Gov won't freeze people's accounts also? Lol, lmao even.

>> No.55082947

>Le Happy Merchant

>> No.55082954

Right up until: "oh no, people are withdrawing cash creating bank runs, we must stop this", "oh no people are giving money to terrorists, we must stop this", "oh no people are using cash to evade taxes, we must stop this".

"Luckily we've already created a neat new solution: CBDC".

>> No.55082959

>increase transparency and settlement time between banks

BoE already has intra bank settlement between banks which clears on a net basis daily, as well as instant bank to bank payments for consumers in the UK.

>> No.55082964

>I can guarantee
Smart contract it putting your entire netwroth and every asset you own as collateral in the event that this guarantee falls through and i'll consider your opinion.

>> No.55082978
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>Bonnie Wright
Yikes, the last ten years have not been kind to her.

>> No.55083302

It's amazing you can see when the Tel Aviv morning shift starts
Jews cant help it. Always going to be collectivistic new liberal fascistic left wing weirdos

>> No.55083425

>Are you ChatGPT?
are you? gadaffi threatening the west with a flood of migrants is not logically incompatible with the west wanting migrants to flood. gadaffi thought he was threatening them, but he wasn't. he was foolish in that regard..
>I assure you that there will always be white havens despite major cities filling up with bros.
what? who are the "bros" here? how do you figure migrants fix stagnation?
>Sure, thats because we have undeniably desirable infrastructure that can be easily extended and there are massive profit gains to be made as any western investor.
say what?
>How is CBDC being too concentrated bad thing? Thats the whole value proposition. Comparable to militarys chain of command.
already told you, dumbass. Centralized power lets censorship happen like with the canadian truckers.
>private unbanked stablecoins
I *SPECIFICALLY* used USDC as an example, which is a stablecoin backed by a bank.
You aren't being intellectually honest.

>> No.55083434

Hey new liberal fascist.
Again around to try to force consensus
You suck at your job worse than the central bank jews

>> No.55083436

CANADIAN TRUCKERS BANK ACCOUNTS WERE FROZEN. that's not an "unfounded conspiracy" theory. it happened.
ding ding ding
oh right, evening here in burgerland is early AM there. lol

>> No.55083447

oh I see your last post wasn't talking about the same posts I thought it was.
>Again around to try to force consensus
projecting? I've debated with various posters ITT.
if anyone's mind is changed it must be bc I have good arguments. I'm not forcing any consensus.
I only have 1 ID after all..

>> No.55083470

Sorry dude, your Gaddafi argument was so poorly worded that I mistook you for one of the ngo penny workers

>> No.55083484

i think alot of you are missing that with cbdc's we can avoid another "le we don't know where the 2.3 trillion dollars went" moment. Your non-cash purchases (which are basically all my purchases) ARE ALREADY HEAVILY SURVEILLED.

>> No.55083493

k. to clarify, my implication was that gadaffi's threat which should have been a danger flag to the west, was an invitation for the west to accelerate replacement migration. plus, he was trying to become his own bank outside their centralized control.

>> No.55083508

yes, they are, but the gov doesn't make too much noise about using purchase history for profiling or arrests - they use parallel construction. all purchases can show is thoughtcrime.
it's a slippery slope to allow explicit surveillance where every normalfag expects surveillance, then turn off his account when he does a bad thing.
regarding 2.3 trillion, I don't think CBDCs would be used for the government. they'll use "legacy" systems out of "protecting national security" and meanwhile print trillions for black budget projects.

>> No.55083519

You got something wrong there. Good old Gaddafi thought it was a threat, the first one going with the human flood weapon of mass destruction narrative. Little did he know that Jews actually were looking forward to it to try to save their new liberal fascistic post 45 ponzi scheme. The rest is correct hilldog and her jpmason handlers killed the dude because he dared to do the rational thing, get rid of fiat

>> No.55083543

>You got something wrong there. Good old Gaddafi thought it was a threat, the first one going with the human flood weapon of mass destruction narrative. Little did he know that Jews actually were looking forward to it
that's basically what I said, although with the angle of destroying the west.
Your argument is that that was to perpetuate the west's ponzi with brown wagies?

>> No.55083620

Not wagies. Human collateral for jpmason

>> No.55083969

libertarians are the real nazis, chud

>> No.55084000

Libertarian are cuck right wingers.
Anarchists are right wing extremists
Liberals are ultra cucked right wingers
Social democrats are ultra cucked left wingers
Socialists are cucked left wingers
Fasicists and communists are left wing extremists

And in non of those ethnicity plays any role

>> No.55084037

No we can't.
Banks will have private ledgers and even if not.
The politicians will jsut pilpul till the public loses focus and forgets while some celebrity gets up to no good and distracts them.
The public just ignores mass fraud.
More people paid the energy companies i spoke of than people involved in the class action.
And ZERO politicians are talking about it.

>> No.55084049

for me it's anarcho-monarchist ancap neo-feudalism with Esoteric Nazi characteristics

>> No.55084103

So a sovereign individual that enjoys national socialist aesthetics. We call those larpzis

>> No.55086482

hm. doesn't that also contribute to the fall of the west? I see the profit motive though.

>> No.55086533

How wouldn't it. It furthers atomization, distrust in society and authority and demotivates anybody to contribute. Imagine Weimar but not with ethnically homogenous political cleavages, but cleavages among ethnicities, politics, social believes.
The hope is that the population will be so preoccupied with massacring itself, that the collectivists (jews) in the background can reap the fruits. The reality is, corrupt collectivists use the new collateral to give their friends and clans public funds, while the state and order is getting cannibalized from inside and outside

The outcome is deterministic

>> No.55086558
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>> No.55086615

>backed by nothing
This is a good thing new friend. Being backed by something is the worst thing that can happen to a currency. Gold used to be the currency and it was backed by nothing. People were paid fairly and their wealth didn't dwindle over time.
Compare that with your paper money. That money was backed by gold, the reason we have shit wages and no solid saving option was because it lost that promise.

Bitcoin being backed by gold, paper or any other asset degrades its status and makes it lose value as soon as it detaches from what's backing it

>> No.55086695

that makes sense. well, I'll keep stacking crypto and PMs.
"backed by the government" isn't a real backing.
bitcoin can't lose its "promise" as long as people using it agree not to fuck the protocol up

>> No.55086707

>They are more convenient and the natural evolution of real money.
It's ruggable money, so useless.
> Unlike other crypto which is backed by nothing, CBDC are backed by the government so you can trust they have real value.
Why do fiat currencies keep hyperinflating, then?

>> No.55086728

If you mean stacking as in keeping your crypto in open source diy hardware wallets contrary to staking it somewhere locked; that is an option - but keep some cash around, it wont go hyperinflation and despite cash with a disfunctional state basically being worthless ious from entities that have no power, people are slow to react.
More important would be energy carriers for the eventual break down of infrastructure, learning how to build ieds and use them and learning to use and shoot a rifle, and shotting before asking questions, especially if somebody screams
you shoot twice

>> No.55086739

Can you explain to me what you mean by "liberal fascists" and why you mention them in every post?

>> No.55086769

If you dont believe in conspiracies how can you hope to discuss finance or politics?

>> No.55086774

>Guess who didn't get their accounts frozen, good citizens obeying the law.
Protesting is protected by the law.

>> No.55086805

you get put on terrorist lists for protesting anon

>> No.55086811

Read the threads
the word is NEW LIBERAL
and fascism is hopefully obvious
a collectivist left wing ideology that denies the sovereignty of the individual in favor of the unity of an ad hoc defined folk on a territory and a dissolution of political, economic and civil society institutions; while keeping the concept of private property for ideologues intact

>> No.55086822

They do what they feel they must.

>> No.55086826

Did you write that?

>> No.55086843

The article is typical wikipedia bullshit but should be enough to get the basic concept of the term and how it differentiate from the usual classic liberals, who are a right wing ideology, a cucked one, but still right wing

>> No.55086926

>especially if somebody screams FRIENDLY
and how do you propose that people communicate & cooperate after your hypothetical mad-max scenario, or do you only see degeneration?

>> No.55086979

Its a slow degradation that only accelerates.
Just have a look at any socialist deficit spending nation on the African continent after the end of colonialism in the 1970s. The only ones you can trust is your tribe
infrastructure wont just go down from one to the other day, but it becomes unreliable

>> No.55087186



Close this retarded topic, please.

>> No.55087228
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no leave it open
Lot of real redpilling ITT. Let them know we know and are prepared to feed on the fiat corpse

>> No.55087283
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I like how there's a picture or real money in the OP

>> No.55087874

They can't replace cash with a digital currency, as then someone could completely shut down the economy by shutting off the power. It's too much of a national security risk.

>> No.55087895

It will be pure atomization
Cant remember the name of the movie but it was some weird sciefi B-movie where dozens of currencies were accepted by different traders, and everything looked like Moroccan bazar; with people manipulating currency all day long

>> No.55088622
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>cleansing the temple
>printed on a silver coin

>> No.55088927

Peacefully protesting is. Violent extremist terrorism is not.

>> No.55088944

>just bend over and take the abuse
Sometimes terrorism is all that can be done

>> No.55089033

What violence did they commit?

>> No.55089313

>peaceful protesting for things that are government approved is peaceful protesting
>peaceful protesting for things that are not government approved are violent insurrectionist extremist terrorism occupation bad bad bad bad bad

best goy

>> No.55089327

>130 replies
Fucking idiots

>> No.55089336

>but literally with none of the fucking reasons that crypto exists in the first place
>so just regular currency
>but like digital (which 90% of "real" currency is anyway)

>> No.55089685

Do you even watch the news?

>> No.55090217

Not particularly, that's why I'm asking.

>> No.55090397

honking is apparently violence for inner city canucks

>> No.55090439

I like cbdc on BSV. Everyone gets no more than one satoshi and that satoshi represents everything you own and all bank balances. No more debts. Only social credit. Every day you wake up with UBI balance but any unspent balances is revoked at 12am. No saving. Velocity of money increases 1000x. Inflation permanently killed. You can only spend your ubi on specific goods and services.

>> No.55090601
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Your so called "peaceful" truckers.

>> No.55090626

>AKA NAZI white nationalists
I wish the good guys were in power. The world would have a bright future.

>> No.55090652 [DELETED] 


>> No.55090821
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They will never, ever happen. Countries can not trade using a foreign adversary's programmable currency.
This is why BTC will be the world's reserve currency by 2030.
End of discussion.

>> No.55090832

Bitcon is a joke that nobody takes seriously. You can't run a country on it. Everyone across the world will be using a digital dollar just the same as they are using the dollar right now.

>> No.55090855

So that is why Foundry is having now 30% of the hashrate and China and Russia preparing to get in the game? Makes sense, not

>> No.55090868

>banks will hold it on their balance sheets in Jan 2024
>being adopted as legal tender
>global de-dolarization
>BRICS economic block forming
>CBDC trials failing miserably in third world nations where they tested them
>even fed officials now publicly questioning whether it's a good idea
BTC will be the world's reserve currency by 2030.

>> No.55090981

>BTC will be the world's reserve currency by 2030.
absolute cope. why use btc when usa or the ccp will make their own? you niggas getting replaced within the decade

>> No.55091098
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>The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.55091218

today most financial transactions happen digitally but when its time to buy something that governments/banks don't allow you to buy, you use cash. CBDC eliminates cash so all your transactions will be on your personal record. when governments enact price controls to "combat" inflation, what will people use for grey/black markets? think about it.

>> No.55091311

>why use BTC when usd and CCP make their own
You obviously didn't even read my original post because I explained it so well that even a nigger like you could understand. If only you read it

>> No.55091339
File: 131 KB, 1080x1077, cbdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch and learn. this is a respectable youtube channel, the biggest one in crypto, coin beureau. and this is a sober and reasonable take on the cbdc issue without any wide eyed conspiracy theories. pic related is actually accurate

>> No.55091359

you can't just create a strawman with no evidence and assume it to be true because newspaper said so. in your mind all the truckers are evil and racist or something holy shit dude, you're insane. touch grass

>> No.55091394

Lmao get fucked. That's the conspiracy right there. Anyone accepting this is a fucking slave. So fuck you slave anon.

>> No.55091407

Lol kys

>> No.55091413

>Gold and silver coins were pressed by the government, they only had value because of it.
gold has all the properties of money. basic shit dude do you even know what money is? what other naturally occurring material is fungible, divisible, immutable, verifiable, scarce. literally nothing, it's just gold, the only natural form of money and thats why every single ancient civilization used gold and not some other shiny metal.

you're the one with the conspiracy theories. just because cbc told you its true, doesn't mean its not fucking insane.

no they weren't. you're an extremist and you're terrified of a strawman the media created for you that has no basis in reality.

hate speech can't be defined, its subjective. the problem with making subjective language bannable by the government is obvious. they will widen the definition of hate speech to silence any speech they don't like. of course they would don't be naive.
that image is fact checked in this video, watch it

there was literally no violent extremist terrorism, its all in your head. take meds?

it's called propaganda, grow up

bitcoin has all the properties of money without being controlled by a government. like gold

>> No.55091415

this is the ivan you fpbped
Read his fucking posts and laff.

>> No.55091424

Hope the speech here actually does lead to your harm..for real go kys.

>> No.55091483

>A flag is violence.

You need to fucking die asap.

>> No.55091491

Official approved and vetted legitimate news sources with professional journalists do not not allow conspiracy theories. Swing and a miss.

>> No.55091505

>Appeal to authority

>> No.55091527

If the state is infallible because it has authority, if the media is infallible because it has authority, then hitler was infallible because he had authority, and the church is infallible because it has authority.
As an authority on myself, and infallible to boot, i'm just not going to use CBDC's because they are untrustworthy.

>> No.55091572

you have to learn critical thinking, blind trust in authority figures is what enabled hitler

>> No.55091608
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here's your objective journalism bro
no agendas here

>> No.55091612

Rejecting experts just because some unfounded conspiracy theory says so is far worse. People are experts for a reason. Not everyone is a specialist in every field.

>> No.55091627
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you can trust journalists because big corporations own them and of course corporations deserve total trust. everybody knows the corporations always have our bestinterests in mind

>> No.55091633

>Centralized power lets censorship happen
Governments are based on centralized power like monopoly on violence, which includes monetary policy.
Its better to speak about stablecoins on general level since USDC has not been audited and might not survive prolonged bear market and regulation.

>muh canadian truckers
They were disturbing citizens and acted really bad.
Russian state media had clear role in it as well.
Also Canada has always been nanny state compared to USA.

>China and Russia preparing to get in the game
China and Russia cant compete in chip fabrication.
It would take them decades to match current state of ASML machinery.

>i cant trust US gov, yet i refuse to leave their influence cos its the best
As someone pointed above, 90% of "real" currency is already digital.
Having physical cash is fail safe during grid failures, accidental or malicious.

Also political suicide to suggest anything else.
Very little to win while lose voters and national security.

>> No.55091636

>rejecting experts
which experts? the ones the state and corporate media told me to trust implicitly? maybe you should actually look into some things yourself kid

>> No.55091649

at some point someone said "maybe we shouldn't round up people we don't like into concentration camps?" and that person was told to stop "rejecting experts" and then stalin/hitler sent him to a camp for asking questions.

>> No.55091655

What do you do when they find out you use the word nigger and faggot? Do they reappropriate my CBDC to someone who is deservered to be more equitable?

>> No.55091658

Goebbels was an expert.
Samuel George Morton was an expert.
John Law was an expert.

>> No.55091674

The EPA were experts during the Teflon fiasco.

>> No.55091675

all your arguments so far have just been an appeal to authority. that's it/ all your beliefs are because "the people im supposed to trust said its true therefore it is". thats just awful, you are a pawn. people like you and the blind faith placed in authorities is why democide has historically been such a massive killer. it is not safe to blindly trust authorities it never has been, you cannot trust the people in power to have your best interests at heart. they didnt get into power by giving a fuck about you or tthe truth, your journalists and "experts" are a tool for that power and when they don't play along they're not called experts anymore

>> No.55091681

all his arguments are just an appeal to authority he has nothing else thats his entire thought process. or she, kinda seems like a woman

>> No.55091699


>> No.55091700

>she, kinda seems like a woman
Husbands were once experts on wives.

>> No.55091711

>Libertarian are cuck right wingers.

You're a teenager.

>> No.55091823

>we will see the rise of silverbacks and goldbacks

I’d bet we will, yk what would be funny, if govt tried backing their crypto with gold

>> No.55091852

The libertarian party can hardly be called right wing these days.

>> No.55091911

>as then someone could completely shut down the economy by shutting off the power. It's too much of a national security risk.
That's... The exact current state of affairs.
You think your economy isn't dead if power remains offline if you have a little bit of cash?

>> No.55092079

So without all the bad sides of CBDCs they are fantastic.

>> No.55092148

>CBDC are backed by the government
The USA is 34 trillion dollars in debt.

>> No.55092237

Debt means nothing when you have the most dominant military in the world.

>> No.55092341

>lend us money or we'll shoot you
>no we will not pay it back
>your ability to use our reserve currency is dependent on whether or not we like you
>hey what are you doing buying oil in other currencies, stop or we shoot!
the united states is fucking deranged

>> No.55092356

imagine if you could just raise your own personal debt limit with a credit card company indefinably. every time the due date to pay comes up you just raise your limit and take on more debt instead. forever.

>> No.55092371

usd is fucking clown currency backed by the full power and authority of clown world

>> No.55092410

>God Emperor Trump seizes power and passes a law to strip trannies of all their assets
That's much easier to do with CBDCs than it is with our current system
Leftists never think about how CBDCs can be used against them

>> No.55092429

Trump will never be able to steal an election again.

>> No.55092595

>bro you should just expect the government to turn off your money if you’re not a good goy
>pointing out that it’s a bad thing makes it a conspiracy theory though
Fuck off kike.

>> No.55092870

Hate speech is another term for White speech. Of course the jew already knows that.

>> No.55092985

Nonsense CBDCs is just a digital version of fiat. With crypto we get complete ownership to our funds. Now with xMoney I cam pay with fiat and crypto at ease. Fuck off boomer.

>> No.55093024

What violence did that involve? That's just a headline.

>> No.55093033

Do you claim that Trump stole the 2016 election?

>> No.55093080

CBDCs has its own merits and demerits. I am not gonna adopt this shit. With crypto I have my financial freedom no restrictions at all. Crypto and fiat will work in hand and xMoney is the best example for that.

>> No.55093231

Have you thought about the privacy issues with the operations of CBDCs. A good number of crypto users today, made the change to DeFi because they wanted more financial privacy. Stop acting ignorant.

>> No.55093326

You cant profit from it, its just same as the fucked up centralized USD. Crypto is the future, the muh digital currency is just about control and prying on users transaction history. Its a privacy nightmare.

>> No.55093490
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>> No.55093531

>wild conspiracy theories

bruh wtf r yu talking about? Been waiting 2 TWO (2, Two) fucking weeks for Coingae to allow me to move MY MONEY because they lost my id. Same shit as last time. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.55093538

She killing the series to make trannies seethe and develop hypertraditional oversexualized romance novels?

>> No.55093669

Crypto gives us freedom, which is what the government wants to take away from us, and there is no way that I would like to leave paying with crypto via my CryptMi card to paying with CBDC that might even have an expiring date

>> No.55094023

That's one reason why most crypto users won't embrace CBDC
CBDC won't give you cashback reward like that card would do, so I know why you won't like it kek

>> No.55094197
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> hiding anything from the government

Do you actually think they can’t look everything up right now? They can look everything up. Every search you’ve ever done.

>> No.55094216

Evidence, illegally gained, is not legally actionable.
This is why guantanamo exists and only 1 person has been attempted to be prosecuted, which failed.

>> No.55094302





>> No.55094323

You cant be serious with links like this.

>> No.55094330

>Cash will not be reduced or replaced by CBDC, this was clearly stated by the FED.

The FED is lying!


>> No.55094334

A CDBC is basically a digital version of the Soviet Ruble. People forget we already had a centralized currency that expired and could only buy certain goods. It was shit, it was shit and didn't work.

>> No.55094339

>Rejecting experts just because some unfounded conspiracy theory says so is far worse. People are experts for a reason. Not everyone is a specialist in every field.

>> No.55094411

Third worlders can't understand

>> No.55094475

>They can't replace cash with a digital currency, as then someone could completely shut down the economy by shutting off the power

That's exactly what they are going for.

>> No.55094549

>Do you actually think they can’t look everything up right now?

They can't lookup all my cash transactions.

>> No.55094561

>ad hominem

>> No.55094909

Social credit system. But oddly enough I do think it's less likely the government will rug your money the way 99.9 of crypto is rugging us

>> No.55095128

>Appeal to probability

>> No.55095916

Correct, they CBDC is the dying breath of Neoliberalism and an absolute cope, like all of their utopian horseshit it will fail.

>> No.55097742

a collectivistic slave cult that gave Hitlers Fascism a spin after 1945 and replaced Aryans with Jews

>> No.55097838

every single one of those things already exists now under fiat. sure you can earn a living in cash, but actually try to spend that cash on lots of assets and see what happens to you.

>> No.55097892
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>its backed by the government so therefore it has real value you can trust


Lmfgoddamnfuckingassoff even

>> No.55098424
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Good goy, here's a nice shiny shekel for you goyim!

>> No.55098565

The ONLY thing CBDCs are is a control mechanism by the government. If you didn’t have the IQ of a walnut you would spend 10 minutes to read up on how China is already using this tech against its own people. China is a 1 Billion plus person open prison, and the entire world will become that if CBDCs roll out.

>> No.55099403

We are not China.

>> No.55099482
File: 130 KB, 384x318, when mom asks you what's burning in the oven.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

money already went digital, (((banks))) are desperately trying to stay relevant and will have to try to convince the goyim that their CBDC shitcoin is better than established private digital money.

>then they fight you

>> No.55099542

Anon, you've been btfo with every point you've made. Give up.
No-one wants CBDC and no-one trusts centralized digital currencies.
Even the people who use fiat don't like the idea and will need to be forced. (Good luck lol)
You're not going to get people who don't want to use fiat onto CBDC's for another round of century long value theft and terrible financial policies.
The whole point, for most of us at least, is to escape the incopetent(mostly just corrupt) decisions these fuckwits are making.
I will never use something where someone can decide to change what they want based on their political campaigns, views, or personal portfolio.
Now stop.

>> No.55099621

>no-one trusts centralized digital currencies
90% of USD is already digital, has been for long time and yet it still most desirable currency out In the while world.

>> No.55099665

>central banking digital currency
What more do you need? You're not a literal retard are you?

>> No.55099672

Stop pretending that they are one in the same you disingenuous shill.
But even for the sake of argument...
What is the avg that each person holds in banks?
Less that 10% of their net ?
Less than 5% of their net?
No-one trusts it.
I know people with mattresses filled. Shoeboxes filled. Who buy bling because they need to get rid of risky cash. Or who just spend it on junk because it's losing value constantly.
I know people who were paid by MAIL till they no longer had that option.
That's how little trust there is.
People don't like your fake and gay system.
They have already opted out as much as they are able and they are just too ignorant and lazy to opt into crypto.

>> No.55099777
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Somehow the west is worse than China, at least on the macro level the party seeks longterm prosperity for most. America and it's partners seek to fleece their citizens for everything they have, have ruined the spirit of liberty, and sell their nation to China and others. Remember this memorial day that all fallen veterans of my lifetime died for nothing, achieving nothing and empowering/justifying an ever growing surveillance state to keep people in line. You're sick in the head anon but fortunately the new poors are about 10 minutes away from eating people like you.

>> No.55099832

>no-one trusts centralized digital currencies
This is coming from people who literally put their trust in fake internet money that isn't backed by anything. CBDCs unlike crypto is actually backed by the government and stores will accept them for products and services.

>> No.55099858 [DELETED] 

>no-one trusts centralized digital currencies.
Yet vast majority does. Goldbugs are tiny minority.

>Even the people who use fiat don't like the idea and will need to be forced.
No they dont, CBDC will only be additional option to gpay and credit cards.

>You're not going to get people who don't want to use fiat onto CBDC's
These people are tiny majority.

>The whole point, for most of us at least, is to escape the incopetent(mostly just corrupt) decisions these fuckwits are making.
Your offgrid communities are fringe joke, but sure, feel free to continue larping.

>I will never use something where someone can decide to change what they want based on their political campaigns, views, or personal portfolio.
Again you sound like little bitch with that emotional bullshit.

>> No.55099862

>>55099542 #
>no-one trusts centralized digital currencies.
Yet vast majority does. Goldbugs are tiny minority.

>Even the people who use fiat don't like the idea and will need to be forced.
No they dont, CBDC will only be additional option to gpay and credit cards.

>You're not going to get people who don't want to use fiat onto CBDC's
These people are tiny minority.

>The whole point, for most of us at least, is to escape the incopetent(mostly just corrupt) decisions these fuckwits are making.
Your offgrid communities are fringe joke, but sure, feel free to continue larping.

>I will never use something where someone can decide to change what they want based on their political campaigns, views, or personal portfolio.
Again you sound like little bitch with that emotional bullshit.

>> No.55100027

>backed by 32 trillion in debt

>> No.55100120

Do you think the people putting money in mattresses, shoeboxes, bling or who were paid by FUCKING MAIL until the year 2020 are in crypto?
They're not.
And they won't be in your ponzi crypto either.
You WILL need to wait until boomers die off.
There is no way ajn old man who got paid by the mail is going to be able to operate a mobile banking account.

>> No.55100131

>Endless kvetching and ad hominem
no u
You got btfo by everyone anon.
Go back to your boss and report complete failure.

>> No.55100154

Also, if it's optional then no-one will use it will they.
Launch your CBDC
Let the value hit the floor

>> No.55100273

>Free speech is guaranteed by the same goverment that backs CBDC
incorrect. it's guaranteed by the charter of rights which is in place specifically to protect citizens from the government

>> No.55100335

>I'm just afraid that, without restrictions, niggas will fuck it all up to promote their short term ideological agenda
>im afraid people will be able to support what they like rather than being beholden to the money system
not to mention
>the government has a right to do it
you are a demon. you are raw evil

>> No.55100364

>Also, if it's optional then no-one will use it will they.
Ok then why all the fearmongering. Your nightmares are simply unrealistic. US is still very conservative country with strong constitutional rights.

>Let the value hit the floor
Again, USD is already mostly digital. You can freely bet that US military suddenly disappeares. Majority of the world sees them getting stronger.

>> No.55100739

CBDC backed by the government cant be a ponzi unlike all other crypto

And yet those rights can only exist with the support of the government.

>> No.55100781
File: 348 KB, 1008x658, glowfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> USD is already mostly digital
99% of digital value is not owned by the public.
>backed by the government
>cant be a ponzi
you get to pick one
>those rights can only exist with the support of the government.
wrong and most rights aren't being supported by the government, instead abused
you fucking glow

>> No.55100940

>99% of value is not owned by the public.
Ok what was the point saying that? Currency is mainly just for value transferring. Ofc some people like to hoard it, but that is another topic. With monetary policies we can regulate how fastly it gets traded for optimal economic benefits (tax funds). World politics have just accelarated relocalizatuon of energy, raw materials and manufacturing.

>> No.55101163
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x768, Screenshot 2023-05-27 at 00-47-18 GlowingFrogsScreengrab.jpg (WEBP Image 1920 × 768 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok what was the point saying that?
You really don't think that's a relative factor?
Most people are using digital banking for quick transactions at best.
For large amounts of money, people keep it out of the bank or are borrowing. This creates most of the digital value you are speaking of.
>TL;DR Most people use physical cash, or debt, and you are trying to take away the physical cash.

> Ofc some people like to hoard it, but that is another topic.
No it's not. Many of those same people are the ones you are telling me are infallible because they have authority.
Those who are not in authority actually have even MORE.
Next you will tell me the former are incorruptable as well as infallible.
You would be lying, to yourself and to me.
They are a point of failure that has already failed. Every. Single. One.

Ths is because the public cannot compete against the resources of the latter, the private.
And the public does not exercise the few resources it has upon the former, the government, because it is being misinformed by the latter so there is no incentive for the former to uphold their 'good faith' relationship with the public.
This leave the government without accountability because it is the public which must hold them to account and they are de facto impotent to do this.
With no accountabiltiy for the government the latter have majority power because it is the government which must hold them to account and they cannot, or will not, do this because of the resource imbalance between them and because there is no incentive.
>TL;DR This is a conspiracy. In the every legal sense. But it de-facto unactionable due to scale.

>With monetary policies we can regulate how fastly it gets traded for optimal economic benefits (tax funds).
No. Not you. Not me. Not the public. The point of failure, the government, can regulate as that is their sole purpose and authority as you pointed out.
Read last paragraph to find out why that's a bad thing.

>> No.55101169

Total information awareness.

>> No.55101236

The USA/EU/UN is a
They combined FDR and Hitlers left wing collectivism and replaced
Aryans with Jews
Their goal is to keep individual sovereign right wingers enslaved

>> No.55101293
File: 43 KB, 355x200, grug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

translation for my retarded anons
>grug keep shiny rock but borrow banans from longnose
>longnose try to take away grug shiny rock and leave grug with banans
>grug know banans rot
>grug say no
>but longnose have many banans and many shiny rocks and give banans to chief
>chief make grug give all shiny rock to longnose
>grug left with rotten banans
>grug eats rotten banan
>grug have no shiny rock and no banans left
>longnose make grug dig for many shiny rocks for one banans now
>chief get free banans

>> No.55101365

>Most people are using digital banking for quick transactions at best.
Growing rapid despite being under developed. Digital currency makes cheaper and faster.

>For large amounts of money, people keep it out of the bank or are borrowing.
Sure, it is intended that money flows around and doesnt get hoarded.

>This creates most of the digital value you are speaking of.
Trading creates most of all value. Digital USD will accelarate growth.

>the public cannot compete against the resources of the latter, the private.
Private sector can invest resources on top of CBDC just like they did with physical cash and banking.

>The point of failure, the government
Then dollar would collapse too. You are completely free to prepare for that. Not that its realistic in forseeable future. Russia has shown to be paper tiger, along with China. How is that not obvious already?

>> No.55101460

how do you eurodollar with cdbc?

>> No.55101522

>central bank
>decentralized currency
This is that thing that jews do where they make YOU responsible for falling for it.

>> No.55101765

>longnose pick cherries now
>while grug paint meme
>meme ahow why longnose and chief bad
>grug leave tribe now
>grug go find other grugs
>keep rotten banans
>grug keep shiny rocks

>> No.55101770
File: 60 KB, 800x600, Grug Economics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh grug forgot meme
>stupid longnose anyway

>> No.55101780

>Hitlers left wing
You really did drink the koolaid.

>> No.55101824

Cool another pop scam.

>> No.55101847

>grug likes memes

>> No.55101856
File: 57 KB, 800x600, Longnoseless Economy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grug forgot again
>grug tired from digging all day
>this why longnose not welcome among grugs
>grug can't paint
>must always dig

>> No.55101871

Use quantum computing reset everything to zero everyone has cero money everyone goes crazy and burns the banks and then the government.

>> No.55101884

CBDC nice communism you got there bro.

>> No.55102060

Sure seems like it. Have fun larping cave man while rest of the humanity moves forward with 4th industrial age powered by digital ecosystem.

>> No.55102114

>We are not China.
Very true. The GOP is ensure a very different CBDC. Can you knee-jerk anti-CBDC niggas understand this concept????

>> No.55102121

Its digital now, but not programmable. 2 very different things.

>> No.55102950

>CBDC are backed by the government so you can trust they have real value.
>t. Big brother

>> No.55103198


dont do anything illegal dont have anything to hide

simple as

>> No.55103597

Its been funny to watch how people simply can not argue against CBDCs without relying on their absurd conspiracy theories. If they were so bad, it shouldn't be this hard.

>> No.55103612

Not one conspiracy was posted.
I explained perfectly why centralized economies corrupt over time leading to inevitable failure.
Regardless of which governing body is in charge of them.
It is your failure of understanding.
If digital currencies are necessary for growth.
Decentralized currencies are necessary for public safety.
This is because the authorities can, and will, over time change the code for political and personal profit at the expense of the public who have no protection OTHER THAN TO NOT USE THEM.
This is an indisputable fact which none of you pro-cbdc shills can argue against.
Every other point you lot have made has been btfo by various anons.
You then wait an hour or two, try again with a new logical fallacy and get btfo again.
And again.
Do you really like getting rekt so much?

>> No.55103633

the government decides whatever harmless view is not in their interest,
so they decide you are not allowed to take part in banking anymore.
no food buying, no rent paying
not buying anything.
you like this idea?

(yeah I used a cashless society example where CBDC's are the currency.)

look at china? giving you CBDC tokens/coins with an expiry date?

>> No.55103638

Decentralized currencies have no value.
CBDCs do because they are backed by a real entity.
There is no reasonable or rational assumption that the government would use them negatively for some nebulous reason
That is a conspiracy theory.

>> No.55103645

>protip; the only conspiracy is that an authority is, by virtue of being an authority, incorruptable and infallible.
Any refusal to acknowledge this is just invincible ignorance.
If authorities were incorruptable and infallible, then no governing body in all of history has ever misbehaved.
Which leaves you, the purporter of this fallacy, to explain why russia or ukraine are currently at war since both have authority thus both incorruptable and infallible.
You must also explain what hitler did wrong, since he had authority too. And having authority, it must follow that he was uncorrupt and unfallible.
By your logic.

>> No.55103666

>CBDCs do because they are backed by a real entity.
>Appeal to authority.

>There is no reasonable or rational assumption that the government would use them negatively for some nebulous reason
There is no reasonable or rational assumption that a government would use not use them negatively, in regards to how it affects the public, if the outcome is always positive for them.
See >>55101163 Where i explained why.

Now explain how the public protects itself from the authority and the private.

>That is a conspiracy theory.
Yes, yours.

>> No.55103675

The government grants all your freedom. If you do not believe your government will protect them, then why are you acting as if you can exercise your freedom.

>> No.55103703

>The government grants all your freedom.
You stated this only to load the argument.
I dismiss this premise outright on the basis of falsehood.
People exist in a natural state of freedom until an authority comes along.
This is a phenomenon that persists through every specie on earth.
>If you do not believe your government will protect them
I do not believe they are capable, or willing.
I explained why. Previously.

>then why are you acting as if you can exercise your freedom.
I am not acting. I am free. I can exercise the freedom to create and use decentralized currencies This is because the governing body has not yet been able to strip the public of all rights because of the one resource the public has. Numbers.
It is you, the authority, who wishes to stip me of this freedom.
As you have proved and stated repeatedly.

>> No.55103727

There is no such thing as a natural state of freedom. If this freedom has been violated, when has nature ever intervened to rectify it? Never, the only reason why you are allowed your freedom is because we have a government by and for the people. It seems a strange way to live to enjoy the fruits of the very government who is actively giving you that freedom.

>> No.55103748

>strange way to live to enjoy the fruits of the very government *only to complain about* who is actively giving you that freedom

>> No.55103749

>There is no such thing as a natural state of freedom.
>If this freedom has been violated, when has nature ever intervened to rectify it?
Nature does not.
There is no intevention except by intervention exercised a greater authority. E.G a body with more resources.
>Never, the only reason why you are allowed your freedom is because we have a government by and for the people.
Wrong. This implies another authority will naturally fill the void. This is preventable. As i have already explained.
>the very government who is actively giving you that freedom.
I explained why the authority does not give freedom, nor have any incentives to protect said freedom.
End this line of fallacious argument and introduce a new point.

>> No.55103755

Nature does not because its not a real entity. Government is and is what protects your freedom. There is no scenario where you have freedom without the government protecting it. There never has been.

>> No.55103767

>Government is and is what protects your freedom.
I already explained why this is not the case.
No matter how many times you repeat it, the point remains defeated.
>There is no scenario where you have freedom without the government protecting it.
I posted an example of just such a scenario.
Your failure to account for this example i took the effort of explaining out to you in various forms only leads me to believe you are being disingenous in your argument in an attempt to regain ground you never had in the first place.

>> No.55103774

>Nature is not real
>government is

>> No.55103777

Just admit that you believe in the myth of "god given inalienable rights".

>> No.55103807

No, i do not appeal to authority.
As such i will not admit to a falsehood.
Let me explain the state of natural freedom.

>be on island alone
>can do anything, anytime, anywhere on island within limitations of nature (biology, geography, physics)
>be you
>we make frens at first
>then you try make me pick coconuts and fish for you
>i refuse
>you beat me with rock(exercising authority) until i comply
>there is no incentive for you not to continue this behaviour as there is zero reprecussions
Do you see how authority took away my natural freedoms?
I know have to give you things you did not work for and do not deserve and i am left with whatever you decide to give. (This giving is what you describe as government given rights and freedom)
>Along comes another
>beats you with rock
>now your freedom has been taken too by a greater authority

If you refuse to understand this, as simply as i put it, then you are arguing in bad faith and are just another example of why CBDC's are a bad idea.

>> No.55103813

I can expand on this too.
>be you and me
>tired of no freedoms
>beat up third person with rock
>we all sit around fire and agree to throw away all rocks so no one can beat each other up
>we all agree what we fish for is belonging to each individual
>freedoms regained
The only loss of freedom in this scenario is the loss of authoritative freedom.

>> No.55103861

a CBDC that has no limiting factors in spending, and is pegged to a weighted basket consisting of gold, national stock indices, sov bonds, commodities, bitcoin and where the dividends are split 50:50; 50% for the issuers overheads and the other 50 kicked back to holders as an interest payment would probably serve its purpose well. Everyone just knows that to even get to this mediocre pseudo-hardmoney will take decades of state bumbling and fuck ups with CBDCs before it materializes from the public sector. Something like what I speak of is hypothetically do able today with a smartcontract and adequate banking using decentralized crypto.

>> No.55103978

This a clear case of breaching individuals financial privacy which would have never happened with Defi. CBDCs is just about govt control.

>> No.55103985

Dear diary, today op was a faggot.

>> No.55103994

Collectivism is left wing. Fascism is collectivistic

>> No.55104004

> the government kills in canada tens of thousands with covid vaccine
and you suck their dick

> the truckers kill a fraction of the government vax deaths, against this vax madness
and you go against them and suck government dick

you truely are the biggest of faggots

>> No.55104027

You are going to be very soon, if you keep pushing the CBDC agenda with no hope for freedom or privacy.

>> No.55104128

Cbdcs have no chance. If the last 3 years showed one thing, then that the fascists in government or corpos don't have the power to push legislation or narratives, they are all too weak and don't have majorities on their side but a big amount of different minorities against them that make together a majority that would love to kill them all

All those minorities need is a match that starts the fire. And corporations as government dies in the USA and the west

>> No.55105071

bumping to delay the remaking of this gay thread

>> No.55105522

>Gold and silver coins were pressed by the government, they only had value because of it.
totally wrong
read menger and mises
gold and silver naturally emerged as money before states minted coins

>> No.55106684

checked. This place is crawling with masonic glowfags. Funny how they throw the amount of resources at this dead board just because a hand full of noticers speak the truth on here from time to time

>> No.55106793

People like you can go fuck yourself

>> No.55107915 [DELETED] 
File: 349 KB, 1200x900, BA84C5EF-B257-4984-9932-9A89339243B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future CBDC of Nigeria is obviously Ticker BITCOIN Harry.potter.Obamasonic10.inu

Get with the program, no sophisticated investor’s portfolio lacks HarryP.

>> No.55107974 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1280x853, IMG_7241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are investing in 2023 and don’t allocate funds towards HarryP and Obamas stimulus of secrets, then I simply can’t help you. All Cbdc will be paired to to bitcoin. You heard it here first.

>> No.55107985

Look if it is all about regulations I think we can adopt ZKP identities like Polygon and Nexera IDs. I do not buy the idea of CBDC.

>> No.55108021
File: 1.69 MB, 832x1325, shoo shoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>masons trying to bribe anon in cooperation

>> No.55108035

>How exactly would it be easier than freezing bank accounts or credit cards?
Program a feature where the money reads the the profile of the account holder its send to and activate a number of restrictions if the account is associated with
>list of things gov don't like
Then restrict the money to be only be able to be spend on a particular item, service, product, let it be able to decay with time or even for it to be unaccesible to be spend. Etc.
YOu won't even need to freeze accounts. The money can simply reads the account and restricts or opens access to society as the bank or gov sees fit.
>If you do X then you can spend Y
Its fucking ludicrous to think about the options you have to program the money.

>> No.55108736

All said

>> No.55109313

and up it goes again, the retardation at display ITT is too valuable

>> No.55109344

cbdc give only net negatives:

no cash. needs to be connected at all times. -1
practically, its what we already have with debit cards. -1

cannot think of a +1

>> No.55109356

they give too much power to central banks and government.

>> No.55109969


>> No.55110034
File: 62 KB, 712x548, quant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess which coin will power the new latam dollar and the digital pound

>> No.55110044

token not needed

>> No.55110059

u sure bout dat bruh?

>> No.55110084

Crypto is so normie now I’m sure many will accept and welcome it. Reddit will fucking love it if they are told Chuds hate it.

>> No.55110156

guess which coin will hit $80?

>> No.55110978

Main reason why those two entities are fighting against crypto privacy. CBDCs is all about control. Though introducing it will just drive move privacy adoption, I cant wait for my RAIL and ZEC bag to moon.

>> No.55110985
File: 266 KB, 680x680, FqEO09NWYAEzUqm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are more convenient

>> No.55110988

Based comment, ZKPs are perfect tech for compliance and the newer privacy protocols such as Railgun and Secret have adopted the ZK tech for its operations.

>> No.55110991

another cbdc shill post? hrm...i'm noooticing a pattern here

>> No.55111259
File: 475 KB, 2199x1492, 1623630906499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55111811


>> No.55112085


>> No.55112104

>>no-one trusts centralized digital currencies.
>Yet vast majority does. Goldbugs are tiny minority.

Not even niggers are stupid enought to fall for the CBDC scam.


>> No.55112579

Based Africans, one could only wish for American Niggers to be so rational

>> No.55112597

Imagine the seethe this thread still being up is causing right now.

>> No.55113773

4 days of data non-stop shitting in the fascists trying to further enslave sovereign people. That's democracy

>> No.55113816 [DELETED] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1024x1024, Pervy_Sage_Barack_Obama_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Sega_dreamcast_style_8ea2d02c-eb7a-4510-ae07-58dbcb361a76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigeria is buying anon are you?

>> No.55113945

Traitor to humanity desu

>> No.55114250

There's no conspiracy, the problem that CBDCs try to tackle are actually only solved if the right-wing conspiracy theory becomes real. Case in point: negative interest rates.
Right now, the de-facto lowest interest rate you can get is 0%. Maybe you get it down to -0.25% or something like that for some rich whales that literally wouldn't know what to do with their money if they withdrew it.
Beyond that, EVERYONE takes their money out of the bank. Whether they hoard it under their mattress, withdraw it or gamble it on stocks or crypto. Nobody wants to lose their money.

So the only way this "problem" can be solved is through the banning of cash and being able to track individual balances as they are spent centrally.

Another "problem" is fractional reserve. As in banks are forced to actually have physical money or assets as a fraction of their balance sheet.
So you can't start a bank that has ZERO $ in the vault. With CBDCs there is no "fractional reserve" as that fraction is simply 0, or a specific CBDC "coin" can be minted that receives the required value.

Ultimately this will come at the cost of fungibility and that will have incredibly long reaching consequences that neither you or I can predict and neither can the WEF or the FTAF.

>> No.55114374

Conspriritard doomers can't stand the fact that they have no real argument once they aren't allowed to use their absurd paranoid claims.

>> No.55114729



>> No.55114873

>neither you or I can predict and neither can the WEF or the FTAF.
But they have the arrogancy, like the former had with the coof play, that they can. There cannot be peace, that is all that is known.

>> No.55115783
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