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55078690 No.55078690 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm having a heart attack but I'm currently at work and too scared to make a fuss. What options?

>> No.55078697


>> No.55078709


>> No.55078710

I read a screen grab that someone kept pounding thre heat should I do that?

>> No.55078721

You are at work. If you made a fuss it would disrupt others working. Can you not wait until after your shift to deal with this? Are you so selfish to think your needs are deserved over others?

>> No.55078722

Chew a couple asprin and go to the hospital moron.

>> No.55078731

I never got vacced but my diet consists of granola bars, tortilla chips, bread on occasion and ramen. I knew eventually I would have health issues but I thought I still had time to save up as I'm only 31. I just went to the bathroom and it was hard to walk. Something is going on and I need help asap please guys

>> No.55078741

>2 minutes after creating thread
There's no point.
You're either a ghost in the matrix or having a panic attack.
But go ahead, sperg out and beat your chest.

>> No.55078758

What are some warning signs?

>> No.55078770

granola is good for your heart, dunno what a tortilla chips is made of, bread is not so good and ramen is literal poison if you get maruchan kek,. check your blood pressure

>> No.55078782

die and collect worker's compensation

>> No.55078787

>tortilla chips

Corn, anon... ngmi...

>> No.55078791

I literally had maruchan for lunch two hours ago..... I also don't think the granola bars I'm buying is healthy. It tastes like sugary crap but it's cheap. You think I should go out and buy a steak today? It hurts my chest to take deep breaths. The pain is about a 7-8. Or any over the counter meds you'd recommend?

>> No.55078810

You might have a collapsed lung, bro. My brother had one and he had to take shallow breaths for a whole night until he eventually went to the doctor.

>> No.55078812

You panic about having a heart attack and think physically punching your chest will fix it.
Those are the signs.

>> No.55078824

How does one just get a collapsed lung and how much is treatment roughly? I can't afford a big bill nor miss time off work.

>> No.55078827

Dead here, sirs buy jeetcoin

>> No.55078848

This cannot be happening right now I CANNOT go be in some hospital for so long please God I'm begging you just some more time please

>> No.55078866

Take aspirin, put nitroglycerin under your tongue and call the ambulance

>> No.55078875
File: 368 KB, 704x384, Harry_Potter_and_Sonic_the_Hedgehog__3287153865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vaccine shedding

You're probably breathing in vaccine Exosomes. This junk is probably everywhere now considering that more than 3 quarters of the population got vaccinated. Just take it easy and eat healthy. There is a reason why they wanted that shot in everyone.

>> No.55078889

You're having an anxiety attack. You're not going to die, sorry.

>> No.55078901

The pain is getting worse I might have to post vocaroos I can't focus on typing. My break is at 4:30 hold on guys

>> No.55078915

If the vocaroo isnt just you farting and shitting for 2 minutes straight then I dont wanna hear it

>> No.55078918
File: 420 KB, 704x384, Harry_Potter_and_Sonic_the_Hedgehog_fighting_Pinhead_Hellraiser__3371523892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep yourself busy and stay based.

>> No.55078967

I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain. It sounds like it's affecting your ability to type. Take your time and prioritize your health, kek

>> No.55078997

if srs not b8 go to a hospital, otherwise you might shit and piss from now

>> No.55078998

Yo vaxxoid you dead yet ?