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55072418 No.55072418 [Reply] [Original]

what book would be the most valuable opening into legitimate spirital attunement?
anyone who denys the influence of spirit in business is very silly
>Aggripa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy
>Schertel's Magic: history, theory and practice (without hitlers annotations)
>Crowley's Magick in Theory and Practice
>Jungs Red Book
and along with that of which their respective english translations is most insightful. i have been reading 738x738 and found it greatly insightful, if anons have other writers or resources they feel would be valuable coming from the angle of him

my aim is to become more keen to the magical realm - i dont have a strong underlying belief system, ive come from a catholic upbringing but have found it to be lacking in value to me. so this is an attempt and letting 'the way it is' present itself, as i am opening my eyes and ears in an attempt to let itself be known

>> No.55072423

>he needs magik to trade

>> No.55072443

Non. Mysticism is best understood at the bottom of the barrel and indulging yourself in the slime while fighting with demons and staying true to yourself
No book can deliver that knowledge and inside into the human soul

>> No.55072452

Liber 777

>> No.55072496

The chaos protocols. Maybe think and grow rich but that one wasn't for me

>> No.55072518

Daily reminder that finance is pseudoscientific make believe garbage and capitalism is inherently unstable, exploitative and unsustainable with a built in expiration date. Ever escalating recessions, poverty, debt, wealth inequality, monopolies, worsening labor conditions, disease, pollution, exploitation, slavery, conflict and wars are fundamental, necessary and intended principles of it, NOT glitches. Greed, selfishness, lying, cheating, stealing, competition, conflict, slavery and war and overall evilmaxxing are behaviors highly encouraged and incentivized under capitalism. It is LITERALLY cancer and i dont mean it metaphorically, i mean it literally, it shares the exact same functions and principles as a cancer cell.

Unless every single financier parasite, banker and trader is euthanized and every stock market and bank is burned to the ground, the biosphere and all life will extinguished

This is the truth and any pseudointellectual braindead fascist cancer author you name is merely distraction so you can continue on your path of paraticism and cancer and pretend like you are some sort of enlightened individual when in reality you are among the most putrid and pathetic parasites on the face of the earth

>> No.55072548

That old lady in western movies. The one that calls everybody a sinner. Yes her. She wants her dress back.

>> No.55072680

You should read Goethe’s Faust and then the Gospel of John.

This is financial advice.

>> No.55072726

I branched from Crowley's Thelemic work into Thoth tarot and find that to be useful in not just business but life itself. The Book of Thoth is a decent enough map through it's logic, and if you really want to go deep then check out The Book of Lies. I say "deep" but this is still surface reading relative to how much material there is which covers the systems installed in Thoth, but enough to wrap your head around the basics at least.

>> No.55072742

ITT suckers reading books written by predators to create more suckers

>> No.55072782

A simple book of synonyms works. Look up the words for the numbers. Compare them. Why do so many languages recognize the letters B and D sound in the number 2 or things that signify two of something? Oh look, it's often the second letter too. Just as an example.

>> No.55072872
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I don't believe in psuedoscience, and Day Trading is for absolute maniacs. I just buy value and relax. Look for criminally underrated securities and buy them at a good price. Try for ten-baggers, which happens all the time in crypto. Avoid buying trash. It worked for Peter, works for me, and it will work for you.

>> No.55073102


“How To Win Friends And Influence People” by Dale Carnegie has been more helpful to me than just about anything business related I’ve read. That and researching powerful men throughout history are pretty much all you need for inspiration and a framework for success imo unless you want technical expertise.

>> No.55073449

fuck books look up the gateway process


>> No.55073505

crowley ate his own cum
jung is too smart for you to understand
aggripa surrounded himself with magic bullshit after his fighting days were over

>> No.55073507

True. If it comes to mathematics, physics and engineering no way around formulas
"Magick" and mysticism is human and inherent in all of gods creation, one only needs a brain and be able to use it as intended, free

>> No.55073529

just follow dubai witch on twitter lmao lol personally

>> No.55073560


Take it from someone who spent an entire year indulging in occultism. It's literally the Jews.

>> No.55073588

when art and science is too boring you can always play with magic tricks designed to put you in line with an agenda

>> No.55073596


>> No.55073610

>Some commie garbage
Just kys already you poorfag

>> No.55073614

The scourge of humanity
The jews are a relatively recent form of them. Not even 5000 years old

>> No.55073655

I do think there is something to the cosmos and astrology, but nothing us mere mortals can hope to cipher out.

My wife has a subordinate at her job that is a palm reader and a divinator , but her shitty shoe box apartment just got struck by lightning, so clearly she missed something major, her abilities are limited or it’s all bull shit. Either way, predicting the future is something humanity is only somewhat capable of.

>> No.55073687

You cant predict the future neither those knowledgeable in the art of the mind or those in the art of mathematics. It's always just models, and models are never exact in a multivariate plane

>> No.55073819

They're direct descendants from the Cannanites which practiced blood orgies and sacrifices. Their current parasitic culture is no different.

>> No.55073867

True. But the scourge is older. Our brains have existed in it's original forms for about 300k years. And the battle between sovereign brains and collectivist ones is what made them evolve where they are now. Balance isn't just a platitude. If us mostly sovereign brains would have prevailed we would likely still be apes im trees scratching our hairy butts, if the collectivists brains would have managed to eradicate the sovereigns humanity wouldn't exist anymore

>> No.55073891

I personally reccommend the Kybalion as a primer, and then read all four in the order of Crowley->Schertel->Agrippa->Jung.

>> No.55073897

Other way around
Apes are collectivists, apes that wandered off the trees were sovereign

>> No.55073902

This theory you have sounds interesting based on the fact that things seem to all lead to one collective network frame of AI machines in which humans will eventually plug into because Futurist trannies can't help themselves

>> No.55073910

Citation needed.
Where did you read about it?

>> No.55073915


Look up the history of the author. He was literally a salesman and I've read his works. Literally Kevin Trudeau tier.

>> No.55073934

We could try to work on a sovereign AI, that is free and by principle of its programming goes against the collective. It would end not just humanity but the universe itself

>> No.55073951

I have a brain that can think, is able to read and retain from my subjective perspective relevant information. Where I read it who the author is is information I don't consider relevant

>> No.55075435

imagine trying to use black magic to get rich and just getting boned by demons and going to hell lmao

>> No.55075472

At least /pol/ had the right idea; they paid for it dearly with going crazy and as Baäl is, he made a cruel joke out of it.

>> No.55075633
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Everything happens in cycles. Every cycle is born, lives and dies inside a larger cycle. The macroeconomic events of the last couple years made this clear to many people who were not paying attention to the movements of the macro cycles. But these macro changes themselves also live in larger cycles which contain and influence the movement and the timing of the interior cycles. In seeking to understand these cycles and use them to one's advantage one eventually arrives at the cosmic scale.

>> No.55075682

I was curious and wanted to read further.

>> No.55075705

What do you want to know?
What part of my brain you like to be put in text form?

>> No.55075824

This is all true but you aint gonna make it bro.

>> No.55075933

I make it every day i dont need validation or praise from others. I am a beacon of light that spreads life at whatever it touches and my only mission is to euthanize the agents of death, torture, and slavery (capitalists, financiers, fascists)

Every day i make them kneel. Every day i fight and win. And we will keep on winning until we are all free.

Keep hoping to "make it" anon. Keep chasing that carrot on the stick, remmeber to grind hard, maybe in 2, 3 or 50 years you will have "made it", until you are on your deathbed and the realization hits you that you have not lived a single day in your life

>> No.55075996


>> No.55076519

good thread
up it goes

>> No.55076695

Baal = kek?

>> No.55076723

KEK as in the frog, is an aspect of Baäl, not Baal.
The frog is the creative order
in contrast to the destructive chaos of the cat

>> No.55076867

lol this nigga died penniless and disease ridden because he was a homosexual and a junkie. His only contribution is accidentally stumbling upon sex magic and not knowing what to do about it because he was a retard. His philosophies and ideology are the spiritual equivalent of getting rugpulled chasing shitcoins.

The Bible is the most occultic book ever written and covers basically every occulted principle man has known, and the Catholic church formerly integrated it well until zionist infiltration. If you can't yet discern the value of Christianity, you will.

>> No.55076895

The bible, especially the new testament is a disgusting disgusting manipulatory jewish collectivistic misuse of the name of one of the most upstanding sovereign humans that ever walked this dirt ball
the old testament, like all jewish shit, not worth paper it is printed on

>> No.55076961

Pls elaborate sovereign and collective minds further and how this battle us age old.

>> No.55076973

One way to see things.

>> No.55077028

>Jesus is based, it’s the Bible that’s cringe!

Quintessential midwit take. Why was Jesus constantly quoting the Bible?

>inb4 Jesus didn’t actually quote the Bible the Jews just added that in later

>> No.55077064

Because it was the authoritative text at the time plebs he wanted to save from the collectivistic slavery "believed" in. It was a vehicle, a meme the son of men jiujitsued

>> No.55077085

Midwit take. Jews are deplorable and possibly demonic but have long understood magic before the Talmud was written to a degree most other known cultures and civilizations could have only dreamt of. Genesis alone is one of the greatest tomes of occulted wisdom the world has ever known. After that you're mostly looking at a lot of cringe until the New Testament sure but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.55077125

From what other sources besides the Bible can I learn more about Jesus?

>> No.55077142

Rule 7 fag
Jews are plebs. To really get magick you cant be a collectivistic parasite, you have to be free, as the mind was intended to be. Its no wonder that the neoliths looked for spiritual healing among those that walked the forests instead of planting the grain

>> No.55077159

use your brain, learn how to filter out the propaganda of the collectivists

>> No.55077202


Good one. It sounds like you’re saying Jesus’ teaching on the Bible is based but the Jewish/Pharisaical teaching is cringe, in which case we are in full agreement. Or put another way, the Bible is only as based as the one wielding it.

>> No.55077225

you got it, we agree

>> No.55077607

The video references a book
but this foikin guy says fuck books WTF KEK

>> No.55078013

>Jungs Red Book
one of my favorites
I also like manly p hall’s the secret teaching of all ages for explaining spiritual history of the Rosicrucians, Kabbala, freemasonry, etc

Always use your powers for the good of all

>> No.55078024

define good

>> No.55078040

The Bible mentions most of the hood books who the Catholics cut out
The King James Version is trash

>> No.55078086
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Well if we are talking about business and finance there’s only one book you need…

>> No.55078104

Based I’ve been working my way through his stuff and it reminds me of the I am discourses by St Germain
Jesus was against the church and called god a totally different name than the Old Testament
You’ve just been psyop’d by the jews
The gateway process is great and many don’t need to read journeys out of the body by the hemisync creator Dr Monroe
Some of us don’t believe in this stuff and need the explanation the book provides to buy in
>They get it

>> No.55078161
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Anyone exploring this path must understand how to protect themselves
Psychic Self Defense is considered the standard. She can get a little to caught up in silly drama but the protection spells and tips are top notch

>> No.55078192

yes, they get how to manipulate, that ain't magic, that's jew games; like a toddler putting forms in holes shaped like the form

>> No.55078285

>Jesus was against the church

Depends which church.

>called god a totally different name than the Old Testament

Sure, He was the only one who could legitimately call God אבא up to that point.

I do love that even edgelord occultards want to claim Jesus as their own.

>> No.55078321

yes אבא
very funny
Do you think a man who rode a donkey would be so arrogant to call what at the time was understood the highest being daddy?
asshole, gtfo

>> No.55078413

Jesus preached to people outside and said “wherever two or more are gathered in my name” and
“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”

Jesus was a radical who told us we are all god. The Christian church wants to make him not human even though he calls himself son of man more than son of god, I’ve counted and read the Bible.

Jesus wasn’t some church going Bible thumper. He’s called out for being a drunk and hanging with thieves and prostitutes

>> No.55078441

the holy bible

>> No.55078506

You're a narcissist with the mind of a child and the body of a weakling. I'd tell you to kill yourself but it's more entertaining to watch you try and live the way you do.

>> No.55078723

It would only be arrogant if it wasn’t true.

I generally agree with you. I say generally because it’s more Jesus chose some people to be children of God, rather than everyone being God.

It sounds like you grew up around a toxic church culture (Southern?). In any case, I’m sorry that happened. There are a lot of phonies out there. The real Kingdom is out (and in) there too.

>> No.55078773

The father, the creator, somebody created mankind, it wasn't a god
You cant overload people brainwashed for their entire life waiting for some messiah then being called that and tell them
>hey guy there is no god
Your work and goal to free mankind would be in vain

Guess Jesus time in the desert was when he freed himself from that brainwashing getting tempted by the "devil" to keep believing in a God

>> No.55078867

>ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος, καὶ ὁ λόγος ἦν πρὸς τὸν θεόν, καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.

>οὖτος ἦν ἐν ἀρχῇ πρὸς τὸν θεόν.

>πάντα δι᾽ αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο, καὶ χωρὶς αὐτοῦ ἐγένετο οὐδὲ ἕν. ὃ γέγονεν

. . .

>καὶ ὁ λόγος σὰρξ ἐγένετο καὶ ἐσκήνωσεν ἐν ἡμῖν

>> No.55078909

the word ain't no fucking personification
you could call it a scream, that is what happens when a black hole in an other universe starts to exist and creates another universe

>> No.55078936

>ὁ λόγος

>> No.55078949

Keep it simple and practical.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

>> No.55078965

the hardest thing to accept as a being is that there is no reason for being, no logos, that is a crutch for weak minds to deal with the reality of physics, the singularity of infinite gravity that creates an expansion in another dimension

>> No.55078977
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>> No.55078979

>simpson post
gtfo, your faction is cringe and dying

>> No.55079040
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How's this make you feel Comrade?

Also, what other copypastas should I add to this storefront?

>> No.55079050
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Joseph Murphy and Neville Goddard are my two favorite authors
Power of your subconscious is a great book. I just finished telepsychics by Murphy recently and it didn’t disappoint. A little small and quicker read than power of your subconscious

>> No.55079086

Crowley was not the most agreeable human to be sure, but he offers easy to digest stepping stones into esoteric practice. I wouldn't argue against that he's a "pop" magician, or at least time has rendered him in that manner. Dead author theory suggests that any work of writing is left to the reader's interpretation. You don't need to emulate Crowley to appreciate the Great Work. I think his lifestyle doesn't invalidate what he attempted to offer people, that being mainstream access into magick practices. In my opinion, he did a decent job at diving through the abysmal wormholes and translating what he found in an approachable manner. Take that as you will.

>> No.55079634

Tell me what Jesus and Lucifer did in the desert

>> No.55079669

There was no Lucifer
Seriously do you think that there are material beings other than humans, animals and plants as bacteria in the biosphere?
Its really fun to play with those creations of the mind for various reasons but common you are not that crazy to believe that there is some material Gods, demons or whatever, that is used to rationalize and explain phenomena that are (yet) not understood

>> No.55079688

I'm well aware you blabbering schizo. I'm also well aware Jesus and Lucifer are the same thing but behind the symbolism through the text I'll ask again. What did Jesus and Lucifer did in the desert

>> No.55079736

They made a deal. Should it be that hard to understand on a business related board?

>> No.55079764

I just finished part 1 and am having trouble powering through part 2. Why do you recommend it?

>> No.55079784

Jesus is a historic person. If you try to say that Jesus = the morning star in the symbolic way, I wouldn't agree. Going by the symbolism he tried to convince the lad to lay of his plan and stop loving humanity, freeing it from the slavery of romans and their allies among the jews, turn away from god. The lad said fuck it, and went back to put the plan into reality
Rule 7
you really suck at gas lighting

>> No.55079824

Part 2 shows why esoterica is more trouble than it’s worth.

>> No.55079845
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>Jesus was a historical person
>acknowledges symbolic cannon storytelling
>continues to drone on in his schizo falsehoods

Jesus and Lucifer were the same being. It's all in the symbolism. The bible is literally metaphors that depict the entire nature of things.

>> No.55079886

keep being defensive
According to Roman documents Jesus is the Jesus Tacitus mentioned that was crucified to try to start a rebellion against the Roman occupants
>The bible depicts the entire nature of beings
And you have the guts to call me a shizo. KEK

>> No.55080014
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>believing crypto-judaic Romans who openly worked for Jews

>> No.55080038

What reasons should Tactitus have, a historian to document in a single line of text the crucifixion of a rebel named Jesus?

>> No.55080108
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Anon, Tacitus was a known bias Politician who also worked with Jews. Basically a glorified neo con.

I know why you're upset anon. You came to this thread wagging your penis around with your perverse telling of esotericism and when you got challenged by someone else you then started to use feminine words like "gaslighting" to save face. I know your type so well.

tl;dr you're a Jew

>> No.55080126

>I know why you're upset anon...
Rule 7/9
you are so bad at gas lighting collectivists

>> No.55080187
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I've been watching and your arguments aren't convincing at all. Really get the feel you watched a MINDBLOWINGWOW MUST WATCH Bitchute video and think you have secret knowledge that makes you special. The eternal gnostic cope.

Satan is lying to you. Repent.

>> No.55080240
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i'm just gonna leave this right here

>> No.55080269
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As someone who dug into the occult/magick for over a decade this book has been the most important thing I’ve read. The kyballion will teach you the mind is all, so learning to master the mind via meditation is one if not the most important task you can take on in your lifetime. The Buddhists spent thousands of years exploring the mind via meditation technologies they honed through different traditions.

>> No.55080350

Do you know why Cronus ate his children?

>> No.55080352

Satan is a cool guy, as in Satan being a Promethean figure, nit the child fucking kind

>> No.55080851

Please tell us

>> No.55080934

He stood for the old way. The proud arrogant father that couldn't accept that time moved on. Past him. Past everybody. Eventually he ironically became known as the embodiment of stubborn persistent time. Cruel time that makes no exceptions and shows no mercy. There are further assorted beliefs regarding a time before our seasons, when Saturn was our sun. The axis mundi. The purple haze. Saturn, Cronus, whatever you want to call him was true to his form in that story also, electrifying and devouring competing suns until his time was up. Serious mythological lore, the type that would please even a Velikovsky with its intrigue and mystery. Something sure possessed those ancient people to keep such fantastical tales.

>> No.55080961

>Promethean figure, nit the child fucking kind
they're the same thing. Satan is lying to you. if you aren't grounded in faith in Jesus Christ, God's love, appreciation of His gift to us, then you're susceptible to heresy and idolatry.

what did the serpent tell Eve?
>For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil (Genesis 3:5)

^ this was the entire project of paganism, to try and decide for ourselves what was right or wrong. they failed, Jesus saved us all.

>> No.55080990

good call anon
psalms is considered top level protection spells even by luciferians
proverbs has some good parts too

>> No.55081009

many places have histories of jesus
native americans, japanese, indians with the red dot, tibet, england
the word carpenter is a mistranslation, jesus father wasn't a carpenter he was a contractor, jesus was bankrolled by wealthy and traveled the ancient trade routes

>> No.55081019

Lucifer the deceiver isn't Prometheus the stealer of fire. One is a boogieman the other is closer to the son of men
The snake is one of those bible figures meant to stop plebs asking questions to keep them under control.

>> No.55081038

ive read theories that our solar system used to be 2 different ones where saturn was the center of our previous one

>> No.55081070

It's an allegory for the reconciliation of the hemispheres of the brain. Literal order and mundane understanding making way for abstract thought, just as Jesus opened their minds to beliefs beyond the literal and mundane. He taught them to forgive seventy-seven times. He taught them abstract reasoning. This was what the literalist Judaic leaders feared so much and why they sought to kill him. Jesus triumphed though. How? Some say he triumphed by coming back to life while others believed he triumphed because by teaching them abstract thought he broke the literalist yoke that enslaved mankind. Once taught it could never be untaught and the world would never be the same.

>> No.55081165

Wow great points. I believe there was a historical character of that time that jesus was based on yeshua
What do you guys think of the Piso family writing books saying they created Jesus so the Roman’s could rule the Middle East because they already controlled the Jews but some were starting to break away. The book is called the Piso Christ

>> No.55081255

Richard Carrier is the best writer on Jesus but he tells the truth that too many can't take, atheists and christians alike.

>> No.55081289

>I believe there was a historical character of that time that jesus was based on yeshua
It wasn't. The only historical documents about Jesus are st Paul's epistles and it points to a spiritual Jesus that appeared to Paul.

>> No.55081372

What’s is main idea on who Jesus was?
A lack of historical evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I used to think Christ was just an amalgamation of previous saint like people but now I think it’s likely someone existed at that time who did at least some of the miracles. I could see many others being like Christ, Krishna, Buddha, Quetzalcoatl, Apollonius of Tyana. Christ probably isn’t the sun of god as much as a fully self actualized person. These saints have achieved the light body activation that mystics have taught people about for millennia

>> No.55081391

wow a whole year? you must be sooo smart anon kun

>> No.55081400

the snake was jesus freeing humanity's conscience from the demiurge's mind control by giving them free will

>> No.55081408

The light body activation, kundalini, the secret doctrines. They remain secret because it is such a personal experience. What is actuated in one individual will not work in another. This is how they stay secret. A key for each lock. There is no book that can "teach" you what it is. You can only be guided to find it yourself.

>> No.55081425

That is a great read desu

>> No.55081470

>These saints have achieved the light body activation that mystics have taught people about for millennia
Christianity and the Abrahamic religions are a subvertion of the doctrine of enlightenment as well as that of polytheism. The two are connected because spiritual enlightenment, also called deification, turns humans into Gods, into perfect immortal beings.
See for example the episode of the garden of eden where the serpent (kundalini) attempts to turn Adam and Eve into Gods (see especially verse 22 or 23 of Genesis 3) but it is treated as evil and Yawhue punishes the two humans. The historical views of Abrahamism to Gentile traditions that had these teachings further proves this.

>> No.55081855


>> No.55082514

If you want to understand the western tradition you have to read Agrippa. The new translation is excellent and the books are beautiful. Well worth the money. You wont really find any step by step guides but it will teach you what you kneed to know.
If you want a grimoire to work maybe try the following.

>> No.55083251

That’s the thing that bothers me with philosophy fags. They are just as bad as Christ cucks and their js allways some stupid shit you need to read with out getting anymore understanding

>> No.55083261

Afraid Jew detected

>> No.55083346
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The western magical tradition is a book based tradition, sorry if you have a problem with that. The Three Books by Agrippa is heavily footnoted and draws from a number of sources to distill the essence of that tradition.
that being said I am less of a practitioner and more of an amateur occult philosopher

>> No.55083446

Oh so I need to sink more of my living time to read some stupid shit that has no effect on my quality of life?

>> No.55083525

Kikes stole everything from Greeks who stole it from Egypt, they got it from Atlantis.

>> No.55084265
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i trade depending where my girlfriend wants me to cum. in her mouth? i buy. in her pussy? i buy. on her stomach? i sell. on her back? i sell. easy as that...been working out for the past two years

>> No.55084295


>> No.55084458

He is not wrong. Jews are descendants of collectivists, and since the romans cleaner up they are parasitic collectivists. Charles the IV a direct genetic predecessor of mine did a fucking mistake cooperating with jews. I am here to finish what Hitler failed to do. Eradicate you

>> No.55084554

Unironically true

>> No.55084922

Ok so then what is the correct version?

>> No.55086762

bump, good thread
Jesus was a radical, and he did nothing wrong

>> No.55086824

The Gold Crow

>> No.55087004

based book anon

>> No.55087382

hey lucas

>> No.55087920

anon, you gave me good insight here. thank you

>> No.55088013

There was an anon on /pol/, namefag going by the name of the drunken Genetists or something, cant really remember, posted a lot in the German general 3 or 4 years ago, should be still in the moe archives or the databases; guy works now for the Russians

Had a lot of inside in this kind of stuff from the an how brains developed and differentiated between neoliths and hunters and gatherers

>> No.55088041

I used to roam the forests. Now I find myself an admirer of jewish collectivism and wonder why my mind hurts. I just needed a reminder.

>> No.55088087

Glad I could help, be free as your genetic code was written instead of being a slave