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55071125 No.55071125 [Reply] [Original]

Is this normal?

>> No.55071148

Jackoff expert here. We are currently on the last spring of the accumulation phase, the Bulgarian elite will soon pump it

>> No.55071150


>> No.55071169

classic TNN pattern

>> No.55071181

Very normal when you have Bitcoin crashing the markets every time Link tries to break out.

>> No.55071187

Its pegged to the price of coffee

>> No.55071237
File: 10 KB, 512x512, images - 2023-05-24T054014.888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55071266

Wtf does any of that mean, non of you retards have a clue

>> No.55071283

I asked AI:

Chainlinkin konsolidoitumisjakso kesti lähes 300 päivää【5†source】. Tämän tiedon perusteella ja ottaen huomioon saatavilla olevat tiedot muista kryptovaluutoista, näyttäisi siltä, että Chainlinkin konsolidoitumisjakso on yksi pisimmistä top 100 kryptovaluutassa.

Esimerkiksi XRP:n pisimmäksi konsolidoitumisjaksoksi on kirjattu lähes 35 päivää【11†source】. Bitcoinin kohdalla on raportoitu useita konsolidoitumisjaksoja, joista pisimmät ovat kestäneet noin kolme kuukautta (noin 90 päivää)【17†source】【18†source】.

Näiden tietojen perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että Chainlinkin lähes 300 päivän konsolidoitumisjakso on ainakin yksi pisimmistä top 100 kryptovaluutan joukossa, ellei pisin. Kuitenkin on tärkeää huomata, että konsolidoitumisjaksojen pituudet voivat vaihdella suuresti eri kryptovaluuttojen välillä ja myös saman kryptovaluutan eri ajanjaksoina. Lisäksi uusia tietoja ja päivityksiä voi ilmestyä jatkuvasti, joten tilanne saattaa muuttua.

>> No.55071287

Fuck no, it's mot normal, but look at the btc chart. Btc leads alts. Btc has been crabbing stupidly and jewishly

>> No.55071394

Ask it to reply in English

>> No.55071426

Chainlink's consolidation period lasted nearly 300 days【5†source】. Based on this information and considering available data on other cryptocurrencies, it seems that Chainlink's consolidation period is among the longest in the top 100 cryptocurrencies.

For instance, the longest recorded consolidation period for XRP is nearly 35 days【11†source】. For Bitcoin, several consolidation periods have been reported, with the longest ones lasting about three months (approximately 90 days)【17†source】【18†source】.

Based on these pieces of information, it appears that Chainlink's nearly 300-day consolidation period is at least one of the longest among the top 100 cryptocurrencies, if not the longest. However, it's important to note that consolidation period lengths can greatly vary among different cryptocurrencies and even within the same cryptocurrency at different times. Additionally, new data and updates may continuously appear, so the situation might change.

>> No.55071480
File: 153 KB, 1114x1532, 11E8703B-06AA-445A-AB79-206DAD0E9D78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a dead shitcoin just like all 2017 alts

>> No.55071491

For an altcoin with no new buyers kept afloat by bag holders that won't sell and price memory, yes absolutely.

>> No.55071500


>> No.55071508

Delete this post, we don't want linkies to kill themselves.

>> No.55071573

omg look at this consolidation! vet to the moon!

>> No.55071579

They are accuumolating, check the volume

>> No.55071624
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It's only natural. Link is useless.

>> No.55071676
File: 809 KB, 2016x1344, 1683480979621532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kek fuddies seething
>i acquire 100 more linkies in response to all of their hard work

>> No.55071747

keep it up rajesh

>> No.55071807

just not gonna sell

>> No.55073036

WOW, VeChain plebbit has 200k followers and tons of HECKIN integrations!!! HODL Marinesth!!!!

>> No.55073075
File: 3 KB, 101x125, 1683865965248379s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad, retards could have avoided this by using tokenmetrics to provide data-driven insights and in-depth research.

>> No.55073144
File: 223 KB, 1809x808, 123456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to shake as many bros as possible looks like

>> No.55073151

Yea it’s called the crab to riches pattern

>> No.55073214

i lost my 10k sui stack to the khazarian mafiosos from celsius. yes i know i deserve it.
i'm grateful the price is suppressed or I'd be priced out forever