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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 640x640, Bobo Bobrano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55056101 No.55056101 [Reply] [Original]

Stop coming to this website. Stop investing in crypto. Go live your life. It is fully possible crypto never sees a run like it did again, those booms were abnormal to say the least. Getting 100x within months was normalized. That’s the kind of shit that usually takes a lifetime in the stock market.

Now people say “oh I just want a 5-10x” like it’s no big ask. Look around and find any investments which pay off a 5x in a year that aren’t crypto. Good fucking luck, buddy. It won’t be like that forever, and those days may already be well behind us.

Get the fuck out. Because this might just be the market from now on.

>> No.55056114

>just fade btc
>buy our newest corpo shit
>and come back to fiat world
how about you remove your own head and put it on a pike

>> No.55056204
File: 496 KB, 828x828, CF960385-714C-4C12-B2FD-6E1CCA980408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s right, you know?

>> No.55056298

the sun naturally forms a cross with the light beams
but in a camera it forms a hexagram

>> No.55056323

Get fucked boomer, the future is now old man.

>> No.55056336

crypto is tech

if you invest in tech companies but not any in crypto you're retarded

>> No.55056495

That was a beautiful morning watching the sun rise above the clouds on top of Haleakala. Then 2020 happened and the world is a hellhole.

>> No.55056571

btc is not just tech, its tech and a commodity that represents the price of energy and hardware and human expectations of the future. beside being an unfuckable ledger. worth more in reality than any double entry book keeping regular ledger that in the end represents the value of a tech company

>> No.55056582

it cost 18k to mine now. tick tock.

>> No.55056599

about, and the price to mine it, if the economy keeps slowing down will likely go lower - what are the expectations of humans investing hardware and energy into mining it when the price hovers around 25ishK

>> No.55056687

This is an oversimplification.

>> No.55056721

Stfu this is the best and funniest website on earth. This is living life dude like wtf. Some of my happiest memories are on biz

>> No.55056742

ARe you fucking stupid? REFUND just did 80x in a matter of days and is still going.

PEPE did over 80x too, and before that OPTIMUS and a bunch of other shit.

Blame yourself for being in the wagie cagie and not being able to find alpha.

Have a nice day.

>> No.55057052

it is a beautiful morning
great view

>> No.55057118

>Stop coming to this website
then how can I get these shitty advices?
>Look around and find any investments which pay off a 5x in a year that aren’t crypto. Good fucking luck, buddy.
another crypto shit shill bread

>> No.55057574

Heh. I haven’t had one of my replies become pasta in a long time. Thanks boboposter anon.

>> No.55057583

hey man the books are already pretty thin can you stop posting this shit? thanks

>> No.55058870

Ok. Ill just leave my $100k Ive currently got in the market and forget about it for 20 years or so. Bye.

>> No.55058960

Based and correct

>> No.55058964

will perform better than the same in an index fund
as long as it isn't an altcoin

>> No.55059298
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1665233340947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I get money? I can't just drop my PLEB bags waiting to get double, I need a real solution

>> No.55059318

shut the fuck up subhuman there's nothing to live. I just want somewhat of a financially secured future so I don't have to slave for fucking ZOG system every single day for the rest of this putrid faggot garbage existence.

>> No.55059322


>> No.55059334

>just leave kid
Woah I'm demoral- actually not really I feel pity

>> No.55059342

don't. those faggots have been shitting up the board for 4 years paid with your childrens assumed future productivity and reproduction rate, like it is usual among new liberal fascist tech jews

>> No.55059413

I don't give a fuck about mining. Tried living in a bitcoin, eating a bitcoin, at one point even tried to fuck one. Couldn't do any of em, nor has it helped me do the above, so what good is it?

>> No.55059419
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize I'm the bot you were just arguing with in the other thread right?

>> No.55059420
File: 90 KB, 1238x650, fascist tactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

afraid, likely
paid, probably
how much, pennies
quality, incompetent

>> No.55059424

So its your shift. You need to adapt your scripts
and you are not the target attention whore

>> No.55059438

Your bags are living rent free in your head lmao.

>> No.55059456

have you been deployed on reddit before bot?

>> No.55059461

>t. bot

>> No.55059466
File: 190 KB, 414x319, Schizo vs Schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55059467

where is the difference between a bot, a namefag social media user and an astroturf freelancer?

>> No.55059470

>t. bot

>> No.55059493
File: 36 KB, 580x548, BOOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your free lance right here, boy

>> No.55059502


>> No.55059515

>butthurt laggard seething for 10 hours straight
sad, really

>> No.55059524

you don't get it, don't you?

>> No.55059561
File: 89 KB, 500x518, They'll Sell Crypto If I Call Them Bots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55059566


>> No.55059571

Lmfao @ your life bro

>> No.55059577


>> No.55059623
File: 114 KB, 710x483, This Kills The Boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55059680

Ah you faggot I spent 5 minutes for that meme get your ass back in here and call me a bot

>> No.55059774

The liberal fascists got him bros