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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55059029 No.55059029 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be possible to make a social media platform that had a 100k yearly fee? So it was only rich people? And also I could do publicity stunts calling them assholes and snobs for using my platform? But that simply encouraged more rich people to join?

>> No.55059033

SM is dead
fb, dead
IG, dead
twitter, dead
YT, dead
tick tock, never alive

>> No.55059109

these shits never had soul in the first place, normancattle circlejerk brainwashing shit....

>> No.55059118

The tech jews fucked up bad, not just when it comes to datamining and providing reliable models, they got too much taste of power and went drunk; the platform law the US is cooking up is going to kneecap not the internet, but the californian tech jewery

>> No.55059130

/biz/, dead

>> No.55059142

/biz/ isnt an attention whore website, at least it wasn't until the discord zoomer infestation.
the plattfrom law is also going to kill 4chan though, sometimes sacrifices need to be made, its okay

>> No.55059173

didn't know there were peaters on biz

>> No.55059239
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ isnt an attention whore website
>until the zoomer
Mid 40s here, daily reminder to read mein kampf and go innawoods while working the bare minimum to get a tax refund, throwing all excess money you would have spent on rent/car into bitcoin

>> No.55059246
File: 90 KB, 1238x650, fascist tactics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mein Kampf
>go intodawoods
quit the larping jew

>> No.55059257

>Fats sees fit physical white male
absolute pottery kek

>> No.55059266

you need to adapt your scripts my fellow zoom zoom kikes. The incompetency is getting ridiculous

>> No.55059273
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>y-you're a bot!
No Fats, I'm just a dude that read a book

>> No.55059277

It starts to sound like projection
post neck with time stamp

>> No.55059289
File: 168 KB, 1123x1476, Morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55059296

I am pretty sure its projection. A fit guy isn't using the fat meme, I mean I never use it. not a good attack angle, but following scripts one working for pennies must

>> No.55059302

If think there already sites like that, not well known obviously

>> No.55059306

That is a good idea. Gated communities. Like signal groups. You should join those

>> No.55059308
File: 1.03 MB, 640x462, (You) leaving 1 star review.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am pretty sure its projection. A fit guy isn't using the fat meme, I mean I never use it

>> No.55059326

are you sure you aren't a bot?
honestly curious, because lately its getting hard to keep bots, conditioned and freelancers apart
please post timestamp of neck for data set

>> No.55059339

there's plenty of gated social networks for the wealthy. a google search would have told you that
you likely don't have the connections or the tech skills to make anything more appealing than what already exists

>> No.55059349
File: 88 KB, 717x828, Neo Liberal Fascists Be Like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please post timestamp of neck for data set

>> No.55059354

bot took over

>> No.55059362
File: 2.57 MB, 498x424, billy-witch-doctor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bot took over
How about you go back to bunkerchan where you Fats retards belong?

>> No.55059371

definitely bot

>> No.55059372

>charge 'rich' people to use your platform
>call them assholes and snobs
1) you'll only get the faux rich who are probably better at publicity stunts than you
2) only the poor and maybe middle class want to see these types of people being 'humiliated'
You are the worst poster.

>> No.55059383 [DELETED] 
File: 1.42 MB, 405x270, Me Irl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Fats and retarded. Imagine name dropping some goofy book from a failed autist and getting called a bot 6 million times. Never forget the 6 million

>> No.55059396 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 319x179, plebchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would it be possible to make a social media platform that had a 100k yearly fee?
not yearly but it's possible per-post: you can already make a p/whatever.eth board on plebchan dot eth dot limo, later this year you will be able to choose whatever cryptocurrency you like for the board, and set a price to pay for posting (without captchas in this case). picrel is an example of this, it's offline right now but this board will only allow you to post if you hold at least 1B plebbit tokens

>> No.55059406

>charge per post
>have to hold minimum of some shitcoin released a week ago
Lmao biggest sell signal of the century

>> No.55059427

That my struggle?

>> No.55059430

it's not for every board, there's captchas already and it's free just like 4chan, plebwhales is only for pleb holders. But I can make a new token and make a board for it, or choose bitcoin or whatever crypto. Anyone can create a board, own it and make it however they like, free or not (99.99% of them will be free obviously)

>> No.55059436

nah fascists wrote more then one book

>> No.55059437

no its not possible. not even if the pass was a $7.77 nft

>> No.55059441

The struggle meta is bettering yourself while surrounded by degenerates

>> No.55059771

I miss the time of FB, I made so many temporary friends there, who knew that after many years of being a gamer I would end up holding PAPA bags kek

>> No.55060141

so like a Linked in for rich people to make deals with other rich people?

>> No.55060278

To who are those rich people going to sell bags to then?