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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55058155 No.55058155 [Reply] [Original]

If you disagree, you have nothing to do on /biz/

>> No.55058167

>sacrifice your children to the economy.
Gas yourself, heeb.

>> No.55058171

take love where you can find it brothers

>> No.55058172


Sir, I work at Burger King

>> No.55058203

But sir. The singing bowls sir.

>> No.55058219

If you're a man, you then have to settle for ran through roasties and single mothers.

If you're a woman, you have to settle for less than desireable men because high value men have no interest in relationships with older women and only use them for sex.

>> No.55058223
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i didnt browse 4chan to read tweets from retards op. please refrain from your attention slut fever

>> No.55058224



>> No.55058225

>muh career
I can't think of anything more cucked than sacrificing your whole life for your "career". "Falling in love" is probably close second though lmao.

>> No.55058589

Career :Ddddddd nigger take indeed!

>> No.55058714

this couldn't be more wrong, that love in your 20s is something you will remember forever with happiness.

>> No.55058753

I know so many faggots that would be morally outraged but it’s true

>> No.55058757

Only a complete retard golem would think this. Family is the most important investment you can make in this life (and the next).

>> No.55058818

falling in love is not real and is not required for starting a family
and I’ve fallen in love before

>> No.55058837

you should have a career and at least two children with a tradwife by the time you're 30, if not you're biological waste.

>> No.55058846

>falling in love is not real
Disagree and you contradict yourself in your own post
>and is not required for starting a family
Agree, but not what OP is suggesting

>> No.55060010

this is not the point, simply no one fall in love with me

>> No.55060035
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>to much to lose

>> No.55060082

Societal trends show that this is the polar opposite of a “hot take”. Is this guy retarded or something?

>> No.55060266

If you don't fall in love before 30 you never will.

>> No.55060300

>ur career

>> No.55060316

The guy is so turned around he doesnt know which way is up
And then gives advice

>> No.55060322

>to much
Opinion, Descartesed.

>> No.55060329

>you have nothing to do on /biz/
You have no business typing in english.
Didn't read, don't care. Twittercappers don't belong anywhere but in the ovens.

>> No.55060637

i am literally unemployed

>> No.55060710

Lol sounds like a nigga who couldn't get laid in HS, or College.

>> No.55060730

>If you're a man, you then have to settle for ran through roasties and single mothers.
no you dont?
at 32 I was dating a 16yo (legal in my country).

>> No.55061397

lol who the fuck needs a "career"? This nigga thinks having a job for shekelstein is the only way to make money.

>> No.55061423

Sorry I don’t listen to a word wage cucks say.

>> No.55061436

You can't choose love, you raging Nancy!

>> No.55061567

>(and the next)
opinion discarded

>> No.55062671

How many times do you think Jeff Bezos has played this game?

>> No.55062887

As in he's so rich that he had to go through a couple of lives to get there? You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.55063083

That's the glass half full point of view.

>> No.55063543
File: 93 KB, 711x773, 1626834212102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these "hot takes" really never take into account that most people's lives are totally different and no matter how much you want to slice it, they will probably fall for the same mistakes even if you warn them. I mean sure, i get the logic behind "don't fall in love in x age because you have too much to loose". Well what if i find a good gf and someone who respects me and shares my passions? what about it then?
It's stupid. Im 27, three years already with my GF and we just found out she's pregnant. Is it the best time? Of fucking course not, i still work as an IT consultant with a low paying wage, most of my income comes from DCAAing fucking peepo and she's sure as hell not loaded in money. But fuck it, that child is mine and im going to raise it will also finding a good job.
Sometimes you don't have to "lose" things, you can do everything

>> No.55064594

can't fuck career

>> No.55065029


>> No.55065047

unless you're a pimp

>> No.55065050

You will end up with neither a career after another lovely recession or layoff for no reason and then you will also be an incel.

REAL hot take- grab pussy when you're young when you can get it, money is transitory.

>> No.55065067

There's a weird push online to try and make 30yo men date only 30yo women, probably by used up roasties.

The real answer is that women don't need to know your age and if it's REALLY a problem and you're using a dating app you just set it 10 years younger "by accident". Simple stuff really.

>> No.55065084
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>seems like a good effortpost
>it's actually a shill for shitcoins
Go be brown somewhere else.

>> No.55065153

What even is love? I've never felt anything for the women I've been with. It's always been transactional. Sure some of them have "loved" me, but it was only something I could leverage to get more of what I wanted. I just want someone to keep my belly full and my balls empty.

>grab pussy when you're young when you can get it
This. There's unbelievably massive time preference on sex. You only enjoy it less as time goes on. It's not just becoming accustomed to it, as refractory period goes up it's physically less enjoyable.

>> No.55066274

>you contradict yourself in your own post
/biz/ needs an IQ filter