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55051212 No.55051212 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55051298

From a psychiatric perspective the word "cuckold" triggers Link marines so much because subconsciously they know it's their true nature. Imagine holding a premined erc-20 token with terrible tokenomics for 6 years hoping to make it just to see your pathetic bags getting outperformed by the entire market while you stake your measly tokens for bond tier gains (4% APY). The cherry on top of the cake is Sergey who stringed along the community while he made $500 million by dumping on gullible retail investors like you.

The cuckold nature of the Link marine is an undeniable reality. As with every cult pointing out the truth is often uncomfortable for the cult members. But the truth is....Link marines are simply cuckolds.

>> No.55051319

Chainlink: QUITE good

>> No.55051363

Good way to lose money

>> No.55051582

WOW the kekfuddies are sensitive today
Sorry fuddies, after however many dozens of hours you spent in the last week spamming fud - JUST NOT SELLING

>> No.55051673

actually i've done a lot of research into this, and chainlink is so-so at best :/

>> No.55051824

yes anon it is so, so good

>> No.55052079

both factions of this board spam brigade need to get a room / general thread

>> No.55053356

Chainlink? Yep, that's a cuckold scam baby!

>> No.55054079

more like so, so questionable :/

>> No.55054121

Accusing others of what you are doing. This thread is spam, pure and simple.

>> No.55055125

It's fine for what it is but the value period investment wise is way, way past.
It's like MakerDAO, Compound, Aave and such. They all fufilled their destiny and such and the market values them roughly correctly. They will go up in down with eth and whatever as things expand and contract. But value wise there's no big secret or risk a this point like there was before.

>> No.55055169

Literally nothing in crypto is valued appropriately. 2 dog coins that do nothing in the top 10 which are purely speculative gambling vehicles held majority by people who don't even know LINK or other decent fundamental coins exist.

>> No.55055293

...at what?

>> No.55055324


>> No.55055466


>> No.55055730


>> No.55055774
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Based chainlink-good poster

>> No.55055939

too long, didn't read

>> No.55056179

The thing is that you do have people doing extensive fundamental analysis on things that do have actual fundamentals. Such as Aave, Chainlink and so on. MakerDAO even has $40m per year in actual revenue from DAI since of course tons of people use it.
It's true that people gamble and speculate off of dogcoins and any sort of meme they can in crypto. But there are a lot of serious people who do deep dive to try to find real value from real projects. And while it's not to say that the market is perfect, when it comes to things you can actually do the math on, it does a decent job since this concept has been done to death in securities analysis with stocks and whatnot.
The fundamentals can and do change over time of course. But one of the things with growth investments is that real use and revenue tends to bring out the autistic crew who sort of bring things back down to reality with hard numbers.
It's funny, but there's deep truth and that's how VCs like to dump on retail since it's easy to sell an idea.
Basically the standard 'unlimited potential' and euphoric hype manic phases where people think so-and-so can literally take over the world is where the true value is if you can consistently find and cycle through such things. If not then you really need to find like Apple and Amazon type investments and be serious about a 20-30 year hold.
It's possible that like MakerDAO and Aave are undervalued on a 20 year time frame. They are pretty decentralized. So if they can avoid regulation and such it's possible that they grow into something bigger and that the market is undervaluing that potential. But it's also possible that at the p/e multiples they trade at is overly optimistic too. Who knows but for this type of investment stocks have a lot of advantages.
I wish I had a way to figure out where all the dumb money flows into memecoins and what not before they pump...
It's too bad they took away ICOs from us desu

>> No.55056250

If the token doesn't have a mechanism that makes it go up in value over time via its usage then it has no fundamentals you dense motherfucker.

>> No.55056341

hey there I think you missed my thread! Today, I bought over 2 Link >>55047385 - all for you!

>> No.55056350

did you never see pages of blue hexagons?

>> No.55056465

>buys 100 more chainlink tokens

>> No.55056522
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id digits good

>> No.55056549



>> No.55056558

nah, adults are
>buying 100 chainlink tokens

>> No.55056589
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steaking good

>> No.55056612

I don't even know where to start with this comment...because I'm not sure if you're just ignorant or trying to play weird semantic games by throwing in 'usage'.
But I mean obviously Maker has a mechanism that makes it go up in value over time.
Does that mean it's a good mechanism? Not necessarily.
Does that mean it's undervalued? Definitely not. I wouldn't invest in it myself.
The statement you made is objectively wrong either way since that's like saying a growth stock that has not done buybacks nor is at a stage where it has dividends 'has no fundamentals' which is quite a silly statement.
Does a hypothetical DAO operated by smart contracts with a treasury of 1 ETH have 'no fundamentals'?
Conversely does a similar DAO with 5k ETH in their treasury have 'no fundamentals'?
Market value is driven by a spectrum of speculation and fundamentals that shifts over time toward the fundamental side as time goes on and the future gets realized.

>> No.55056787
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