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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 76 KB, 858x858, Moanero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5504954 No.5504954 [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you cumming with us Anon?

>> No.5504986

fuck, my .025 order went off and now i'm worried

>> No.5505541

Gonna hit $1K this year

>> No.5505555

Shit, wait, gotta buy another (unknown amount).

>> No.5505578

the greatest redemption arc

>> No.5505598


>> No.5505630

rock hard on this moon mission, not too late to join pajeets

>> No.5506527


>> No.5506576

I promised myself I'd withdraw to my wallet when Binance's maintenance ended, but now that time has come and I struggle.

>> No.5506618

i'm ready senpai

>> No.5506621

Why? Stashing my Monero in my wallet has been one of the comfiest feelings since I started trading crypto. It's literally set it and forget it gains.

>> No.5506665

Because the daytrading gains though. I've made a full Monero in the past 7 days or so just casually trading it.

>> No.5506738

Gotcha. It's not a bad coin to wave trade like that since it does bounce up and down pretty reliably but I wouldn't leave a lot of it on an exchange personally.

>> No.5506808

Great coin for tax evasion. >looks at recent trump tax headlines

>> No.5506845

Monero is up 30x on the year.
Compare that to the other coins that are consistent top 10
Dash 100x
Ripple 150x
NEM 250x

Why is this happening? Because people don't believe in the project, or the lead developer is minting the coin and dumping it on the market. We all know their was a minting exploit and the dev promised he fixed it, fucking doubful. The lead dev has said over and over, only buy XMR if you are going to use it, don't just invest in it. The lead dev is teaching you fags a lesson for fucking with his project. How else can you explain 30x gains compared to the other projects 100x gains?

>> No.5506886

It's going up slower because it's a more organic growth based on an actual working product instead of FOMO into a maybe.

>> No.5506983

LOL....total BS

Just read the Monero subreddit, all the believers are so eager to dump their stack when it goes on a run.

Fucking dogecoin is up more than Monero this year.

Great tech. Bad investment.

>> No.5507002

I don't really pay attention to reddit at all.

>> No.5507086

2017? Such bulls you have.

>> No.5507107

There is also a large segment of the Monero shills that will attack any privacy coin that dares come near their #10 spot. Nonstop hate on Dash, went after Zcash in the past, just fucking tore into Verge recently. But then the die hard monero shills are so eager to dump their stack when it pumps a little and buy back in on the dip.

Again. Great tech, bad investment.

>> No.5507158

DASH and ZCash are failures and Verge was/is a literal scam though.

ZCoin is more interesting however, keeping an eye on it.

Also I suspect those that swing talk about it more than those that hold.

>> No.5507177

The mining bug you're referring to is in Dash btw.

>> No.5507200

The Monero enthusiasts that populate its ANN/speculation thread and the actual Monero subreddit are some of the most principled and fanatical coin holders there are. If anything, the consistent sell pressure on XMR comes from subsistence miners that have jumped on it like crazy for the past 6 months. What's going to happen by 2022 when block rewards begin dwindling?

I agree that Monero wasn't designed to be a store of value but whether fluffy wants that to happen or not has no bearing.

The hate on other privacy coins is completely justified based on an argument centered on the tech though. The only other privacy coins that can even hold a candle are the other cryptonote forks. As to people always wanting to dump for profits? People invested in any coin are taking profits left and right, I hardly see how that is unique to XMR.

>> No.5507225

Wtf are you on? We’ve been tearing verge apart for eternity, not just recently during its pump. Genuinely the XMR community are some of the oldest and wisest in crypto, who have been calling out shitcoins for years

>> No.5507242

>I agree that Monero wasn't designed to be a store of value but whether fluffy wants that to happen or not has no bearing.
It kind of has to be to be truly useful as a privacy coin. Since you sort of have to load up on it now in case entry points get cut off later on.

>> No.5507254

Dash is a veritable house of cards, its univerally shat upon here and the DNM won't touch it with a 100-foot pole. Verge is literally Dogecoin over Tor with vaporwave updates. Monero still wins.

>> No.5507332

For what reason do you think it won't be a good store of value?

>> No.5507349

That doesn't justify the die hard monero community prowling around in gangs to attack other projects. I've seen it time and time again. Any privacy coin that gets any kind of attention has ruthlessly attacked and crazy conspiracy theories soon become facts. Almost always the culprits are monero shills. No other community coin has gangs of hundreds that go around slandering other projects.

>> No.5507362

Well really it's the same reason that Bitcoin Cash is a store of value because it has utility and scarcity. Xmr lacks hard cap scarcity because it'll inflate forever, but at a respectable rate making it still hold value.

>> No.5507368

If it's justified I really just can't bring myself to care.

>> No.5507436

Because they're just calling it how they see it. Literally all others have opt in privacy with public chains. Thus it's not private. Which is why DMN don't accept anything else besides XMR and btc/BCH.

>> No.5507447

True, but that would be a real doomsday scenario. For a lot of holders that have no interest in DNM goods or services there would be a mad rush to cleanly and safely sell it off for fiat if there was a threat of this happening. It would crash momentarily and that probably build up more value per XMR as time went on.

Supply and demand just dictates that Monero's price will rise over time because the tech is desired. It's really simple.

I think it is a good store of value because there will most likely be buying pressure for it for a long time. Will it outpace bitcoin or other alts? Who knows. What we know is that Monero was designed to be like a pure form of digital cash but it faces scalability issues similar to bitcoin that may make it unfeasible for ordinary everyday transactions that don't require paying a premium transaction fee for anonymity.

If you can point to an example where one of these so called rabid Monero fanboys is factually wrong on something as it relates to Monero vs another alt from a privacy standpoint then I'll believe you. Until then it just seems like you're hunting for reasons to trash Monero holders.

>> No.5507478

I don't even buy illegal goods, I just believe in a right to private transactions.

>> No.5507486

I like people like you that go against the shillcurrent, and actually bring up some good points. And I think you are correct regarding the devs views on the price of the coin and cryptotrading. For them, speculating on price is not pure, and they are hardcore into the ideology behind crypto.

But you have som facts wrong, the minting bug was in DASH. Monero is consistently beeing dumped because of people basically selling at marketorder to wash their earnings from inside trading. BCH is a good example. Secondly we have a lot of greedy miners that dump.

In the long term Monero is in the bracket of coins that have utility and tech. This coin will consistently grow if the market is not pertubed catastrophically.

>> No.5507540

Same, I'm just saying if there was a threat of exchanges like Bittrex/Polo getting shut down, people that had no intention of using Monero for illegal purposes would definitely be compelled to sell while they could.

>> No.5507545

Anon I -
Those extra 120% gains are incoming to Monero in the next few days. Upward correction incoming. Hang on to your ass.

>> No.5507588

Valuation of all of the above coins (and assets in general) is not rational and you shouldn’t treat them as such

>> No.5508245

Monero is literally fud proof. I love sitting here reading Monero fud from all the Vergie retards while my Monero gains just grow and grow. So comfy. Made $120k holding XMR this year alone.

>> No.5508329

1. All these coins that you mentioned were heavily marketed and shilled.
2. People still see Monero as an "evil" coin used by terrorists and drug dealers.

>> No.5508366

Once Zcoin has Private addresses I can't see a reason to buy Monero.

>> No.5508428

Give reasons why you would NOT buy Monero and instead buy ZCoin if it had private addresses.

>> No.5508457


Zcoin has a massive mixing set compared to Monero.

also s y b i l attacks

>> No.5508506

>Zcoin has a massive mixing set compared to Monero.
Fair. Doesn't this only matter if whatever Monero uses to encrypt the blockchain is broken though?

Also someone please remind me what is used because I don't actually remember, but I feel like it's not AES.

>> No.5508576
File: 29 KB, 480x360, cozypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's going to happen by 2022 when block rewards begin dwindling?

we'll be cashed out driving lambos by then