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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55039705 No.55039705 [Reply] [Original]

Did you have a rebuttal?

>> No.55039709

It's fake money

>> No.55039713

It's literally a scam...

>> No.55039715

Janitor and moderator are compromised by left wing scammers. Abandon board. this website is pedophile discord scammers
Buy btc ignore the rest of crypto . They can't control btc, why they hate it, just like sam and his new liberal fascistic yids hated btc

>> No.55039734

Here, I created these imaginary shekels. We can use them as money. It's good because the banks don't use it

>> No.55039737

Compared to fiat? The yids ate getting desperate
Can't control btc and pos fail save failed

>> No.55039741
File: 15 KB, 598x146, Screenshot 2023-05-21 at 11-35-45 Sohale Mortazavi (@SohaleMortazavi) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a faggot

>> No.55039743

Ad hominem..

>> No.55039745

Afraid? You have all reason to. Alpha Predator is cleaning up

>> No.55039749
File: 110 KB, 775x544, 1657887896929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Afraid of what? You're the one losing your investments.

>> No.55039763
File: 23 KB, 598x206, Screenshot 2023-05-21 at 11-41-26 Sohale Mortazavi (@SohaleMortazavi) _ Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all crypto guilty by association
yeah, he's a faggot

>> No.55039776
File: 143 KB, 783x717, 1682064814523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just reasonable. Ban crypto.

>> No.55039784

>logical fallacy
all niggers should be locked up by that logic
all jews gassed etc.

>> No.55039795

Fiat is a scam. Controlled by a small cabal of new liberal fascistic yids to exercise control over human slaves
It has no value

>> No.55039812

and reporters shot and all twitterposts fake i might add
by the same logic he applies
he's written nothing original in his entire career
ai could do better anon

>> No.55039844

Sure, so is everything else. They won't tell you that part and you won't have the second occupy wallstreet because you're controlled

>> No.55040149

Sounds like the (((Journalist))) that wrote this article got scammed by some meme coin. Hey just because you're a retard doesn't mean everyone else is, got that Schlomo?

>> No.55040168

He's right. Crypto is a ponzi scheme scam. It's another tax on the poor just like the lottery. 99% of people were never going to make it.

>> No.55040185

Does that mean completely agree in any language?

>> No.55040190

Fiat money has real money, you can actually buy shit with it.

>> No.55040192

Desperate fiat maximalist. Your dollars are worthless

>> No.55040197

I can buy all i need with btc
And if the faggot that doesn't accept btc need to sell it for fiat, his bad. Can lead a horse to water, can't make it drink

>> No.55040198

Funny, your bags are in a sea of red because everyone is dumping in favor of more dollars.

>> No.55040203

My bags haven't been in the red for 10 years, while your bags have been devalued for 90 years straight

>> No.55040217

Dollars have real use case. Crypto's only use case is scammers obtaining more dollars while retail normalfags lose their dollars. Whores only accept cash.

>> No.55040225

You are a sucker that screams platitudes in defense while he shits his pants. To use one of your platitudes you are a midwit

>> No.55040229

Except prostitutes only accept BTC and ETH

>> No.55040248

Not eth. Never came across a whore or a distributor or a retail shop accepting eth. Only btc

>> No.55040255
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Robespierre should have finished the job so we would not have ended with these neokeynsian commies.

>> No.55040265

Escort agencies do.

>> No.55040282

Then they are retarded. Eth has no value. It's just as compromised as fiat

>> No.55040290

BTC has no value, no crypto does, it's only value is that you may be able to sell it for more fiat dollars.

>> No.55040294

I buy shit with monero all the time. It's even more convenient.

>> No.55040305

How often do I need to repeat it midwit. I don't need to go for the majority of my needs through fiat. Btc is a representation of the limited resources that are energy and hardware, while fiat is a jewish scam, always was

>> No.55040321

BTC represents WASTED energy. It's not like the energy used in BTC can be used for a useful purpose.

You're a midwit who doesn't understand economics.

>> No.55040326

You are really angry.
>Wasted energy
From the perspective of a fiat economist maybe. From the perspective of a new liberal fascistic climate cultist, certainly, because the cabal is losing control, sucker

>> No.55040367

it takes more energy to produce fiat than crypto
the amount of water cotton needs is absurd
not to mention all the facility, lighting, computers etc needed on site and the transport required for emnployees
the ONLY people who benefit from fiat are the printers of it, the alphabet agencies who need it for clandestine purposes such as avoiding tax and arming enemies of the public and the cotton monopolists
further, the use of fiat, specifically dollars, requires constant oppression of third world countries because america needs to retain this cotton monopoly
this is why afghanistan only produces opium, they are not ALLOWED to grow cotton and sell it
no-one is
which is racist
crypto however....

>> No.55040426

>10k-20k litres of water per 1kg of cotton
>over 250 billion tons of water per year
>75% of dollar is cotton
>1 gram per dollar
>1.5 trillion physical dollars
>1.125 trillion grams of cotton
>10 quadrillion tons of water used
And people are dying of thirst. While you pay taxes with water on water.
Fucking abominable.

>> No.55040448

>it takes more energy to produce fiat than crypto

This is the sillest thing on the planet. We can create fiat currency with KEYSTROKES

>> No.55040458

servers use energy
computers use energy
the wagies pressing buttons need transport and lighting
they need suits
plastic keys (oil) require energy to produce
copper wire requires energy to mine
requires even more energy than most other industries combined to ship
all bad for the environment and racist

>> No.55040466

It's so much more efficient than crypto, one computer at the FED can code into existence $1,000,000,000,000 in a second.

>> No.55040478

>more efficient
>millions of employees in transit
>quadrillions of tons of water wasted
yuo are retarded, i did the math and you did not

>> No.55040487

You are just afraid to lose control and your over investment in the fiat economy

>> No.55040493

internet uptime is much more resource intensive, should we abandon the internet altogether?

>> No.55040498

He argues that crypto is a giant ponzi scheme bc of the tether/bitfinex saga. fair enough, but then he also talks about the electricity consumption being wastful etc. what does this have to do with cryptocurrency being a "giant ponzi scheme"?

why not stick to the topic, present an argument to support the claim that crypto is a ponzi scheme. This type of "buckshot" argument, where you dislike something and then just make all sort of different cases as to why this something is bad, because surely at aggregate things must be bad.
It makes it seem dethatched from reason, this is not someone that has sat down and gone through the data on price manipulation, this is a guy that just present his subjective view on cryptocurrency - packaged in a logical argument, but the "buckshot" argument suggest the packaging is just that, a packaging.

You should never accept bad-faith actors, because it's very difficult to discern where the lies are e.g. he reference a study that say "50% of the boom was due to bitfinex/tether scheme", i recall that paper, the authors are the same people that sued tether for loosing money in the bust, as the lawsuit was ongoing they wrote the paper and submitted it as evidence.
He probably knew this, but regardless he present the claim of 50% as fact, as if some researchers there are just trying to figure out the cryptomarket stumble on to this 50% number, not a bunch of jews manufacturing evidence to recoup their malinvestment.

>> No.55040499

i even slipped in a math error and have yet to be called out on it
shows how much you know
you're talking out your ass

>> No.55040505

No because it actually serves a functional purpose and is a productive asset. Bitcoin is just a coin that has value because other people think it has value, there's no end-use utility.

>> No.55040508

>internet is more intensive than 24/7 printing/banking/employee transit/shipping

>> No.55040512

I'm with you retard
yes, literally

>> No.55040521
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>> No.55040525

you're just a racist, imperial colonialist attempting to retain hegemony at the expense of the oppressed third world
let them grow cotton
let them extract oil

>> No.55040540


>> No.55040549

Fraud is cryptocurrency. Fraudcoin. $Fraud a peer to peer digital fantasy to allow users to rugpull and steal from one another without having to go through an institution.

>> No.55040553

What about security tokens(sto) though?
Those are not good either?

>> No.55040555

legacy finance uses over 50 times more energy than crypto

>> No.55040558

Gold itself fails by his own test because it requires large amounts of energy to mine it.

Also, this smells very strongly of
>thought he was an investment genius
>got rinsed
>now a bit salty

>> No.55040564

Because it's actually used around the globe, per capita crypto consumes more energy.

>> No.55040570

>yuo are retarded, i did the maths and you did not
And now imma fixin' the spelling, you did not.

>> No.55040576

that's just energy consumption for servers and the like
not accounting for employee transit, total emissions from products required in offices and the paper
you can't stop being wrong

>> No.55040579

all of them except btc are.
btc is a cia black budget scam.

>> No.55040586

not an argument
get fucked
and the global internet infrastructure uses 500 times more energy than legacy finance
>Powering the internet consumed 800 TWH of electricity in 2022, as 5bn users generated 4.7 Zettabytes of traffic
stop posting you midwit

>> No.55040588

>imma fixin' the spelling

>> No.55040594

That's eth. Hunting imagined nooks on chain to better budget while scamming idiots with ponzis

>> No.55040597

>fiat collectoor is confused
>fiat collectoor hurt itself in its confusion

>> No.55040602

>le fiat
I'm just saying that the energy consumption argument is retarded, since the internet is much more wasteful than legacy finance
you absolute buffoon
stop posting, you got completely rekt

>> No.55040613

need internet for legacy too
if not then even more water wasted and energy required
you rekt only yourself

>> No.55040622

congrats for conceding that you don't give a fuck about muh resource consumption, and you only care about your shitcoin bags

>> No.55040636

thank you very much, you can now exit thread instead of accusing your opposition of what you are guilty of

>> No.55040646

>shitcoiner claims that legacy finance is wasting resources and that should be replaced
>shitcoiner concedes that the internet is much more wasteful, but he doesn't care about that since it doesn't affect his shitcoin bags
you are so retarded it hurts
stop posting, unironically

>> No.55040648

Abandon fiat buy or mine or trade btc. It's the only monetary network independent of centralized corruptable actors

>> No.55040649

you started le energay argument
you wasted more energy defending fiat than i did shitposting

>> No.55040653

you are also illiterate, apart from braindead
see my original post here>>55040493
and get rekt

>> No.55040659


>> No.55040663

are you having trouble quoting and replying to my post, retard?
get fucked

>> No.55040664

Go and accumulate more fiat while it gets devalueed by design and if you are at it buy some toxic us bonds

>> No.55040670

>the fiat shill seethes

>> No.55040672

>le fiat le fiat reeeeee
dude, I'm responding to the asinine argument of "wasted energy bruh" I'm not defending fiat, I'm saying this argument is retarded
>the shitcoin shill has zero arguments
get fucked

>> No.55040678

you responded to only one side though
obvious fiat bagholder

>> No.55040688

>nooo you should respond to that reeeeeee
Idc about the "one side" whatever the fuck that means
I responded to YOUR "legacy finance uses more energy" shitpost, and nothing else
you got btfo, deal with it and stop crying

>> No.55040701

>more accusations of what you yourself are guilty of
you learned from the best but still got schooled

>> No.55040708

>more shitposts
ok, once again, the internet is much more wasteful than legacy finance, should we abandon the internet altogether?

>> No.55040713

>legacy is analog
the definition of insanity

>> No.55040719

>I have no arguments so I devolve to nonsensical shitposting
get fucked bro

>> No.55040723

Sorry confused you with the fiat shill from earlier nevertheless btc has value because it cant be controlled by any centralized entity. Btc is a sovereign resilient monetary system, the only one on this planet

>> No.55040728

cool, that has fuck all to do with energy consumption bullshit

>> No.55040729

>i want a good faith argument but argue disingenuously

>> No.55040733

>I have no arguments but instead of exiting the thread I double down on my retardation

>> No.55040738

>i'm still replying to someone i consider retarded
the seethe is palpable

>> No.55040742

>u-u-u mad
bro you have 10 more pbtid, shut the fuck up, take the L and gtfo

>> No.55040749

>i must win and save face

>> No.55040755

the irony of this post is palpable
I already destroyed you bro, only one trying to save face is you with your terrible ESL ironic shitposting
get fucked

>> No.55040766

objectively you lost before you even started anon
because you did not inform yourself of the actual energy consumption of legacy finance

>> No.55040771

is it higher than the entire internet energy consumption? not even close
get fucked

>> No.55040776


>> No.55040780

>it is cause I said so
absolutely rekt

>> No.55040782

It has. Is it worth using energy for an independent distributed monetary system that can't be compromised. That is of course subjective. I say yes

>> No.55040793

the argument that legacy finance consumes higher amounts of energy than bitcoin is retarded when you consider how much energy we waste on all sorts of useless shit
that's my fucking point

>> No.55040794

>i say so
not because i said so
it just is
how would you even know when you don't know the total energy consumption of legacy finance?
you only know the energy consumption of the internet, and even then you don't
you just recycled a google

>> No.55040807

then why don't you post the exact numbers like I did? and how can legacy finance be more resource intensive than the entire fucking internet, when the system itself is based ON the fucking internet you imbecile?
literally SHUT THE FUCK UP and learn how to speak english for fuck's sake

>> No.55040820

>paper, cotton, transport, wiring, buildings, etc.
you only posted a google anon
i speak english fine
i'm just saving energy like bitcoin does

>> No.55040824

yeah, in other words you got rekt and you're left with zero arguments whatsoever

>> No.55040828

>keeps excessively printed monopoly money

>> No.55040839

repeat it as often as you like but you only rekt yourself

>> No.55040851

>paper, cotton, transport, wiring, buildings, etc.
>implying that powering the entire internet grid doesn't require paper, cotton, transport, WIRING OR BUILDINGS
sure anon, lemme repeat it
the internet as a whole is objectively insanely more resource intensive than the global financial legacy system
unless you respond to this post with raw numbers, you got REKT
end of story, you may proceed to seethe

>> No.55040872

>give me raw numbers
>posted one data point
the onus was on you to begin with when you made the claim and omitted 99% of the costs
enough shitposting
serious questions demands a serious reply
>are you employed by a legacy finance institution?
>do you receive a wage in fiat?
>have you invested in legacy finance?
yes/no answers only

>> No.55040878

I'm a neet
that's called ad hominem btw and you got rekt again
for the love of God, proof your fucking posts with gtp or some shit, jesus your English is HORRIBLE

>> No.55040888

funny thing is you can't even use them as money because they can't scale.

>> No.55040896

my english is fine
i just neglect punctuation because you're not worth it
>10,557 kilowatt hours per person per year
>6.23 million legacy financial employees US
>= 65981250000
here is more numbers to add to your total energy costs

>> No.55040952

cool anon, no tell me, which number is greater
I'll wait

>> No.55040979

keep adding all the costs if you want a genuine argument
that's just employees
still not accounting for all the equipment and offices
remember you started this with the logic choppery

>> No.55041025

I agree. On top of the legacy monetary system being a collectivistic slave system

>> No.55041085

>he won't answer which number is greater
>he still won't provide even a rough estimate of total legacy finance consumption
bro, the internet wastes more energy no matter how you try to spin it
you're done

>> No.55041735

Yeah Jacobin magazine lol this shit does not get more jewish and the name itself is a slap to the face of the French.

>> No.55041820

cool story, still not selling thanks for playing

>> No.55042316

>got rinsed
theres tons of these traders out there. i was one of them. what i really hope to see to put this bullshit market to rest is somebody livestreaming their trades so we can all watch and see how fast they lose their money. all these crypto shills talk about the gains theyre making but provide no fucking proof.

>> No.55042326

use more buzzwords

>> No.55042336

Opinion discarded.

>> No.55042342

What buzzwords. It's just a description of the current state of this board, its administration and a hint

>> No.55042359

nobbody cares cry moar or try reddit

>> No.55042374

The defensive scream of a sucker
Ver funny. I enjoy fucking with you and your attempt to force consensus on an anon imageboard. Which is so retarded on its own

>> No.55042403

nigger i dont care

and nobody cares

>waaa the mods and jannies were mean to me im gonna use all sorts of buzzwords and spam every thread saying how they are conspiring inside tranny reddit glowie pedo normie woman female gay tumblr discord scammer waaaaa waaaaaaaa

you dumb 12 year old autistic nigger child

say that to my face bitch see what happens

>> No.55042412
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>> No.55042470

You seem to care, else you wouldn't have replied like a yid being struck

>> No.55042633

Banks are a centralized version of crypto, btw.

>> No.55042693

nigger you are still here SIX HOURS later


>> No.55042710

It’s backed by the military. Don’t like it then beat the strongest militaries in a war you incel nazi

>> No.55042721 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 256x256, 1663731594132115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

telling a normie to buy crypto is the install gentoo of finance

>> No.55042732

>he doesn't have a grease monkey script notifying about replies
how do you faggots operate? I knew you are amateurs but that is some next level retardation

>> No.55042737

nice ad hominem retard
biz is definitely the lowest iq board on chan BY FAR

>> No.55042743

>cant find enough qualified staff due to new liberal fascist policies
Holy shit the cope

>> No.55042756

Here, I created these imaginary dollars. We can use them as money. It's good because it's on your phone screen and you never have to hold them

>> No.55042763

>samefagging to try to make it look like you arent seething as hard

cry more about this shit site that you literally cannot leave LOL

>> No.55042767

> jacobin
ALL commies deserve to die. One ball to the head, along with their families.

>> No.55042783

Crypto only took off because of ZIRP

>"muh future of money"

>> No.55042793

>change in IP
You don't even know the language. How did you ever thought you could force consensus you amateurs

>> No.55042799

>They can't control btc

>> No.55042812

they cant
energy and hardware are limitied
>some focus group reply
Bring it on, how do they control btc?
>ib4 fiat

>> No.55042813 [DELETED] 

Based pedobro

>> No.55042828

>to jacobin of all things
You faggots lost 200 years ago, kindly fuck off forever.
I wish I could get those faggots shut down permanently. Fuck them and their gay ass little magazine.

>> No.55042836

>oy vey
>shut it down
ignore or mock them

>> No.55042874

You deserve to lose everything

>> No.55042893

another angry amateur makes a reply about something he pretends he doesn't care
You are worse than the last batch. Hard to imagine that being even possible

>> No.55042903

They literally advocate for violence to enact political change. They're the ORIGINAL terrorists. So yes I do believe they should be shut down, and I wish I could be the one to do it.

>> No.55042937

>aLl cApS
In the current new liberal fascist dictatorship, violence is more then acceptable. Not necessarily their violence with the attempt to get them to be the inner collective of scammers enslaving the outer collective of suckers, but violence to remove the uniparty and its allies from economy and civil society by the noose is more than welcome

There are no political solutions to fascism or other left wing authoritarian bullshit

>> No.55042974

They control BTC by controlling the few people with commit access to the single monopoly client, Bitcoin Core.
This sort of manipulation has already happened before, when for-profit companies like Blockstream put Core devs on the payroll and influenced development by blocking segwit2x against the wish of the miners and users, to help their own business that provide L2s.

>> No.55042988

As expected, a focus group scripted reply
You know that there are more clients then core
and on top, btc developers have shown to be the most resilient to change, compared top the faggot eth dev fiat maximization pedos

>> No.55043013

Thefaatercryptoniggers all rope the better society will be.

Interest rates need to rise anothe 20%

>> No.55043028

Crypto is a scam but leftists all need to be skinned alive, cartel style.

Even the "based" stupidpol ones

>> No.55043044

If you said Monero, I would believe you

BTC only took off because of ZIRP

>> No.55043061

Both leftists and cryptoniggers need ro hang

>> No.55043080

BTC only took off because of ZIRP.

Literally rates need to be raised a few percent to complete fuck you all.

Also they can easily ban CEX and on/off ramps, which they should. You all need to hang

>> No.55043095

incompetency at display
tell your shift lead that you are not made out to shill on an imageboard and rather want to go back to twitter/reddit or wherever you are deployed these days

>> No.55043101

You simply need to kill leftists instead of actively cucking to them like cobservatives always do, and they would be a complete non-issue>>55043044

>> No.55043111

stop it. you are endangering your contractors operation slave

>> No.55043114

proof of stake is a scam

>> No.55043115

Powell needs to raise rates even more

>> No.55043116

>As expected, a focus group scripted reply
Is this your go-to response when you can't think of a convincing counter-argument?
>You know that there are more clients then core
In practice, no, there is not. The 1% or whatever that other clients comprise is not enough to make a dent in the consensus system. And since the majority of users simply stick to the client they know without researching the full implications, it is disproportionately difficult for any competing client to topple their monopoly, which leaves it more open for centralization and manipulation.
>and on top, btc developers have shown to be the most resilient to change,
Which is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, they used the "resilience to change" as an excuse for their manipulation in the segwit2x fiasco that I mentioned. People WANTED change.
>compared top the faggot eth dev fiat maximization pedos
Ok guy, not easy to take you seriously when you talk like this.

>> No.55043168

WTF a bot
LMFAO hilariously badly scripted
What is it now. core devs can be compromised to change shit for the worse OR they are hardly ever implementing changes
You are really bad, ask your shift lead to get send back to another social media site.
POS is a scam, and by now I am pretty sure that Vitalik got blackmailed by glowing ones, to have a quasi fail safe when BTC becomes too much of a danger to the current fiat monetary system

>> No.55043180

basically this
kikes get the rope

>> No.55043207

>What is it now. core devs can be compromised to change shit for the worse
Yes, among other things.
> OR they are hardly ever implementing changes
No, learn to read, YOU are the one who claims that they are resilient to change, I am only saying that they have used that as an excuse when they previously happened to be compromised to NOT implement a desired change.

>> No.55043272

>sElEcTivE all caps
you are incompetent and need to fire your script writers, they are even more incompetent than you

>> No.55043307
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I mean just look at tether. one day this shit is going to come tumbling down

>> No.55043344

>tether fud
your script writers are probably the most incompetent of your bunch

>> No.55043356

poor people should make better financial decisions

>> No.55043532

like buying btc instead of lottery tickets or working for pennies for social media shill operations. Agree. At least they should ask to be paid in btc instead of fiat scam ious

>> No.55043560

>boomer take
DLT is here to stay, you old decrepid fucks

>> No.55043642

no. btc is here to stay dlt as in central bank shit is never going to be accepted
they come from a position of weakness, they lose
dlt in as eth and other pieces of shit chains nobody cares because they are easily controlled and compromised

dlt on btc, we will see

>> No.55043802


>> No.55043959

It's cute that how much it triggers you when someone calls it out. Well let me call it out too, crypto is a giant fraud/ponzi. Thousands of hurrdurrs of you won't change it.

>> No.55043971

you need to stop posting all at the same time glowies

>> No.55044001

Jacobin is not a friend of the poor, it's a friend of poverty. The article is an unmitigated endorsement of both poverty and tyranny, which once again demonstrates that the socialists have learned nothing from Stalin.

>> No.55044008

>ctrl f
>zero results
Do better anon

>> No.55044018

leave glow nigger

>> No.55044037

>commies don't like crypto
Well yea, fans of the ultimate centralized tyranny don't want decentralized systems. Not much a revelation there

>> No.55044045

tell that to the eth cucks that suck pos corpo glow dick

>> No.55044073

Isn't Vitalik a commie?

>> No.55044103

Vitalik is pedophile that got blackmailed and is currently trying to convince cucks that eth needs (((validator))) oracles. That is all you need to know about eth. It was a fail safe for the moment where btc is really going to become a danger for the us monetary system

they failed

>> No.55044116

>calls me glownigger
>spends hours calling crypto Le Ponzi

>> No.55044135

where did I call crypto a ponzi?
are you retarded or just incompetent
I think both

>> No.55044157
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>are you retarded or just incompetent
>I think both

>> No.55044162

I'm not up to date with most of that stuff. These.. validators would be run by "trusted" entities or something? What's the difference between what they're proposing and chainlink oracles?

>> No.55044202

The issue with POS is that it is easily controllable and easy to compromise. It only takes fiat to control ETH; or do you think random people control validators. Please don't be that naive.
And ETH without independent oracles is worthless, so to keep perfect control you need your (((trusted parties))) to also control the oracles. I have no doubt that the cucks that are eth faggots will support vitaliks idea. eth is done, its compromised it is worthless as you could as well just use fiat or a banking network

>> No.55044378

Okay this might be a stupid question, but can't POW be compromised with fiat as well, in the sense that groups can buy lots of mining rigs with it?

>> No.55044418

Energy is a limited resource on a certain territory
so not really

>> No.55046151
File: 704 KB, 2318x2888, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is always fascinating as high end lefty publications always have to convince their readership that they didn't "miss" something. They're so arrogant they think they know everything. This is just the latest in a decade long series of articles.

What is really interesting is why these articles never discuss BTC solutions use in 3rd world countries and solutions for the poor. Just fancy ass cope for left wing pussies.

>> No.55046174
File: 48 KB, 643x793, BITCOIN IS DEAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything a midwtt doesn't understand is a ponzo scheme. Disregard.

>> No.55046182

theres literally a pyramid on the dollar

>> No.55047605

Fucking hell it's quite ridiculous to imagine desu, people would rather trust pot-bellied glow niggers who keep printing money at their expense than trust bitcoin.

>> No.55047823


>> No.55047838

>trust bitcoin.

I would rather trust a black transgender than trust some shady asset whose value is backed by hearsay, you autistic retards are about to experience a bubble burst soon.

>> No.55047842


>> No.55047968

>What is really interesting is why these articles never discuss BTC solutions use in 3rd world countries and solutions for the poor.

This left wing pussies are all focused on the shining light on their ignorance and desu i am not surprised pussies need light to be seen you know.

>some shady asset whose value is backed by hearsay,
Tell us what the dollar is being backed by retard? Do this and watch me stack up a shit ton of dollar.

>> No.55048290

>Tell us what the dollar is being backed by retard? Do this and watch me stack up a shit ton of dollar.

The same applies to your so called bitcorn whose value is based on autistic retards like you.

>> No.55048549

>I would rather trust a black transgender than trust some shady asset whose value is backed by hearsay, you autistic retards are about to experience a bubble burst soon.
Same way I trust altcoinistdao reviews than incels on this board

>> No.55048600

>Same way I trust altcoinistdao reviews than incels on this board

The only thing I trust in Crypto is codes and that's one of the basis in which I interact with protocols, being bullish on Spool V2 when i figured it was audited by trail of bits and i have cancelled all certik audited projects on my radar.

>> No.55048632

you're retarded if you buy anything with bitcoin, stupid fuck, why would you spend a currency that increases in value

>> No.55048999

It's not, you faggot. Many who are on genuine cryptos in the long run made real gains. Privacy tokens, programming blockchains, cryptos that connect web2 IDs with web3 and so on

>> No.55049023

Monero is pretty much solid compared to these shitcoin flying around, rather invest in cryptos built for decentralized IDs and rights

>> No.55051407

So is the stock market. The stock market is worse actually, as a lot of big companies shares give you no ownership stake whatsoever. At least bitcoin has some useful properties.


>> No.55051572

Because I still need calories to keep my brain working and come to the conclusions it comes to

>> No.55051606

early life?

>> No.55051616

So are Stocks. Tell me something new.

>> No.55051644

so is everything else

>> No.55051728

OP is right, no one in this thread knows shit.
I had to launch a crypto company to understand how scammy this world industry is. Fuck you all. I lost 2 years of my life, I even have a proper use case tied to a real utility token -> doesn't matter, no one cares
VCs are tards, investors are tards, users are tards. It all needs to go to 0, washtrading is through the roof, market makers are all market manipulators, it's insane and retarded

>> No.55051748

Crypto industry is a scam, btc is a distributed ledger protocol secured by companies leveraging hardware and energy
>Use case

>> No.55051764

>the internet is much more wasteful than XXX
The Internet is the fucking industry+economy retard, only one thing runs without it:
military pneumatic systems

>> No.55051855

Military. Not really. The internet evolved to a point where it would still work in a pure anarchic system. It's too useful and distributed as a communication tool
>Ib4 military shuts down isps and cuts lines
Good luck if the turkey episode and based erdogan trying to shut down gossip websites like twitter shows no state entity has the power to shut it down completely just like btc

>> No.55051862

can't, it would doxx me instantly. But it's actually good, but less financial than the 66531516 defi projects that does lending/nft-shitcoin-swap-backing/yield farming ponzi shit

>> No.55051869

if you visit Syria, you will see that their government has a literal on/off switch for the Internet. So it depends on the region. if the West wanted to cut the Internet, it would be dead in a few days. But that's not the point anyway

>> No.55051889

magic organized crime kike words for legal grifting = well regulated financial market

im sure bernie madoff was a lone wolf and dimon never visited epstein island


>> No.55051891

Yeah and?

I get in first

>> No.55051900

If it involved any layer that isn't at the base of transaction or ledger security and was essentially give me fiat for my plan to grift, yeah of course it failed
Past 2017 a cabal of inner collectivists has poured retarded amounts of capital and energy into trying to keep btc down, up to pushing a spaghetti code never scalable developed by a cunny loving pedophile asset like vitalik because they understood that they are going to lose control over monetary transaction sooner than later

>> No.55051922

A syrian that really wants access is going to find a way. There are literally satellites that can be accessed with the knowledge and hardware no state entity has the power to control
Sure not a walk in the park, but also not impossible

>> No.55051952

this theory doesn't add up, they should for example push XMR up, but it's not the case. Pushing ETH is not doing anything

>> No.55051954

The energy "wasted" is made to insure the security of BTC while with fiat a rando can just print out 10^12 dollars with no problem devaluing all the fiat holdings out there and fiatcucks will praise him for it.

>> No.55051995

Proof of jew inside aka proof of stake is the most obvious attempt to gain back control. To gain control only involves to get the majority of piece of shit token. No need of limited resources involved. Could print themselves into control what they do with erc-20 scams and shit like lido and co
>Would push xmr
A pow network that is build around obfuscating tx? They have no reason to push it

Really, how tell me that you are a kike without telling me you are a kike
Kys central bank kike

>> No.55052971

Bump. Kikes are incompetent and their staff even more

>> No.55053006

How can people write the exact same articles for over 10 years and still get that much reaction?

>> No.55053018

Baäl, the love for the paper money gun. That makes them kill their young while their blood, their blood runs cold

>> No.55053054

Post the xmr btc price chart

>> No.55053136

Looks more stable than any fist pair

>> No.55053219
File: 955 KB, 1920x1080, 1698739837474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc price

lol fake & gay

>> No.55053263


>> No.55053426

Funny, because with the evolution of blockchain and how it's revolutionalizing the world of health, it's just getting started

>> No.55053535

>Buy into my centralized corpo dlt

>> No.55054652

What does btc have to do with it? This thread is about currency.

>> No.55055017

Just like fiat...

>> No.55055132

Fiat is arguably worse than a random ponzi with defined infinite emissions; as a shitcoin ponzi can, if done okay, not be changed at will by the (((devs))). Though no competition for a secure distributed independent ledger like btc with the amount of energy and hardware committed to it, a defined emission schedule and ultimately deflationary, especially in a deflationary demographic environment

>> No.55055149
File: 142 KB, 850x1203, __shigure_ui_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_taachika__sample-48ee027497f0c09b25a11ed7f9b83c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And I don't mean that sarcastically, we're reaching the low point of the crypto market soon with all these dipshits shitting on it. Bitcoin probably goes to 40k by August and then dumps 50% during the September Selloff.

>> No.55055670

none of the words he said were buzzwords, retard

>> No.55057497

they are angry. have been fucking with NGOs and corpos for a week, their penny workers must feel tired, I feel energetic

>> No.55057664

that is bullish for bitcoin though

>> No.55057670

It's capitalism, literally every investment is a ponzi/pyramid

>> No.55057683

you can't audit monero. how do we know the devs didn't just print a bunch for themselves?

>> No.55057694

they did. The threads should still be up somewhere buried in the altcoin section of bitcointalk

>> No.55057743

>Did you have a rebuttal?
Yes, everything is a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.55057759

energy carriers aren't

>> No.55057770

>None of this would be legal in a regulated financial market.
Remember when a kike leverage sold GME actions, people bought it in mass and then the kike got a free pass to bend the rules, not paying the loan, fucking thousands of guys who played by the rules? i do.

>> No.55057780

to be fair bitcoin can go to zero. it's just a spent energy receipt. i'm still bullish on it but the case is there

>> No.55057800

A lot of faggots will call crypto a ponzi scheme, none of them will tell what a better alternative store of value is. If they did provide a solution instead of whining, people might listen to them

>> No.55057803

>hardware paid off
>electricity prices down/stable
>demand price miles over mining price
the question would not be dumping btc but acquiring more miners or just holding most of the mined btc

btc will never go to 0 in whatever denomination

>> No.55057858

you can say the same about any other pow coin but we know those can go to zero. why is btc special?

>> No.55057914

To use a meme I try to force, Alpha Predator
to put it in other words, energy as capital tends to gather around the biggest in the room, the one most likely to survive and with btc it has been escalated so far that no nation state or corporate entity has the energy resources to even try to fight btc or take the network over. When China failed to kill it in 2014/15 with the ban and there still being clandestine mining operations in the country it was settled. Nobody needed to compete
If eth hadn't done the mistake to go full ponzi, it might have been able to compete, but for one or the other reason it decided to go fiat like network with horrendous sybil resistance down the road

>> No.55058538

>unironically believing the chinese state
first level thinking, ngmi.
real life is a lot like no limit poker the implied odds are very big depending on what you think is real or not. you think like a limit simp.

>> No.55058547

you make your bets I make mine
And the time to kill bitcoin was in 2012 and even back then it was likely not possible to kill it, 2015 and china failing was the point of no return for any competition by whoever
Nations and corpos can apply as much nazi tier brainwashing as they like, you cant beat physics and human nature

>> No.55059050
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For a trustless network, it seems you niggas are required to have a lot of trust in Bitfinex

>> No.55059083


I mean, he's not wrong. There was a time where cryptocurrency genuinely was going to be the future. Those times have gone away and now it's a glorified casino.

>> No.55059089

can you point to any ledger more secure than btc?