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55051887 No.55051887 [Reply] [Original]

Stop waiting until you've "made it".

You wait that long and maybe your health won't be waiting for you at the other end.

Amazon makes it piss easy to put stuff on subscription and pay less in the process. You have zero excuses.

"I eat all my vitamins so..."
You do not. Pic related has some sups with things YOU aren't getting in your diet anyways. So don't feed me that BS.

Pro tip: DON'T cheap out
I am not here to sell you on brands but do your damn research on what actually comes in the stuff you're buying.
If a multivitamin is 2x the price but isn't made of synthetic vitamins (yes that's a fucking thing and it's why the majority of supplements can be seen as placebo or worse can cause people reactions) it's worth the money. You have one life in this current world regardless of your religion. Do your research on what is harmful and what you NEED.
Make it count.

*With subscriptions all coming at different times I maybe pay 100-200$ a month. If you live frugal then spend the money and improve yourself. You're not going to miss getting rich off spending 200$ less a month on crypto/stocks.

I won't be here to monitor the fuck out of this thread. I am not even advertising any of the stuff I've been buying. I'm just going back for a little more sleep because I woke up too early.

>> No.55051909

>Amazon makes it piss easy to put stuff on subscription and pay less in the process. You have zero excuses.
>t. amazon seller

>Pic related has some sups with things YOU aren't getting in your diet anyways. So don't feed me that BS
>t. snake oil salesman

I eat your moms pussy daily
She eats my ass hourly
Your dad eats his own cum

OP I am your vader
hit report for shill

>> No.55051919

Fasting is the best thing you can do for your health, but OP won't talk about that because it's not a supplement he can sell you.

>> No.55051998

You're retarded.
Fasting IS good for you.
So are the right supplements.

There's nothing worse than poor/schizo as a combination and sadly this board has a ton of you because shitcoins are everywhere that promise everything to your type and you are easy prey.

Don't want to hear your cope about, "well actually I'm fucking rich blah blah". If you're a schizo you are NOT. Your kind never gets anywhere in life unless you were born with the wits and genius on top to become a scientist who actually enjoys his field.

Reddit is where you belong or modern /x/.
Take your pick.

>> No.55052071

Based and vaderpilled

>> No.55052279

>whole foods multi vitamin
I bet it uses (((ascorbic acid))) and lanolin. I'll let you look up the sources of those totally whole foods.
>ancestral supplements
taking capsules of expired meat byproduct from vaxxed cattle that munched on pesticide-drenched grass...
>genius mushrooms
Placebo at best, diuretic in reality, kidney damage after long term use at worst.
>collagen peptides
Turn the container and show "CONTAINS LEAD" warning label. Also contains cadmium arsenic and aluminum. Basically all toxins from modern commercial cattle farming end up in the bones and tissue, concentrated in a dried powder for you to consoom.

>> No.55052320

>overpriced jewish chink powders
>invest in your health

>> No.55052354

If this is all the supplements you take, you are officially a complete retard. A man needs a proper supplement stack

>> No.55052370

Nope. Just checked. Everyone knows ascorbic acid comes from black mold btw it's not some secret.

Nope. I'd love to see you provide proof.

>Has never tried it but says it's placebo

It does not show "contains lead" anywhere on the package.

If you're worried about lead you better be buying bones from your local butcher for your soup and hoping he has his sources straightened out. Odds are he won't be able to confirm the bones are lead free.

>> No.55052384

Fuck don't want to double post but I'd like to hear from you about which ones you suggest.

>> No.55052404

1. Eat salad every day
2. No processed meat
3. No alcohol/drugs/tobacco
4. 5x a week cardio with body weight exercises
5. Get plenty of sleep and hydrate

That’s all you need nigga

>> No.55052505
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overkill; the only vitamins that people tend to be deficient in are vitamin D and magnesium so you should only take those; too much of some vitamins (such as vitamin A) is harmful

not a bad idea but collagen literally tastes like nothing so you can mix it into coffee, tea, water, whatever -- there's no reason to buy flavored collagen powder, and I'll bet your chocolate flavored collagen powder uses xylitol as the sweetener which is horrible for your liver

>cow blood pills
snake oil

>cow testicle pills
snake oil and I'm sorry you have a small ****

>> No.55052524

Cancer anon here, spent 1.3k on medicine from the 5k the anon gave me, got IV antibiotics NAC, RSO and a bunch of other drugs.

Get ontop of your health or it will get ontop of you.
God bless you anon if you're reading this, you gave me hope which I needed more than money, but the money is given me a chance to fight back.

>> No.55052576
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this is the way (though I reiterate that taking vitamin D, magnesium, and collagen are not bad ideas)

>> No.55052671

Sorry guys but you can't buy health like this. It takes years of research and experimentation to figure out what's true and what's wrong (most things). Supplementing like this will probably do more harm than good. A more foolproof method of buying health is to live like you have infinite money. Eat nothing but the best organic food and drink nothing but glass bottled spring water and milk and juice. Live somewhere with no pollution. Keep away from everything modern, from carpet to cell phones. Live like an aristocrat, basically and use your smoke leisure time to research and make sure you're actually intelligent or you'll get that wrong and go backwards.