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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 2666x2375, _128352008_optimised-debt-ceiling-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55049567 No.55049567 [Reply] [Original]

Is the fear justified? As always it's priced in and it's FUD most likely, markets will start rallying after a couple of weeks after a potential slide. Is the fear justified though, or are the news agencies simply trying to promote fud so that liquid institutions suck up assets from weak handed retailers and other illiquid institutions?

>> No.55049608
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>> No.55049611

what's the point of caring about this if you're too ugly to get a nice gf in whose ass you can bury your face every day?

>> No.55049636

gf acquired already, however I am still poor

>> No.55049837
File: 194 KB, 1170x1484, divorce rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ says girls make you poor.

>> No.55050185

as anon pointed out
nothing ever happens before campaigns

>> No.55050446


>> No.55050493

The US is already in default

>> No.55050565

I can only think of a credit downgrade like last time that will make markets dump.
They want to crash the economy now before election year to recover in time.
Both R and D are senile retards that are advised by out of touch jeets in DC.

>> No.55050627
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>Is the fear justified?
We've never had debt ceiling drama during a post-shemitah jewish jubilee year. We did however ditch the gold standard during the last one.

>> No.55050644

hey i know the story can be engaging but you have to remember that none of this is real.

>> No.55050734


>> No.55050750

Suspend the debt ceiling forever. Why is it even a thing in the first place?

>> No.55050778

yeah I thought so too, I'm unsure about how much and how long the markets will dump.
yeah, I just said that. still it's all denominated in money and that's tangible enough

>> No.55050787

I cannot find a single person who thinks the US will default. Even the most normie of normies has parotted the muh political theater they will raise it at the last second line to me. I am starting to think the US might actually default.

>> No.55050804

legislators cared about the national deficit in the past. now it's a relic that serves a new purpose of being a convenient bargaining tool. (((both sides))) can hold the country hostage until their pork projects are passed at the eleventh hour in a stunning act of (((bipartisan legislation.)))

>> No.55051997

>over $30T in debt
This is the ultimate sell signal. We're doomed.

>> No.55052046

That's enough to buy 600m Teslas.

>> No.55052064

Is there a chart adjusted for inflation?

>> No.55052397

No. It exists to force "collaboration" where everyone in Washington gets their pork secured.

>> No.55052526
File: 403 KB, 1080x918, Screenshot_20230422-161800-386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all kabuki theater and if you fall for it congrats you're a fucking moron

>> No.55052832

Was this the guy who put all of his wealth in his mom's name so this hit-the-wall-at-24 broad isn't entitled to a dime of it either way? lmao what a legend

>> No.55053487

Look man, there are people who want a default. When the accellerationist say they want to hasten the collapse, they are serious.
On the other side are the WEF stooges who want a Great Reset, communist paradise.
Both factions are utterly retarded, but they have power.
Maybe enough to fuck everything up.
I am not fully confident the sane will prevail.

>> No.55053629

through my id and digits kek will reveal the answer

>> No.55053742

I'm not seeing the slightest inkling of fear from the stock market so "is the fear justified?" is a moot point. Besides that there is just tail risk hedging occurring in the bond market. There is no fear to justify.

>> No.55053763

We do know that this shit is not just going to level off if left-unchecked, right?

>> No.55053771

shithole failing empire. dead culture. its over

>> No.55053782

at least we won the war in the middle east and ukraine jk NOT

>> No.55053814

who tf are these alleged sane?

>> No.55053986

That guys name was Achraf Hakimi.
Funnily enough a few years ago the dude lived like a 10 minute bicycle ride away from me.
The world is really quite small.

>> No.55054012

They do this shit every 8 years and every time nothing happens. This time is no different. They're just using it as leverage to get what they want.
In the end they'll compromise with a continuing resolution and raised the debt ceiling like they always do.

>> No.55054039

Debt to whom?

>> No.55054998

probably, but clickbaiting sites looking to maximize their SEO ranking won't post it. either way yea, debt, the price index and equities move up in correlation, but that's beside the point.

it's all monopoly money anyway, but I'm worried they'll use this situation to justify hard fudding.