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File: 1.25 MB, 1139x1080, collapse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55048526 No.55048526 [Reply] [Original]

China will no longer exist by 2030.

>> No.55048553

Debt isn't real

>> No.55048569

The star will gorge itself on clay.

>> No.55048578
File: 106 KB, 602x534, china is finished headlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55048595
File: 1.23 MB, 1288x2076, china_is_done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If China was the US, then it'd be donerino, finished, completely over!

It's almost like China is a different country with different market rules.

Anyone else remember when amerilards kept saying Japan was over because of its debt?

>Guuuh Japan is dead! No babies. Muh gdpppp!

Yet remains longest life span and highest quality of life in the world.

>> No.55048640

this, kek at the levels of cope from the fat mystery meat womxn

>> No.55048655
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Two more weeks muttbros

>> No.55049450

who does it owe that to?

>> No.55049830

local banks and households mostly, financial system is isolated
to resolve it the debt will have to be moved onto the central government balance sheet and households get slightly screwed in the process

>> No.55049996

>3500 year old civilisation won't exist by 2030 because it hurts my feelings

The thing that I think both the US and China have to admit is that if one of them goes down it's going to take the other with it. If the US did one day use it's navy to blockade China it really will be blockading itself and have to wave through essential exports to stop a healthcare disaster.

Admittedly it kinda sucks that we've got an arrogant techno-authoritarianism with consumerist characteristics rising that might force the rest of the world into its orbit - I don't invest in China but the idea that China will just implode is laughable. It's too big and the dynamics of the new Cold War are very different to facing a basket case like the USSR.

>Anyone else remember when amerilards kept saying Japan was over because of its debt?

I've always felt it was weird that the stories about Japanese businessmen kidnapping blonde children died off instead of being rebranded to China. I mean there's a legitimate case to call China out for what goes on inside its own borders.

>> No.55050653
File: 1.32 MB, 556x537, Territories_of_Dynasties_in_China.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3500 year old civilisation
But china has only existed since 1949.

>> No.55050722
File: 125 KB, 564x630, Fg9-pdvWYAIPZup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more weeks my fellow mutts!

>> No.55050769

You wish, they invested an insane sum to develop(think acquire) and produce chips.
Everyone will want their grubby hands in cheap Chinese cpus

>> No.55050774

Lol China is finished.

>> No.55050798

True, they just use a language, celebrate intellectuals, and follow customs that are a millennia-old. I'm sure that has no bearing on what happens there whatsoever.

>> No.55050848

They only recently started speaking the same language lol, china is a colonial invention.

>> No.55050914
File: 112 KB, 562x630, china collapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the daily China thread?

>> No.55050975
File: 2.86 MB, 480x480, 1684590171449871.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, China will collapse anyday now.

Look at the absolute state of Shangai rn. Looks like a third world country!

>> No.55051569

Please don't confuse the American. They have enough trouble with their mystery meat identity.

>> No.55051599

China may be that old, but their cycle of dynasties is just as old, and you'd be more ignorant than that guy is to ignore that none of their governments have been permanent and that applies to the current one as well

>> No.55051713
File: 55 KB, 680x680, Observation Strategy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China will collapse in 2030
>The CCP will collapse in 2040
[you are here]

Okay now the CCP is overthrown by the American dream of a capitalist country where business controls the government. Now what stops the China?

>> No.55051736

>the authorities say the debt doesn't exist, return to work, and print more money
>the workers go back to work or die because you have no real choice in China
>economy continues because without free will there can't really be market collapses

>> No.55051774

Weren't these guys saying Russia was going to become part of Ukraine last month? The lies were so egregious that I can't even remember how retarded they were

>> No.55051791

Don't believe anyone who talks about Russia and Ukraine, especially anyone who talks about an ending more optimistic than 'Russia stops the war to organize and prepare for Ukraine 2 in a decade or so'.
I don't know if Russia's retarded enough to fuck up a second time, but I know they ain't going to be annexed unless Putin gets betrayed.