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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55047184 No.55047184 [Reply] [Original]

For context: she's my first gf ever. We are both older than 30 and live together from the start of our relationship.
She said that I should be more generous with her, that I usually charge her half of what we spend (which is true, but also she offered to pay the last couple of times we went out, and most of the time she buys the more expensive, unnecessary stuff, so... ???), that I don't even buy her the desserts she likes and that it's unjust that I make double her wage yet still make her pay her half. This is all true, BUT in general I usually spend more than her. Part of her argument was that I'm good at maths and she isn't.
I've never denied being a miser, but I've always explained to her that I was born poor, I lived a shitty life and that I would save as much as possible until I get to buy my own house. I also told her when we met that I'd buy a car in the future and a house or at least an apartment if possible, but I haven't done so. She keeps talking about a car and shit.
Is being a miser a sin? Should I tell her to part ways? I felt enraged at first, but now that I think, maybe I should just tell her that I'm NOT gonna change, so she decides our future.

(cross-posted from /adv/ cuz I want to hear your opinion too, /biz/)

>> No.55047200

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
Go back you nigger

>> No.55047206

>spending money in a relationship isn't finance
Yeah man, only shitcoins are finances, right!?!?!
I bet you are one of the retards who reports the good threads while leaving the scammy ones.

>> No.55047217 [DELETED] 

>good thread
>bitch nigger post crying about your gf
Fuck off faggot

>> No.55047218

If she is going to cary your off spring and raise it stop being a penny pincher and treat her right. If she isn't bitch slap that hoe and dump

>> No.55047219

Why don't you marry the girl?

>> No.55047228

>I also told her when we met that I'd buy a car in the future and a house or at least an apartment if possible, but I haven't done so. She keeps talking about a car and shit.
If you say something you have to do it

Not necessarily for her but for yourself

>> No.55047229

U sound like a bitch

>> No.55047252

She doesn't want kids. And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway.

I'm never marrying. Fuck that shit. Marriage is a failed institution.

I know this is part of what bothers her, which is why I put it in the OP.
Well, I WILL do it, but I'm waiting for opportunities, I'm not paying for an expensive, overpriced house or car. I'm not rich. I just got lucky of getting a well paid IT job (in a 3rd world country, so no 200k/yr wage for me)

>> No.55047259

Man if she is not only not willing to pay for her own stuff and half of the rent/utilities/food/gasoline but also has the nerve to complain about it she is just not a keeper. Any person who is paying half is in a fair arrangement, and any person who is paying less than half is in a more than fair arrangement and should watch their tone around you when it comes to money. You need to tell her this and if she doesn't come to some grand realization then you two simply have different values and are incompatible. Unless you're willing to take care of a pet human for the rest of your life.

>> No.55047278

Kidnap her, take her camping, live off the land, maybe volunteer together at a soup kitchen. Then her mind will be re-baselined to the normal human condition, and she will be able to enjoy the simple things in life again.

Im a get me one of them bitches from a third world country. At least she won’t have high expectations. Heres a clean glass a water baby lol

— 50cent (@50cent) September 11, 2010

>> No.55047283

There you have your answer

>> No.55047292
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Wow. Gay blogpost, faggot

>> No.55047313

>And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway.
Then why are you with her?
>I'm never marrying. Fuck that shit. Marriage is a failed institution.
Yet you live with her?
>I just got lucky of getting a well paid IT job (in a 3rd world country, so no 200k/yr wage for me)
See >>55047229

>> No.55047340

what do her feet taste like

>> No.55047427

>Then why are you with her?
Honestly? To learn. I know this is selfish, but I stayed with her because I was too autistic to get into a relationship, and things just clicked between us, so we kept going.
Plus I expected her to be different than she is. She's as lazy as me but kinda dumb in terms of actually building a decent life. She's a teacher, her area of work has nothing to do with computers/math/engineering/science/technical stuff (which I like) but with teaching kids and related stuff, and she cares more about her academic reputation than about money, which is retarded af IMO. I'm pretty sure she could make a lot of money if she (or her parents) really wanted to, but... She asks ME how that would be even possible, even though there are very clear examples and possibilities around us. Then she complains to me that she'll never be able to afford a house and other crap, even though she keeps wasting money on retarded shit and her boomer father bought a shitload of land for scraps in a very promising area in my country.

>> No.55047463

Stop wasting time and dump her man. Youre only making it harder on both of you dragging it out. If she doesnt want kids and you do, end it now.

t. Going through some shit like this too.

>> No.55047490

put a baby in her or end it

>> No.55047501

Go and fuck 20 women and your perspective will change. If you aren't at that point lift, groom and socialise until you are.

>> No.55047567

You're a faggot op. She'll break up with you and you'll be alone.

>> No.55047616

>both over 30
Why do you care about an old, used up, eggless whore?
Didn't bother to continue reading after that but just dump her

>> No.55047626 [DELETED] 
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>older than 30
>cried about it
I'm sorry but why are millennial women like this. All of them act like bratty middle schoolers.
>hurr durr women never grow up
Yeah but it's like specifically these women still think they're the same as when they were 14. There's nothing more unattractive than a hag who should have her own kids acting like a kid. Well it doesn't matter I guess since this a gay thread.

>> No.55047639

Lol I'm just waiting for my gf to have this conversation with me. I make almost $200k a year while she makes $15 per hour. I refuse to let her move from her mom's house into my house. And I'm averaging like only $150 a month spent on her throughout our 1.5 year relationship.

>> No.55047649

>Part of her argument was that I'm good at maths and she isn't.

>> No.55047658

your girlfriend is in her 30s and she is crying about you not buying her desert, cut your losses now

>> No.55047663

Nobody needs or wants to please you incel chuds in your conservacuck fantasies. There is a reason you will die a virgin, no matter how much you cry how “le heckling wear has fallen”

>> No.55047679

You promised a house and a car. Provide it.

Keep your word like a man or kys.

>> No.55047680

Drop that bitch. Gfs are supposed to be cheaper than whores in the long run but she asking for coins then she should get it from street where belongs

>> No.55047688

not married, he doesn't owe her shit you incel faggot

>> No.55047694

>muh conservative values
>wont provide for a woman
>wont pay for her shit
You are the reason the west will fall

>> No.55047699

The person who makes the invitation pays the whole bill. That's just how it works. Don't be a small-minded asshole, it's a bad look.

>> No.55047719

OP here (posting from phone). Just so you know: she's a feminist.

>> No.55047734

You sound like a complete fucking loser, I bet your parents are terrible people too. Holy fuck

>> No.55047742

women cant have it both ways. you should tell her since she is paying half it's OK to voice her opinion, but she needs to understand if you pay for everything like she wants she has no opinion. so it's either she values her opinion and her independence and she can continue to pay half or she can give that up and have you pay for things, and she will need to be 100% obedient and in servitude to you

>> No.55047746

> We are both older than 30
And yet acting like retarded children. Fucking talk to her lmao it’s just a stupid couple argument, no need to write a dissertation and ask for advice on the internet.

>> No.55047772

Bro if you can't afford a gf stop financially abusing her and just break up you fucking loser.

>> No.55047781

Money is and will always be a sensitive topic, no matter who you are talking to. I'm not rich, I've never had as much money as I have, yet people already see me as if I was part of the 1% or some shit. You should experience how retarded are illiterate people with their money to learn to be careful about shit like this... It's not just about money. In fact, that's the issue here: she made it about money, which she hadn't before.

>> No.55047797

>financially abusing he
Can you explain to me what gave you that idea? I pay for rent that I don't need. I pay for half everything, including expensive restaurants that I don't need. I help her with a lot of other issues out of kindness. I even gel her fucking family with advise on different topics and even fix some of their shit.
What the fuck are you people reading that made it seem as if I was leeching off her? Are you people retarded or some shit?

>> No.55047808


>> No.55047811

They are either baiting you or from leddit.
Either way the correct answer is to kick her to the curb.

>> No.55047831

OP here. Correction:
>but also she offered to pay the last couple of times we went out
she offered to pay HER HALF, not the whole thing ..
And even the times she pays for everything, it's only after I PAY, and it's usually less than what I pay. It's a "I pay, then you pay" kind of thing.

>> No.55047846

>put a baby in her then end it

>> No.55047849
File: 924 KB, 1080x893, ABFFDC0D-B4C9-42B1-AF06-0BF7F4B160E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given what you've told, you buy into the feminist narrative as well with little will to change this. Start payibg for petty shit for her and see how she will react.

Another thing, do you argue frequently and over petty shit? If yes, thid is the true reason to dump her WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE

At least keep your word, which is s universal value, or dump her.

>> No.55047853

Dude just admit you're selfish. If it's so much of a suffering to pay for another person (not a rando but your actual partner) then just dump her. Then you can hoard all the money for yourself.

>> No.55047863

>I'm NOT gonna change
haha what an asshole.

protip, she's going to keep leaning on you for money while looking for other guys that at least pretend to care what she wants.

>> No.55047892

You are naturally based and your thot is a gold digging whore who probably have been brainwashed by her ""friends"".
One thing you should know is girls are always competing among themselves to know which beta husband is simping the hardest for them. They feel like impressing their ""friends"" for few minutes a saturday night is worth you spending half you money on them.

Your girl probably was flexed on by another cunt the day prior, who showed her a recently acquired trinket (paid for by the beta male), and it made your roastie envious and jealous.
Ngl this is a huge red flag. You can try to reason her, but the more you'll try, the more she'll think you not only will remain stingy, but that you also are nagging like a female. So it's probably best to avoid it.

Modern females are emotional creatures, they are addicted to it. Gifts and free shit is a way for them to fulfill it, but it's quite low energy. Thankfully, there are others ways to make her wet, who do not imply impoverishing yourself.

You can act like a bad boy and start to beat up random ppl in front of her for example. But it's dangerous and not worth the hassle.
You could also start to act more alpha toward her. Her feeling like you are an alpha is worth all the gifts in the world, because ultimately, you also are an item to flaunt to her girl friends. While her friend tells her about this new fancy restaurant she didn't pay for, your girl will smuggly claim that you buttfucked her very violently in the train without her approval.

Another option is to ditch her and try to find the perfect one : a stingy woman. My little brother -who is very stingy- is married to one. She is ugly yes, but oh boy how stingy she is, it's remarkable. The kind who reprise her 20yo socks from HS for the 30th time, the kind who categorically refuse to eat out in restaurants, who look at the ground while walking to not miss a potential penny, who refuse to heat up the house in winter, etc..

>> No.55047895

I can't imagine all the headaches of a relationship being worth the occasional pussy

>> No.55047924

Let me tell you how people are in general: you give them a hand, they take the whole arm if they can. That's my fear, being robbed for trusting someone too much. She knows I have trust issues. If she really loves me, then she won't complain again...
If I was selfish, I wouldn't care about helping anyone ever, but I help a lorlt of people, even some in her family, friends and people around me. But of course some people think everything can be solved with money... LOL

If that's the case, she could simply tell me that she's looking for someone else or even found someone else and shit would be over.
I just hope she really is being honest with me. If not, too bad for her, I'm not going to ever forgive her if she cheats on me.

>> No.55047947

Its not about pussy mate. When you get older youll understand. One day your parents will die. You will experience hardships worse than this too. Having someone who genuinely loves you and cares about you makes life so much more bearable when everything falls apart.

One day you will die. You will have a better chance of finding peace with death if you have the love of your life by your side. If your loved one dies before you, you wont fear death. Youll eagerly await it so you can be with her again even if its just fantasy.

Life only gets harder from day 1 friend. Think of all the hardships (You) have endured. It will only get harder but having a true companion will make it bearable

I love my fiance so much its unreal. I hope you feel this someday.

>> No.55047959
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The beginning is nice because it's a lot of fucking and you aren't yet annoyed by the other's OCDs and retardness.
Problem is millenial roasties are completely fucked in the head, zero emotional stability, like MK Ultra-tier, so it gets old really fast. Maybe it's just me, but i always end up with narcissistic, manipulative over-emotional bitches who seems to have their period 24/7. And i hate petty drama bullcrap and various shit tests, and never fall for it, so it quickly become conflictual.

>> No.55047973

People aren't honest when it would destroy their lives. You seem very autistic and perhaps a bit naive. I can't say you're wrong, I have stuff I take a stand on too. You just need to find someone that's ok with the things you need. Usually that takes hundreds of different partners, if you found one on your first try god must really be smiling on you. For all those others, you both need to be willing to bend a little, or a lot.

>> No.55047978

>relationship and dating advice on a business and finance board

>> No.55047993

>words...words...words...i dont keep my word...words

>> No.55047997

>She doesn't want kids. And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway
Okay so why is this even a question.

>> No.55048004

>It will only get harder
It's ok, age brings apathy. And if you are redpilled about the (((modern))) world, the anger consume you from within to a point after a decade of this mental state you become very "pragmatic" and detached.
Like if you weren't really alive anymore, more like an empty husk in a constant spectator mindset. This may seems horrible, but in truth it's what make hardship more bearable when you are confronted with solitude.
This and opioid abuse of course.

>> No.55048014

>my gf blah blah blah

>> No.55048072

You gonna fucking kill her asshole?

>> No.55048272

your girl is laughing at this post right now while i bang her, fren

>> No.55048274

>insert nintendo switch joke

>> No.55048372

The women are always so easy to spot on here because they jump to insane conclusions and get super emotional.
How much money did you lose over the last two years, princess?

>> No.55048391

Women have no concept of money and the worth of it.

If something costs X amount of dollars, they will think: 'It costs this amount. I have Y amount. If Y is bigger than X, I can buy it'.

Whereas most men think: 'This item is X amount. I make Z amount every hours. If X/Z is too big, I wont buy it'.

If women have money, they will ignorantly spend it.

>> No.55048403

If she was to carry his offspring he wouldn't be living with her while not being married. Relationships are fucked up nowadays. People just living together without any commitment.

>> No.55048429

>She doesn't want kids. And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway.
You should just break if off then or atleast look for that girl that will have kids

>> No.55048686

she wants money in exchange for the relationship? Sounds like a prostitute to me.

>> No.55048764

I'm suffering from the consequences of being a miser. I have never even seen that word until today.
Spent all of the (12yr) relationship (30) worrying about tomorrow and saving what I could. I'd mostly just spend on dinners and the rare night out/gift. She visited her mother for a month and idk what was told to her but she fucking ended up leaving me. I didn't think I would care but I can't help but kms over the thought that I failed myself and the woman of my life. I would do everything I could to keep her happy now. She lost her mental health, physical health and finances before that and slowly slipped through my fingers.

If you love her do everything you can to keep her. You don't know what you have until it's gone. Life offered me the opportunity to start a serious life with her but I didn't take the deal. I wanted more but lost it all.

You think you can take the loss but you have no fucking clue what's it's like to really lose.

>> No.55048808

if this is not a troll bait then you sound very miserable to be around with. It would be better for both of you if you broke up.
it's like you're punishing her for being with you because you have past trauma or because you actually think that men and women are the same

Being stingy is worse than being a cheater for women

>> No.55049013

Your post doesn't make sense. How were you taking her out to dinner and buying her gifts while at the same time being stingy enough to the point of her losing her health and finances?

>> No.55049109

>I want to hear your opinion too, /biz/
see the fpbp

>> No.55049389

>For context: she's my first gf ever. We are both older than 30 and live together from the start of our relationship.
dump her and start over. buy pulse, when you make it rub it in her face.

>> No.55049403

Having a woman in my life was my worse financial decision I've ever made. Still haven't recovered from it.

>> No.55049458
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Everything wasn't that bad until that point. Nothing in my past experience ever prepared me for the utter devastation I'd experience, most from my own lack of mental equipment and being overloaded with idealistic notions about women - not allowing me to deal with women in a proper manner.

hope to god Vitalic never goes into a relationship. Ethereum will be destroyed only and only when vitalic starts craving pussy

>> No.55049502

>she offered to pay HER HALF, not the whole thing ..
out of politeness, and she hoped you would say "nah baby it's on me". you live in a 3rd world countries where most likely women want men to provide them financial security

>> No.55049512

>/pol/ cuck so desperate for pussy that he has a stay at home girlfriend
hey bro she told me she was a virgin, too.

>> No.55049572

Leave as fast as you can. There is no pussy in the world that feels as good as freedom. And this bitch will wait untill she has you by the balls, and she'll take you for everything you've worked so hard for.

Remember this post if you choose not to dump her....

>> No.55049946

>She doesn't want kids
imagine wasting time and money on genetic dead end hoe

>> No.55050159

Actually she considers me the best bf that she's ever had since she's only ever dated broke guys that she had to support.. But she's lazy and rude so I only consider her my practice gf.

>> No.55050272

>practice gf
so cringe and autistic

>> No.55050288

>t. /pol/cel who married the first woman who looked at him

>> No.55050306

>since she's only ever dated broke guys
so nothing has changed for her.
broke and stingy gets her the same result

>> No.55050310

>out of politeness, and she hoped you would say "nah baby it's on me"
Guess I'm too autistic to understand this logic, but, if you offer to pay half of something, or if you give me a gift, then why would you complain about it? And if you want me to pay for it then just don't offer anything...

Another correction:
I meant to say I spend more than her in general ON THE THINGS WE BOTH PAY FOR, not regarding my general expenses. I'd guess we spend more or less the same in general, hell maybe I spend less than her...

>> No.55050325

continue to do what you feel is right. women say a lot of shit anon, but what they really want is a man to take control for them. she'll either leave you or love you, and you win either way.

>> No.55050326

>so cringe and autistic
Exactly retard. That's why I need practice. I'll take the lessons learned to find a proper woman and share with her properly.
Did any of her broke boyfriends take her on a cruise or to Mardi Gras for her bday? I don't think so.

>> No.55050340

rofl how fucking European are you?

>> No.55050358

>so... ???
You write like an obnoxious woman.
Finish your thought. You may as well start saying 'I feel' instead of 'I think'.
My best friend was in the same position, greedy little rat girlfriend, we grew up poor and got into tech and finance.
He went the reasonable route, it just dragged the relationship out for another 6 months.
Because she's not going to suddenly change what lifestyle she wants based on a conversation.
Is yours asian?

>> No.55050372

>Did any of her broke boyfriends take her on a cruise or to Mardi Gras for her bday? I don't think so.
so maybe her problem is not that you're stingy, since her ex's came on her face for free, but that you're just miserable to be around with

>> No.55050385

Just caught up on the full thread. You are a piece of shit. What you do is irrelevant.

>> No.55050429

Just pay for her shit. If you don't want to marry her don't date her for "experience". Just date her to have fun. She's not fun so leave. You guys won't have kids so don't worry about anything.

Her feminine gender role traits are kicking in and she's realizing she doesn't want to be equal in a relationship. (Women don't want to, by the way. They would rather be spoiled little girls for life. If you gave a woman the option between full relationship equality and a man that earned more and treated her more like a subordinate while spoiling the shit out of her, it's no contest what most would choose.)
Just look all around you my man. Woman choose hypergamy. If you acquire money you can literally get any woman you want. Money makes you a better person. You can fund anything, including a subordinate little princess.
Or you can hire some hookers.
Either way, you've drank the feminism gender equality kool-aid too long. Women don't want a guy who earns the same as them. Men have no problem in this kind of relationship but not women. Women must respect men in order to love them. Men love women without respecting them everyday. The way to earn a woman's respect is by saying no to her. If she stays then she has to respect your decisions.
Another interesting thing is the thing that makes women high value besides the obvious (looks) is their ability to be selective and say no to a lot of men, except hopefully you.
My guess is you're pretty beta and took the first thing you could find (no offense).
Either learn to love your woman in her own right or just find someone else. Just remember that no matter how much feminist brainwashing there is, the natural order is that women are the supporting role. They get paid less because they (mostly) less (with exceptions of course). Society places fewer expectations on them because women are like the child version of adults. Find a woman worth supporting or don't even engage.

>> No.55050438

>I don’t want kids with her
>We live together but I don’t want to marry her
>I don’t want to spend on her

What the fuck is the point in being with her then?

>> No.55050465

Obviously to share activities with and have sex. What a dumbass question.

>> No.55050574
File: 382 KB, 596x666, BC1BD7F4-79E7-4E66-B678-372D9C090942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then get an escort who’ll humor you while you find a reasonable woman who’ll you’ll actually want to spend the rest of your life with. All you’re doing now is wasting both your time and hers. Her biological clock will go off like an alarm and she’ll be broken because she wasted so much time with a child like you that used her for “practice” and you’ll be some middle aged fuck chasing after girls a decade younger than you that’s willing to let you piss your goblins into her because you wasted time on your “practice” gf and all the women your age will have shit eggs left. If you’re going to treat a companion like an investment then I don’t see any logical long term conclusion in sinking more money in one you actually don’t truly care about.

>> No.55050577


No idea why I typed who’ll

>> No.55050631

>why are you dating her
>why do you care if she thinks youre stingy

Fucking lmao youre preoccupied with how she acts when you have 0 interest in her. All while shes trying to use you lel. Both of you are losers that date anyone and unironically get married out of fear of never finding someone else, only to divorce 10 years later.

>> No.55050673

I'm stingy too, even if you find a woman who is ok with paying her fair share they'll ALWAYS bitch about when they're mad at you / consider it a character flaw to belittle you by when they're angry. A woman can never truly be happy.

>> No.55050683

You're making no sense. Why would I pay for escorts when I can have regular no-condom sex with my gf? You're obviously still a virgin and have never been in a relationship. Fuck outta with your women on a pedestal relationship advice lmao

>> No.55050849


Yep hit the eject button

>> No.55050905

> financially abusive
have to be a woman to be that retarded

>> No.55050917

slide thread

>> No.55050918

listen here Pooanon and i will help you.
>she wants to buy shit and also pay less of her income
mayn relationships fairly distribute % of income toward expenditure goals or savings. that being said if she is shit with money and you don't even like her in the first place she is going to take you for all you're worth and then destroy you out of her insecurities. get rid of the bitch and find another.
>women are retards
>don't expect them to care or give a shit about you
>tell her to get her shit out of your house

>> No.55050992


>> No.55051022

>living with your gf
>having a "gf" for over two years
>she probably wasn't even a virgin when you met
Cringe as fuck. Do non-Catholics really?

>> No.55051075

You got on too deep with the practice gf anon it sounds like you don’t even like her.

>> No.55051087


>> No.55051138

Clearly you need to sell your new car, buy a beater, and eat rice and beans everyday for the rest of your life.

>> No.55051139

Use this as an opportunity to build your relationship skills and bedroom skills then leave

>> No.55051386

I'm amazed no one itt has asked you obvious questions like how much you earn, how much saved, your outgoings etc. All these are very relevant. Why no mention of them?

>> No.55051491

Nothing wrong with buying her nice things sometimes. Life is too short for this shit

>> No.55051512

>nooo my poojeet shitcoin scam thread got knocked off the catalog by OP!
>now I will have to make another hbar/ICP/etc thread

>> No.55051627

Who said I don't? I just don't do it all the time, most of the time I forget, and when we buy food or eat out, we pay half each.

>Life is too short for this shit
I don't get this logic. Life is too short so you should waste your money instead of making sure you don't become poor overnight for whatever reason, and, even more importantly, GIVE YOUR CHILDREN A GOOD LIFE (the one I didn't have)?

>> No.55052068

Women will bankrupt you. Never listen to them, no matter how much they or society wants you to. If she starts acting like she's not property, get rid of her and let her become someone else's problem

>> No.55052112

Tell her to fuck off

>> No.55052134

Unless she's your wife and the mother of your child, tell her to fuck off.

>> No.55052149

>She doesn't want kids. And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway

You are wasting your time

>> No.55052193

Being in a relationship with you sounds awful.

>> No.55052218

>Baby I'm saving money for our future
Don't talk to her about your income again. Put whatever you don't want to spend on a separate account so she can't even see it.
>You make more money its unfair
Tell her you work your ass off in a job you hate (make it sound more dramatic if you want) and you are willing to get your boss her info if she wants the same.

>> No.55052283

I think a good way to compromise would be to set aside an exact amount of money each month to save towards a down payment on a house, depending on your income, and let her know about it. that way you are saving, and hopefully a substantial amount, but the rest you can feel alright about spending. but not on shit like a nice car before you even own a condo or house. if that isnt good enough, and she still demands a car or some shit, then cut your losses and get out of there

>> No.55053175

My girlfriend would say I spend too much money and would tell me no to buy desserts since "they are never worth the cost".

Get a non retarded gf brother

>> No.55053317

30, kids, faggot, manchild

>> No.55053495

Wow OP got a lot of replies.

>> No.55053626

>we are both older than thirty
>she still gold digs like a teenager
You fucked up anon.

>> No.55053672

>this thread
>still getting replies
imagine caring about this faggots made up story
imagine letting him direct your attention
imagine letting him direct your feels
imagine letting him direct your thoughts
suck each others cocks and be done with it you bunch of circlejerking faggots

>> No.55053829

this. Sounds like OP just has a flatmate that he can fuck on occasion.
imagine having a 'practice' gf. Dude has to practice being intimate LMAO. It's a relationship not studying for an upcoming math exam nigga. Did you have 'practice' friends too? What about a 'practice' boss? Sounds to me like you're just being indecisive. Either you like her and try to make it more serious, or you dump her because you know you don't want her long term.

You sound like a child. Make a decision.

That's called a FWB. Who the fuck lives with a FWB?

because prosties can be hotter than your mid gf, more variation of who you're fucking, you can just pay prosties to fuck raw.

>> No.55053876

>She doesn't want kids. And I don't want her as the mother of my kids anyway.
Alright so this is just, like, your slampig of the month? That simplifies it. Just starve her to death. Show her what being miserly really is. From here on out it's $0 from you. Stop using your cell and call her collect from a payphone.

She isn't your girlfriend and you aren't her piggyback. Set boundaries and find a common understanding or she's going to just keep taking and taking more than you want to give.

>> No.55054057

Yeah, I need someone like that. How did you find her, and how do you think she got that mentality?

>> No.55054262

No more higs for OP.

>> No.55054510

easy solution OP
Do NOT marry her. You're insecure and desperate and so is she.

Gain self-esteem, ditch the girl and find one younger.
There's a lot out there younger then 30