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File: 705 KB, 1882x2048, politicalgridmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55046010 No.55046010 [Reply] [Original]

Or do all libertarians own crypto? Pretty much everyone I personally know that owns crypto is also the type of person who reads Ayn Rand and thinks all drugs should be legal. Are the people you know also like this?

>> No.55046013
File: 254 KB, 893x1360, 3E4A0630-D028-4798-B7E8-1B0BB5F65C0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I’m a fascist

>> No.55046014

go back data miner
you are incompetent

>> No.55046037

Franco would have banned crypto though.

>> No.55046069

I'm a fuck the government kind of guy.

>> No.55046071
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am i doing this right

>> No.55046079
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I don’t support 100% of what he did but he was a million times better than the stalinists and anarcho-trannies

>> No.55046086
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>> No.55046112

what do you have your money invested in, precious metals?

>> No.55046120
File: 2.08 MB, 4096x1988, Crypto History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is my lineage. Stay poor commie.

>> No.55046146

i'm not a mental gymnastics enthusiast so i don't care about your fantasy poltical pilpul debate games
if i have time to spend i can do it in a thousand more entertaining or productive ways
you might as well be watching sports, racing, birds or even porn

>> No.55046189

I am a sneedtarian

>> No.55046212
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business and finance

>> No.55046226


>> No.55046267

I believe in the individual and his power to do good
All drugs should be legal the only regulated drugs should be antibiotics because overreliance on antibiotics will lead to superbugs and disaster

>> No.55046312
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>"hitler was right" in the same quadrant as "ben shapiro fan" and "jordan peterson fan"
>"flat earther" in auth-right
Yeah, no.

>> No.55046340

there's retarded ideas in every side, that's retarded

>> No.55046687
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Auth center master race here

>> No.55046797

Class traitors

>> No.55047048
File: 3.07 MB, 4044x2500, 2DC1CBFB-913C-4356-BEFB-F99AC6F67CAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have a revolution

>> No.55047097

>Hitler was right

>> No.55047126
File: 559 KB, 1882x2048, politicla beliefs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to keep this simple

>> No.55047150
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But in all seriousness I have only a few political issues that truly warrant my time and effort:
>sensible zoning reform
>empowering police to do their fucking jobs
>nationalized rail system just like our highways
>modeshift away from cars
I'm not an anti-car maximalist by any means but certainly in favor of them not being the only option. That's really the only political stance I take at this point; nothing else could really ever happen in my lifetime.

>> No.55047436

Imagine not being an antivaxer in 2023 holy shit kys oh wait you already got the vax hahaha

>> No.55047441

Im vax neutral, get if you want, but fuck vaccine passports

>> No.55047478

>Im vax neutral
So you got the vax or not?

>> No.55047584

Anti vaxxer doesn't really mean one thing since covid

>> No.55047905
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>> No.55048120

does auth right not prefer hebes now? how far they've fallen

>> No.55048217


Ben Shapiro would support Hitler concerning certain circumstances on who is the top Jew..

>> No.55048262

That's a apolitical centrist

>> No.55048279

found the poorfags

>> No.55048293

I had to I was a federal employee

>> No.55048301

I'm a liberal socialist. Personal freedom is good, drugs and sex work etc should be legal. However too much privatization and unfettered capitalism is not good.

>> No.55048426

why are these all just extremes?

>> No.55048647

my brother

>> No.55048919

because anything else is just plain retarded neoliberalism

>> No.55048927

Leftists are scared of crypto because of muh pollution and muh racism
Thus we have a nice space where we rug each other out and blame it on the jeets

>> No.55048978
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here you go glowie

>> No.55049009
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>supports absolute theocracy
>wants to ban islam

>> No.55049041

>be me, non-participant
>be you, try enforce participation anyway
you have allowed the npc part of your brain to dominate and define the self resulting in the pathological need to label and compartmentalize everything in an attempt to understand your reality
this attempt at understanding all is undermining your experience as the incessant narrative your npc brain constructs is dominating your attention at the expense of perceiving and experiencing itself
you will never enjoy life this way because it is objectively impossible to understand and label everything
nor can any one thing be summarized
a tree is not a tree, it is a leaf, a seed, a root, a forest
>tl;dr you fear the experience itself, destroy ego to enjoy life

>> No.55049077
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Not even burger

>> No.55049087
File: 596 KB, 636x700, 1681653264362140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates rich people
>hates poor people
>hates black people
Dare I say... Based.

>> No.55049123

I'm consider a liberal my self. But I have seen anarco leftists supporting cryptos.

>> No.55049741

go back

>> No.55049818
File: 755 KB, 1882x2048, dgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based or no?

>> No.55049850

forgot to mark anti-democracy

also a case for slavery and labor camps could be made but only during wars

>> No.55049931

>hate speech is free speech
>ban porn

>oppose illegal immigration
>supports open borders

living must be hard for somebody this retarded eh?

>> No.55049975
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