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File: 174 KB, 1440x718, marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55038785 No.55038785 [Reply] [Original]

Marriage chuds, what are you gonna do now?

>In one case, Himonidis found around $700,000 worth of monero on a MacBook that turned up in discovery.

“We found something called a command line wallet for monero,” Himonidis said, describing it as a kind of software wallet. “You can’t find it with the Finder on the Mac. You need to go into a command line prompt to access this wallet — a Bash shell command on a Mac environment.”

>> No.55038795

>crypto hunter
It's always other men that are the problem, and not the women themselves.

>> No.55038797
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How do I get a comfy crypto hunter job bros?

>> No.55038802

No going to be a problem for anyone here is it really

>> No.55038820

Yup. Women only follow men.

>> No.55038825

Cut off your dick and start hormone replacement therapy

>> No.55038831

Don’t tell women about crypto

>> No.55038833

very epic reply zoomy

>> No.55038900

simps have to be lynched

>> No.55038969

It's super easy to talk to a lawyer about protecting assets in the event of divorce. Basically you just pay them a retainer and for an hour of their time, they set up a trust, you put the asset in, boom no longer in your name, not part of marriage assets. Especially if you put your parents on it (if you trust them). If it's just cash it's super easy. Getting the house in a trust is harder, but still doable. Divorces rarely will take "your" car, but you can put cars in the trust too (actually a good idea for privacy reasons).

If you're going to hide assets in crypto you need to make sure none of "your" computers have crypto software on them, and just keep it all as an off-computer passphrase or private key. Ideally memorized. Everyone should have a memorized wallet full of crypto just in case they need to flee the state with nothing with clothes on their back anyway, but don't leave crypto software on your computer, especially if it's got your wallet keys pre-loaded.

>> No.55038975

how about not breaking a law in the first place?

>> No.55038981

How about you stay in the kitchen where you belong you moist hole.

>> No.55039630

It is a pretty simple solution and the law allows it.

What is yours is yours. If you get rich while we're married it's yours.

What is mine is mine. If I get rich while rich it's mine.

Now there are people that want their wives/husbands to share and not share that's fucked up

>> No.55039668

I actually understand "women getting half of your money" divorce shit.

Imagine you're a trad stay-at-home housewife:
>You do all the house-based wife duties; cooking, cleaning, taking care of children
>All the while, you're beaten daily by an abusive husband
>Your choice is to either live with the abuse or leave.
>You could leave him, but then you'd be left penniless on the street with nothing.
The whole "you get half his wealth" makes it so you aren't obligated to stay in an abusive relationship because of lack of money.

However. If the woman has a job, she's entitled to nothing, imo. At that point, you're just being spiteful. Alimony should be for housewives only and only if there's evidence of abuse.

>> No.55039672

>hide 500k in buttcorn
>someoen finds out
>claim wife hit you on head with frying pan
that's all you have to do
never recall
>astroturf antimarriage fud

>> No.55039753
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Fake story to scare normies
Just like "ANTIVAXXER CAUGHT NOT MASKING AT SUPERMARKET! TAKEN INTO CUSTODY!" and turns out that person doesnt exist.

>> No.55039898

Why go through the trouble of hiding almost a milion usd with monero but leave the wallet on your Devices? Makes 0 sense

>> No.55039906

>didnt use XMR

hahahaha idiot.

>> No.55039911

>dd if=/dev/random of=~/.bash_history count=69

Also lol at “crypto hunter”. This cannot be real.

>> No.55039975

At this point I would just pull out a gun and shoot the wife and willingly go to prison in minecraft.

>> No.55039988

So sorry. I moved it all to another wallet and lost my keys in a terrible boating accident. Now, I must go I have flight to catch

>> No.55040256
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>sink their cash into metaverse properties
wtf is this

>> No.55041871

reminds me of all those stories back in the day how the fbi tracked down and raped another mp3 downloader
all fake too, just to scare the normies, was all bluff and didnt work on the not normies anyways

also lol @ crypto hunter, is this like being backtraced by the cyberpolice

>> No.55041895

Its the duty of every man to break unjust laws.
If the whore wants money then she should work like everyone else.
>but I opened my legs I deserve 3 million dollars
torture and kill simps

>> No.55041897

Its somewhat fair in a traditional housewife/working husband setup, where women often literally weren't able to get a job even if they wanted to.. In the modern world of equality its horrendously unfair.

>> No.55041912

This is so gay. Why can’t government just stay out of marriages and stop extorting men for everything to give to unfaithful roasties

>> No.55041924

Your fault for marrying an abusive husband. Not the man’s problem. Also a large majority of divorces are initiated by the woman. Abusive relationships in which the man is violent account for less then 1% of cases. We shouldn’t change all the laws to favour women because of one retarded exception

>> No.55041957

What the fuck is this fake shit lmao.
No one is going to go through your private computer when you divorce.

>> No.55042114

This is why anons should use cryptos built for decentralized IDs and rights

>> No.55042294

At a certain point it's cheaper to just kill the bitch.

>> No.55042700

Privacy tokens will help avert stuff like this. Especially those with ZK-Snark tech. Sad for him

>> No.55042716

In issues like this, cryptos that shield transactions and assets from outside views and public ledgers will suffice

>> No.55042750


You really think a divorce court can't compel you to turn over an electronic device if they have good reason to think you're hiding marital assets in an crypto wallet on it?

>> No.55042775

>You really think a divorce court can't compel you to turn over an electronic device

>> No.55043049
File: 105 KB, 657x705, Fu9I7DTaMAAUon6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems the key here is to never talk about crypto irl (with women).

>> No.55043159

No? A personal computer is private property it cannot be taken unless there is evidence that a crime has been committed.

>> No.55043175

>take hard drive and other essential components out of the computer, hide them
>put cheap new hard drive in
>bake it in the microwave for 30 seconds
>hand it over to the court
>"it stopped working for whatever reason, you can have it lol"
>buy new computer after trial
>continue life as normal
Does it really take a genius to figure this stuff out?

>> No.55043439
File: 188 KB, 1228x1150, 1657663792151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>financial infidelity

>> No.55043475

Escorts are cheaper

>> No.55043493

Literally cucked men are the reason why rape laws even exist, much less enforced. Rape is literally the best and easieat way toget laid without thebullshit, and men banned it

>> No.55043506

Its probably a cucked man.

Women inly support gynocentric bullshit because men want them to

>> No.55043508

OP literally says he used Monero.

>> No.55043516

Drink a gallon of vitriol cuck

>> No.55043521

>financial infidelity
Just never get married
>"but muh trad gf"
Never ever get married
>hey bro if you hit 40 and you're not married you're gonna be depressed

>> No.55043527
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Oof, should have bought fishing reels.

>> No.55043536

>a Bash shell command on a Mac environment.
I'm not an itoddler and don't know anything about macs, but I thought I heard they used zsh? It sticks out in my mind because it's one of the only times I've heard something somewhat cool about macs.

>> No.55043548
File: 1.32 MB, 960x1200, 1683809821534811.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would much rather disfigure her instead.

Most acid attacks victims commit suicide anyway. Yes, I am Muslim

>> No.55043558

Literally just make it and ban escorts every week

>> No.55043592

sorry your honor but this laptop has personal medical and private estate files on it with documents with crucial information to said ownership of estates. These files are not for anyone but my eyes unless under my death. Any attempts to see said documents before hand will be ment with fierce lawyer backlash to protect my private and personal information from prying eyes and attempts to steal what belongs to my estate. than I file a bunch of injunctions against her lawyers and the judge to drag it out for years just so she doesnt get to look on my laptop (which is probably just empty of real info but fuck her and fuck anyone simp-siding with her cuz vagina). im that petty and any female that attempts to fleece me is going to have years of torment and misery in her path.

>> No.55043594

I'm mostly thinking about the kinds of sadsack faggots who come to 4chan and try to meme other people into getting married after 25/30 because "cmon bro everyone else is doing it". Faggots can keep their bad decisions and stop trying to drag others down into the divorce rape pit with them.

>> No.55043615

Big brain. I was thinking you encrypt it in a folder labeled 'Cunny' and say you forgot the password, but backdoors and all.

>> No.55045372

Cringe. Man this board has so many idiots

>> No.55045411

>Why can’t government just stay out of marriages
How else would they destroy the sanctity of marriage? Women are now incentivized to divorce if not 100% happy.

>> No.55045415

Three words:

Full. Disk. Encryption.

>> No.55045427

you dingus, do you want your wife raped every time she leaves the house? Follow up to your dumbass "hurrdurr women stay in kitchen": nigger have you EVER lived with a woman? take your precious private minutes where you can, and ideally WITHOUT your woman coming home full of someone else's cum. Rape laws exist for the same reason car insurance does, don't fuck my shit up and expect to get away with it

>> No.55045521

If you get married in Weimerica, you're asking for it honestly.

>> No.55045814

>>You could leave him, but then you'd be left penniless on the street with nothing.
Oh my god, just like every men has to deal with? The horror! Next you're going to tell me this poor woman is going to need to get a shitty 9-5 and live in some crappy apartment with roomates? Thats disgusting, I can't believe even the incels here would support victimizing women like that.

>> No.55045857

Why is she leaving the house unattended?
Why are you not killing would-be rapists?

>> No.55045975
File: 223 KB, 521x937, 1598967465529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing of substance

>> No.55046179

If this was the case society would never have formed because we would all be too busy defending our wives and daughters and mothers and sisters from fucking rapists all day every day at some point people got sick of this bullshit which is why these laws came into existence early on in human history.

>> No.55046262

Hides assets.
Uses his every day machine to do it.

This retard deserves this.

>> No.55046284

Default is zsh. Bash is still available. However I believe that bash is simply being used here to mean "cli"

>> No.55046288

>buy shitty dell from ebay, wipe the OS and install without wifi
>dont show wife ever
>put wallet on it then bury it in moisture free container with extra batteries
his problem was he put it on a computer he always uses and uses US based CEX which were always the lapdogs of govt. notice how the article said one transfered the funds to the international binance exchange and was thus not in US jurisdiction for subpoenas?

>> No.55046348

Raspi with a VPN. Burn the sd card when done. Keep multiple paper wallets cyphered and hidden. One always with you spliced into a picture of your child and one buried innawoods.

>> No.55046386
File: 165 KB, 415x495, 1344652309284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping bootlicker. You get what you deserve for inviting the state into your personal relationships lel

>> No.55046450


>In one case, Himonidis found around $700,000 worth of monero on a MacBook that turned up in discovery.

>Holding monero
>Keeping your shit on a MacBook with the goddamn wallet unencrypted (how do you even do this shit, the core wallet mandates encryption)
Itoddlers BTFO

>> No.55046455

Because your faggot parents and grandparents voted for jews because it made them feel good.

>> No.55046501

Instead of buying and holding crypto yourself, just marry a woman who does and divorce her.

>> No.55046539

If I get divorced I'm either giving my wife half and getting it over with or just leaving the country outright depending on the scenario. Imagine thinking your computer is safe from simps and glowies.

>> No.55047469

Women's suffrage leads to a feminized society in 100% of societies that have tried it
Funnily enough 100% of societies that give political power to women end up collapsing a few centuries after, never to recover

>> No.55047513

You're missing the point. In a legitimate traditional relationship it often times is not their fault.

>> No.55047529

can you provide some historical examples? i thought women have only been voting for like 100 years

>> No.55047578

Agree with this. It is an inherently risky position for a woman to become a housewife. Not sure why young conservative leaning men are always bitching about it. If you are not a degenerate, follow Catholic values, and are a good husband, then divorce should not even be a question for you. As a man you should be very critical on who you marry - it's extremely important to be aligned with your wife. All of these articles are a psyop for white people to not get married and have stable homes with children.

>> No.55048388


>> No.55049956
File: 25 KB, 600x454, 1670214865382760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're going to hide assets in crypto you need to make sure none of "your" computers have crypto software on them, and just keep it all as an off-computer passphrase or private key. Ideally memorized. Everyone should have a memorized wallet full of crypto just in case they need to flee the state with nothing with clothes on their back anyway, but don't leave crypto software on your computer, especially if it's got your wallet keys pre-loaded.
Thats what I dont understand, this comment should be obvious to everybody. How come the guy wasnt able to understand that this laptop should be kept hidden? Hell, buy a phone for this sort of things, its not like anybody will be able to trace the purchase. Dont yell to everybody that you have crypto assets, dont tell anybody about the existence of the device, keep it somewhere safe. There should be plenty of places where you can just put an "old" phone somewhere private.

>> No.55050421

This is why you shut the fuck up about you crypto, especially if it’s a privacy coin lmao.
iToddlers BTFO’d

>> No.55050499

it's a different case, op is just a retard, and the retard who used monero literally had his macshit open with all passwords apparently

>> No.55050731

top yikes

>> No.55052632

yeah that would be a far easier and perfectly reasonable idea if not for backdoors. taking the hard drive out of a computer seems drastic but is the least difficult way to fully protect yourself from bumblefucks at a divorce court.

>> No.55052670

The Arab Empire is a lesser known one. Basically it became as degenerate as the West is today. A country that shined twice as bright went out twice as fast.

>> No.55052682

>simps have to be lynched
its not that they're simps and trying to help the woman. it's that they're greedy (((lawyers))) who will do anything for money. lawyers are great at farming people for money.

>> No.55053547

>Imagine you're a trad stay-at-home housewife:
These type of women stopped existing around 1975. So it literally makes no sense in 2023

>> No.55054885

he isn't wrong. no sane man who knows women well would do something like that.

>> No.55055468
File: 38 KB, 464x252, image_2023-05-22_195711684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the "news piece" is fake
pic related

>> No.55056209

Hold you in contempt until you give up the keys.
inb4 they can't prove...
The judge will hold you long enough for you to try and make your case to a jury full of roasties.
You're not clever.

>> No.55056440
File: 157 KB, 646x487, 1679428793520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be midwit anon
>Get divorce
>Court finds your crypto
>Demands keys to wallet
>troll face.jpg
>"your honor I can't because...."
>contempt of court, held without bail till you produce the keys"
"B...b...but anon!" I hear sputtering as you furiously begin screaming furiously in what only be called eagle caws. "MUH CONSTITUTION!"
stfu. Nobody is still that retarded. At best you could demand some type of hearing demanding they prove you know the keys. Of course your still stuck in county jail this whole time.
And thanks to the wonderful system of ensuring representation I can promise at least 50% of the people deciding your fate will be women.
None of which will be trad because stay at home mother's automatically get out of jury duty by being the sole caregiver to children.
So your already starting with a thot lot deciding your fate.
Now let's break that down.
The younger ones either don't register to vote or are you busy and lie to get out of J.D.
So we are down to at least half the jury being 35+ toasties. Out of those, at least half have already been through a divorce.
Out of the 25% of the jury that you could still have in your corner (married and never divorced etc.) Consider how many of them have friends pushing them to do it or are considering it themselves.
You're fucked. Contempt of court is pretty much the judges trump card.
He can literally hold you in jail until you comply with his order or you prove why his order wasn't lawful.