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55037986 No.55037986 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about ending things

>> No.55037995

Keep going. If you suicide you just have to come back in a tougher situation.

>> No.55038000
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>> No.55038017


>> No.55038026

why tho

>> No.55038064

I said this to a girl last night, she unironically said she doesn't want to. Its usually not like this kek.

>> No.55038069

Ok chad

>> No.55038076
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nar m8 what you gotta do is start selling your piss to the pajeets as 'organic grass fed holy cow urine' and clean up.

>> No.55038092

Sorry to hear that, anon. I would appreciate if you didn't, but it's my personal opinion.

>> No.55038112

Sources: hundreds of thousands of near death cases and past life regressions
Read a Dr Brian Weiss or Dr Ray Moody book so you don’t sound so uninformed

>> No.55038115

how much LINK?

>> No.55038131
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thanks anon

>> No.55038426
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maybe you don't think about it anymore and hopefully you can work towards all the things you dreamed of in your life and much more.

but even if still you decide to do it, i don't judge and i forgive you.

>> No.55038438


>> No.55038615

You'll burn in hell forever if you do.

>> No.55039957

you mean your bags or life? if it's your bags just sell and try another shit like PAPA, if it's your life, just try to get rich all your life, you will die young but at least knowing you had a purpose

>> No.55039976
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Aren't you curious about the future?

>> No.55040005

just bought some, thanks

>> No.55040009
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>> No.55040940
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>> No.55041041

cow pee is complete different from human pee and has special smell idiot.

>> No.55041056

china can synthesize any consumer product
you probably get 10-25% cow urine in an actual bottle
aslo, you should not know this unless you are a medieval farmer/doctor

>> No.55041062

Is that why all Indians stink? god they smell so bad. Why must they come to other countries if they love slathering themselves in cow piss so much and making slurries of cow poo and smearing all over their holes. India, gosh what a humid disgusting place. India is how I know there is no God.

>> No.55041074

what do they do with that stuff? Drink it?

>> No.55041090

This sort of thing:

Honestly, the English were right to rape that country. Indians are too primitive to know what to do with wealth. I mean the most popular game in that country is a white man's game. That should tell you what they're like.

>> No.55041125
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why don't they just take Vitamin B12 liquid supplement, kek