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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 308 KB, 828x869, IMG_4163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55036342 No.55036342 [Reply] [Original]

>The cost of living is out of contr-ACK

>> No.55036369

Try buying an 84" for under $800
lol at a 40" lmaoeven

>> No.55036372

Yes dumbass your deep dish pizzas, shitty steaming services and tvs are cheap the system is obviously fine

>> No.55036375
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>Inflation is out of contr-ACK

>> No.55036379

But how will you be able to see the bbc without 4k. How could your wife watch with you if it isn’t 80” wide

>> No.55036389
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Could you possibly cherrypick any harder faggot?

>> No.55036417
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Well, if I posted the price of stuff around where I’d live you chuds would just screech about the Jews and move the goalpost of how where I live is a shithole because you think you’re entitled to live in a penthouse in nyc or whatever with a Bugatti. Kek the goalposts have moved so much that a lambo wouldn’t even satisfy you faggots>>55036379

>> No.55036421

Your chart says average hourly earnings went up

>> No.55036435
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College is too expensi-ACK

>> No.55036438
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You don't need a fucking TV to survive, faggot.
Last I checked you can't eat a TV or live inside it.

>> No.55036459

yo is mint worth it?

>> No.55036461

where can i get something like this cheap in canada. i want a small bedroom tv but theyre all like 300+ lately

>> No.55036467

Get a job loser

>> No.55036469
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But they didn't go up enough to factor in the astronomical costs of housing, healthcare, and education, thus making it pointless.
>see chuds, a TV is cheaper now than in the '80s, despite houses, cars, hospital bills, and college tuition being extremely expensive!
I fucking hare leftoid reddit faggots so much it's unreal.

>> No.55036485

you can only complete the first 2 years of a 4 year degree at a community college, check how much a university costs, a lot of them force you to dorm there at least your first year and force you to buy X amount of prepaid meals so you wont even think of being self-sufficient or cook in your dorm.
This is before books and all the free labor, aka unit hours you'll be required to work as an unpaid intern for free in order to graduate.

>> No.55036486

>wtf why are houses more expensive with fancy tech like central hvac and other amenities???
>wtf college is overpri-ACK

>wtf, cars are more expensive because they’re jammed with technology and not a metal death trap that will kill you on a 5mph impact? This is bullshit!

You’re just a loser

>> No.55036501

>what are satellite campuses?
>what is wgu?
>what are other competitive alternatives?

Again, not my problem or the countries problem you’re a fucking idiot

>> No.55036517

>inflation is just a myth because I found a mobile service that only charges about half as much as some shitty plan from T-Mobile! This completely negates the fact that everything else has gone exponentially expensive in the past few years!
Nigger, they had air conditioning in the '80s.
That's not how that fucking meme works, tranny.

>> No.55036533
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>> No.55036542

What's everyone complaining about then? So everything is cheaper relative to income other than a few rare purchases?

>> No.55036546

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure televisions have had the single-largest deflation in price of any major retail product over the past 20 years.
So, bait thread.

>> No.55036563
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>a wojak about penis size
>no further argument about staggering inflation and reduction of middle class America
Roastie confirmed.

>> No.55036564

>but at least I can buy a cheap tv

>> No.55036574

>what is wgu?
insta-trashed by HR as soon as their software detects Western Governors on your resume, they're accredited the same way no-name flyover universities like university of idaho are accredited, plus don't they only have like 4 degree tracks?
It really does seem like something you go for when you're already employed and just need to fill an HR checklist item (eg a BS or masters) to get promoted within your company.

>> No.55036583

Wouldn't be surprised. Next 20 years will be cell phones/data. They want you consuming saccharine media to distract you from how shit everything is

>> No.55036589

It means you can afford plenty of pointless chinkshit like electronics and Funko Pops, but are priced out of actual important things like home ownership, rent, quality education, or important surgeries.

>> No.55036602

I mean yeah it’s a token degree but it doesn’t change the fact it’s an alternative. Again you can go to satellite campuses of major universities for CC tuition (at least in my state) so if you can’t do that in your state, sorry it’s a shithole? 100% of you would call my state a shithole so that’s fine stay out and seethe about being poor or whateve lmao

>> No.55036609


>> No.55036614
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>taiwan trivialises silicon manufacturing to the point where complex devices are cheap shit
>OP a genious thinks that he is somehow a genius and just solved all the worldwide inflation after seeing the price of some garbage TV

>> No.55036621
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Lmfao you’re retarded
>plenty of affordable education options* oh no you won’t have the prestige you’re talking about because you’re a status seeking faggot although you won’t admit it

>housing is too expensive
Again a status seeking consoomer who will move the goalpost about how every reasonable solution is somehow unacceptable
Nigger are you made out of glass constantly breaking your bones or something?

I think you may be the woman

>> No.55036622

Housing is below income on the chart.

>College in 2k23
>College textbooks in 2k23
>quality education

>important surgeries
Only valid point, but I'd say cheaper food and housing relative to income makes up for that. How often do you get surgery?

>> No.55036637
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>> No.55036648

This is part of the Bread and Circuses, bro. Pay attention.

>> No.55036652
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The faggots here that are moving goalposts are the ones saying that a cheap shitty TV and cell phone service is proof that the economy is booming.
Inflation exists regardless if MSNBC and /r/politics say otherwise.

>> No.55036676
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woah why didnt I think of that.
I'll just rent a TV to live in, and eat TVs, and heat my house with TV's, and put TV's in my fuel tank

>> No.55036685
File: 116 KB, 1024x925, IMG_3131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think MSNBC and Reddit are telling you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps? LMAO YOU’RE ON THEIR SIDE YOU COMMUNIST LOSER

>> No.55036700

the two TVs in my house are like 27inches and not even smart TVs i have to use a roku stick

>> No.55036703
File: 231 KB, 779x701, IMG_3812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo I can’t eat the heckin’ beans and rice and oatmeal even though I’m poor because… well I deserve better because I’m high status or something!!!

>> No.55036724

I think you're right; I remember buying the cheapest no-name brand 32" LED TV in 2011 for $500 AUD, and now they're literally half that price with Chromecast/Roku built-in. The one I got didn't even have Smart TV functionality back then.

>> No.55036738
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>Do you really think MSNBC and pReddit are telling you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps
No, but they're saying everything is fine, and that for whatever the fuck reason inflation is simultaneously a myth, a good thing, and Putin's fault.
Covid is just a cold that anyone can catch: point blank.
Monkeypoz is a disgusting skin disease that spreads through gay sex, and the media "mysteriously" went silent on it as soon as reports came in of dogs and boys getting infected with it.

>> No.55036759
File: 160 KB, 389x511, IMG_4043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother you are a redditor, you’re on /biz/ crying about how much of a poor loser you are. I think r/antiwork will be a better fit for you than /biz/

>> No.55036771

>implying beans, rice and oatmeal havent increased in price
and why did you ignore the other 3 measures of inflation I referenced

>> No.55036774


Wow, imagine being this lonely.

>> No.55036783
File: 66 KB, 680x321, IMG_4009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of minimum wage job do you work that you haven’t been getting cost of living adjustments to make the inflation negligible?

>> No.55036799

>My brother you are a redditor, you’re on /biz/ crying about how much of a poor loser you are
Nigger, the whole fucking country is eating a tremendous shit sandwich because of inflation.
I don't give a rat's ass how much fucking money you make: a can goddamn soup shouldn't cost $6, a goddamn medium sized home in the suburbs shouldn't cost 1 million.
>What kind of minimum wage job do you work that you haven’t been getting cost of living adjustments to make the inflation negligible?

>> No.55036815

yes theres been high inflation on beans, now youre not only ignoring the other 3 measures of inflation I referenced, but the other 2 low cost food items as well

I think its some sort of bot.
Notice how it can only focus on a single point brought up in each post

>> No.55036837

>you need a tv to live

>> No.55036843
File: 1.72 MB, 924x845, IMG_4049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He’s a bot!!! That’s why I’m a poorfag loser!
>I’m not a redditor loser tankie, I swear!
>Here look at this article about minimum wage jobs!

Yeah bro I know you’re a poorfag loser but you’ll come up with an excuse and move the goalpost when a solution is presented so I won’t engage in that futile effort

>> No.55036856

Dear Mossad Glowretard. Technology is highly deflationary, unless extremely rare factors force it not to be.

>I know you already know this.

>> No.55036858

His point was that if you're not a minimum wagie then you're fine.

>> No.55036861

Graph only goes to 2018

>> No.55036872

Spark testing is a method of determining the general classification of ferrous materials. It normally entails taking a piece of metal, usually scrap, and applying it to a grinding wheel in order to observe the sparks emitted.[1] These sparks can be compared to a chart or to sparks from a known test sample to determine the classification. Spark testing also can be used to sort ferrous materials, establishing the difference from one another by noting whether the spark is the same or different.

Inflation is high because food, energy and shelter are the primary costs of living for most and are increasing more than TV's

Spark testing is used because it is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Moreover, test samples do not have to be prepared in any way, so, often, a piece of scrap is used. The main disadvantage to spark testing is its inability to identify a material positively; if positive identification is required, chemical analysis must be used.[2] The spark comparison method also damages the material being tested, at least slightly

>> No.55036883
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Funny how we're not presented with any data post-pandemic, or better yet, post-2020 election.

>> No.55036884

Congrats you took material science 101, surely you can figure out how to pay your bills right? I mean knowing that I have to speculate you have SOME skill, right?

>> No.55036904

Yes but be aware customer service is basically non-existent and just directs you to retards in India so be prepared to do all the setup and any troubleshooting yourself. I had problems with setup because I made a mistake but since then no issues.

>> No.55036935

The WHO issues INNs in English, Latin, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese, and a drug's INNs are often cognate across most or all of the languages, with minor spelling or pronunciation differences, for example: paracetamol (en) paracetamolum (la), paracétamol (fr) and пapaцeтaмoл (ru). An established INN is known as a recommended INN (rINN), while a name that is still being considered is called a proposed INN (pINN).
>I mean knowing that I have to speculate you have SOME skill, right?
Starting to word salad now huh?
Several countries had created their own nonproprietary naming system before the INN was created, and in many cases, the names created under the old systems continue to be used in those countries. As one example, in English the INN name for a common painkiller is paracetamol; the table below gives the alternative names for this in different systems:

>> No.55036972
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>An Ai coin called blackswan is a ru-ACK

>> No.55036988
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Oh okay you’re actually just retarded I thought you knew how to weld or do something useful. Carry on with being poor then

>> No.55037013
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Thanks to China, you can now buy 90'' TV for $400


>> No.55037047

banks truly cannot cope that their master bloodline is just predisposition to getting skin cancer from the outdoors. we are not the same

>> No.55037083
File: 368 KB, 735x726, B3B5D7AC-6E4D-4098-959E-FE936BBCEAC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost of living

>> No.55037101

To all of the niggerfaggots pretending the cost of living is lower, riddle me this then - why are you poor?

>> No.55037118

Soaring prices make us concerned
Transacting costs have surged and turned
Unpredictable and relentless it seems
Price stability becomes just dreams
Inflation, a challenge that we face
Dwindling savings at an alarming pace-
Beneath the surface, economic strain
Overwhelming burdens causing pain
Time to address this issue that's fraught

>> No.55037131
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>Time to address this issue that's fraught
Stupid bot indeed.

>> No.55037138

What's funny is that each of those headlines is true (as far as I can determine), but in the complete opposite sense in which each was intended.

>> No.55037139
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You can't eat a TV

>> No.55037149

>Next 20 years will be cell phones/data
You mean streaming services. Soon those will be free with 30 ads per hour.

>> No.55037155

Your wife is wider than 80” how can I even see the TV with her blocking it

>> No.55037170

No, I mean bandwidth. Streaming services can't afford to be cheaper. They're going to subsidize a different chipset going forward.

>> No.55037328

>thinks paying extra for heated seats and warning beeping sounds is worthwhile

>> No.55037330

It’s a tranny, and the tranny is probably stroking itself in euphoria from you assuming it’s a woman

>> No.55037359

>idiot thinks beans cost $1 each, as if they are not typically bought in large quantities
wow you really are stupid as fuck

>> No.55037376
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>> No.55037396

What kind of job do you work that you got a 20% raise?

>> No.55037411
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I found one that goes to 2022

>> No.55037423

Great point.
I buy a TV every week.

>> No.55037452
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Excellent: this means OP as well as cjt+UOGp are both full of shit and obvious shills.
You can't sleep in a TV, you can't eat toys, and a cell phone can't provide medical care.

>> No.55037476
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>Ends at 2018

>> No.55037485
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What's the best 4k tvs bros? Need something for my living room

>> No.55037509

I job hopped at the beginning of the pandemic and then I was given a wage adjustment for covid, I didn’t get 20% for covid but poorfags crying over .15 on a can of beans have a major malfunction you were DOA before inflation if .15 adds up to damaging your budget

Incels on /biz/ demand to have a penthouse in Manhattan and refuse to figure it out. I’m not rich, I’ll give my stats and I’ll wait for the barrage of how I’m poor but yet I’m doing fine I buy what I want and can afford to do what I want

>made 45k
>bought house for $150k
>make 60k now
>house is worth 250k

Damn looks like I’m exactly where I was with my debt to income ratio on a mortgage being about 3.3x my income

>> No.55037657
