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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55031990 No.55031990 [Reply] [Original]

>6 years since eth launch
>still 0 use cases for smart contracts
its literally just a platform for scammers and retard gamblers
prove me wrong

>> No.55032010

How can I make dog coins without a smart contract retard hahaha so dumb

>> No.55032023

Yes you are correct the reason they are useless is because they exist in the blockchain. Unfortunately the rest of the world exists outside of the blockchain. Until Chainlink (TICKER: LINK) deploys full capabilities (CCIP, DECO, etc.) they will remain useless.

>> No.55032187

two more weeks, right?

>> No.55032206

dogecoin is literally a layer 1 pow coin lol
but seriously, yeah, the sole raison d'état of eth and evm chains is for lazy devs (aka scammers) to easily deploy coins and they are always completely useless (other than gambling masqueraded as speculation)

>> No.55032342
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ETH will only survive because the profits miners receive for running nodes.

Everything that is proof of stake and was never proof of work will fail.


ICP has the best tech but running nodes makes no profit. Ultimately it will fail.

BNB will remain the shit coin of villagers, where doing a 5x with $7 is like 1 month's worth of work.

The only reason eth works well for this shit show is because ETH nodes are paid highly, gas fees prevent people from selling at a gain until the profit is above the gas fee. No one is going to switch to avalanche, icp, polygon, arb, sui, algorand, cardano and so on

Solana already has massive investments into it, too much to pull out.

The only way ETh can be dethroned is by another ETH like blockchain, which there are none.

>> No.55032384

>prove me wrong

I can't. Shitcoins were a mistake and there is only one crypto, called Bitcoin.

>> No.55032438

Do none of you use DMMs like Venus? You can collateralize your assets and borrow against them without any centralized intermediary, entirely on chain. Focusing on shitcoins when there’s literal financial innovation happening in real time is the mark of a surface level retard. Cryptocurrencies such as ETH and BTC have clearly defined use cases as trustless networks. You can easily verify their ledgers yourself, no trust required. You don’t need to kyc to use btc or eth onchain. How else can you move billions of dollars without institutional approval +gargantuan fees and slow week+ transfer times. As for smart contracts specifically, never before could you custodialize wealth in formal contracts without a trusted intermediary. I can setup a multi sig and manage large Amt of capital trustlessly and transparently solely thru smart contracts and probably the filecoin vm if I wanted it 100% defi. Look at theta for an example of decentralization +crypto being used beyond finance. Major centralized services like aws and Google joined theta as nodes to deliver decentralized video content. Your neighbor running edge nodes provides even better connection to the network than the big boys yet it’ll fall back to them if needed. It’s happening in real time across many industries but you’re too focused on the quick PnD’s to see it.

>> No.55032451

Yeah. People give a big cope about adoption being naturally slow but look at something like chat gpt. Proved itself and within months was integrated into every fucking business on earth.

>> No.55032484


proof of stake, centralized coins are absolutely trash.


There is a layer 1 pepe -explicit banned by mods- that has been around since 2016 which for some reason didn't pump.

>> No.55032542

running nodes on eth doesnt make you any money either, on the contrary you need 1tb of space lmao
sure, whales can run a validator node and make a profit .. eventually
the fact the limitations of the tech - i.e. insane tx fees, is one of the 'features' is just laughable
Maybe eth will be dethroned, or rather just die along with other evms, when people realize that investing in meme tokens isnt profitable

based but you misspelled monero

>collaterize your assets
you mean like terra? lmao. wrapped coins is a scam and you know it. theta is cool but the smart contract part is just memes to lure money into the ecosystem.

>> No.55032566

yeah there is literally nearly 8000 pepe tokens on ethereum, and just because some chinese pump and dump group pumped a specific one, that got successful for reasons that probably has to do with the fact that it was created by the pnd guys themselves.

>> No.55032585
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>on the contrary you need 1tb of space lmao

jeez what's that like? $35 on amazon for a ssd?

it really is over

>> No.55032608

yeah and you get paid 10 times as much as a 4chan janny!!