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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 128 KB, 1644x1786, Binance australia cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55028597 No.55028597 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow ausfags, where the fuck do you buy your crypto? It's time for my weekly DCA and I cant buy shit.

>> No.55028613

Yeah they closed AUD deposits/withdrawals

Funny this seems like the end times for me when it comes to crypto

I lost 175k AUD in crypto in the last 2 weeks going YOLO in shitcoins, and then they did this with us Australians on binance.

Seems like the universe does not want me to make it

>> No.55028616

>Can't buy shit
Good, why would you want to buy 'shit' for.

>> No.55028617

Kraken if you want to be a cefi cuck or Coinjar if you just want to instantly transfer out to self custoy.

>> No.55028634

Does Coinbase or other exchanges offer payid? I used to like biannce instant withdrawal.

>> No.55028646

Idk what payID is but I've made instant withdraws from Coinbase w/ no fees, only a few hundred bucks tho

>> No.55028650

>global attack on exchanges with non existent regulatory action
XRP schizos win once again

>> No.55028656

Used this one for years. Safu, just remember to not store your shit on an exchange.

>> No.55028742

>he thinks banking services will continue to provide to them in the near future
tisk tisk tisk

>> No.55028764

Thank you, payid is basically like cash app in australia I think. Glad to hear Coinbase is no fees and instant, thank you.

>> No.55028802

How am I supposed to cash out now? I liked binance
I have 25k on metamask, can I deposit there now?

>> No.55028806
File: 233 KB, 1552x1046, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, my name is Dylan. Yes, all the girls want me.

>> No.55028809

Are you fucking retarded? What is the point of your post.

>> No.55028817


>> No.55028892

>I lost 175k AUD in crypto in the last 2 weeks going YOLO in shitcoins
what the fuck cunt?

>> No.55029814

Coinmetro is lower fees than Coinbase, equally fast money transfer

>> No.55029853

This is really frustrating but what if you're about to buy some shits that go down within the next year hours?

>> No.55030576

fuck off bradley

>> No.55030624

btc markets

the ato will have ALL buy details though

>> No.55030631

I use Swyftx
Used to use Coinspot until I lost the email I used on it and those jews asked for a selfie just to change it

>> No.55030635

Australian here, I buy with apple pay on binance.

>> No.55030641

Btcmarkets doesn't offer any "staking" bollocks so they will be fine.

>> No.55030647

I put it in simple mode, purchase crypto, select usdt, pay with apple pay and then buy bitcoin with usdt.

I assume I can do the same with withdrawels. If my bank wont take it I'll sell it to paypal and send the money to my bank account.

I don't know why anyone is bothered by this news, it didn't affect me at all.

>> No.55030654
File: 24 KB, 742x413, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATO are funding war criminals. Time for a tax revolt. Kiskonen vs NSW. The rule 92 violations are on Supreme Court record now. UKOA loyalists have no liability with belligerent war criminals. Lest ye forget.

>> No.55030730

You've never taken big risks hey? thats how big money is made..... and lost

>> No.55030823

i know bro

if everyone here isn't evading *lawyer interjects* MINIMISING their taxes you're a traitor

>> No.55030836

Just buy USD and then use it on binance?

>> No.55030851
File: 624 KB, 3304x1842, primeministerofaustralia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I lost 175k AUD in crypto in the last 2 weeks going YOLO in shitcoins

I was pretty bummed about losing $1k on WOJAK
but fuck me, that's a house deposit you lost.

I assume you are a member of parliament? Who else would have that much cash and no frills about pissing it away.

>> No.55030859

Use an aussie exchange like btcmarkets or coinspot. Both have high fees and low liquidity but stralian.

>> No.55030863
File: 31 KB, 633x758, 1673206479597406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We really *are* going to be drafted into a war with China to protect boomer property portfolios, aren't we?

>> No.55030869

Im actually a NEET.

I had bitcoin since $250

>> No.55030873

my man

>> No.55030878

Just don't comply. Same as refusing the vaccine. Just don't take it.

>> No.55030888


You know draft dodging results in prison time, right?

>> No.55030903

It's not dodging. You just don't comply. You do not have to obey unjust commands from authority. So what if they arrest you, they came for Christ, they'll come for me. The servant is not greater than his master.

>> No.55031109
File: 12 KB, 380x253, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Hague IV, Bill of Rights 1688, Realm and Commonwealth, Realm and Man, AKJV1611.

They are not only unjust, they are international criminal offenses.

They were operating under usufruct, Hague IV article 55.

>> No.55032041

>that's a house deposit you lost.
>ever being able to own a home before your parents die
come on man dont make me laugh

>> No.55033750

Coinspot is regulated as well. One of the safer CEX around.

>> No.55035533

The phone app is good too

>> No.55035587
File: 18 KB, 940x326, 1674968552255230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah mate im risk averse as fuck when it comes to shitcoins especially right now ill never punt 100+ grand on lowcaps. If I had a couple more millies maybe I would tho. btw by any chance do you happen to be F*ntage?

>> No.55035987

Move to Coinspot or Kraken?

>> No.55036699

i use gate.io and kraken atm, holdings in binance but dont buy from there

>> No.55036716

still better than fighting for ZOG

>> No.55037075

It's a good thing the younger generations actually don't own anything kek. They can't threaten by taking shit away because we never had anything in the first place. I'll simply go from being a NEET living with parents to a NEET living in prison.

>> No.55038191

You can make 200k easy a year in the Aussie mines with a trade cert.

>> No.55038210

thanks anon, this post literally prevented me from killing myself

>> No.55038217

And you'll have it back to 250

>> No.55038304

I like coinspot it’s easy to use but the spreads suck more and the fees are crap. I’m staking my VRA on there

>> No.55038320

This was the straw that finally made me move to self custody. Moved almost all my crypto from binance to my own wallet. It's not the end of the world desu, you can still on-ramp on other exchanges or buy ETH directly with credit card and use DEXes. On time to cash out use btcmarkets or something, we were never going to be able to avoid taxes with our draconian laws anyway.

>> No.55038485

I tried to put $50 into a shitcoin the other day. My deposit was reverted. Thank g-d the Australian government saved me again

>> No.55038520

I buy with Kucoin but my bank, NAB put up a stink about it. Even a $500 purchase they froze my account and sent me to the money laundering department. In the end I won: they put Banxa on my list of trusted payees and now I can make purchases without them freezing it (for now)

>> No.55038558

>sent me to the money laundering department
what did you have to do to solve the issue? did they get the police etc involved?

>> No.55038984
File: 58 KB, 551x566, 1669807225644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is going to fuck up the bullrun. How are normies going to pump our bags if you can't even onramp normally?

>> No.55039078

That's the whole idea though, (((They))) don't want another bullrun that will make a whole bunch of regular people rich and able to quit the rat race.