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File: 524 KB, 1242x1462, 9136ED73-1202-43BB-9F2C-747687414D88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5502810 No.5502810 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is how I know we’re in a bubble that’s popping soon lmao

>> No.5502831 [DELETED] 



>> No.5502840


>> No.5502841

That doesn't give you any indication. Dumb pajeets have been in this market since Bitcoin was 5k. Most of the world is still unaware of crypto, or at least not familiar enough with it to invest. We have another 6 months of this madness at least

>> No.5502855

>pajeet becoming bagholder of another shitcoin
idk what u mean this has been happening since bitcoin was 300 dollars

>> No.5502859

Jesus, do these people not do ANY research?

>> No.5502860


Pajeet BTFO by mcshamrock

>> No.5502869

I flipped it for a 6% gain over 24 hours. TRX hasn't proven that it can compete and is best used in short term portfolios.

>> No.5502899

Another 2 years*

>> No.5502908

Jesus Christ Wealthy people like him really need to stop tweeting this bullshit...do your own fucking research people ya dig

>> No.5502921

You know how I knew??? 9gag yes 9 fucking faggots have a "Bitcoin" section and they keep posting memes from here... that s when I knew it popped

>> No.5502931


>> No.5502934


No hate to TRX, as I am a bag-holder thus why I was looking at the replies for the tweet.

But do people really just go into coins without looking at market trends or seeing what a good buy/sell price is? McAfee even says in the tweet it's a long term hodl, why would you meme yourself into that position and then start crying about it lol

Also, didnt even notice when I posted this lmao
>Anurag Agrawal

>> No.5502940

This, why can't we kill all pajeets?

>> No.5502981

I went on it to check, but I don't see it, is it supposed to be in "sections" ?

>> No.5503006

You think this is a bubble dude?
Lmao u have no idea what a bubble is, this “bubble” involves all of the developed world, literally anyone can invest In it unlike dot com bubble, pick ur coins and hold them this ride is going to get fucking insane next year.

>> No.5503021

tell me this gay faggot is actually talking out of his asshole.

>> No.5503080

Seems like it's just a tag and not a section.
Not to dank tbqhwyfam

>> No.5503137

ok well if you say so then i guess i don't believe it anymore. thanks.

>> No.5503136
File: 112 KB, 915x609, 1512019038879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no plez, I no money, poo computer do wrong. plez tron up tron

>> No.5503144

Oh, I found it, it's mostly normies paroting what tv told them, though " muh bubble", it's actually a very good sign

>> No.5503176

Agree with you anon

>> No.5503195
File: 448 KB, 1242x2208, 00AD3538-D27D-4615-93F0-7F98AE5D6A05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5503202

they've been in heavily since doge

you missed the good times of urocoin, it was a pajeet project literally backed by piss and pumped immensely

>> No.5503234

hey my dudes can we start a discord and pump tron with g-ma's xmas money so ican finally drop these bags

>> No.5503243


This anon gets it.

See you at the top nerds.

>> No.5503244

Hahahahahahahajajjaaja *inhales* aaaah hahajahhahaa

>> No.5503253


True. The barrier to entry is lower than any other investment opportunity. New money will continue to come in. There is no bubble.

And don't believe all the Wall Street veteran naysayers, of course they are going to put down crypto - they have billions in traditional exchanges and they can't say even one positive thing about crypto otherwise they'll be painted as a supporter and taken out of context.

>> No.5503274

I just got reminded why I started hating 9gag

>> No.5503293
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>> No.5503322
File: 90 KB, 884x564, 9gag-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top comments

>> No.5503364
File: 726 KB, 900x955, earthball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with that bottom one though, humanity was a mistake

>> No.5503410
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 1498780111315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually disgusts me

>> No.5503597

Just as nobody saw the 2017 bull market coming, nobody has any clue how long it's going to last.

Any number of things capable of causing a systemic cataclysm could occur literally any day.

The market took a massive dump last week, and that wasn't even because of anything definite. Imagine what could happen with a serious trigger.

Around crypto, never relax.

>> No.5503666

Uhhh, cuz we have to sell them our bags?

>> No.5503667

My mom learned what bitcoin was two months ago. Today she texted me asking if I had any pot coin. It's over soon.

>> No.5503722

What do you guys thinks about pot coin?