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File: 209 KB, 1767x1082, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55028347 No.55028347 [Reply] [Original]

Link is about to close its fifth red weekly candle. The last time this happened, it went dowm from $12 to $5. Strap in, marines!

>> No.55028375
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LENO: Here's the thing I don't understand. The company is worth billions...
LENO: And every time I pick up the paper, each year it loses more money that it lost the year before
BEZOS: (laughs)
LENO: Company's never made a profit
BEZOS: That's right
(crowd laughs)
LENO: Now why... how does it.... why... how does that work?
BEZOS: Seems like a new math, doesn't it?
LENO: It does, I mean it... to someone who doesn't know anything about this stuff, it's amazing, you know? We lost $12 billion last year, and we're doing great!
BEZOS: (laughs) There are a whole series of Doonesbury cartoons about this, this is not a new phenomenon. We are a famously unprofitable company, and we're investing in the future. Which is not unusual, companies have done this before, what's a little surprising about amazon.com is the scale at which we're doing it, we're doing it in a big way.
LENO: I see, so you just keep reinvesting.
BEZOS: We're reinvesting.

>> No.55028559

This has nothing to do with link.

>> No.55028575

I suppose the corollary to "if you know, you know" is that if you don't know, you simply don't know.

>> No.55028576
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>> No.55028581

Nooo, they are pumping BTC to hide the LINK dump.

>> No.55028582
File: 34 KB, 847x572, oh linkies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link has been in an accumulation phase for an entire year.

>> No.55028586

Don't change the subject. Link is going down soon. Sell before it's too late.

>> No.55028592

>On top of that, most people who owned Amazon stock two years ago, when it went to more than $100 per share, had bailed out by last spring when it went below $10. Anybody that was left, who hung on for the three month rally that followed, were no doubt driven off on July 24 when the stock fell nearly 20 percent in a single day.

>> No.55028601
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>The company, unbelievably cash rich from its inflated stock prices, also went on an acquisition tear, buying, as Bezos now admits, not only companies in markets in which it wanted to compete, but also in markets it might someday maybe want to compete in.
>To the outside observer, this all started to look like a New Economy version of the Old Economy joke: the one about losing money on every item, but making it up in volume. Don't worry, Bezos kept telling the slack-jawed analysts, we'll just keep getting bigger and — soon — the profits will come.
>But the profits never came. And the skepticism about Amazon that followed, combined with an outrageously high Nasdaq, the surfeit of dot-coms with absurd business strategies, and the government's attack on Microsoft, that finally popped the bubble.
>And now, here we are, two years later, after a thousand or more companies have died, Nasdaq remains under 2,000 and hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs, and now Amazon suddenly decides to start making money. It's enough to make a business reporter wish he stuck to obituaries and box scores. No wonder the response has been, "Oh … yeah. That's great. … Congratulations."

>> No.55028607
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>sell sell please sell or illl throw a 30 post tantrum
Just not gonna sell

>> No.55028637
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imagine what a gigachad sergey will turn into after he makes it

>> No.55028661
File: 1.96 MB, 922x1188, pcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bezos jacked as fuck
>zuck winning BJJ tourneys
ripped sergey will be the best part of the whole timeline.

>> No.55028669

I don't want linkies to sell, I want them to hold this shit to zero. Don't sell your link.

>> No.55028671

this really riles them up

>> No.55029088
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Linkies are pathetic vermin

>> No.55029207

Sure. I can do that. Thanks.

>> No.55029329
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>that natural course

>> No.55029345

subhuman genetics
he'll always be a pear shaped incel

>> No.55029575

>makes 30 sell threads a day
>i dont want you to sell

>> No.55029600
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US gov holds 1% of BTC and they are going to dump every month, no wonder everything suffers

>> No.55030790
File: 40 KB, 500x500, chainlinkgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delete this

>> No.55030904

the amazon cope posting is depressing

>> No.55031290

Hey fudcucks how would you say
"I am not going to sell my chainlink tokens"
In the language you speak at home?

>> No.55031315

I'm not bothered anon, how will I fall into this trap when I'm keeping up with sentiment around it via tokenmetrics, which also uses AI to analyze projects.

>> No.55031369
File: 245 KB, 864x568, 342786432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accumulation phase
is this what the cuckolds tell themselves?

Look at the wonderful accumulaiton phase of Bitcoin Cash, it will pump anyday now ;)

>> No.55031450

Sorry just not selling

>> No.55031492

Ain't selling it. Kiss my ass

>> No.55031502

Honestly it probably isn't accumulation, there is volume on both the rises and drops and it's overall mildly downtrending. Overall volume is extremely low.

It's just in a lull with the rest of the market.

>> No.55031555

I don’t come in link threads often but can someone tell me what happened? Do the current use cases not monetize the token enough to be a profitable business, is sergey still taking massive dumps on hodlers, are they hitting roadblocks gaining further adoption, are whales dumping it to hell? What’s actually happening to the price?

>> No.55031883

>What’s actually happening to the price?
same like anything else, buyers and sellers. and since the price is barely moving that buying is pretty much equal to selling.
when will it go up? when there are more buyers than sellers, not that complicated. also checked

>> No.55032413

We told you to sell at $35, $30, $25, $20, $15....and now $6.5 and soon $3.5 and $1.5. Why do you like losing money so much?

>> No.55032418

link is actually moving like the rest of the alt market, nothing special
actually expected considering they still to date didnt release any of their big features they hyped into stratosphere since 1 jan 2022
accumulation can be tracked on etherscan and its not moving all that much either, so its jsut another alt in a sea of alts looking just the same

what biz has banked on is sergey actually delivering and it seems we are closer than ever, upon further uses it will pump and you have to buy early but who knows how long that will take
synthetix for instance has been expecting ccip to be imminent for months now so there is undeniable truth to the sergey cant deliver fud

>> No.55032555

>they hyped into stratosphere
if there's one thing link doesn't do, it's hype their shit

>> No.55032668


>whole market is still a clown ponzi
>fundamentals do not matter
>there’s no new money coming in because of interest rate hikes and borrowing is expensive

Next catalyst is either:

>LINK produces some insane product that 10x+’s the market size for blockchain, such as maybe CCIP
>fed starts QE (not happening within the next 6 months)
>media narrative starts favoring crypto as banks continue to collapse

Or something else extreme. It is also perfectly reasonable to assume the macro plays out like this a long time and crypto actually does not get another run any time soon and rather mimics the dot com bubble burst from here on out where it’s a slow haul for the 1% of cryptos actually building something useful and the rest just die off and never come back.

>> No.55032696

Can’t sell, staking. Sry I just can’t sell is all.

>> No.55032698

cll doesnt hype price, but sergeys jan 1st address certainly hyped the roadmap into the stratosphere

>> No.55032714

>fed starts QE (not happening within the next 6 months)
but thats where you are wrong kiddo
the current bullshit with the debt ceiling means either the fed cuts qt and rates right after or more bank failures happen and the fed is forced to qe even more then ever before
and yes this shit will happen so fast is probably still this year before it goes down

>> No.55032717


>> No.55032777


insane cope, solana did a 3x off its bottom

link is still 6 dollars

>> No.55033304

Checked and this.

>> No.55033422

interesting that you have to resort to sol, one of the biggest failure scamchain alt L1s around
its only up from its low, since the ftx collapsed dumped it to deep new lows
and if you think you are getting market outperformance out of sol you are gonna turn very pink in 2 years, sam propping it up was the only reason it ever lifted off in the first place and sammyboy is gone now

>halts chain and restarts over proof of discord
if there is one project in the top 50 that deserves every bit of derision its sol

>> No.55033649
File: 91 KB, 1491x477, link whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much to be a link whale on PulseChain? Is 10k enough?

>> No.55033752

>there is volume on both the rises and drops
isn't this accumulation?

>> No.55033777

The debt ceiling fiasco is part of the plan. Republicans are happy to keep debating so the economy crashes to nothingness so that they’re guaranteed presidency.

We are headed for an insane economic downturn. And risk assets like crypto are absolutely fucked.

I know this and still won’t sell which is the worst part. If I don’t make it from crypto it’s over for me for good.

>> No.55033795

>about to

>> No.55033824

just two more weeks!

>> No.55033841


>> No.55033849

You want me to warn when it's too late? You have ample time to sell right now.

>> No.55033861

>accumulation can be tracked on etherscan
big wallets?

>> No.55033888

>Republicans are happy to keep debating so the economy crashes to nothingness so that they’re guaranteed
why do republicans keep the precidency if economy goes to shit?

>> No.55034051
File: 6 KB, 262x172, 22.5.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not?
>two more days

>> No.55034065

the joke is it doesnt matter, every path leads to rate cuts and more qe then ever before and yes crypto will be the first to absolutely moon when it happens even if we need another -50% crash first i also bought in and dont care if it happens
repubs are right on this let it crash right into the elections
because even if the real economy is going straight into paintrain it doesnt matter crypto will moon even harder

track whatever you like personally i just keep track of at which amount certain rankings linke place 100, 1000 etc are
the point is you cant do this backward in time, with etherscan you can only get a snapshot right now, so you have to manually record it in excel every week as i do

>> No.55034096

linkies are sad and pathetic creatures which will rope sooner or later

>> No.55034160

I don't care if you sell or not, but never sleep on sylo. It is currently cheap and a good option for a DeFi play. Their integration within the metaverse will make the trend any moment from now.

>> No.55034589

link is shit you dumb retard

>> No.55034625

checked, good to see someone making sense in this thread

>> No.55034696

Nico bully gf

>> No.55035468

>Do the current use cases not monetize the token
This is gibberish that applies to no crypto in existence.

Take ETH for instance, people think usage makes the price go up because people have to buy gas; but gas fees absolutely explode specifically whenever ETH crashes into the dirt.

>> No.55035509

>Take ETH for instance, people think usage makes the price go up because people have to buy gas; but gas fees absolutely explode specifically whenever ETH crashes into the dirt.
Gas fees explode when it goes up too.
It's not about them having to buy gas now though, is it? Since 1559 anyway.

>> No.55035653

>Gas fees explode when it goes up too.
The fact that they systemically explode as ETH crashes destroys any causation between ETH usage and ETH price pumps.

>> No.55036034

They get burned and the supply reduction effect is cumulative and matters in the longer run rather than any short term correlations or whatever.
Ultimately speculation and hype are what drives bubbles(where we will all sell), but the fact that billions do actually get burned is quite amazing and will probably be one of the main narratives for people to be silly again in a year or two and either buy the top or not sell.
Even LINK will benefit and get pulled up a bit.

>> No.55037050

Tick tock linkies, we're getting closer and closer to the inevitable catastrophe.

>> No.55038617

sorry ugh... i KNOW... I KNOW
this is going to upset you (a LOT)
but i'm just not going to sell them (my chainlink tokens)