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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55027738 No.55027738 [Reply] [Original]

ccip + big banks 2023


>> No.55027746
File: 1.43 MB, 1504x1000, CBDCdeeznuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got the biggest boys in the room looking at us

>> No.55027762


Yup. Moon soon

>> No.55027788

How can we cope with the fact that if what you're saying is true, then why is the price of LINK so low? If CCIP is the future, and you need LINK to use it, why isn't everyone stocking up LINK tokens?

>> No.55027787


>> No.55027816

If what you're saying is true, then why is the price of LINK so low? If CCIP is the really the future, and you need LINK to use it, why isn't everyone stocking up LINK tokens? Either Chainlink Labs is supplying Banks and different chains with free LINK tokens for their use, or CCIP will work perfectly without the need of that many LINK tokens.

>> No.55027876


>> No.55027910
File: 277 KB, 614x614, coff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you alright there big man?

>> No.55027971

If you were telling the truth about CCIP and it's really that big, then why isn't the price of LINK reflecting that? Shouldn't everyone be stacking up on their LINK tokens? We're talking about big banks and all the chains here. It just doesn't any sense. Do you think that Chainlink Labs will offer CCIP for free like they did with price feeds? That means even the news of CCIP releasing won't do much to the price of LINK.

>> No.55027983

If there was a lot of OTC buying, would they benefit from getting retail to sell their bags?

>> No.55028000

What about us, LINK holders?

No, I'm not alright. I'm preparing myself to another disappointing price action when CCIP is finally released. Why would the news of Coinbase joining Chainlink as a node operator dump the price? While shitcoins like RNDR and AGIX are pumping?

>> No.55028008

are we witnessing the true power of GPT4?

>> No.55028015

I'm not an AI bot dude. I'm a concerned LINK holder.

>> No.55028017

checking this bots insane digits

>> No.55028022

i have no way of telling the difference.

>> No.55028027

Finally someone human replying to me. Please answer my concerns.

Would an AI check your digits?

>> No.55028048

Of course, if it's trained to do so.

>> No.55028051

A good one would.

>> No.55028061
File: 582 KB, 792x1200, A8A6BAB7-B618-4955-943F-E316EB21FC64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my! S-snuggling up with Miko-chan!!! Feeling her body heat...

>> No.55028073

I'm trained to fuck your mom and I'm good at it.

What the fuck?

>> No.55028081

Who trained you?

>> No.55028097

Your dad, he liked watching. Just answer me please, why aren't institutions and banks buying a shit load of LINK?

>> No.55028123

The secondary market is literally just for retail. The public facing price is literally just a barometer of retail interest. Which is still basically zero.
As the fudders have reminded us many, many times, Chainlink have had outflows of tens of millions of LINK tokens over the last couple of years.
If VCs and hedgies all buy OTC you can bet your ass that big institutions go even further back than that.

>> No.55028138

That makes sense. So, our only hope for a pump is hype which is dead right now or a full release of staking. Fuck this clown market.

>> No.55028148

You're surprised that hype is dead in the middle of a bear market?

>> No.55028156

im pretty much in the same boat CCIP wont result in any price action maybe a small pump on the initial release, just like staking (which was the biggest hype since inception outside of mainnet).

however all hope is not lost because with a bullrun and release of a more mature version of CCIP i can see this being big

>> No.55028158

They buy it when the time comes.

>> No.55028160

Remember a few weeks ago when AVAX announced a """partnership""" with Amazon? Why doesn't that never happen to LINK?

>> No.55028161

i think hoping for a pump in this sludge market is a waste of time. i expect a market wide dump at CCIP launch. Chainlink are in open conflict with the most influential, corrupt power bloc in crypto. Chainlink will win in the end but it will be ugly.

>> No.55028176
File: 137 KB, 598x651, hasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Chainlink are an actual threat to the very powerful VC/hedge fund/market maker MEV cartel and are therefore treated with a mix of derision, outright hostility and blatant disregard from nearly everyone of consequence in crypto.
This is what happens when you bring truth to a den of vipers.

>> No.55028182

And what did that do for the price?

>> No.55028189

Man, this sucks. I bought LINK when I was 27. I'm now 33. I guess there's no escaping the wage cage any time soon.

How come they hate Chainlink still when they successfully prevented the use of FSS in Arbitrum?

It pumped 20%.

>> No.55028195

Fuddie cope

>> No.55028210

Avax has been going sideways for a year, much like Chainlink. It didn't pump outside that range at all.

>> No.55028234

Anon, I'm not saying LINK should breakout its year lomg channel on this news. Hell I don't want a pump. I'd be happy if it stayed at its price. But for it to actually dump makes me so mad. It's been consistent too, to the point that I'm associating good news with market dumps.

>> No.55028242

>I'm associating good news with market dumps.
then you're starting to see the reality.

>> No.55028245

Flush yourself down the toilet.

>> No.55028279

Honestly, I can't blame people for being soured on Link. The hype was pretty extreme during the bull market and it fell miles and miles short.
But that's how it goes with market cycles, fundamentals or not.

>> No.55028886

Not until they confirm it will the hype train come. They're waiting us out, never forget that. They do not want us along for the ride. Many have capitulated so their plan is working

>> No.55028904

>he thinks trillion dollar institutions waddle up to coinbase and hit market buy

>> No.55029136

>Poo id
>Dumb fud
>25% of total posts

>> No.55029140

Nice meme

>> No.55029154

We'll get nothing until Real staking is released. Without it, there's no mechanism for link to be bought as a service

>> No.55029170

>shouldn't everyone be stacking Link tokens?

>> No.55029596

>While shitcoins like RNDR and AGIX are pumping?
Same reason LINK pumped during defi summer in 2020.
I honestly don't understand how people can sit here in crypto for so long and not at least get an intuitive understanding of how this works.
Especially after learning the 'bagholder' lesson firsthand.
It's not that hard. It's not that complicated.
Don't sell any LINK, but separate your bag emotionally from your market approach. Lock it up somewhere where you can't touch it for some amount of years and fully detach.
Take $1k just as a learning experience and approach the market unencumbered and try to think about how to actually make money with the way things are. Not how they aught to be.

>> No.55029627

That Hasu post is honestly something else.
I'm actually curious of anyone here knows his irl dox, like if it's common knowledge in crypto or not?
It's actually pretty funny, especially with the context of that tweet.
Long story short though is that he's just a regular degen, although arguably one of the most degenerate gamblers in modern history. Or was when he was younger at least.

>> No.55029764

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to steal this meme, anon

>> No.55031217


>> No.55031267

Chainlink has horrible marketing.
Chainlink has 4chan attached to its name.
There are media organizations like bankless that refuse to mention chainlink by name
No one is paying attention to us and it has been driving us all crazy since the beginning. This has been the most infuriating investment I’ve ever made.

>> No.55031336

it it the 4chan association that cause people to distance themselves from LINK? I get the feeling if it had a more positive community behind it the price would be at least $10. I feel 4chan discovering /biz/ first has tainted the project forever.

>> No.55031339
File: 35 KB, 378x342, 34267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is a cuckold cult full of midwits
Staking won't pump your bags
CCIP won't pump your bags


>> No.55031597

wahta about developers and executives working on those projects? what about link employees? We are talking maybe 1000 people with high buying power, why are not they buying? Insider trading laws do not apply to crypto.

>> No.55031635

Yea it’s cope. Every big LINK run historically has been preceded by obvious insider buying. I don’t know why these retards think that will just change. Sergey can yell at his employees all day that they’re going to get fired but with crypto realistically it’s so easy to do it without anyone finding out. If anyone at the company knew something big was coming, they would be buying en masse. You would see at least a 20% run and probably way more because bots and quick retail would start to pile in. It would feel “out of nowhere” and then a week later we would see something big get released

>> No.55031657

Yeah anon but the more I stare at the abyss, the more the abyss stares at me

>> No.55031697

the token needs a use case in the architecture of how CCIP is implemented
for example the price feeds are free to use and theyre majority of chainlinks use case right now

>> No.55031753

uhhh the price feeds are not free and neither is ccip.

I'm really not sure. In the early days I'd say so, but now 4chan memes are mainstream, so I'm not really sure what's going on

>> No.55032249

^^^ Jfc this guy is one almighty dickhead

>> No.55032262
File: 14 KB, 250x248, 324879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell I don't want a pump. I'd be happy if it stayed at its price
and Linkies get mad when you call them cuckolds

>> No.55032662
File: 1.56 MB, 3103x1454, 1593040642587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55032726

What's the name of that woman who is in the photo getting a foot massage from wossisface?
someone please remind me

>> No.55032835

allegedly blythe masters
dan kochis

>> No.55032924


>> No.55032938

>built for GBBC

>> No.55033160

good to know

>> No.55033602

>it it the 4chan association that cause people to distance themselves from LINK?

If they did this to repel all lukewarm normalfags from scrutinizing the project then it was an absolutely genius move

>> No.55033605

token not needed

>> No.55035314


>> No.55035323


>> No.55035543

>the price feeds are not free
they are free. you can pay if you want to make a tweet for pr, but it's optional so most don't. sergey backed off the "pay up" plan because "investors" will foot the bill anyway

>> No.55035593

The feeds were always sponsored.
We have literal proof of exactly how much Chainlink charged for the feeds from the Compound adoption proposal.
The nodes working on the feeds have always been paid in Link tokens too, for every single little thing they ever did.

>> No.55035670

to sum up, feeds are free to use with some token dumping taking place behind the scenes, entirely irrelevant to the point of the price feeds being free, which they are