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55026574 No.55026574 [Reply] [Original]

>have $40k
>retire tomorrow

>> No.55026581

is this why everyone wants to go to argentina suddenly?
can't open an account from here?

>> No.55026582

Yep that is going to be funny
Any streams of the riots?

>> No.55026590

>raise interest rates to 97%
Literal economic retard here.
Someone explain why that's a bad idea?

>> No.55026603

>get more money
>this is somehow bad

>> No.55026604

Loans to run a business to pay for wages in an environment with profit margins as small as they come these days are going to be hard to come by. I bet the USA has its hand in this, smells like an economic hit job

>> No.55026631

some 'experts' are putting the projected inflation between 90-120% by eoy
real is only between 5% and -25%

>> No.55026821

Why is this?

>> No.55026869

Are you familiar with the Babylonian Talmud?

>> No.55026891

Is that a different one or is the Talmud from Babylon?
In any case, care to elaborate?

>> No.55026893
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I know you can't bring in other currencies but could I just pay in crypto there?

>> No.55026913

Without incentivizing lending it forces hawkishness (pessimism, job cuts, offshoring etc) leading to a reces. However that's probably not issues faced by Argentina as they are already a) bottom of the totem pole so where'd business go to save costs? And b) basically use USD and crypto for anyone with half a brain, just officially kill the Peso and adopt the USD or any other stable international currency (relatively stable at least) and be done with it.

>> No.55026925

>Why is this?
Inflation? Dunno m8 it's a fucking conundrun.

>> No.55026981

Harboring Nazis and not legalizing child sacrifice until recently. Argentina provided their people with a decent standard of living and sense of dignified poverty for too long, now they must pay their blood tithe

>> No.55026999

its going to be btc

>> No.55027050

Unlikely, there's a shit ton of nationalized industry and heavily subsidized sectors in Argentina. They're more likely to use the USD as it's already widely in use and they can deepthroat the IMF whenever they fuck up again.

>> No.55027060
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>> No.55027082

>child sacrifice


>> No.55027090

He's talking about abortion

>> No.55027095


>> No.55027097

And your point is? They won't use BTC because Argentina is fucked up on excessive support to dead industries and sectors, it's uncontrollable expenditure hence the ridiculous inflation and interest rates.

>> No.55027126

and adopting the currency of a hegemon that went full retard with its shitcoin is going to help them how, while that hegemon has to chose between internal instability or its hegemonic status going bye bye? The US fucked up big time, every country in Argentinias situation would be crazy to let itself bribe into using it after 2022

>> No.55027220

>and adopting the currency of a hegemon that went full retard with its shitcoin is going to help them how, while that hegemon has to chose between internal instability or its hegemonic status going bye bye?
Yes, that is how the IMF operates and the inflationary burden and fight will be forced onto Americans domestically while designated vendors in the developing world siphons out the USD they get from affecting the USD's stability.

This is not the first time our economic climate has occurred, or the first time Argentina has had to beg the IMF for greenbacks.

>> No.55027228

back in the days, the USD was considered a hard cuurrency, today, its more of a micro soft

>> No.55027254

by the way guys
default has worked 100% of the time

>> No.55027286

default under the current political climate with a weak exceutve, a weak legislative and a hated judicative, with a staff shortage among internal and external security is going to be civil war

>> No.55027292

Again the problem isn't the strength of the USD it's the retarded expenditure that Argentina has dedicated themselves to for decades, the USD is the best contender for replacing the peso as it's already used everywhere in the country and because the IMF not to subtly gives anyone money so long as domestic policies change to suit US hegemony.

>> No.55027299

One word, Ceylon

>> No.55027310

I can't do it one word but how about it dumbed down? The IMF will bribe you to use USD and has done so 4 times in Argentinian history.

>> No.55027390

the imf has complained now for more then a year that uncle Jerome " I am going to land this plane with no survivors" Powell need to stop or they are going to stop using usd

>> No.55027410

but the economy(s) will recover

>> No.55027413

Yeah have fun when inflation doesn’t stop and they raise rates to 150% and all thos bonds you bought end up being made worthless.

>> No.55027428

Right sure, the UN is going to stand up to the US.

>> No.55027429

not going to argue with that, but the time until then, lets say I wouldn't want to be a jew, a corpo or a pink haired fascistic univeristy employee that larped as antifascist for the past 20 years over that time

>> No.55027435

sometimes you just have to amputate though
death by a thousand cuts is not good

>> No.55027436
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I wonder who is going to crash it this time?
A feeling says Russia, might be China, maybe even the US itself. Not Italy this this time

>> No.55027440

>borrow some money
>gotta pay back twice as much
imagine someone suggested this to you

>> No.55027456

Lots of americans have started googling how to buy bitcoin on etoro

>> No.55027467

*toilet paper

>> No.55027471

Argentina will have hyperinflation soon stay the fuck out shits getting dangerous

>> No.55027492

My vote would be China, but it is those three candidates.

>> No.55027528

isn't it alrdy what's plaguing US banks with their 3 trillions "unrealized losses" (ie T.bonds with 1% yield nobody wants)?

>> No.55027577
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>> No.55027981

So the current global ponzi is finally collapsing?
Argentina today, rest of southamerica tomorrow. Europe next day.
China is a paper tiger, their numbers are hyperinflated.

>> No.55028007

This. Argentina is prime land for literal chuds

>> No.55028062

Sheer fucking hubris
US will fall faster than you realize

>> No.55028818
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>Have 40k on PEEPO
>Struggling family living in Argentina
>I can either send them this money and make sure they live trough this economic winter
>or wait it out and make it in the states
i can't choose bros what do

>> No.55028841

sounds good ima buy a nissan rogue

>> No.55028854

Yes. The quadrillion hot grenade under that countries ass is seconds from blowing up

>> No.55028869

Yet they're still exporting corn, soýbeans and minerals by the boatload. How do business even werks in Argentina?

>> No.55029413

keep doubling so you can get them the fuck out of Argentina

>> No.55029443

With interests at 93% not at all

>> No.55029571
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How does he live with such environment?

>> No.55029582

Bro Argentina has been in economic decline since before 1900. I blame a lot of things on America but this was their own choice

>> No.55029590

IMF will save them

>> No.55029769

Not as long as Jerome plays higher for longer, and if Jerome stops playing longer higher the average Burger pays $100 dollar for a Burger while waging for a quarter of that per hour.

>> No.55029802

>Not as long as Jerome plays higher for longer
>Vs 97%

>> No.55029834

So Argentina is supposed to let itself rug twice, like Srilanka. There is no trust in the USA or its greenback

>> No.55030158

>So Argentina is supposed to let itself rug twice
It's Argentina, it's rugged itself every decade since Peron (50's).

>> No.55030164


>> No.55030250

>I blame a lot of things on America but this was their own choice
very little was their own choice
you should lok into their history of debt defaults(all nine of them) and you'll see that what is happening is economic bullying
the rest of the world has developed a taste for argentinian blood and will never stop fucking them
it's a fate that awaits any country who falls to that level of poverty and doesn't scare the foreign financial predators away with free helicopter rides

>> No.55030434

every year you have to pay double

>> No.55030585
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Free helicopter ride is great

>> No.55030852

Aren't there many countries much poorer than Argentina? I was under the impression they were a "mid power."

>> No.55030871

What do you think is going on when millions and millions of babies, yes babies, are killed but it's "okay because it was not actually born yet"?

My wife is pregnant. There is a baby in there.
No amount of cope or mental gymnastics makes the reality that you KILL IT go away.
Repent son.

>> No.55030883

It's a reasonably rich country it just has a retarded history of nationalization and subsidization. Which led to debt, which they defaulted on, which led to more public expenditure to get themselves out of the recession it caused usually by nationalizing more businesses and subsidizing more industries leading to worse debt that they had to default ad infinitum.

>> No.55030897

and any of those countries has the potential to be targetted like this
argentina was just the chosen one

>> No.55031015

The whitest country in south america somehow has more problems than the browner mexico?

>> No.55031028

Therefore, white nationalism invalidated.
Therefore, you must accept 999999999999 African migrants logically.

>> No.55031042

>i'll give you 97% more of what no one wants if you hold on to what no one wants

>> No.55033050

that's why the country is beign economically bullied for so long, it's intentional..Jews hate Argentina