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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55023415 No.55023415 [Reply] [Original]

Why does no-one talk about Fantom on here?
What makes it less shillable than AVAX for example?

>> No.55023421

I like Fantom mostly because Andre seems genuinely enthusiastic about it. It's nicje to see someone enjoy something.

>> No.55023463

Uh yeah he sold the literal top for hundreds of millions of dollars and took a year long hiatus.

>> No.55023620

Andrey betrayed.

>> No.55023634
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I try to see the good in people. But fair point. I was just thinking of the various passion-projects that he did, those weren't obvious rugpulls like all the shitcoins shilled here 24/7.

>> No.55023737

It’s a dead ecosystem with no trading volume.

>> No.55023853

A bunch of /biz/ made a ton on this.
Reaccumulating for another run.
Really good layer-1 and not filled with annoying shills.

>> No.55023887

anon go find where the ftm money went. I can tell you it went somewhere, and the people that brought it there are making money hand over fist and the entire time were accumulating more ftm at the cheap prices. FVM comes soon, that will change things massively

>> No.55023944

Because Harry Yeh's Bantam Chinken looking ass hijacked the chain with his scams to pay back Arabs that he scammed at the last Fantom Conference because they can actually touch him.

>> No.55023966
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its centralized dogshit that will never scale.
it cant compete with Avalanche.
so generally speaking Fantom is a crappy platform. only dumb niggers buy this.

>> No.55024249

Because /biz/ bro’s already made money with fantom
They’re onto the next ones like Kleros and prq

>> No.55024283

No they get deranged tranny fudders instead

>> No.55024358

I’m sitting on a bag of 20k I totally forgot about I bought when it was being shilled here super cheap should I take profit and sell or should I hold until it hits ath again

>> No.55024735

are there any liquid staking protocols on FTM? my only condition is that the token is non-rebasable

>> No.55024803

Check out spookyswap

>> No.55024828

spiritswap is about to release their concentrated liquidity pools which should bring a good bit of interest from people, hopefully itll pull some people back in. There is also the expansion project that they are about to do and locking their token entitles you to an airdrop of it when it launches.

>> No.55024858

I notified Spooky admins of a listed/promoted coin that kept adjusting sell tax to like 90% during fake pump periods while the devs slow rugged adjusting tax low and they didn't do shit about it. They're scammers just like everybody else who got grants from FTM foundation.

>> No.55025000

i meant for FTM specifically, i already hold xBOO but its performance still is abysmal desu.
is stader the most popular?

>> No.55025262
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$fBOMB keeps holding on.. hard working group who took the project on

>> No.55025447

There is no comparison. Fantom is just a vaporware shitcoin that had a small momentum.

>> No.55025865

FTM is literally trash that only random 4chan threads acknowledge, in any other media this chain's community is unexistent.

>> No.55026057
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The real question would be: why doesn't anyone talk about FTM's several outages? Exactly: because it's an unpumpable shit that nobody buys anymore.

>> No.55026277
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>Imagine comparing FTM with AVAX

>> No.55026296

Indeed, FTM is actually better and not full of retarded street shitters. Lmao.

>> No.55026386

Same reason no one talks about dead shit like NEO, REQ, ICX, etc...

>> No.55026634

>What makes it less shillable than AVAX for example?
Avalanche at least is online most of the time lol

>> No.55026756

FTM has not had several outages you lying faggot.

>> No.55026850

he made over a billion from FTM

>> No.55027619

Bag holder cope right here

>> No.55028214

Fantom has only gone offline once for 7 minutes years ago

>> No.55028924

Remember that time FTM shills floated their bags off unsubstantiated coinbase listing rumors and then the big announcement was a binance cloud based exchange that all of a sudden became Harry Yeh's felix.com shit instead and then he decided to cancel that for his 1838372th ponzi called lif3?

>> No.55029501

It's dead anon. No NFT projects, no new innovative defi ponzis, nothing.

>> No.55030515

Because the Fantom Foundation is sleeping. They still haven't fixed gas spikes. There has been only 125k FTM($40k lmao) of incentives in a year until they announced a hackathon recently which has only $50k in rewards. Projects that received incentives from Fantom just fucking dropped Fantom from their roadmap and because the Foundation already sent the the money they can't do shit.

>> No.55031063

Andre going missing during the bear market was unforgivable for me. The fat cunt

>> No.55031124


>> No.55031172
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I still have a cult-like obsession with Tarot. I'm glad their multichain expansion is going well.

>> No.55032247
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>9th in EVM 24hr volume
Did you wake up and make a conscious decision to hang a "look at me, I'm a massive faggot" sign around your neck, or was it completely spontaneous?
It's because Fantom doesn't pay streetshitter shills to come on here and post. Unlike certain other chains.

>> No.55032771


I like the dev's meme. Spooky blockchain.

It's better than 90% of the other shitchains out there, simply based on the theme.

>> No.55032841

Whatever happened to that one Fantom anon who making $7,000 a day staking on Spookyswap?

>> No.55034784

he died from the vaccine