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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55022682 No.55022682 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't everyone just go all in on chainlink?

Serious question. Over the past 2 years it has proven itself as extremely, extremely stable, maintaining rank #19 on CMC for that entire time. The token absolutely refuses to go any lower. This means it's as safe of an investment as it gets. You will not lose your money no matter what.

And the token itself has many milestones very close in sight the biggest of them being CCIP, which are guaranteed to increase its price.

So, we have a guarantee that it won't go down, and a guarantee that it will go up. That's not to mention bitcoin halving coming next year, which guarantees big pumps for the entire crypto market.

For the record, I am currently ALL IN on chainlink. My entire networth is in this token because I can see how much of a no-brainer it is. Seriously, why aren't more people doing this?

>> No.55022727

chainlink will have its moment but i'm not all in on chainlink because i'm all in on GNS only because GNS will turn me more into profit sooner that i can then diversify into more LINK and ETH

>> No.55022730
File: 66 KB, 925x1024, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no-brainer requires too much brain for most people

>> No.55022760

it's a glorified API call held up by a brainlet cult

there's your answer

>> No.55022767

Ah, they included the chia drizzled azure lemon compote candies. Gud.

>> No.55022791
File: 488 KB, 426x754, LINK-ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My entire networth is in this token because I can see how much of a no-brainer it
Or maybe you and the other bagholders are just retarded?

>> No.55022809

Many factors op. I’m also all in but increasingly ire. Short story is psychopathic, short term profit oriented entities have treated link tokens as the defacto carry trade and decimated the price. Further compounded by CLL’s stoic silence in being shafted by eth foundation, not only no love but near zero credit for the value enabled. For holders lack of open access staking means no new buyers, staking itself being dilutive in nature (although no earned tokens can be claimed yet) and missed dates don’t help. Holding through 2022 waiting for ccip was and is hell, holding since 2018 just makes it a tragic comedy.
>tfw waiting for my real life to start

>> No.55022861

>muh oracle coin will somehow outperform stablecoins and other top 10 coins to reach the fantasy numbers I pulled out of my ass

>> No.55022863


>> No.55022887
File: 131 KB, 624x509, 67781A08-90AE-4BD5-B44F-A3F882DDCF19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not buying your cuckold underperforming token, sorry

>> No.55023170

>why don't you go in a dead shitcoin that has been in a downtrend for 2 years straight
gee I dunno

>> No.55024397

Based and I'm all in. I'm fucking aching to retire though so it can't come soon enough. As others have said, though; the wait is good for the character, and gives you time to mentally prepare for what's to come. It's going to be weird.

>> No.55024455

You need to change your attitude friend right now, I say that cus im battling the same demon. Get comfy and do everything you can to have a clear head, dont want to sell early or late emotionally. The goal is to sell for a ton of money and still get to where you never have to sell all of it cus of the apy. I got my wfh job and i excercise and eat healthy, I can last untill max benefit with a clear head for profit taking.

>> No.55024488

I have 60k Link staked. I'm not about to sell early and will never sell more than i'm rewarded.