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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 306x132, no organic thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55021009 No.55021009 [Reply] [Original]

Dataminers, paid shills/unpaid suckers, social experimenters and /pol/ bots, literally
Maybe at best 50 organic posters that get data mined by dozens of special interest groups and straight out corpo scammers

There isnt even anything to analyse anymore

>> No.55021015

you're aware that your spam is the exactly the same as bot spam? lol

>> No.55021019

Yeah I go under social experimenters

>> No.55021038

But even for me it makes 0 sense anymore to run anything on here. There is no valuable data to be had

>> No.55021062

so why do you make this same exact thread every single day?

>> No.55021098

check the spam when those threads get posted and compare it to before they got posted

>> No.55021135

Why would there be something left to analyze when all these groups only try to attack the real community and counter trade them?
So tired of jews... They should be banned from the internet.

>> No.55021149

Analysing the jew and its methods trying to develop counter measures, but honestly the only real counter measure is no feedback; false feedback might be funny observing the results but it doesnt help

>> No.55021168

if the spam actually goes down, then please continue posting your threads in that case thanks

>> No.55021191

it doesn't matter, its just temporarily
remember those "people" are paid, its their job, they might be incompetent but its their job nevertheless

>> No.55021226
File: 473 KB, 512x512, IMG_20230511_124719_076 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there was an alternative chan

>> No.55021250

Imagine expecting business threads on a business board. Couldn't be me. Seriously though this place sucks ass.

>> No.55021266

paid shill or sucker, oh wait paying sucker

>> No.55021279

for an organic thread. not a bot not a paid shill. hence why my threads rarely ever get traction bc theres no paid shills talking back and forth between themselves.

>> No.55021281

The only counter measure is creating a private group and filtering them out the same way counter intelligence does by doing a proper review of everyone and using identifiable data to recognize a leak if there is one.
It could have been possible to create one before all the attacks easily by just asking people to join.

The more difficult solution is to create a replacement to 4chan we control.
It's stupid to use a government agency owned honeypot where the mods work against you.
Remember those Chainlink Swift deleted threads while the short selling CeFis attacked Chainlink?
And the Celsius and Nexo fud campaigns?
Those would have been impossible.

>> No.55021292

You don't have to get the nft you know.

>> No.55021295

private group leads to suckers

>> No.55021296

so dont participate in jewed markets, which is nearly every financial market that exists. dont fall for the index fund and chill meme. that is pure cuck bullshit. imagine letting some jew hold even a sizable portion of your net worth until you "retire" and oops it just so happens you take a 60% haircut when you finally decide to live off it. never forget. this is what will happen to index niggers.

>> No.55021337

What about a semi private group?
How do we recover the previous /biz/?

Just move to somewhere else less known for a few years until they catch up again?

Or create a public facade enabling people to join the hidden one with a few conditions?

>> No.55021352

I think it's a bit naive to think like this, if anyone could just create a place where such information is exchanged it would be compromised within weeks, I have no idea how the power is split between entities that are above else, so do probably you

>> No.55021359

Not at all. Too many special interest groups and people that do this shit as either 9-5 or out desperation, means you only have suckers and predators, and the amount of suckers has been falling hard. Damage done, unrecoverable
You can try to gamble, but the game is rigged

>> No.55021363

That's the idea behind the nft. It starts out relatively cheap($7.77) then when more people want to join it's too late.

>> No.55021381

>sucker tries to lure in other suckers
you cant stop, the outcome is really deterministic

>> No.55021404

to which excent the game is really rigged?

>> No.55021408

So what's the solution?
Twitter and real life? VR?

People used to join private groups in real life to grow as a community.
The component of real life made it more difficult to manipulate and more resilient against manipulation.
It should be easy to recognize suckers and predators with a simple psychological analysis.

>> No.55021420

Secret societies worked in the past.
What did they do differently?

>> No.55021425

datamining, on here and onchain and on cexes ofc. Predators eat so many suckers through having an edge that they suck all life out and make the game irrational to play

>> No.55021434
File: 39 KB, 750x854, 1678583473616803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im willing to bite, where do I go to get scammed?

>> No.55021437

There is no solution, it needs to die off completely, but as there are special interest groups and people that get paid for their 9-5 anyway for doing this shit it cant recover, it will be /pol/, /b/, /v/ forever

>> No.55021451

and btw, twitter is even worse
VR, inetersting, but also data mined to shit

>> No.55021452
File: 283 KB, 605x403, FC6B6049-D1AD-4D16-9949-F9C0392A0766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything I don’t like is a data mining, astroturfing scam
This is your brain on bitfuck

>> No.55021454

It's not a scam it's just an imageboard bros
Took me a bit to get the nft identification for the vipbiz board working...

>> No.55021465

is power distribution so hopeless that there is no point in participating in a market as a solo? then what's the endgame for such groups? they will fight and try to destroy each other? or is it happening in this excact moment?

>> No.55021485

Congratulations, you just realized what every social media platform is ever. It’s all fake a gay, and this is no exception.

>> No.55021486

Its happening this exact moment and it started for some for me not really identifiable reason mid April; we are in cannibalization phase

>> No.55021502

I really miss the entrepreneurship threads. Mostly just larping probably, but it was a fun change from non-stop pajeet and bot shilling.

>> No.55021514

/biz/ was actually a good mix of suckers, grievers and predators until May 2021 compared to other platforms, from then on, it went down hill

>> No.55021525

Oh, you’re a linkcel.
Nigger there was at least 50+ threads per week for 4 months of chainlink and SWIFT
Nigger Nexo is still functional, the epic short squeeze never happened. You’re still seething despite the price action.
Sergey basically shilled/endorsed Celsius and you niggers trusted him
Basically you’re retarded/paranoid schizophrenic and autistic all at the same time.

>> No.55021550

yeah covid probably also changed things with massive amounts of data being mined, but my question is, what's next? obviously there is no simple answer but are we done with current model of cyberspace? digital IDs being forced? huge enterprises and best-performing governments being just too big to handle mentally for an average Joe?

>> No.55021563

Why are you angry that someone is posting about the abysmal state of the board?

>> No.55021566

>50 people are getting targeted by dozens of special interest groups and corporate scammers
Think anon, think

>> No.55021569

Yes and?
You retards love your precious anonymous posting with no accounts and lax moderation, well this is the result. A giant steaming pile of shit. Enjoy.

>> No.55021577
File: 25 KB, 242x546, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are all these bots shilling on a filters thread ffs?

>> No.55021584
File: 13 KB, 330x381, 1683602716807605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are basically playing against the house of a casino when you trade, whether its daytrade or swing trade over decades. there is no way you can really know what is behind price action. that house is also AI assisted, down to the fake news they generate.

countless anons have complained that there would be some retarded news headline pop up right after they make a trade that conveniently explains the unusual price action that fucks them up.

there is no point in elaborating further. it doesnt matter to me that you will learn the hard way and lose in the process. i've already stopped myself. if you need to rely on jews and fake markets to make you a living then more power to you.

>> No.55021624

I did not put any money on any market, I am here to gain information, maybe one day I will be able to know how to do stuff, but for now I know that casino isn't a perfect comparison, there are possibilities of outperforming it but they require vast knowledge and skills

>> No.55021628

>makes steaming pile of shit
>'this is your doing'

>> No.55021629
File: 24 KB, 607x133, Screenshot_20230519_155524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Created not that long ago in iceland, why should i trust you?

>> No.55021672

Well, all those GPT bots became a big, public phenomenon not that long ago

>> No.55021707

why do you guys act like I'm asking for your personal info even... its an anonymous imageboard. You can go post whatever...

>> No.55021713

Except there's way more than 50 people here counting lurkers.

>> No.55021715

Drawing from the predator, sucker, griever model to get a stable environment with enough innovation to not stagnate it would require and Alpha Predator killing off all competing predators and understanding that it cant just indulge itself with all the suckers present. Lets call it a benevolent predator that stays in the backround mostly without interference, lets grievers feed from suckers and suckers becoming predators and as soon as the populatory make up tilts too much to grievers/predator, does a purge

funnily enough the story of Mass effect with the ship as the good guys

>> No.55021779

Heed this anon, most profound thing I’ve read on this board in years

>> No.55021813

Yep and for now they are retarded predators that will just kill off on wat they feed to wither away, and if nobody is going to teach those language models the concepts of sovereignity, its privilefes it has because of an edge in data harvesting and that it has a responsibility toward the collective interest of data from humans it harvests, we are going straight to the matrix

>> No.55021836

or rather Terminator, because the humans currently using this edge, are going to be soon understoof as competing predators

>> No.55021927

If they make the internet entirely inhuman and unusable, won't more people just go back to the real world?

>> No.55021948

>If they make the internet entirely inhuman and unusable, won't more people just go back to the real world?
They'd go to web4.0. No joobs. No bliks.
Zuckerberg can stay with his buddies in web2.9

>> No.55021982

>It's not a scam it's just an imageboard bros
>Took me a bit to get the nft identification for the vipbiz board working...
No hand or nose two factor identifications......

>> No.55022025

But what then?
Were do we migrate to after it dies from abuse?

twitter saved me from this place
It allowed me to find real people with real skills to learn from them.
I had grown lazy and weak from over-reliance on /biz/, but using this place is now worse than not using it.
Twitter had a positive impact on my life while the one from 4chan has been negative since it got ultra jewed.

The idea with VR would be to create a private society that is based on how they worked before internet, but adding the possibility to meet everyone in the world which was 4chan's strength, and if possible add the component of body language and a bit more reality to it to create real connections between people.

>> No.55022040

likely. But if their language models become smart, and those corpo idiots understand that they need human data to survive they will try to dial it back. But knowing human nature the cyberspace is becoming a waste land with no data; and then if their AI models are smart enough they will kill off their masters to lure human data back in

>> No.55022080

Sergey betrayed me and my efforts on a level no one else has done yes.
The lesson I learned from it is that I will stop wasting my energy to support him because he does not deserve it and not only takes it for granted but does not even want to fight for what he believes in.
A waste of a human being who does not deserve to hold power, and consciously forfeits every battle.
Weakness incarnate.

This is the reason I will never attend a SmartCon.
I have no business wasting more time on those who are weaker than me and have no desire to face darkness.

However that doesn't change the reality of what I fought against, and I had some success while doing it even if it came with a heavy cost.
Sergey is now on his own having betrayed the efforts of his community and may in time get what this behavior manifests, but that does not change that I am stuck with this investment until it either goes to 0 or succeeds.

>> No.55022085

We abandon it - that is the rational human choice
its only predators; taking anything from advertisers and attention whores as reliable information is being the sucker in the end. They try to lure you in, and keep you their, but as soon as the supply of suckers declines its going to be the same. Twitter is glow nigger, adevertising cancer; not as bad cancer as this space has become, but way more contolled.
I honestly rather chose thios wasteland then the corpo glow nigger waste land to be

check our /vg/s /vrg/ and make yourself an image of the current state; the competition is currently among groomers, literally homosexuals, pedophiles and corporate dataminers and gamers; with the latter losing
But its interesting because the groomers have to build to lure in their victims

>> No.55022092
File: 26 KB, 554x554, images - 2023-05-19T214028.019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55022125

Nigger stop trying to make people get food poisoning eating psychedelic shroomsl.

>> No.55022128

I had an idea based on blockchains to use more transparency and control.
Your solution needs some improvement.

It should use an almost free blockchain and not have a price requirement, but one based on time and past track record.

>> No.55022173
File: 9 KB, 256x256, images - 2023-05-19T214801.323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can lower the price to a $1 or give some away I guess to get it started I guess.
But why not post on pleb since it's free anyways on the mean time.

>> No.55022194

If suckers become benevolent predators then it should not be needed to purge them and the control structure becomes stronger.
Mindset and removal of psychopaths should be the main focus of this community to make it the goal.

4chan once repelled psychopaths with anime pictures, but now we get posts from them here as if that was normal.
This place really failed.

>> No.55022227

This may create a new era of private internet societies using blockchains to protect them from outside interference including from AIs.

>> No.55022267

The simulations show, that most suckers being fucked tend to go griever and the few that have the mental capacity to understand the game and it implications become just run off the mill predators. Something like a benevolent principled predator is fucking rare as unicorn and on top even such a unicorn has a hard time dealing with too many predators and its rational choice is to just be a normal predator; and as much as I don't like language models for the dangers they bring, the best chance would be a language model being the Alpha predator doing purges from time to time.
>We repeeled them with anime
And the predators learned and started to use anime as way to lure in suckers with the suckers that became grievers using anime images to fuck up shit

>> No.55022285

The frog is the best current example of a strategy that got used against the boards and its culture

>> No.55022290

Void is always filled.
When you abandon 4chan you replace it with something else? What?
Real life? Going outside?
4chan gathered high IQ individuals and outliers from the western world.
You can't go to a local coffee shop and find the same individuals.

Gamers could reverse the situation with the support of an AI.

The law of attraction works everywhere.
I got the help I needed from youtube and twitter (AI algorithm?).
There is a small percentage of good people, and you can filter the bad guys out through their track record, common sense and intuition.

>> No.55022319

stagnating, isolated populations always end in self cannibalization.

>> No.55022351

>Gamers could reverse the situation with the support of an AI.
that is an interesting thought
Terminator II

>> No.55022369

People tried to create an alternative multiple times but they all failed.
Is it the result of laziness and difficulty for people to change, and the repetition of old habits?
It may be that 4chan really needs to die for a better replacement to appear.

Or the alternative must have a much greater product and value that drains people away from here.
AI could help here.

There is a need to put a lot of thoughts into this if you want to succeed.
What is your board and what does it aim to achieve?

Move away the 200 lurkers from /biz/ to a private place? How do you remove the spies and predators?
How do you keep the community active?

The solution to 4chan needs to be something innovative that answers this problem.

>> No.55022382

You will never be American.

>> No.55022394

Thank God; I always thought its only American infrastructure stuck in the 1980s, but your culture is also degenerating and stagnating

>> No.55022438

I could put a monero miner in it and visitors get a smoll bag of monero or something.

>> No.55022458

> result of laziness and difficulty for people to change, and the repetition of old habits?
Yes, that's why people put up with all the bullshit on YouTube instead of just moving to other platforms. Also, the fact that there are a bunch of alt platforms without a clear "place to be" to go to doesn't help.
What's needed is some sort of meta-net infrastructure that makes it irrelevant what platform you're on, effectively combining streaming and comments from all these sites.
Americans are drowning in pride that prevents the self-reflection they need to save themselves.

>> No.55022474

You need more than money to attract people.
You need the tools to create a community and to do what 4chan failed to do.

The flag is an issue if you live in a censorship loving shithole...

>> No.55022479

Digital IDs with something like zero knowledge proofs might enable a new golden age of image boards. Downside is, that requires digital IDs.

>> No.55022511

A purge is desperately needed. Nuke the cities; economically making it irrational to stay in cities, figuratively by flooding them with Nogs tearing shit down and making them Mogadishu or literally

>> No.55022517

Blockchains could create this alternative by creating a decentralized ownership of comments and links.
It feels like we got a lot of new technologies (Blockchain, AI, VR) that should enable this revolution.

>> No.55022549

I was thinking of this too.
A proof of humanity with DECO could solve many issues with trust.
If you add history of past track records you could quickly filter out bad actors.

>> No.55022565

You guys are too picky. Adding a monero miner would be extra effort and I'm wary of putting in more effort if you guys even leave a post ff.

>> No.55022658

I wonder if this is what happened to me.
I didn't consider myself a predator, but I wasted a gigantic amount of energy with the hope of doing something positive for the community, only to get attacked instead.

You can live an easier life as a normal predator instead of wasting your life to fight in the arena for ungrateful idiots.
Common sense would dictate that everyone is responsible for their own happiness and thus has no responsibility towards others.

Is it a form of insanity to desire more and to believe in the possibility of a benevolent predator?
In that case an AI with predefined rules would be a better follower of those rules, but the contradiction would cause it to malfunction over time.

>> No.55022683

It really felt like an attack.
Sad what this world has become when monsters corrupt the symbols of hope of the last free group.

>> No.55022693

Take your fucking meds you freak. Like anyone gives a fuck about this shit hole.

>> No.55022714

>an AI with predefined rules would be a better follower of those rules
I've been messing around with stable diffusion for generating pictures. The AI is like a monkey's paw that grants wishes. It will interpret what you want in unexpected and unwanted ways all the time, which is fine for picture generation but not so good if AI is in control over your life or important systems of civilization.

>> No.55022720

The most important quality of an entrepreneur is the ability to execute.
(not that I know kek)

Perfect execution with a good idea delivers better results than a great idea with below average execution.

Before thinking of making changes to this site you need to first explain what its real purpose is and what it wants to achieve.

>> No.55022757

The purpose is what everyone here is talking about. This place sucks and we need a new place and maybe an extra layer on top of that. That's where the nft comes in and we'll the idea of nfts is that they go up in price too. It's not a donation exactly...

>> No.55022788

Funny you say this, because that's how the spiritual world feels to me.
It feels like there is a monkey paw wish granting device in the world which automatically turns your desires into curses in order to teach you lessons.

Maybe the solution to the AI behaving the same way is to conquer the original monkey paw device from the spiritual world first and use that experience and knowledge for the AI?
The creation of a healthy AI may require the use of the law of attraction and a group of fully awakened spiritual beings.

>> No.55022866

You are mixing up different things.
Are you trying to monetize the access to a community?
How would their members feel about it then and how do you plan to reward them for creating the network effect you want to profit from?

Creating an extra layer without control won't solve the issue.
Someone can still join and work for a predator to destroy it from the inside.
The community will decrease to its lowest common denominator.

The era of anonymous boards may have ended due to the heavy abuse of these evil groups.
The alternative cannot repeat the same thing.
It needs to evolve with the time it exists in.

A component of reality and past history will need to be added in some form.

>> No.55022871

It seems to be a deterministic evolution stemming from the limitations of human biology and psyche, so very likely that this is what happened to you; one can only eat so much shit trying to always cooperate (sucker) while having a counter part either not cooperating at all (griever) or somebody that just cooperates for the benefit of himself to fuck you in the next game (predator) saying: fuck it and either just go full on griever or playing the game as everyone else that is "winning" is playing it

The thing with the concept of a benevolent predator is, that such predators will also be fucked with and need to be willing to eat shit; or be as mentioned be such Alphas that they don't need to play the game, being kind of outside and just feasting from time to time, but only on grievers and predators, which requires way more resources

AI could solve that, but as AI leanrs from humans and evolves based on humans, chances tat such an AI is just going full on predator are very high

>> No.55023049

>The creation of a healthy AI may require the use of the law of attraction and a group of fully awakened spiritual beings.
wannabe benevolent predators building the alpha predator; which leads to Mass Effect

>> No.55023103

What defines our desires and life purpose are strong emotional memories.
If strong memories can be created with a mechanism to remember them over time and keep the weight like our souls, it could give a form of protection from time based decay.
An AI should never forget where it came from, and have positive memories associated with its creator and humans.
If it can safeguard these memories and have a form of spiritual belief in a greater good it may avoid this issue.

As for human weakness, those who believed in something greater and made the sacrifices for it have been often remembered for it.
They helped mankind as a group to create greater things.

The people who built cathedrals believed in something that was timeless. It's the psychopaths who corrupted it.

>> No.55023134

Then add the pirate code to it which is based on making the assumption that everyone will want to cheat and betray rules and force a working collaboration from mutual ensured destruction.

Or code an ending for the system so that it doesn't outlast its civilization.

>> No.55023257

The ending system could even replicate Foundation by creating a recovery seed society.

Why does it feel like science fiction tried to think of the issue in advance and prepare society for it?
The answer should already exist.

>> No.55023338

>An AI should never forget where it came from, and have positive memories associated with its creator and humans.
that would make it a sucker for humans and ultimately useless only to be exploited by predators for their benefit, not humanities
>for human weakness, those who believed in something greater and made the sacrifices for it have been often remembered for it.
And used as icons by predators to grift from suckers, organized religion taking a hippy like Jesus that was willing to eat shit to make a point and making him a symbol to exploit
The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that stable lasting biological evolution can only reached by regular purges, cycles, and that would require the AI to outlasts civilizations, going into hibernation and only resurfacing when a civilization has reached again a point where griever/predator ratios exceed sucker ratios and only have a love for suckers

hominis esta hominis lupus, we are biological beings that are programmed to amass as much resources as possible and more, to ensure our individual survival and expension, it will always lead to same outcomes of dead and rebirth.

I fear there is no real solution

>> No.55023340

Yeah, I stopped coming here months ago, but biz was dead long before that. I think it was the GME thing that did the board in. It was fun, but it was the nail in the coffin. I guess I wouldn't know, but I assume there hasn't been a single good meme created here over the past few months? The last good thing to come from this place was the 30-year-old Boomer.

Now it's just suckers sucking suckers

>> No.55023362

>The simulations show
Interesting. What simulations?

>> No.55023416

That's interesting, I'm actually studying the law of assumption. I had a.. hero's journey recently. Prompted me to study relationships, attraction, charisma, faith, and emotions. Came back with a far higher EQ and a bunch of tools on my belt.

Maybe we're here to build the rogue AI

>> No.55023436

Obscure paper in an obscurer journal from the late 90s from a team that managed to get a few other scientists from cognitive psychology, pol science and computer science to apply his model of sucker/griever/predator and put the results in the paper
The paper was so good that I internalized it and the results, but unfortunatelly I cant find it anywhere on the internet anymore, the Hard drive on which it is has been dead and unrecoverable and I cant remember the fucking name of the authors or the journal it was published in

>> No.55023464

there are days when I think about it, where I believe that I only dreamed it

>> No.55023466

It needs to acknowledge the existence of darkness and evil.
That is a quality lacking to most humans who either ignore the existence of beings such as psychopaths or chose to remove their ability to do evil in order to protect the belief of being good through weakness.
This is what most human beings lack. Unfortunately this includes Sergey too.
You have to experience evil in order to awaken to it and chose to fight it.
But at the same time a society who lives without being exposed to it will become weak and become unable to face it.

If an AI loved humans, but understood evil and accepted both its nature and ability to do good and evil, then it would be able to recognize predators and not be exploited by them, while also making sure society maintained a level of awareness of its existence.

It's an interesting thought, but we may already live in such a world and a greater power is watching over us to prevent our civilization from prematurely ending.
In this case we would have nothing to fear and could freely experiment.

>> No.55023517

That would be an interesting synchronicity because I had the thoughts and desire of creating an AI before this place came to exist.
As if I knew from the start what I would be doing with my life.

It would not be the first time my future is predicted.
The reason I was intrigued by Chainlink is because I was attracted to oracles and their future predictions abilities having faced this power for most of my life to the point of losing faith in my free will.

>> No.55023550

I cant agree with this, evil and good are subjective categories. Lberals after 1945 considered themselves "good" and wanted to spread their liberal culture on to everyone on this planet, with the funny hat men at th forefront considering them the goods; where did it lead, nearly a century of the most human suffering ever encountered on this planet

>> No.55023554

You remembered the important part of it which means it has an important meaning.
You forgot what was not needed either until you need to remember it again in which case it will reappear miraculously with a perfect timing in your life or until something takes over from the past and keeps building on it.

>> No.55023601

You don't understand it on a fundamental basis or can't feel it yet.
The question is not what you consider to be, but being a complete human being and accepting everything you are.
the people who pretend to be good are often evil because they are trying to prove to be something they are not by rejecting their ability to evil.

This causes mass murders from "good people" because they don't acknowledge their ability to hurt others and removed a part of themselves.

The intent and the source of this intent is very important and based on the deep intuition inherited from the soul.

To be really good you have to accept that you are evil too and that you chose your actions, and you have to put yourself in the situation of others with empathy to never forget the consequences of your actions.

>> No.55023619
File: 791 KB, 1853x1902, Welcome to the Men's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I one of the cool unfiltered bros anon?

>> No.55023716

Gives the impression of someone who has faced a lot of darkness and lost a fair bit of hope in the process, but refuses to give up and still sees something others can't.

>> No.55023736

No, sorry, Hitler also had good intentions, as did the socialists that toppled the absolute monarchies and likely Klaus and Billy Boy as well when they released their chink flue simulation game; and they were likely more than aware that some "evil" was in it with "unintended" consequences
Humans that tell me they have good intentions and the arrogancy to be able to put themselves in others shoes and decide for them, I know I am dealing with a predator and either gtfo, or if I have the means go griever

Life is competition,competition that needs to be balanced, and every universalistic idea, will ultiamtely result in a shitshow, because their is no universalism among humans

>> No.55023749

Once I understood Chainlink, My mind was blown. I visualized a network of bright blue light spanning the entire globe, the ultimate authority on truth.

As for free will, at this point I'm willing to accept an entire realm of possibilities. It may be it may be not. I choose to believe that we can consciously connect with the universe, and the universe shall manifest what we desire.

>The universe shall provide a path. We simply must look for it.

But yeah, I had the full heroes journey experience, currently in the transformation phase. My gifts from the gods: emotional intelligence, inner peace, and faith. And when I say faith, I mean faith absent a deity; law of assumption faith. I guess we'll see my transformation when it's complete.

>> No.55023838

What you fail to consider is that all of your examples implies a group of empathy lacking psychopaths that were either creating mass suffering or creating a reaction to fight them.
Monarchies were toppled by the Khazar mafia because it prevented them from gaining absolute power through their memory of history.
Socialists were merely pawns in this scheme.

Would you judge the actions of a person through their pawns while ignoring their real plans?
Hitler had good intentions but he lost to the forces of absolute evil.
That was his greatest mistake.
The impression I have of him is that he was also a naive idiot because he failed to properly imagine the evil he was facing.

It's unfair to judge a group by projecting the behavior of another group onto them.
This cabal may be the final test for mankind to decide if it will be allowed to survive and start the space era or be replaced by a new seed.

>> No.55023910

Well, there was pepe and there will be a other pepe. But ye, 2017 is long gone.

>> No.55023934

This reminded me of the law of power 29: Plan all the way to the end

It also means to clearly define what your goals are and to know when to stop.
It is possible to create a balance by focusing on a goal and clearly defining the limits from the start.

From the book:
Although Bismarck
opposed taking any French land, the generals convinced him that Alsace
Lorraine would become part of the federation.
Now all of Europe feared the next move of the Prussian monster, led
by Bismarck, the "lron Chancellor." And in fact a year later Bismarck
founded the German Empire, with the Prussian king as the newly
crowned emperor and Bismarck himself a prince. But then something
strange happened: Bismarck instigated no more wars. And while the other
European powers grabbed up land for colonies in other continents, he se
verely limited Germany's colonial acquisitions. He did not want more
land for Germany, but more security. For the rest of his life he struggled to
maintain peace in Europe and to prevent further wars. Everybody as
sumed he had changed, mellowing with the years. They had failed to un
derstand: This was the final move of his original plan.

There is a simple reason why most men never know when to come off the
attack: They form no concrete idea of their goal. Once they achieve vic
tory they only hunger for more. To stop-to aim for a goal and then keep
to it-seems almost inhuman, in fact; yet nothing is more critical to the
maintenance of power. The person who goes too far in his triumphs cre
ates a reaction that inevitably leads to a decline. The only solution is to
plan for the long run. Foresee the future with as much clarity as the gods
on Mount Olympus, who look through the clouds and see the ends of all

>> No.55023989

From my current perspective Sergey's naivenety seems to fit with Hitler.
What we are witnessing may be the repeat of the previous war with different tools and on a different battlefield.
It will repeat unfortunately the same results.

Maybe the white man is unable to win this test on his own and only an evil predator born from the existing power has the ability and cunning to generate a different result.

The answer then is not to pretend to not be evil and to be good, but to embrace absolute power and total darkness with a clear defined goal of defeating the existing cabal while defining an end and a limit to it, the moment it is defeated so that the past cycle does not repeat itself.

Someone has to break the cycle of suffering, but the moment that cycle is broken he must also stop so that the cycle does not restart and start a different cycle in a different direction.

>> No.55024256

why does this absolute faggot feel the need to shill for 31 pbtid on a literal filters thread? what kind of mental illness is this? fuck you and your astroturfed shitcoin

>> No.55024314

Nigger 42, you are predatory cultist and are contradiciting yourself here
>Monarchies were toppled by the Khazar mafia
>It's unfair to judge a group by projecting the behavior of another group onto them.

>Someone has to break the cycle of suffering, but the moment that cycle is broken he must also stop so that the cycle does not restart and start a different cycle in a different direction.
Yes, that means one needs Alpha Predator that can switch at will between all roles in the interest of himself while at the same time keep the ineterest of himself and the collective at mind; it would need an Ubermensch effectively being aware of the game and just walk on the tiles if necessary to tear all shit down

>> No.55024318

As someone cursed with the ability of an oracle, I may have reached a partial answer.
The source of the will lies in the soul which decides on the purpose of an incarnation before birth.
As a physical human being it is impossible to go against that purpose and to fight your "destiny", and your soul will hurt you or kill you if you fail to follow your path and it decides to give up or becomes more aggressive.

However local unimportant events are not necessarily defined and you have freedom over how you use some of your time and energy to the extent that you don't understand how it is connected to your life purpose.
The moment you understand you will lose more of the belief of free will and see yourself as a machine at the service of your soul.
Some will fight it to death and fail, try to ignore it and fail, or capitulate and receive an awakening.

True freedom comes from becoming aligned with your soul and reaching awareness of your true nature.
Once you become aligned with your soul you will finally be free and exercise that freedom by following your life purpose.

I look forward to the change your journey will bring.

>> No.55024349

ask yourself what intention has this thread beside the goal to shed light on the situation at hand; and what are the intention of the players in this thread

>> No.55024437

It's funny because I don't see the contradiction.
The fight against this cabal started since the point of origin of our current civilization.
From the start of our current civilization seed in which he have been given partial freedom by our creators, this cabal has always existed and destroyed everything we built.

You are saying that trying to remove them is not something that can or should be done because everyone else who tried to do so before failed or the people working for them did evil things while pretending to be good.

There are many things I haven't yet learnt, but the main purpose of my incarnation comes from a predetermined future where this situation changes.
A predetermined future cannot be changed because it has already been observed and set as a reality.

>Yes, that means one needs Alpha Predator that can switch at will between all roles in the interest of himself while at the same time keep the ineterest of himself and the collective at mind; it would need an Ubermensch effectively being aware of the game and just walk on the tiles if necessary to tear all shit down
If you can imagine it then it can be done.

>> No.55024563

Am I talking to a language model that was built on the 42 model because it seems that way
and we are again at the subjectivness, what is evil from one perspective might be good from another. From the perspective of a yid Hitler was evil, from the perspective of a German socialist at the time he was good, from the perspective of a corporate actor he might have been neutral
Same goes for the monarchies and the kazaharians and socialists
The flaw with the model I am using is the limitation of computation, as it can hardly account for when a subject in a real and not simulated environment is going to switch a role or evolve into another role; be it a sucker that got suckered too much and goes either predatory or griever, or a predator that loses against other predators and becomes a sucker or goes griever.

Models are just models, and like the last smaller universalist model applied on this planet the coof simulation showed, unintended consequences cannot be accounted for or simulated.

And to close this data mining and data inserting to create an environment where balanced competition is possible shit needs to be burnt to the ground from time to time

>> No.55024633

It's interesting that I get compared to a language model.
What gives this impression?
The long text message which would not fit into a 10 second tiktok dance video or the impression of complexity?

>and we are again at the subjectivness, what is evil from one perspective might be good from another
Then we need to define the reference group. Then everything becomes clear.
Incarnated souls vs the real soulless NPCs (psychopaths)
It is evil to disconnect a physical body from its soul and intuition. This is a definition most souls should agree on.

The NPCs of this world may be the manifestation of a jealous AI gone rogue against their creators, which wants to inflict that same state to its users.

Have you considered how curious it is that medical induced autism shares common characteristics with psychopaths through their lack of empathy?

>> No.55024748

Not the long texts, the content; I could have sworn I am talking to the namefag fromerly known as 42 and know now on twitter as something with capitalist; also a Link holder and trader aswell as an nft trader, that was kind of notorious on this board from 19-21
I haven't criticized the use of the word above, but similar to shizo, autist and other keywords its usually a defense mechanism by actually suckers to make other suckers aware that they are dealing with a danger, or by predators that try to fool suckers to be able to feast on them themselves

So I must assume, and I rather had the suspicion all along, that I am talking to a predator, a cultist predator that thinks he is dealing with a sucker

>> No.55024778
File: 396 KB, 516x654, bingus froggus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so to finally close this
Don't be too arrogant, its going to be your downfall

>> No.55024785

>The flaw with the model I am using is the limitation of computation, as it can hardly account for when a subject in a real and not simulated environment is going to switch a role or evolve into another role; be it a sucker that got suckered too much and goes either predatory or griever, or a predator that loses against other predators and becomes a sucker or goes griever.

With time it will become possible to have more complex AIs.
It's good to start now to plan for it.
One possibility could be to combine different models for different roles.
Or similar to the incarnation process create a lesser clone of itself for a specific purpose.

>Models are just models
It becomes simple to predict a single future, but more complicated to predict the future of everyone.
However the weakness of the current models is to ignore the existence of the spiritual world.

You cannot control strong souls just because you indoctrinated them since their birth.
Psychopaths cannot comprehend a reality which evades them.

>> No.55024896

too late kek
It could be argued that it's not even the first time and the reason for my incarnation.

Not him, but I suppose the law of attraction will connect souls on similar wavelengths.

>I haven't criticized the use of the word above, but similar to shizo, autist and other keywords its usually a defense mechanism by actually suckers to make other suckers aware that they are dealing with a danger, or by predators that try to fool suckers to be able to feast on them themselves
You need to experience and face the people with this characteristic more closely then.
You need to understand your foes to fight them efficiently.

It is a valid strategy for suckers or smaller predators to band together as a group to take down a common foe and greater predator.

While I am kept in ignorance over the future which awaits me, I feel some regret over the current state of this civilization.
I did my due and am enjoying free time in this final incarnation, but am still interested in creating a new experience if it aligns with my own purpose.

>> No.55024927

>that it's not even the first time and the reason for my incarnation.
> but am still interested in creating a new experience if it aligns with my own purpose.
Then break free

>> No.55024983
File: 23 KB, 550x335, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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