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55019157 No.55019157 [Reply] [Original]

Why are young men expected to be the ones to be drafted and die in times of war, when they no longer carry any of the inherent wealth of their nations?

If you own no land, no home, have no family and job security, receive no citizen dividend from your country's resource production and own no business, you're not even a part of the system you are dying for. Even worse if your country is "diverse" and has no unifying race, ethnicity or religion, since you're just a replaceable cog from a global and exploitable workforce.

>> No.55019187

Your question being?

>> No.55019188

That's why they want war. Remove the extra men.

>> No.55019206
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Don't forget you have no effective political say (your vote is diluted by everybody else who avoids it - if you even believe in voting) in the future of the nation and that young White males are the single most demonised group of people on the planet.
It's not just conscription this applies to, but for all work in general. Why sacrifice your life in war or labour for 'people' (more than just pic related) who hate you?

>> No.55019229

Exactly. It's not just conscription.

>> No.55019236

Theres no point. You have to understand:
Men WANTED to go to wars, because they were REWARDED if they win. There was FAME and GLORY and WAR SPOILS for the winner.

Modern war: You risk your life and if you win, you get to build schools for your enemies, your women can now fuck enemy men too
How war used to be: You risk your life and if you win, you kill enemy men, get to fuck any enemy woman and enslave enemy children (or women if you like).

Modern war, in particular the Ukraine should be a wake-up call to any soldier to lay down the weapons. What is your incentive? Your women just fuck off and fuck other men, you risk your life for NOTHING, or actually worse cause even if you win your women are GONE. Its beyond insanity that any man is even fighting, but just shows how stupid people have become that they allow this to be done to them.

>> No.55019255

did you say this same stuff when the west was drone striking brown people for two decades? no? then i dont give a shit. watching white nationalists cry about brother wars is fucking pathetic, i looked up all the australian white nationalist faggots crying about how fucked they are with immigration and then i remembered the aussie soldiers shooting afghani civilians for shits and giggles, i remember they threw one guy off a cliff because they felt like it. you can get fucked OP nobody gives a shit about your faggy little opinion about how you dont like whites killing eachother. im a humanist not a fucking race obsessed faglord, i want war to stop because its all horrible not just because its one race or another. fuck you nigger

>> No.55019288

>did you say this same stuff when the west was drone striking brown people for two decades?
Are you retarded? The school-building shit is a literal reference Afghanistan war. Only an idiot would sign up for that shit.
The Taliban OTOH did the right thing: You win, you take the women as reward. Taliban had the proper incentive structure for their warriors and thats why the they WON in the end!

>> No.55019289
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>Russians invade foreign country
>Russians men cry about get drafted and fighting in foreign country
They only way they'll learn

>> No.55019290

Just don't go to war lol just refuse haha how is war even real just don't go lol

>> No.55019294

close tab just like kleros court

>> No.55019325

>some australians did a heckin war crime which is a convenient excuse for supporting their invasion and replacement
just admit you hate white people you seething racist.

>> No.55019347

Young men are disposable. More men are born than women and some have always been expected to die.

>> No.55019363

It wasn't "the Russians" who invaded, they didn't conduct a poll or anything. They were informed of this invasion-thing via the TV, same as any of us. One day, there was a speech, "there's an invasion now", that's it.

>> No.55019373

Yeah, that speech was held 10h after the troops started marching.
Most of 5he foot soldiers, had no clue. Tbh the Russians fighting there aren't really soldiers in the first place either.

>> No.55019379

Zionists hate whites, that's true. Yet, many people that post these kinds of things still fall for Jewish tricks. Just check out /pol/ and how much they hate white women. They're still falling for the jidf bait.

>> No.55019398

I blame Christianity. Jews have managed to brainwash Whites with such a complacent religion

>> No.55019413

>complains about capitalism consequences
>its the jews

You will take the rifle and fight for your boss, as long as he tells you, that you are shooting jews. Because then, you wont shoot him.

>> No.55019431

Have you met modern white women? There is a lot to hate regardless of the Jews.

>> No.55019449

no, i don't. i dislike reactionary larping faggots

>> No.55019511

QRD about this?

>> No.55019536

You have the mental capacity and mentalisation skills of a 5 year old.

Imagine you were russian and would get drafted or shot.
Obviously you cant imagine it because you lack the mentalisation skills necessary.

>> No.55019543

about jidf bait or the zionist agenda?
The zionist agenda is supported by any denomination of christianity who believe israel is the key to rapture, or that jews are the chosen people. And of course, the zionist jews themselves.
Their one goal is to force EVERY jew into israel so they can all go to heaven.
You don't see it publiscized very often but there are disagreements going on among the different jewish factions over this as some do not believe israel belongs to them anymore and that the best parts of their cultural identity is nomadic in origin and not pre-exodus pagan nonsense.
This is the true reason for all the anti-semitic fear mongering. It's not trying to outrage lefts, that's a convenient side-effect. It's trying to scare their fellow jews into compliance by insinuating that they will all be killed together by the goys regardless of their actual beliefs, deeds or wealth.

>> No.55019550

I just tried to join but was denied due to a 10 year old irrelevant health record. I’ll mass team kill if they make me join and I will send ascribe the moral responsibility on the deciding command posts. Not my decision not my problem

>> No.55019552

the part about making them hate white woman. Please elaborate, I think as a zoomer they have broke my mind with the propganda.

>> No.55019567

Women got brainwashed too into being whores, its not Only men that got psyopped into hating women.

Still, not all women are bad, just like not all men are bad.

The problem is generalization. If you meet a nice girl who did nothing wrong to you, there is no point in thinking she is a whore.

>> No.55019570

I think so too
Then build back better and remove 50-8/0% of men with abortions.
Women are better consumers anyway and more obedient as a populace

>> No.55019574

>Why are young men expected to be the ones to be drafted and die in times of war
Because old fucks have the power and make the rules, and have slightly less old fucks acting as the state-sponsored enforcement (cops) who will fuck you up for draft dodging. I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying how it is.

>> No.55019575

To destroy a society. Destroy cultural and legal homogeneity and sabotage gender relationships and communications.
Look at history. Rome, greece, macedonia, sparta etc.
Even if you don't manage to destroy it completely. You will have made them spend a huge amount of time and energy discussing and seething about pointless shit. Destroying a lot of relationships in the process.
Meanwhile you can devalue their currency, degrade the quality of their crafts and insinuate yourselves into their politics because you can play both sides as a third party supporter for their argument which will go nowhere. Constantly blaming the other side for the state of things, which is not entirely a lie because both 'sides' have allowed their personal shit to get in the way of protecting and developing the nations actual power.

>> No.55019577

Well, they probably can just surrender in many cases.

>> No.55019580

Because if you don't then people will call you an incel. You don't want to be an incel, do you?

>> No.55019597

i've seen too much shit as a zoomer male growing up in the west. 90 percent of my friends have never even had a GF, and were all 20 years old now.

>> No.55019600

The only men they are removing are mercenaries and low IQ, poor retards that have no other options. Absolutely no one is going to accept a draft of any kind and governments dont want to go into a fullscale war ever again because it would completely destroy the fake economy they propped up. Modern war is literally how it was described in Metal Gear Solid 4, endless proxy battles with mercenaries fighting mercenaries. The whole point is to destroy infrastructure, create chaos, and further Israel's interests.

>> No.55019604

>Would rather invade another country that tell their government no
They all deserve to die the moment the step into another country

>> No.55019630

He makes a good point. Historically, the young men of a state were expected to bear some duties such as active military service in exchange for their privileges; wealth and voting rights. Romans for example had to have a certain degree of wealth before being allowed to join the army, as it was believed that only those with a stake in the society they were defending would do so honourably. Now, young people are basically the new serfs. Why should we fight? We should be tearing the system apart until we're the rich pigs at top of the dungheap.

>> No.55019657

But you have never been a woman to see the other side.
Just like a woman has never seen your side.
Both are incapable and only trannies think they know both sides.
Speaking anecdotally. As you did. The amount of women i know who have been raped is abominable.
And having said this, there's about to be an astroturf of posts from perverts saying that it was deserved/their right despite not knowing the women in question.
They will justify it through their religion, their culture, their politics or their personal perspective, or experiences like yours, on what women are.
The final side of this is the abandonment of single-parent children. This is the ultimate cause of our downfall. And the final rung of the nuclear unit strategy.
While being cucked has always been shameful and shamed. Raising a child that is not your own, preferrably from a previous relationship and not cuckoldry, has always been honorable in every society. Until recently.
Ramses II and his first great royal wife Nefertari adopted over thirty children who they legitimized as potential successors. (This is not the ramses from the bible, that was Ramses III a weak ruler all round)
>tl;dr If you want a better society, strengthen your family. If you have no family, make one.

>> No.55019664

woman give us zero attention and all go for chads. In highschool all the woman were dating guys in university or even rich old guys already. You have no idea how shit the zoomer male is treated by their woman counterparts.

>> No.55019669

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
1. Ukraine has been under the control of the US since 2014 when they instigated a Revolution to put Western politicians in power.
2. These politicians proceeded to ban the other big political parties.
3. There has been an on going war between Ukraine and Russia in the Donbass Area since then (2014) with Ukraine attacking the Donbass Area on a weekly Basis.
4. The russians that get conscripted to fight in this nonsensical war come from little towns and have absolutely no education, they are just as much VICTIMS as the ukrainian soldiers dying for the selensky jew.
5. War is never good, and both sides are Part of the problem.
6. This war is like any other before it, a way to kill of uneeded men and restart the economy.
7. Youre a retard.

>> No.55019687

They literally invaded a country and now crying about it being too hard and killing their youth. Try invading America and see how many young men we kill

>> No.55019692

boo hoo
Did you pay attention to women? In a non-sexual way.
If you pay attention only when you are itnerested in sex, why shouldn't they go for chad who does the same but is easier on the eyes or boomers who are easier on the purse?
Don't pretend you wouldn't do the same if you were trying to get off with stacy and your favorite celeb, pornstar or politician comes in and offers to suck your cock.

>> No.55019706

actually yes, I crave a loving relationship with a woman not sex, and money. You sound like a soi boy tho, zoomer woman are objectivity fucked in the head.

>> No.55019708

They? Who the fuck is they? You think the young fags getting conscripted and send to Front lines have any say in this? They are probably brainwashed into thinking its good yes. But YOU are JUST AS BRAINWASHED.

Dont you get it? How many americans went fighting (literally invading) in the Middle East and desytroyed the countries of these people? Where was your uproar then you fucking faggot?

>> No.55019723

I don't care what i sound like to you. The association only bothers the low iq/self-esteem.
>zoomer woman are objectivity fucked in the head.
And zoomer men aren't?
Maybe you're innocent of this. Maybe you nvr dindu nuffin rong.
But that is not the case for the majority.And like your assumption that all zoomer women are the same, they are thinking similarly about zoomer men.
In which case, you are a victim of both sides of this bullshit argument.
Can you not see this? Or do the shades you wear cast gloom upon everything preventing you from clarity?
Everyone has a chip to carry. They are the burden of the ego. Justifying it.

>> No.55019747

you must be a boomer.

>> No.55019748

>im a humanist not a fucking race obsessed faglord

Blacks are too retarded to support civilization

Why not just give resources to howler monkeys or otters?

Are you a specie-ist?

>> No.55019758

it was literally always broke/poor people who were infantry since ancient times you fag
the only change was italian state mercenaries and post cromwell professional class militaries who had to secure colonies and sea lanes

>> No.55019759

Couldnt have said it better desu. The problem is that western people have their head so far up their ass they cant even imagine that they arent the good guys.

They literally only think what the Man in the TV or on reddit tells them to think.


The US invading country after country? *crickets*

>> No.55019763

no, i must not
am not
keep seething though, i'm sure someone will take pity on you and your poor ego making everything right and giving you whatever you think you deserve
those heavy chips will be cashed in soon anon
i'm so excited for you

>> No.55019765
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War is very bad. That's why I bought mini pepe

>> No.55019780

Well said. You have to be retarded at this point to join the army.

>> No.55019781

burn in hell, you will see the error of your thought one day. You are objectively wrong and don't understand how social media, the propaganda has made zoomer woman insane. You are 100 percent some white knight soiboy that simps for woman.

>> No.55019797

dude there was no uproar because it was killing browns not whites
whatever bullshit pilpul you come up with to try and dismantle my position about caring about no war for ALL RACES isn't gonna work because i know what the reality is. i didnt read a hundred books about it , i just learned this stuff myself seeing the way people behave and what their opinions are like. look at the first guy replying to me accusing me of hating white people. you guys will come up with anything to justify your supremacist views. im subscribed to right wing nationalist telegrams with like a hundred people even reading , i have dove into the depths of what this movement is about. it's not about white people's survival, it's about wanting the ultimate power to dominate others. it's pathetic to pilpul around it.

>> No.55019798

These whores need to be stoned to death

>> No.55019799

Only for your mum cuz you used to make me delicious roti every day

>> No.55019819
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>too retarded to know the difference between enforced conscription and waving free education at niggers
>literal regurgitated russian talking points
Why hasn't white niggers arguments been updated at all?
Just stay in /pol/ jesus.

>> No.55019825

no i am not
i never once said women are innocent and need protection, you are saying that about zoomer men though
keep pretending you are the viruous one and dindu nuffin and zoomer men are sane and well-adjusted and the only problem is the zoomer women
touch grass, my nephew and his friends have challenges to see how long they can stay on a group chat
24 hours last i checked, having said nothing of worth the entire time
broadcasting their entire lives incessantly or watching others who broadcast their lives incessantly
honestly anon, the narrative your brain constructs is not you
your memories, experiences and desires are not you
there is only one thing that is you and that is your ability to pay attention
this is the true reason zoomers are fucked in the head
they have zero control over their attention and do not even recognize how their attention constructs their experience
they willingly submit their attention to anothers control, thinking the ego is real and is the self
you are the perfect example of this

>> No.55019829

Also, that's why motivation matters. Russia on paper could throw more bodies to the war, but that shit is risky, much of society probably is largely indifferent or at least only happy if they don't have to fight the war themselves, and I'm sure Putin and his people know what could happen if Russia once again gets bogged down in a costly war.

>> No.55019831

how do you not get frustrated ? even from a lower level perspective, have you ever tried to start a business and get people to work for you? even when on a path to great riches these fucking niggercattle cant even commit to waging for awhile to build something really good. they never taught leadership shite in school, which they should have. i think public education is so fucked

>> No.55019855

How the fuck is what he said whataboutism you absolute moron. Your pilpul wont work here.

He is right, people dont think for themselves.
If TV man says war bad (russia vs Ukraine) then war is bad in their heads.
If TV man says war good (bc poor browns need to be liberated from their evil govs via bombing them to shit) then the war is justified and good.



>> No.55019857

a global brothel is a desirable outcome if the alternative is shariah or halakha

>> No.55019901

>What is your incentive? Your women just fuck off and fuck other men, you risk your life for NOTHING, or actually worse cause even if you win your women are GONE. Its beyond insanity that any man is even fighting, but just shows how stupid people have become that they allow this to be done to them.

modern life became so insanely sterile and mind numbing and gay i would understand why you would join just for feeling alive

wagner conscripts are like 18-19 if you following this, in their case i would just pray for quick death in case of a fatality

>> No.55019908

of course how you are laying it down it doesnt make sense

>> No.55019930

you is a bitch thats all i can say. a b-i-a-t-c-h
why do you think you deserve to be in a loving relationship with a girl, when you cant offer anything to a bitch
she has a vag herself she does NOT look for an matching one
leave your room and become someone.

>> No.55020513
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Go back

>> No.55020570

Because we're superior. We're smarter and stronger. We have more endurance. We make better decisions.
When did people start thinking of war as this horrible thing to happen? It use to be young men were eager to go off and fight. So eager that they would literally fake applications and lie just to enlist and fight, because war was a way to prove how much of a man you were, and it was also an excuse to get some sick loot. I remember my grandpa showing me shit he stole from the Nazis. Gold watches, buttons, medallions, hats, cigarette cases, lighters. He said you'd capture or kill the enemy and then you'd take their stuff. Commanders encouraged it. "It was good for morale" he said. "You could walk for hours until your feet got blisters, and it'd all be worth it to get one of those german watches"

>> No.55020583
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>> No.55020616

this is pretty typical of war

>> No.55020753
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>> No.55020781

Not to mention there is an active hard-genocide going on in Ukraine, supported by kosher interests on both sides of the "war". Thereby drastically advancing the timeline of white genocide from its original projection. Yet no one sees the war from this angle, they all choose a "side" unable to see that both sides are in on it. It is like watching 2 sports teams for the Jew. I distinctly recall memes vowing for "no more brother wars". Yet this has not occured, why? Because the goyim are cattle to the slaughter that's why. But I won't be. If a draft comes and I can't escape in time, I will quietly go along with it. I will get just enough training to aim my weapon. Then I will go missing and start "hunting".

Governments have killed more of their citizens throughout history than we can even imagine. I fear what they will do to whites next. They are so close to their goals they can taste it right now.

>> No.55020839

It's like Johnny got his gun, but instead of the nurse wanting to put you out of your misery while being decerebrated, the negress just unplugs the machines keeping you alive to charge they obongophone

>> No.55020863

You won't be tearing anything. It's the Frontline or many many years of prison and never having a job again. You don't need to provide motivation when you have absolute power that can't be rivaled and can manipulate everyone through fear. Also nowadays they would probably send the low status people first like neets, people with criminal records etc which is the reason why Russia is creating a militarized social credit system

>> No.55020898

>Not a race obsessed faggot
Proceeds to bring his retard rant about race into a thread where nothing about race was even implied

>> No.55020962

Good luck either convincing your entire squad to surrender without being reported and thrown into jail/fragged or trying to cross to the other side of the Frontline through minefields with probably both sides shooting at you and dodging mortar shells

>> No.55021005

You sound like one of those cucks with bitch hips who is a total incel but nods at everything a woman says and is a shoulder to cry on for whores. You know the definition of rape has changed a lot through the years and for women it includes even having sex while both parties are high or making their mind up after

>> No.55021023

fr fr no cap. I don't think there will ever be a draft in the US again. Would result in civil war. Only way to get hard left and hard right to fight a war for the system would be boots on the ground invasion, which any army on earth would be retarded to try. America can easily become a meat grinder for foreign armies at the drop of a hat. There's more guns than citizens

>> No.55021051

Red pill and incel ideologies have been extremely successful psyops

>> No.55021077
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West0ids must be wiped out anyways,so I support every West0id VS West0id war!

Kill yourselves you degenerated insects!

>> No.55021241

They were back then, too. Just value of money declined for obvious reasons.
Those in power nowadays are all playing the same game. Social credits are coming and are everywhere militarized. Same with health system.

>> No.55021284

They are only successful IF no one does anything with their new knowledge. I would hardly call it a success for the Jew. What is successful is the fact that people talk about it meaninglessly, without taking action. Kind of like this thread, you see? I would argue that /pol/ is blackpill, which is a good psyop. What was originally a place to free minds has become a prison for their now "free" minds.

>> No.55021358

Please you simp. Were all the philosophers you’ve ever known also brainwashed by Zionists?

Don’t listen to any kek here. Women simply aren’t biologically hardwired to care about men. The second the men they “love” are outdone by someone else, they are gone.
That said relationships are part of the human experience and if they come relatively easy to you, why not partake? Just be careful

>> No.55021411

>They are only successful IF no one does anything with their new knowledge
Isn't that the point? To create a rift between men and women amongst the belligerents? If we're talking long game, it will be one to two generations until the majority of resistors cease to exist.

To be honest, I held a lot of those ideas until recently. I let it poison my brain. Fortunately, I had a traumatic relationship failure which forced me to learn about relationships and the nature of women. Obviously anecdotal, I didn't take me long to find a replacement, if I can call her that, but they eat out of the palm of my hand.

I don't know what the cause is, this lack of general knowledge of how to interact with the opposite sex, maybe the knowledge was never common. But redpill and incel ideologies fill the rift between men and women with concrete. On one end, is nice because I have less competition. On the other end, it's hilarious and tragic how misled these men are.

These "men" think that "modern" women are some great enemy to resist, and somehow forget that parts of the term "modern woman" is "woman."

I've only dated "feminist" women, and they completely drop their independent woman schtick and feminize theirselves in my presence. That's what they naturally want to be, a feminine wants to be feminine. Oral and anal are always on the table for me, regardless of how dominative they consider the acts prior. Does that make me a Chad? Or do I just know how to act like a man?

>> No.55021439


>> No.55021503

>you sound like
You suffer from poor mental function and emotional instability.
You made up a whole meme inside your head, argued against it and then implied it was me you had argued against. When in fact, you did not address even one thing i had said.
This is like a boxer jumping out the ring, beating on a random guy and then claiming victory over his opponent who's in the ring because inside his head they were the same people.
Delusion, it is called.

>> No.55021551

'ello incel, life must be hard when youre a beta, maybe just kys
You can kys too, tranny

>> No.55021784

Can you use a different conflict or hypothetical conflict instead of Ukraine and Russia? You stirred up the ChatGPT Government Agents with the same boring lines of fuck Russia/Ukraine.
Also, yes, I agree with your statement. What is the point of fighting for a system that wants to actively exclude you from higher institutions and create debt slaves at every turn.

>> No.55021801

Why not join Islam?

>> No.55021826

That's Russia, they remove their "parhological" citizens
Ukraine is sending patriotic men and a few thugs
Also those "tards" act according to nature and nature controls weirdos like homos

>> No.55021963

White people in the west did it during Vietnam. The slavic race is inherently subservient. No individual drive.

>> No.55022004

sup faggot go to /pol
but i will answer your question this time: all wars are done for the jews, by the jews, for profit of the jews. just watch how Ukraine will be diversified before 2030. accepting jews among the white countries was the whites' biggest mistake. and we will pay for that.

>> No.55022089

>Ukraine will be diversified before 2030
Meaning what? Sweden tier diversification? How? It won't be wealthy enough for that.

>> No.55022103

>it wont be wealthy
>FMI just sent them 115 billion dollars
You are right that they wont be wealthy. but they will be indebted. and that's how the jews have destroyed every nation thus far. ukrainians made a huge mistake when they voted for a jew to lead their race.

>> No.55022116

>young "men"

>> No.55022136

You didn't answer my question. 115 billion in military aid won't somehow make them more prosperous than Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Romania or Bulgaria.

>> No.55022207

Go back to plebbit if you want to cry about subhumans getting killed

>> No.55022251

Hey faggot, this is the last interaction I'll give you. If you cannot deduce consequences without having someone spoonfeeding you your entire life I suggest you stay inside reddit or whatever social chamber you've been in. whites like you are the reason we cannot progress. jews are right about goyim. they are animals.

>> No.55022492

>Men need to "be somebody" to be loved
>Women just need to have a vagina
Fuck off boomer

>> No.55022532

the problem is that my country is now filled with these subhumans because amerimutts bombed their countries to shit
this fag is right desu, the jew is playing us like a fiddle

>> No.55022656

only a pawn in their game

>> No.55022783

No, I just read your cuck essay wall of text wordsalad and made my conclusion

>> No.55022844

They could always refuse to go to Ukraine. Or have you been huffing NATO propaganda and think that they will be shot or sent to gulag for refusing?
Get real, every single russian in Ukraine is in all practical sense a volunteer.

>> No.55022896

somebody pls shoot this retarded nigger like theyre shooting the conscripts that refuse to go to the frontlines

>> No.55023389

>cuts off fingers
>then drives needles under the nails
>"why this no working comrades?"

>> No.55023401


>> No.55023453
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exactly, OP. all the people who don't have shit get to go fight. people with capital and connections get to stay home and pay taxes

>> No.55023483

That was already established by your reply.
Your conclusion was wrong, illogical and indicative of mental illness was my reply.
Keep up anon, i am going slow for you.