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55016358 No.55016358 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this quote by the richest man in the world?

>> No.55016378
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he could give each person in the united states a billion dollars and we wouldnt have to work another day in our lives

>> No.55016383

He fucked up the coof models. The political capital costs are uncountable, not sure if he and Klaus have any future after their fuck up

>> No.55016395
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>> No.55016405
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We are gonna see the biggest about face in governance history. Get ready for the bitch slap of a lifetime from your overlords.

>> No.55016413

Bill Gates is not the richest man in the world

>> No.55016420
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Giga based. Saved.

>> No.55016422

easy for that old fuck to say that when he doesn't have to work a day in his life ever again, meanwhile all we have to toil day in and day out to earn a living to pay £1,500 in rent

>> No.55016432

>richest man in the world

>> No.55016484

Depending on what that is, they risk civil war or at least another summer of hate. The trust models, including the most biased say loss of trust is in dangerous territory and enough jackals are waiting to make shit go boom

>> No.55016540

That’s why they need to keep hammering the white domestic terrorism threat. Niggers can only smash windows and loot target stores and the government fully encourage their behavior, but they know very well, god forbid the white man did decide to uprise it would be a bloodbath for the overloads. There’s a reason niggers were slaves for 400 years in America. It would be impossible to do that to whites. We’re the real savages and they are well aware.

>> No.55016577

Umm he's not a kajillionaire anon

>> No.55016588

BG is literally a blithering idiot anymore. nothing he says publicly is even worth hearing. quite the contrary actually.
scientists studies show that reading headlines of the latest BG quotes literally lowers the number of your functioning brain cells by 2% per sentence.

>> No.55016601

This thread is 100% bots

>> No.55016663

He's a fucking retarded little crossed eye'd bitch. He never invented 'Microsoft 'and was born wealthy. Mr Calling-The-Kettle-Black talking out of his ass. Who the hell names a company "Micro...Soft" anyways? He says life is about balance, but we know better - it's all about fixing a tough problem at 3am. It's about telling your kids you can't help with their school projects because we have to meet our deliverables. So tell Gates and his 'Micro soft' buddies to fuck off. We need non-stop work, as that is the real joy in life. After all, why be just human when you can work on work related projects on your free time? Why not practice enhancing your synergy, and embrace the new paradigm as we all try to hit a home run for us all? Everyone knows that with more work, you get more life. Thats just the way the world works.

>> No.55016699

Yes, because giving people free money for a pandemic did great things for the economy, didn't it?

>> No.55016717

Top signal?

>> No.55016753

It did, yes, people paid down the shit out of their debt for the first time in forever and had great saving rates. Then the funds ran out despite runaway inflation (protip: 0 relation to the free money, paying debt is deflationary and savings means not buying stuff meaning it wasn't in circulation and thus can't have affected prices) so now everyone's poorer than ever, more drawn down than ever, with higher debt than ever before and no end in sight despite extreme tightening across the job market. Oh, and people without jobs are now considered to not be participating in the labor force so that beijing biden can look good while doing this.

>> No.55016764

>fresco posting

>> No.55016785

Niggers are animals, people need to groom them more. They are easy manipulated, can hold a rifle and have a natura hate for the jew. That needs to be exploited more; but instead US whites that are aware give control over those useful animals to a bunch of fascists larping as antifascists

>> No.55016843
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The elites lie.

>> No.55017115

Okay sweaty it was the heckin coviderino and Putler invasion

>> No.55017302
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His grandfather was on the board of the Seattle branch of the Federal Reserve, his mon was on the board of IBM. Bill Gates is the front man, not a hard worker or a smart worker, this guy is just a face man. He is a crypto-jew. After his trips to Little St. John his jewess wife couldn't stomach his sexual daliances.

>> No.55017316

less these two posts

>> No.55017318

Intersting switch. Ivan stops paying, glow slaves keep shitting on Ukies. War must be over. Getting too expensive for the US and not very popular for the election season

>> No.55017325

If everyone was given a billion dollars tomorrow a cup of coffee would be 50million.

>> No.55017333

Correct, just another elite pedo talking head

>> No.55017463

You’re halfway there. The other piece of the puzzle is prepping the normies for another false flag “terrorist attack” by le heckin nazis (i.e. some glowie affiliated outfit) to provide the pretense for initiating the next phase of the replacement.

>> No.55017628

Maybe if he had spent less time working and pushing vaccines he would have white grandchildren

>> No.55017694

You mean jeets.

>> No.55017702

No, I mean bots.

>> No.55018073

forget money. he's the biggest landowner in the US. he could end homelessness in a day. why is it legal to be a billionaire again? i thought we got rid of kings, so how is being a billionaire different?

>> No.55018312

I totally get it, like stealing other people's operating systems and selling them to IBM.

>> No.55018327
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says the person who has never worked in his life
I have a better chance of getting stabbed than getting rich, the best I can do is just use things like PAPA to have a better quality of life, nothing else

>> No.55018342

dudes a pedophile and not enough comments are mentioning it, extremely alarming

>> No.55018485

I like Bill Gates because he promoted the Vaccines to everyone. all the people I hate took them and are now crippled.
hes based

>> No.55018493
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like lifting weights and doing drugs and hating women

>> No.55018502

Bill probably lost it when one of his daughters got nig'd and another got arab'd.