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55008646 No.55008646 [Reply] [Original]

>not here
>not in town

>> No.55008657

Stereotypical thinking and unable to innovate that is the sign of new liberal fascism, like all left wing ideologies

>> No.55008673

>like all
You realize the statement you made is a stereotype? Also it applies to all fascist ideologies, regardless of what 'wing' you think they come from.

Not sure if

>> No.55008831

>new liberal fascism
kek what the fuck is that. Go back facebook, grandpa.

>> No.55008848

Great arguing. Maybe go back to /b.

>> No.55008863

> liberal fascism
is this guy in every thread
fuck off glowtard, this isn’t a political board

>> No.55008910

Maybe you are just stupid

>> No.55009023


>> No.55009036


>> No.55009161

>not here
>not on /biz/
you have to go back to /pol/. i know you don't like it, but that's the point: nobody does.

>> No.55009415

Bot posting has to end. MOOOOOOODS

>> No.55009475
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>> No.55009482
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oblu bloww
*fwoosh* *fwoosh* *fwoosh*

>> No.55009485
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>> No.55010416
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Why, what happens when you do it in town?

>> No.55010475

kek, based bot. Got these fascist liberal cry babies fee fee hurt

>> No.55010848

what game is this?

>> No.55011107

Stay awhile and listen!

>> No.55011265

All the seething
replies to this post
Anon hit a nerve

>> No.55011287

Diablo II

>> No.55011405
File: 5 KB, 340x173, GerardDuGalle_SC1_CineAscension1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55011487

Fucking zoomers I swear to god

>> No.55011616


>> No.55011630

the amount of bots ITT, amazing
imagine deploying dozens of bots on a btc maxi and erc-20 shiotcoin pump and dump advertising board

>> No.55011631

There is nothing to argue.
>new liberal fascism
doesn't exist. Sounds like something an AI would come out with.

>> No.55011655

So you are a New liberal fascist that feels attacked
Do you suck nigger dick?
do you suck corporate dick?
do you vote democrat?
then you are a new liberal fascist

>> No.55011698

Kek nice salt mining anon

>> No.55013548

thread should be slided

>> No.55013595
File: 1.36 MB, 1385x1183, civic nationalism fascism socialism communism boomers zognald maga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called communism and youre a fucking moron. Fascism is authoritarian nationalism. Liberals get shot in the face and so do you for spreading malicious lies.

>> No.55013619

Fascism is not necessarily nationalist
Its just the fasce of the political, economc and civil society along a ad hoc defined populus and territory
New Liberal Fascists think the world is their territory and every person their slave

>> No.55013641

Fascism is always nationalist. If its about equality and its authoritarian thats a shade of marxism. Communism. Fascism is about the nation, its anti-globalist. Communism is about the workers of the world uniting, we kill those people. The definition of fascism if you use an actual book older than 15 years ago is "AUTHORITARIAN NATIONALISM"
Yes its always nationalism, your worldview is dogshit and wrong.

>> No.55013658

Not under New Liberalism
They really believe the world is their nation
And its not communism because under communism every form of private property is haram. So its fascism, on a global scale

>> No.55013660
File: 761 KB, 891x862, rothschild marx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New Liberal Fascists think the world is their territory and every person their slave
Also thats just jews. 2800 goy slaves each, achieved through communism. Yes thats communism. Youre probably a communist the only reason youd refuse to admit that.

>> No.55013668

he's a fucking astroturfing chilld/glowie
just ignore
everyone but him is a new liberal fascist apparently
he also wants an old dying granny to die faster

>> No.55013680

I dont give a fuck if communists call themselves not communists youre describing communist ideology and its not fascism. They also call men women, just KYS fascism is nationalism or its not nationalism. If you tried to argue its not racist youd have better luck because Mussolinis (not scientifically supporter) claim that race is only 2% of a man.

>> No.55013685

jews can be gascists too. But the Liberal paint job and the existence of new liberals since 1920s and their grab for power with the UN... New Liberal Fascism is the correct most precise word for what is happening since 1945

>> No.55013700

You have really been brainwashed by glow faggots from /pol/ trying to sell authoritarian collectivist slavery as something good

>> No.55013719

>just ignore
>stop calling out us fascist
>(((we))) are antifascist
found the fascist corpo dick sucker

>> No.55013732

>new liberal fascism
just say jews

>> No.55013735

No you need to go buy a 1969 websters collegiate dictionary and stop being a political invalid.

>> No.55013753

New Liberal Fascism has the power as a word to reveal what you call the jews, that have worked now since 1945 to hide that and build a foundation myth around them not being fascists

>> No.55013755

Zionism is globalism, thats also communism. "We cant survive unless the world gives us 40 billion a year" - thats not nationalism sorry to break it to you your rhetoric professes your self inability to survive.

>> No.55013760

I really rattled some fasci...progressive cages with that word, didnt I

>> No.55013765

you've called me that three times today alone anon
also you quoted something i did not say as if i said it or implied it to further your argument, just like before
you ARE a glowie
your argument is nonsense too
as far as i can tell all you want is for anon to kill his granny

>> No.55013777

Authoriatarian jewry is always globalist your argument is invalid. Communism is just atheistic judaism, 2800 goy slaves each without a belief in God. Fascism is a response to communism, thats why it exists. Youre retarded fake arguments demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of fascism in every aspect. The only reason anyone ever becomes a fascist is to kill lying communists like you.

>> No.55013784

why try hard and make up a new term when there already is one describing exactly what you mean

>> No.55013787

No I am not a glowie you gas lighting faggot
go keep and suck on the corpo dick and dont forget to vote Biden in 2024

>> No.55013790

me and a few friends still play lod with plugy over hamachi gg.qpysSsZRe7 if anyone wants to play (or trade)

>> No.55013800

Must hurt to have promoted fascism for so long being a useful idiot for the jewery. Congrats, snap out

>> No.55013805

i've never voted in my life
does that make you seethe?
i am immune to radicalization groomer

>> No.55013806

Not really youre free to be retarded and wrong but everyone should be aware people telling them fascism is anything except authoritarian nationalism are just running cover for the fact everything bad in society is because their communist equality pro fag pro nigger open borders grab the guns cut the dicks off worldview, it traces back to communist jews like Bill Ayers who lead the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group who professed their goal of killing all newborn white children. These are hardcore white genocidal communists and anyone who uses the word "liberal" is a communist, probably a jew. Either that or a useful idiot to communist jews, the boomers. Cut and dry, pick from what this shill is.

>> No.55013823

Again fascism is the fasce of political, economics and civil society along an ad hoc defined populus and territory
Territory te world
populus every slave they can get their hands on

If you like authoritarian collectivism, okay thats your choice slave

>> No.55013827

Youre just spreading unsubstantiated lies. Ive gone to the trouble of looking it up in multiple dictionaries and its always authoritarian nationalism. Jews gaslight - all the time. How do I know youre jewish, youre smugly gaslighting shit you know isnt true. All it does is refocus me on my duty as a White man watching you kill my people.

>> No.55013833

>Oy vey goy
>shut it down

>> No.55013838

Didnt read, Fascism is the solution to communism. Pinochet was fascism, he took kids away from communists and put them in with normal families. Broke the chain of lying bullshit child indoctrination, Chile doesnt have too many communists left anymore. Thats what were going to do to you.

>> No.55013841

>Collectivist slavery is the solution to collectivist slavery
Are you even trying

>> No.55013843

You faggots ruined a Diablo 2 thread
Put 3 bullets into the horadric cube and transmute your brains all over my baals

>> No.55013860

>Under the influence of the free market-oriented "Chicago Boys", Pinochet's military government implemented economic liberalization following neoliberalism, including currency stabilization, removed tariff protections for local industry, banned trade unions, and privatized social security and hundreds of state-owned enterprises

>> No.55013864

Also intersting the spam died down for some moment when you flooded the thread to defend your fascism

>> No.55013871

The only thing a jew wont call fascism is actual fascism. Liberals are communists, you dont like liberals as a communist. You seek to attack liberals from a farther left communist perspective by labelling them as fascists. Anyone above 80IQ can see this is bullshit, which is one more reason you need everyone to be a sub 80IQ mutt. Kike.

>> No.55013883

Liberals are Liberals
New Liberals are not Liberals
New Liberal Fascists are neither of both

>> No.55013894

Jews doing jew things.


>> No.55013895

checked. those trips.

>> No.55013900

btw I am as right wing as it gets
Fuck every collectivistic slave system
no matter how you call it left winger

>> No.55013929
File: 68 KB, 942x706, mfw nothing to my right but the wall natsoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btw I am as right wing as it gets
>Fuck every collectivistic slave system
There is nothing to my right but the wall, I assure you that you are a leftist who has embraced numerous marxist beliefs.Youre an antifascist, doesnt get much more left than that.

>> No.55013945

Still amazing how a simple description of the westernized UN system makes Jews, communists and fascists seeth alike

>> No.55013955

Then you must be a cynic anarchist being against all form of non-individual sovereignity, wondering why you defending fascists then

>> No.55013960

"Not here, not in town" is a UN description?

>> No.55013961

>Still amazing how if I call a police officer an MS-13 member when he isnt that both cops and MS-13 get angry
Yea blatant lies tend to piss everyone off, congrats you found out how to be annoying to anyone with a brain by being wrong.

>> No.55013967

>national socialist
turbo midwit

>> No.55013975

Pinochet was a left winger
he didnt respect sovereignty of the individual but was full on collectivist

>> No.55013984

and the thread spam again dies down
really rattled some slave cages

>> No.55013994

Read Siege and you might understand how National Socialism is embracing anarchic lone wolf activity in order to circumvent the surveillance system and undermine the economic system to the point where open large scale collaboration can actually occur without infiltration. Yes the extreme right is using anarchy to achieve stability. Order from chaos, fire with fire. Then here you are trying to argue liberals can be authoritarian nationalists like an irrelevant moron, oh yea Im changing my plans because you have 75 IQ sure thing bud.

>> No.55014009

Why should I read a book by a US larper
Again, if yopu are a collectivist slavery supporter that is okay, its retarded from the perspective of an individual that isnt part of the inner kike circle but your choice

>> No.55014012
File: 108 KB, 1200x1197, FwLjdD6XwAcg_wD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not here
>not in town
Care for some$thing my guy?

>> No.55014019
File: 257 KB, 971x502, Rockwell-Political-Spectrum-The-US-Right-Wing-Picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If thats your definition then its the french revolutions definition of left right, chaos vs tyranny. Tyranny being right wing, chaos being left, and that makes you a leftist yet again.Your ideology is wholly irrelevant, it was tested out in Rhodesia and now South Africa. Orania is what we look like, and the dead and raped farmer is what you look like. A grays scout defended his farm with a rifle and shotgun for hours but was eventually wounded by the nigger horde, shot him in the leg and shattered his bone, he bandaged it and kept fighting until he bled out. Thats your future, individualist.

>> No.55014038

>why should I read books
>I can larp like Im informed instead
Yea I get it, you will stay the irrelevant idiot in online threads your whole life and nobody will give a flying fuck about you.

>> No.55014043

No. My definition of left and right is
Right: sovereignity of whoever with privileges and responsibilities for the collective
Left: simply the interest of the collective

nothing with "chaos"

>> No.55014046

Fucking weird that jannies usually delete the d2 threads after 30 minutes, but not this one kek

>> No.55014049

Didnt read well established youre being retarded on purpose.

>> No.55014054

and you are a fascist. Its your choice, its okay, cant stop you wont stop being a slave from your own chosing

>> No.55014067

>t. absolutely seething

>> No.55014081

I am as calm as it gets, just rattling the cages of some collectivists, be it fascists, communists or new liberal fascists that all like to suck the sick of their masters, for whatever reason

>> No.55014103
File: 1.03 MB, 640x462, (You) leaving 1 star review.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am as calm as it gets, just rattling the cages of some collectivists

>> No.55014125

your scripts are shit but you know that

>> No.55014139

yeah you've been rattling the cages for the past 48 hours anon waiting for someone to say 'good job son'
good job son

>> No.55014145
File: 190 KB, 414x319, Schizo vs Schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your scripts are shit but you know that

>> No.55014153

I am doing that for longer
But its more a test run, worked well over on /pol/ already
made you faggots on /biz/ seeth and thanks for showing me that the meme has potential

>> No.55014166
File: 27 KB, 200x140, The Ride Never Ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just pretending to be a liberal fascist

>> No.55014180

I am an anarchist, former lolberterian, but states are cancer cant deal with centralized governance bodies, people are too lazy and will always give up their sovereignty