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File: 171 KB, 1206x1148, 1684344377372954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55012120 No.55012120 [Reply] [Original]

Should I put my bank balance on my Tinder profile? I'm not getting any likes anymore, and I have tinder platinum. I got like 10 matches and then nothing after. I have $400k USD in my bank and I'm from a thirdie country. Will this help me lose my virginity and get a girlfriend.

>> No.55012135

Just pay a prostitute to fuck you dude.

>> No.55012144

Yes, if you want to get your drink spiked and then get robbed/possibly murdered.

>> No.55012162

I gladly would if they were attractive enough but they aren't, I've been searching for quality escorts and it's a massive challenge.

>> No.55012212

if you want to get robbed? sure

>> No.55012229

>that pic
Geez, this is what you losers want in a woman? are you children?

>> No.55012828

Kind of related but my loser roastie cat lady roommate called the cops on me yesterday and as soon as I casually mentioned that i had 130k in liquid assets immediately available to me for the purposes of lawfare they pretty much immediately decided I wasn't worth their time and told her not to call them again. Letting people know you have money is situationally based I guess. Generally I don't talk about money at all but occasionally you have to do it as a flex.

>> No.55012868

What did you do to her you creep?

>> No.55012899

You’re going to get catfished and murdered by some 60 IQ nigger that thinks you walk around with that much money in your pocket

>> No.55012941

Yes do it, especially in a third world so you can get a psycho that will rob you and cut your head off. Best way to find psychos and golddiggers who would anything for some make it stack.

>> No.55012955

>I have tinder platinum
Its over

>> No.55012965

I called her a pill addicted worthless cunt who hasn't had a job in over 14 months and sleeps with a pack of rodents in a room littered with cat shit (all factually true), then she hit me, then she called the cops, then I told the cops she hit me first and I had a witness (true) and that I would be the one pressing charges now that they've arrived, then she started crying, then her balding basedcuck boyfriend with a weird lisp showed up and drove her away. Haven't seen her since.

>> No.55012983

no. dont post your net worth. if you have 400k, hire a professional photographer and take "rich" looking pics

>> No.55013029

Slip her a human sized dose of Ivermectin once a month. The eventual removal of her T Gondii and other parasites will make her act much less neurotic, remove the cats, clean up her shit, ditch her onionsboyfriend, and stop being such a general cunt.

>> No.55013151
File: 319 KB, 425x520, 1683832029738249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have that much money in a bank?

>> No.55013954

I panic withdrew in late 2021 when we crashed to 40k, stabled up my whole portfolio and just kept panic cashing out to the bank every other day. I wanted to secure some money in fiat because I knew the bull was done. In hindsight it was a really stupid decision since the money is just rotting in low interest bank deposits and I don't have the flexibility to move money in large chunks. Part of me feels really cucked for having that much in there but then again there isn't much else I have in mind for that money atm, kinda like a SHTF savings fund where even if all my crypto went to 0 I still have a decent somewhat life-changing sum in the bank.

>> No.55014291

That will just invite crime you dumb cunt.

>> No.55014697
File: 7 KB, 434x290, 1651942332683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mid 20's and my gf is 50, she calls me her good boy & most of these things (minus the cringe anime, she is to old to really know about that stuff)

>> No.55016972


Happy cunting lad.

>> No.55017071

Tinder has a wired algorithm. The more likes you get the more you show up. It’s set up this way so that only chads get all the likes. But you can game the system. Set your profile to gay, you’ll get tons of likes and then switch back to straight and you will show up more for women to see and like

>> No.55017161

I love gentle femdom, but this ain't it. Whoever wrote this has clearly never touched a woman.

>> No.55017178

you should tell everyone you glow in the dark

>> No.55017200

Go to Pahrump Nevada. It's legal there. It's a bit expensive but the ladies are first class twitter.com/emmawestuk

>> No.55017220

The best advice. You'll see clearer once it's done

>> No.55017373
File: 75 KB, 850x850, 1672099364103713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I put my bank balance on my Tinder profile?
This is how you get robbed or scammed.

>> No.55017400

If you post your bank account on Tinder, I will find your profile and make fund of you for keeping that amount in cash. The whole internet will laugh at you

>> No.55017441

Fake and gay....

>> No.55018013

anyone with money simply leaves america. the market is fucked. 70% of women being overweight fucks it, you can't come back from that, i won't break down the rest of the 30% because it'll make you suicidal
literally buy a ticket and leave. everywhere for a white american is fucking paradise OUTSIDE of america

>> No.55018032

this isn't a bad idea even if you leave america like i said above. definitely always have a dating photographer do your work for you if money isn't a problem

>> No.55018052
File: 91 KB, 820x517, 242-2423947_treecko-pepe-pokemon-xy-tipo-planta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a woman into femdom and dating here in the US has been disappointing

>> No.55018075

lower your standards, hole

>> No.55018100
File: 30 KB, 256x256, zb1celm_d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said my standards were high?

>> No.55018130
File: 588 KB, 640x332, lady d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I need to make it big to get the tall femdom gf?
Or will she just accept me for who I am?

>> No.55018484

She shouldn't have rodents if she has cats. Your story isn't adding up.

>> No.55018516

No, that pic is some pre-troon-out cringe.

>> No.55018519

high quality sub men exist in america, but they're admittedly few and far between.

>> No.55018555

Don't put a bank balance anon, that just screams desperation.

Instead you should take some pics in expensive clothing and next to expensive cars and just show via your pictures that you are "rich". Girls will get the picture.

>> No.55018593

what I took from your lust provoking image is that she has fat fucking tits

>> No.55018653


>> No.55018949
File: 253 KB, 954x954, 1654913465895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that you murdered someone but "found Jesus" works like a charm un-ironically.

>> No.55018985

Use some of that money to work on your fitness, looks and personality. It's all about sales and presentation.

Don't get suckered by gold digging hoes - not that they are totally bad or worthless, but if you don't know what you're doing all that money can go away very fast.

>> No.55018993

>130k liquid
>lives in rodent infested shithole with cat lady roommate
What is wrong with you?

>> No.55019681

Exposure therapy is the only thing that works (only exception is for alcoholism where it doesn't work that well).

>> No.55019704

>the cops didn't clap for him
That's what happens when you only have 130k. What the fuck is that, pesos?

>> No.55019707

>Le heckin frugalerino can't spend more than $100/month on rent so I can retire when I'm 65

>> No.55019775

In all seriousness, money does nothing to get you laid except in so much as you can pay directly for escorts.

t. I have had 4 to 8 figure net worths in my adult life.

If you can slay her as a poor, you can't slay her when rich either.

>> No.55019788

>Geez, you want a woman that loves you and pampers you, how crazy

>> No.55020122

This and Fpbp
I always let a hookerino blow me before I buy OTM zeroday puts on SPY

>> No.55020975

>that pic

>> No.55021221

Nothing wrong with a doting, motherly woman as a partner, but this image is beyond cringe. Literal manchild fantasy about becoming an infantilized cuck who stays home and watches anime all day. Stop reading doujins and talk to an actual woman.