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55011259 No.55011259 [Reply] [Original]

My day:

>didn’t start until half ten as I had an eye test in the morning
>did my weekly shopping as I was in the supermarket anyway
>reviewed and approved £2million worth of payments to contractors
>had a pointless meeting about lean training
>played animal crossing for a bit . Sold 60,000 bells worth of sea creatures
>shitposted on 4chan

>> No.55011369

The final form of life is to be retired and have enough money to never work again. If you are still (((working))) you have not made it yet.
>b-b-but I work from home
KEK you are just a free-range wagie

>> No.55011378

I never claimed to have “made it”?

>> No.55011418

Most people will never 'make it'. Mathematically impossible.

Most people will never even own their own house.

>> No.55011430

>rolled out of bed at 11
>meeting scheduled at 11:30
>call into meeting with camera and mic turned off
>roll back into bed
>12pm meeting over
>roll out of bed and log out of meeting
>go get lunch
I still can't believe I get paid six figures for this.

>> No.55011470

No, you didn’t, but your post contains an air of smugness derived from a false sense of superiority. Yes, your WFH job is much better than most and is an impressive flex on wagies. But for folks like me, who have been retired since 2021 with several millions in crypto, we are not impressed. You are just another wagie to us. You are the slave who brags about working in the masters house to the slaves who work in the cotton fields. Your life is easier, but you are still a slave.

>> No.55011476

I had a meeting with the big boss yesterday and found out my pay progression over the next three to four years. If I get chartered in my profession, which the company is paying me through my pay will go up over 50%. On top of that there should be a 10% pay rise this year to catch up to market rate. I’m glad I went to uni as a mature student, before this I worked in a call centre for barely more than minimum wage.

>> No.55011496

I’m literally just describing my day, but ok, enjoy your success mate.

>> No.55011530

>he still participates in the fiat currency scam at all
you haven't made it. yes, your stack of monopoly money is much better than most and you probably have a nice car to flex on wagies. but for folks like me, who haven't even had a bank account in years with tens of thousands in debt and back taxes that we will never pay, we are not impressed. You are just another shabbos goy to us. You are the goy who brags about working in Shlomo's house to the goys who work in the fields. Your life is easier, but you are still a slave.

>> No.55011552

Remember to beat your local communist. Like really beat them

>> No.55011574
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as for me
>woke up at 5am
>ate some probiotic yogurt and smoked a cig
>went to the gym and hit legs for an hour and a half
>ate 4 eggs, 7 pieces of bacon, a glass of apple juice, and 2 glasses of choccy milk
>smoked another cig while hanging outside in the sun with my dog
>listened to music and shitposted for a while
>about to eat lunch then read some Plato or maybe Boethius

>> No.55011676

>he still lives in this plane of existence
No you didn’t make it yet, but your post contains an air of smugness derived from a false sense of superiority. Yes, your dimension is much better than most, and an impressive flex on other carbon based life forms. But for folks like me, who have transcended beyond the concepts of time and space, we are not impressed. You are just another carbie to us. You are the life form who brags about his dimension to other life forms of lower dimensions. Your existence has achieved self actualization, but you are still bound within your realm of understanding.

>> No.55011921

WFH here
I can't imagine going back to office one day
I pity people commuting to sit in front of a screen lol

>> No.55011924

>woke up at 8:55 am
>started work at 9
>sent a few messages
>sat in a few meetings
>learnt programming in my own time for 2 hours
>had lunch
>had a short and pointless meeting
>decided to do some minor and brainless work for 30 minutes before spending the last few hours of work having fun but procrastinated the work
>managed to get it done by 5

I keep laughing out loud at being paid for this. I'm being paid more than ever.

>> No.55011933

you just know this anon smell like shit


>> No.55011950

>"yes goy we will give you a rise, now work hard lil bitch"

you are dumb as a rock call center drone

>> No.55012005

I literally have it in writing, cope harder moron.

>> No.55012037

>"sorry goy but the economical context has changed, we thank you for the massive hours you have done during the last 3 years but your rise will wait a bit"

>> No.55012043
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>you just know this anon smell like shit
whats the matter wagie? your boss dock your pay if you don't wear the company mandated deodorant?

>> No.55012049

>you're a drone

>you're a drone, and poor

>> No.55012070

You sound butter. A close cousin to bitter, just with a lot of saturated fat and a concerning amount of cholesterol.

How are you, anon, truthfully? What do you want to get off your chest? I know we all hate the phrase, but this is a safe place to vent. Go ahead, share your burdens.

>> No.55012078

just get a room already.

>> No.55012098

Well if that was the case they would have wasted tens of thousands training me as a graduate, paying my professional fees and I would quickly get a job elsewhere.

>> No.55012166
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kys faggot they promised you a raise, come back to me when they gave you one

>> No.55012205

I’ve already had a 10% raise since I joined the company eight months ago. Sorry if your employer is shit, mine isn’t though. I have colleagues who have been working there for over forty years, they were paid through university and now work in senior positions. People wouldn’t stick around that long if they weren’t well compensated and had development opportunities.

>> No.55012292
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>"my boss is so good i love his cock and when he cums in my ass"

>> No.55012325

He’s not my boss, he’s my boss’s boss’s boss. I’ve only met him twice but he does seem like a good bloke. I wouldn’t go as far as him sticking his cock up my arse thanks though.

>> No.55012349

even if he offers you a 12% raise?
never say never wagie

>> No.55012363

You’re a very bitter, tedious young man.

>> No.55012885

>log on at 9am
>log off at 5pm

>> No.55014179

>wake up on time
>actually be productive and work my ass off
>hit the home gym in the middle of the day
>work some more
>queue automated tests for the night
Feels good being a white man

>> No.55014296

I never really understood the hype for wfh unless your commute is really really long. The thing that sucks about working is the working itself not the commute lmao that's just a small annoyance. You still don't feel free since you have to work all the same and if you have go to grocery store / gym anyway it's not like you can even stay inside all day. It seems like the biggest plus is just so you can flex on people who don't know wfh isn't as great as it first seems lmao.

>> No.55014364

I am a PM in tech and have 4-6 hours of meetings in my work day, daily. Kek. No time to do anything else.

>> No.55014505
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>shift work for the government
>get paid 110k AUD
>Start work at 7am
>work with turbo normies, people 20-30 years older than me making the same amount
>the work is so mundane I feel like I am losing brainpower every day
>listen to audiobooks all day so I can learn something

I hate this shit so badly, im leaving ASAP

>> No.55015408

Most offices employees are basically retarded children. They are given minimal work, and need 8 hours to complete it. If you are even moderately competent, you will be able to do that work in 2-4 hours. Then, in the office you have to pretend to be busy another 4-6 hours, instead at home you work on personal projects or just watch a movie.

>> No.55016840

the point of life is to live
retiring for some people is not living
all of the greatest people in history never retired, they died doing what they love
slaving at a job you hate until death is oppression, nothing to do with "not making it"

>> No.55016991

>Wake up
>do two lines of code
>Make $2k for it
>get praised by higher ups for always getting what needs to be done, done on time
>work out, hit person best if dead lift
>have sex with girl friend and make her orgasm 4 times
>girl friends cook me steak dinner ( I have more then 1 girl friend)
>play new Zelda game

>> No.55017037

The ULTIMATE wagie cope. Have fun working till whither wagie (the fact people can what they please and not wage is anathema to you)

>> No.55017277
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>> No.55018966


Communism is exactly the sameas capitalism, the only thing that changes are the oppressors and the oppresed

>> No.55019064

absolutely based

>> No.55019069

Is this COIN bad?

>> No.55019095

The game is rigged. The only hope is crypto during the next bullrun