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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55011123 No.55011123 [Reply] [Original]

itt we discuss Partykarts, the UI is getting updated and soon people will be able to bet on races

>> No.55011142

Wow nice !
So tell me how you are going to prevent cheating then ?
Ah yes, you can't

>> No.55011155

adorable hacker larp - if its so easy to cheat why arent you? the game is live right now and the code is available for you to try

>> No.55011170

you should make it clear that you can already bet on a race if you're in it, you're talking about betting as a spectator

>> No.55011179

>muh hackerz!
You can either train a bot, or simply collude with other people.
That model can't work.
But go on buy that worthless shitcoin faggot

>> No.55011207

again, do it or LARP - a signed txn is required to both join a race and finish a race, and all race participants do not depend on the others collecting their rewards....good luck with your bot programming tho Rajesh

>> No.55011837

>a signed txn is required to both join a race and finish a race, and all race participants do not depend on the others collecting their rewards
This doesn't stop people from cheating.

>> No.55011859

a lot of people here saying how easy it would be to cheat, not a lot of people explaining how....

>> No.55011868

There isn't a single popular game without cheaters, even the ones with the most intense anti-cheat available. I don't need to.

>> No.55011873

Does this use lines throughout races?

>> No.55011915

Let me rephrase this: in-game, is a line provided in races for every user?
>line as in race-line

>> No.55011958
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Good question man but I'm not a techbro so I know nothing about programming. I do believe since this is a open source project the community will play an important role in identifying vulnerabilities and notifying the dev. Anyone can check the code of the game, smart contract, or token and contribute to it when applicable.
Also, having an active dev with close contact with the community will prove to be of great help

>> No.55012003

not sure what you mean - the game does not display an "ideal racing line" on the track, if thats the question - its not a sim racer, its more arcade style

>> No.55012103

F1 22 had some players utilize lines (the line you'd follow to preserve acceleration and vel; the line on the ground that shows you when and how hard to brake, cutting in turns, etc) on modes where they were prohibited.
I'd imagine that adding a line to this would be fairly easy. An overlay on screen could even work. Just map out the track and make your own line if need be.
Then, your chances of winning races would be exponentially higher than anyone who isn't using a line, which I would imagine is most users.
So in a sense, cheating in this game is not only possible, but easy too, especially for those who play racing games on the regular. But that all depends on if this game actually has lines or not and if the tracks have turns/corners (I don't know, never seen gameplay or anything on this so that's why I'm asking).
I have no idea how the tracks are set up, so if it's just all in a straight line then there's no need for a line. But if the tracks in-game have corners and turns, then that's a different story.

>> No.55012431


>> No.55012512


>> No.55012530

Ok but why isn't the price going up?! That's the only thing I care about
I remember a horse racing game on Harmony - SpeedStar. The game is fully functional but you know what the price of their tokens is? Dangerously close to ZERO.

>> No.55012688
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>> No.55012973
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>Ok but why isn't the price going up?! That's the only thing I care about
the game is constantly getting updates and improvements but its undeniable that what the vast majority of people really wants is for the token to pump, that's why we are planning an online championship with prizes to put a spotlight on the game and generate some hype, both /biz/folk and jeets from Twitter will love it

>> No.55013048
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OP should have posted some demoralizing thread instead, right? Or maybe posted some lustbait like this one

>> No.55013414

this is a fine idea, but F1 22 is a sim racer, so it makes sense to ahve an ideal line - this is an arcade game which usually doesnt have that - that said, if you want to try to implement it, the dev is paying for bug bounties as well as new feature Pull Requests on github! Give it a try!

>> No.55013428

token will pump when people capitulate and realize that this isnt a sc@m

>> No.55013433

again the same amount of shills as in all bot threads
is there any thread left that isnt shills or bots
guess not

>> No.55013459

None of us are bots, jeets just live in biztards head rent free so they never believe anything and become cynical assholes

>> No.55013478

It's impossible its a passion project right
It has to be a scam or a rug or whatever

God you people are insufferable

>> No.55013485

>is there any thread left that isnt shills or bots
>guess not

go back to /pol

>> No.55013531

Here bro I got you >>55007248 you will love this one

>> No.55013557


>> No.55013591
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>Oh my God, it even has a racebait post...

>> No.55013623

i dunno i suck at 4chan cuz im not a bot, im an autist

>> No.55014075

Game reminds me of ridge racer but with shittier graphics and online multiplayer

>> No.55014366

im pretty sure this is the vibe theyre going for, they said in the tg this AM that the long term vision is like a bowling alley arcade with wagering + PvP in a bunch of different kinds of arcade games

>> No.55014494
