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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55009497 No.55009497 [Reply] [Original]

Just booked a vacation with the gf to Athens, Mykonos, Ibiza and it’s gonna cost 10 grand bros WHAT THE FUCK PUSSY IS MAKING ME SO POOR

>> No.55009507

Boomer. Vacation. If you don't work every day is a vacation

>> No.55009532


>> No.55009544

There are neet women you know
The boomer system truely has no carrots to offer and their sticks are a joke

>> No.55009552

lets met up in ibiza
im going july

>> No.55009561

Oh shit I’m gonna be there in July too, if you see me I look like a Chud

>> No.55009563

Tip of the iceberg my dude. You'll be remortgaging your house because your kitchen is no longer on trend in no time.

>> No.55009567

I am the only real human itt the rest bots

>> No.55009569
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probably the ugliest city in Greece, full of trash and anarchists
gay HQ
overhyped island full of junkies and brits (junkies)

>> No.55009576

Kek be ready to pay 50€ for a watered down cocktail in Ibiza's clubs. 10k is just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.55009582

As a Brit can confirm our finest working class retards flock to Greece in the Summer and behave like fucking animals

>> No.55009591

who is spamming these threads and why, i have seen some variation of this repeating too many times in the recent days
what is this even trying to shill or fud

>> No.55012242


>> No.55012254

breh with 10k i can go travelling an entire year and see 4 countries

>> No.55012267

She'll bleed you dry dude. Women who need 2-3 vacations a year are subhuman leeches.

>> No.55013488

Hahaha he didnt take the hooker pill. No refunds wagie

>> No.55013527

thats like 20-30 elite tranny escorts bro fuck that I rather get Ts lana dallas

>> No.55013652
File: 25 KB, 618x496, 6112383D-0495-4B7F-AFE3-B070E6ED5EBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime 23 year old Venezuelan escorts straight off the boat with big boobas used to cost like 100€/hour in Italy.

For 10k you could have 100 hours of fucking where you can do whatever you want

>> No.55013675

Literally born and live in Ibiza.

>> No.55013763

I know op. Took my gf to LA last year. Cost me 7k. She’s still a stupid cunt

>> No.55013772

How easy is it to get around with a rental car? Are the roads easy to traverse? What about parking?

>> No.55013836

You definitely need a car (or scooter) to get around. Forget public transport. Parking in town is usually either quite difficult or expensive, but there's a few paid parkings in the larger towns where you'll usually find space.

Btw, if you're looking to rent a car for jun-aug do so now as prices are currently cheap and will increase as the summer draws nearer (I work in the business). For September, you can wait a bit until prices go down. Try to book direct with the company and not through any intermediares.

>> No.55013909

Thx anon I’ll book asap

>> No.55013930

Traveling most of Spain mid-november, is it rainy during that month? super cold or just beach hot in the iberian peninsula?

>> No.55014051

>Just booked a vacation with the gf to Athens, etc.
I feel like I'm missing something, here.
Did she hold a gun or a knife to you? Why was your only option to do whatever she wanted? Why did you immediately say "yes"? What the fuck is wrong with you, if you're willing to thow 10k away on someone just because they wanted you to? Is she a 15/10 who does all the household maintenance work and brings home half the income? Does she have some kind of super-powered pussy that can make you cum harder than any man in history? What could possibly be so special about this cunt that she made you do something you didn't want to, and even use your money to do it?

If your answer is
>Well, she asked, and, you know, happy wife happy life.... right?
You should just give her all the rest of your money too, and leave, because she's the real man in this relationship, and she can clearly do better than you.

>> No.55014571

idk but I feel a need to take a gf on vacation to ibiza
better sell my crypto to afford it

>> No.55015837
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I couldn't imagine stressing about $10,000.

>> No.55015897

I would never spend more than $150 on a woman no matter what.

>> No.55016380

Getting all of the food and water I buy poisoned is burning through the little bit of money I have at rate which is not sustainable.

>> No.55016384

>Of course honey, you can have 10k to go out on a girls' night, hahaha! That's chump change for me! I'm not invited? Hah, whatever, you girls have fun!
>Another 10k? What do I care? Plenty more where that came from! Oh, it's for bottle service at Jay-Quan's birthday? That's an odd name for one of your white female friends, but whatever, you go have fun!
>Another 20k? I... uh... sure! Heh, not like it's breaking MY bank! I uh... I'm just kind of wondering what you're using - Oh. None of my business? Oh, uh, okay. You just let me know how else I can support you!
>20k more? Sure, you just... you just keep taking as much as you need... from me. Oh, you'll be out for a few nights this time? A-alright, I have so much money to entertain myself, I'll be fine, don't you worry about- *door slam* Okay, see you later...
>I give my girl any amount of money she asks for, whenever she wants... alpha energy, right guys?
It's not about the money, it's about eagerly giving away any of your hard-earned capital to some broad who clearly just expects it from you, and you handing it over every time like a bitch. Even if it's just pocket change to you, she's taking advantage of you, and she knows it, and you don't.

>> No.55016411

Its a poor attempt at NLP/predictive programming
Incompetent glow bot contractors running scams and social experiments for their masters

If only they had competent qualified workers that not only have "social media " experience. Good workers are hard to come by these days - after the cood shit most freelancers with some principles joined the Russians, untiol they stopped paying. Guess the war is as good as over. Fucking Ivans

>> No.55017781

Mmhm. You realize they have women in the country you are visiting and you could stay twice as long without the femoid thats cucking you.

>> No.55017791

Fookin ell, m8, just take missus to the Nandos by London bridge and have a wank at the riverboats with some flowers.

>> No.55017818

fag's favorite mongering destination

>> No.55018232

better to own a home in Valencia and do ferry trips or buy in Ibiza?

>> No.55019068

Definitely the first option as a residence. However if you're looking to invest, Ibiza is never a bad investment. Land is very limited and the only new houses that are being built are either >2m€ mansions or housing for muh refugees.

>> No.55019078

10k is like a new fresh escort of your choice every week for an entire year.

Hope that vacation is worth that.

>> No.55019085

You could slam fresh young pussies every 2 weeks for a year with that sort of money. instead you choose to fuck the same lame hole again and again and actually pay for her shit. you're the retard here.

>> No.55019089

Post your booking ref and if you've booked with one of the companies I manage I'll give you a free upgrade.

>> No.55019091

Post folio
>t. madrileño de adopción, granadino de nacimiento

>> No.55019097

Going to Barcelona and Naples this fall with my gf and it only cost a little over 3k. What the fuck are you guys planning to do while you're there?

>> No.55019111

ICP, sin ironías. ($4 DCA)

>> No.55019121

Granted Ibiza is overpriced, but Greece is cheap. You could have got everything booked, flights, transport and hotel for less than 3k USD. You must suck at finding deals or purposely paying for the most expensive shit.

>> No.55019279

You're about to lose 10k
Athens is shit
Mykonos is most certainly like all greek island, ie entertaining for half a day at best

>> No.55019323

Oh why oh why can't small Greek islands be Manhattan! What a nightmare. Yes actually if you're a tourist please stay in Athens and mykonos and if you're American just cancel your trip please

>> No.55019670

has to be this, total incompetence
i have noticed they tend to run the polspam bots unaltered here not understanding the change in board culture and the complete lack of effect of their consensus disruptors
in any case godo to know the glowies are still retarded as fuck after all these years

>> No.55019772

>but Greece is cheap
not anymore, and certainly not for tourists

>> No.55020970

/biz/ is even worse than /pol/ by now
We have maybe a dozen real posters, the rest are paid shills, suckers from tg/discord/twitter looking for other suckers and straight out pajeet devs that larp as suckers...
Board is kill, I have usually at least 190 threads hidden

>> No.55020997

taking a plane there? swim/row. booked a hotel? bring a tent instead. dining out? learn the local flora and fauna

>> No.55021063
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Ibiza is probably most overhyped shit I've been to