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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55006563 No.55006563 [Reply] [Original]

everyone is praying to obama to do the needful. If this isnt bullish what is?

>> No.55006615
File: 30 KB, 471x485, 4FB915BC-3003-4C23-9EF6-B3422AB1A0D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first red day and we out here praying. forgive the jeets for they know not what they do.

>> No.55006625

also perfect entry point for biztards

>> No.55006644

$Bitcoin for teh people

>> No.55006646

if BITCOIN fails BIZ fails

>> No.55006942

This is what I’ve been saying

Never seen an easier return

>> No.55007285
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Imagine missing it three times anon. Just get it over with now and you’ll be free

>> No.55007715
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>> No.55007911
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>> No.55009362
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Most bool

>> No.55009388

This is the 50% retracement you were looking for. Get in around 5MM for an easy 10x next week when CEX listings start coming through. Check the volume not the price. Derek Jeeter ngmi.

>> No.55009535

This token will retire autists

Never having to with again ftw

>> No.55009538

big Pepe buyers are still holding

>> No.55009540

Are there even gonna be CEX listings? I've seen some shitcoin getting copyright infrigement cease and desist letters.

>> No.55009543

kill your self

>> No.55009560


>> No.55009754

Get the owner of Bitcoin on the phone

>> No.55009780

there wont be, this dead shitcoin has bagholders that will try to convince you to buy this garbage that pumped on late 2021 when ALL shitcoins where pumping cause we was at fucking 60k BTC
move on stop paying attention this garbage like this, new opportunities are always coming

>> No.55009782
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beeple commented on one of the memes with emoji showing interest. imagine whats gonna happen if he does an artwork on this lol

>> No.55009951

ser it listed on poloniex and more coming

>> No.55010038

Shit on my fucking BALLS, NIGGER
It's le coinerino SUCK MY DICK

>> No.55010058

It pulls massive volume. It gets listed for free unlike those other fag coins

>> No.55010081

Take me to the fuckin moon you sweaty fkn retards

>> No.55010435

why selling from dev wallets? please the coin cannot sustain this much dumping

>> No.55010484

Which is the dev wallet, faggot? Huh? You're full of shit.

>> No.55010622

whale wallets are creating fomo pumps for laddered unloading by the rest of a syndicate

>> No.55010929

down to the last zone for fomo pumps and selling, between 3m and 5m. Then zero

>> No.55010971
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>> No.55010987

Literally the discount you always wanted.

>> No.55010993

>crashes another 40%

>> No.55010994

>pajeet devs kill another promising coin
everytime. pepe only worked cus milady devs have conviction

>> No.55011024

Seeing bags getting scooped up pretty fast right now

>> No.55011028

it's over pajeets. you got played.

>> No.55011050

by swingers who will join the devs in jeeting every 20% pump. gg

>> No.55011062

nice cope. I was a strong believer on the meme. but its clear devs are jeets scamming. they got tired of pretending for 7 days and now selling to never touch it again. else there was no reason to sell like this because it was looking really good.

>> No.55011158
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>> No.55011228

i thought we had this thread over the weekend when we retraced from 5m to 1.8 m.

are we doing this again before giga pump to 20m?

>> No.55011239
File: 50 KB, 526x699, photo_2023-05-15_16-22-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need more

>> No.55011257

miladyfags, including the dev are all over hpos10i thoughever. see you at 1b

>> No.55011278

If it aint broke dont fix, I put in $500 at dump to 1.8 mil. you retards 7x my money. I aint pulling out till yall get to 100 mil market cap. Go make me fkn money

>> No.55011283

proof? i'd ape another eth

>> No.55011291

Is this coin profitable?

>> No.55011384

It should 50x upon CEX listings tomorrow or next day is the intel I got

>> No.55011453

The dev bought it day 1 everybody knows that

>> No.55011468
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>> No.55011481
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>> No.55011528

Whats site lol

>> No.55011724


>> No.55011987

It's the backbone of all other cryptocurrencies, and I strongly believe that it won't fail.
We might just see some dip in the coming months which is why I'm keeping my stables staked on SpoolFi until the market wants to start pumping

>> No.55011989

What cex is coming?

>> No.55012071

The great reversal

>> No.55012179

WHAM FUCKING 12k sell get dumped on niggers

>> No.55012541


100mm MC incoming

>> No.55012806

Isn't that the project working on institutional grade DeFi?
I think I've come across it a good number of times this time

>> No.55012818

devs are dumping thanks for playing

>> No.55013039
File: 210 KB, 1920x1024, Fu-9qLfXoAAG8wG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BITCOIN shills need jeets to tell people to buy their bags
>meanwhile PEEPO is pumping almost daily
uhhh bitcoin bros?

>> No.55013045

Absolutely not the devs lol I see their wallets and it’s fine

>> No.55013056

HPOS 10 I dot cum

>> No.55013065

Thanks for checking I was just lying

>> No.55013071

They’re going to get Huobi and Hotbit probably around the exact same time

It’s insane anybody sold

>> No.55013084
File: 111 KB, 640x640, 1663419121479024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.55013123

Devs are literally active in chat right now and looking at their wallets nobody sold so

>> No.55013145

devs weren't financially astute enough to dump the top, bearish

>> No.55013147

Devs are literally active in chat right now and I’m looking at their wallets, nobody sold so nice try fag

>> No.55013902
File: 49 KB, 640x355, 3bdd778c3a502be086ec05e5a33cb164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is key moment in your life. The moment you bought Bitcoin at half off and then rode to 50MM on a green dildo made of cosmic fire and xenomorphic armor

>> No.55014015

My lil bitcoin doin sum

>> No.55014500
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Obama this isn’t weed

>> No.55014652

This is the end right?

>> No.55014721
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If you mean the final coin to end all coins then yes definitely

>> No.55014746

>Devs didnt rug so its a scam
The absolute state of brainlets

>> No.55014934
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Don’t say you weren’t warned anon

>> No.55015092
File: 218 KB, 750x903, 3AD4EF56-044C-467D-92EF-61A76B9D4A0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao he already dumped most of it. KEEP PUMPING THOSE BAGS, BOY!! You WILL do it for free!

>> No.55015108

>suckers trying to find new suckers
>suckers trying to find new suckers while becoming cultists for a a new liberal fascist

>> No.55015122

nobody real actually bought this

this is the most inorganic price action i've ever seen in my life

>> No.55015132

I bought it but I sold it at 1 penny

>> No.55015135

I know I warned everyone two days ago that devs and friends were about to take a big fat smelly dump all over it and everyone called me a retard

>> No.55015249
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser who are you? Binance rep? Did you miss CZs entry on the next biggest coin? Pathetic

>> No.55015599

Lol at the shill bot

>> No.55015607

lol at devs instantly dumping any liquidity coming in this is hilarious

>> No.55015687

No board is too big to fail, sweaty.

>> No.55015691

someone just bought two eth, moishe it is your turn to dump

>> No.55015704

Point to which wallets are the devs.

>> No.55015782

Was hitting $0.01 really the end?

>> No.55015796

the buys are slowing. yuval, dump the main dev wallet before the goyim can take profit. we need every shekel to launch our next jewish scam

>> No.55015937

>the only wallets that the devs own are the ones they say they own
this is why you lose at crypto

>> No.55015961

lol at that other anon deleting the thread after saying youd need a 4x+33% to recover.
Yes just sell or become another schizo like linktards.

>> No.55016004
File: 453 KB, 1920x1080, warhammer-40k-emperor-of-mankind-vs-horus-sanguinius-vengeful-spirit-zoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes just sell or become another schizo like linktards.
I choose the latter. I will continually shit up this website about this coin until it makes you quit /biz/.

>> No.55016022

the fact that jannies are allowing multiple threads tells you everything that this is a jewish pump and dump

>> No.55016043

Mayer, it is your turn to dump

>> No.55016053

I've had multiple threads of mine deleted in the past hour, schizo. 3ish threads for a shitcoin that generates 20 an hour is literally just janjan trying to COPE with MY autism. Go fud your mother's pussy, NIGGER.

>> No.55016156

sure thing kike

>> No.55016187

If you're not seeing HPOS10I threads get deleted you're not on /biz/. If anything, the fact jannie is leaving up this one thread full of fud-packers thoroughly refutes you're gay point.

>> No.55016264


>> No.55016263

ok jew

>> No.55017701


>> No.55017760

I bought the top, and now I bought the bottom. Let's see what happens

>> No.55018219

850k stack. AIGMI?????

>> No.55018655


>> No.55018695

Today a girl grabbed my hand, exposed her breast, forced my hand onto it and demanded me to fuck her. I started crying, peed my pants, pushed her away ran home because I knew she just wanted to steal my cum from Obama.

>> No.55019052

Get a load of that chart! Let’s bump it!

>> No.55019233

1 mil stacklet here
This is the beginning of ironic meme coin season. This'll hit a 100 mcap ez.

>> No.55019269

Semen retention power